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"Tell me what your parents do for a living" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why Temple?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What other schools have you applied to and where else do you have interviews (I answered honestly, but found the question pretty inappropriate). " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"nothing very interesting... just the standard stuff" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, Temple Website, reviewed AMCAS & secondary material" Report Response
"new building opening next year, high tech patient simulators, tour guides enthusiastic" Report Response
"my interviewed left me waiting for almost 40 minutes in a hospital waiting room. Obviously as a physician, he had things going on, but I found it disrespectful especially since I was not able to get any information to even confirm that he would still be able to see me. I was about 10 mins from leaving... also... the school is located in a bad area of philly, almost all students commute from a wide range of areas, the tour guides said that less then 50% of students attend class, not much class unity" Report Response
"I had just been accepted the night before to one of my top choice schools, so I was very relaxed going in and had an open mind about attending Temple. Unfortunately, I found the experience pretty disappointing and my interviewer to be pretty unenthusiastic " Report Response
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