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At the school
Open file
"why dentistry" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"manual dexterity?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"why louisville?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"There were none. Very standard get to know you questions." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"there were no dificult questions" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"practiced questions and read SDN" Report Response
"the students/faculty. Everyone is so friendly. The interview day was well planned and worked to perfection. The students stressed how every class is so team oriented and non-gunnerish. The faculty really want you to suceed and will even spend one-on-one time with you to help you out. There are new pedo/ortho labs that are really nice. They also have a great sim lab/program. They use a the sim lab in a clinical setting instead of just problem based. The school was nice and the students have scored in the top 10 for five years in a row on the national board part II. They focus greatly on the clinical aspect of dentistry and produce great general practitioners. Good lunch." Report Response
"The actual clinic is old and needs to be renovated. The rennovation should take place within the next four years. " Report Response
"nothing....awesome experience" Report Response
"It was so awesome. I love the school/students/faculty. I really hope that I get accepted. What a place to go to school! Really excited about the school. " Report Response
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