8 out of 10
10 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"Casual conversation. Clarification specific to app." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Casual conversation. Clarification specific to app." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Casual conversation. Clarification specific to app." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"The interviews are very casual....really was like a general conversation (see my comments under general info). They asked clarification questions about certain expereinces and we just talked about whatever the convo rolled in to....at one point we were talking about moose. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"none." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN" Report Response
"The beauty of the area and the students. The students are so happy, and they love their school, and it really seems like a non competitive environment. Curriculum is pass/fail, and there are only about 70 students in the class. I stayed with student host and learned about the student atmosphere....... they celebrate each persons birthday as a class and go celebrate with dinner or camping or something fun. Thats awesome. The hospital is pretty amazing as well......looks like a mall. Very colorful, warm, inviting, full of art and plants, open windows, very patient-friendly." Report Response
"Nothing really. The way the curriculum set up is kind of scary...... the 2nd year you don't have any tests, just a final for each class. Kind of scary thing to think about, but they do a good job of leading you into it in the first year by giving you "quizes" every two weeks which lead up to the big test. They kind of wean you off of the quizzes so that you can get used to the one big test. THis isn't a big deal and isn't really a negative, but thought i'd put it in here." Report Response
"Looking through the SDN feedback the one thing i read many time was how rural the location was. Yes this is true, but people failed to mention how breath-takingly beautiful the area is. Holy moly. Its amazing. I went when the leaves were turning colors and....wow... The place is so serene. I grew up in a large CA city and go to school in an even larger CA city, but i can see myself living here no doubt. Another thing is that there is ALWAYS something to do during every season of the year. Mountain bike, white water kayak, snowboard, ski, run, etc. etc. THere are two interviews..each is 30 min. THe day is pretty typical. You start off with presentation from associate dean of admissions (who also interviews) and then financiial aid and general stuff like that. THen you go on bus to the hospital (which is amazing), then you come back or stay there depending on where your interview location is. After interviews is an optional tour of the campus, which is one thing I wish they did differently. They wait for all interviewers to be done at like 345 or so to give one tour of the school. They should have multiple tour guides that way those who are leaving early to catch a flight can still go on the tour. I had to leave and would have liked to seen more of the campus. The interview day as a whole is VERY laid back and chill. The interviews reflect this as well.......it reallly was just a casual conversation between two people. We talked about the weather, the wildlife, sports, etc etc. Basically anything that came to mind. Of course there was medical related talk as well, they were just clarification questions about my app and/or they wanted to hear more about experience X. They are really just interested in getting to know each individual to make sure that you fit at their school. " Report Response
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