1 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"ASDOH was a unique experience. Having been accepted to a number of schools (Louisville, Iowa, Nebraska, UOP) just before my interview, I felt none of the pre-interview jitters I felt elsewhere (that was nice)... In short, I was skeptical when I came here, and in short, when accepted I will be here. Many friends, family, dentists question my decision (having been accepted to some of the best programs in the country) but I have done extensive research and am sure that this is where I want to be. About the only thing that I can say is I took the opportunity to discuss ALL of my concerns with Dr. Dillenberg (the Dean), and after having done-so I realized two things; one, there is a massive amount of misinformation about ASDOH, and two, this is as good of an opportunity to learn dentistry in the nation. " Report Response
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