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50 minutes
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"Great school and good interviewers. They seemed a little guarded though..not sure how to explain. I'm sure people here are overall friendly but there's like a coolness to them? Lots of good research opportunities; URSOM is the gem of Rochester" Report Response
"annoying that we had to write more essays after receiving an interview invite..and one of my interviewers explicitly said that they did not read the answers at all so that was kind of a waste of time. Also, the ethics case group activity is interesting but i think could have been better managed. It would be better if facilitators asked people to raise their hands on zoom rather than allowing it to be a free for all...otherwise we all end up having one person dominate the conversation just because they spoke first. Not enough time to do Q&A with students or faculty because it wasn't a part of the programming. Overall seems like the zoom interview platform can be improved. As for the school...one thing that concerns me is the amount of mandatory stuff for the first two years. Not great for people who are more independent in their studies or want "alone time" to self study because you're forced to be in class for a certain set amount of time during the week. This doesn't seem very helpful for non-traditional or older students." Report Response
"don't be scared..especially with closed file interviews..they pretty much ask you just the generic stuff" Report Response
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8 out of 10
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5 out of 10
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