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"Here are the three possible ethical question essay prompts I'm aware of. I may have paraphrased them or gotten the details wrong but if they're close enough that that won't matter. 1) You're a doctor, it's 4:00 pm and time for you to go home. You have long-standing evening plans. Your patient patient is just going in for a diagnostic test for a serious medical condition that will take an hour to complete. Do you cancel your plans in order to be there when your patient's results come back or leave your patient in the care of the on call team? Explain your reasoning 2) You're riding in your friend's car when she runs a stop sign/red light and gets into an accident (no fatalities/injuries/damage of that magnitude). She asks you to be involved in lying about the cause of the accident for insurance purposes. What do you do? 3) Rules exist for a reason but aren't applicable to all situations. Explain a time you've broken the rules and some of the ethical consequences (I forget exactly which they ask for, but if you think about an example and what you learned, why you broke the rules, and other ethical ramifications of such a scenario, you'll be prepared) You have about half of the space on one side of a unlined sheet of standard printer paper to answer the prompt." Report Response | I was asked this question too
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