How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
2.77 | 186 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 178 |
Negatively | 3 |
No change | 20 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
4.28 | 201 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.50 | 201 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.09 | 200 |
No responses
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 19 |
20 minutes | 105 |
25 minutes | 41 |
30 minutes | 15 |
35 minutes | 4 |
40 minutes | 2 |
45 minutes | 0 |
50 minutes | 0 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 180 |
At a regional location | 2 |
At another location | 4 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 97 |
In a group | 86 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 4 |
Closed file | 182 |
Response Average | # Responders |
2.77 | 186 |
"Tell us about yourself, what you like to do etc"
"So if you were in vet school, what would you do if you were not able to practice yoga?"
"How do you handle a difficult client?"
"How would you deliver bad news to a client about their animal?"
"How do you feel about the giraffe that has been in the news for the past few days?"
"Describe an instance working with a racetrack veterinarian where you saw ethics compromised. What are your thoughts on this?"
"What makes you stress?"
"Do you have any business experience?"
"What are your degrees in?"
"What scares you the most about becoming a veterinary student?"
"What made me want to become a veterinarian?"
"How will you deal with the financial burdens of vet school?"
"What are some of the daily hardships of being a vet?"
"What can you do in the veterinary medical field with a specialization in wildlife?"
"They asked me about my background with animals."
"They asked me if I would be able to work in groups."
"How do you feel about pitbulls?"
"What are your future plans?"
"Can you afford this?"
"How do you feel about animals in captivity and how would you defend that to someone else?"
"No questions really. Just talk about yourself and what you've done. Impress them with your experience and devotion to the profession."
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"What do you think is the biggest problem facing veterinary medicine today?"
"How would I contribute or be an asset to the class?"
"What are your thoughts on owner responsibility of animals who are being mistreated?"
"Why do you want to be a veterinarian?"
"Student debt amount"
"How would I deal with others in a group/group conflict"
"Do you study better independently or in a group?"
"What do you think of horse slaughter?"
"How do you work in a group setting?"
"What would your friends say about you, in either a positive and a negative way?"
"What would you do if you purchased a bankrupt animal practice?"
"Why did I not pursue a MPH before applying to veterinary school?"
"Do you think you'll be worth alot when you graduate?"
"What is it about you that will make you a more successful vet student than the others?"
"What is the general trend of the industry, equine medicine specifically?"
"What are two positive attributes that you possess that will help you in this field?"
"What do I feel I can change about the dairy industry?"
"Tell me about yourself"
"Are you aware of the current economic situation facing veterinary students?"
"Tell us about yourself?"
"What do you think about horse slaughter?"
"What do you see in your future?"
"The cost of out state tution and the average salary of a veterinarian"
"If I worked for an LSU vet"
"What kind of business experience has I had."
"What would you do if the night before a tests a student comes into the room you're studying at with the answered test?"
"Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you ended up here."
"How do you deal with stress?`"
"What kind of things you did while working with the vet?"
"Compared to my previous and current course load, how did I think I would handle the course load at their school?"
"Tell us about yourself"
"How would you handle the situation of someone wanting to euthanize a healthy pet?"
"How do you expect to pay for school?"
"Tell me about your experience."
"Tell me a little bit about yourself? Why do you want to be a vet?"
"What could you bring to this vet school class?"
"What is the hardest thing about veterinary medicine?"
"What roles do Veterinarians have in public health?"
"What will a typical day be like for you in vet school?"
"How will you pay for veterinary school?"
"How do you relieve stress?"
"What is best characteristic about yourself that would make you a great veterinarian?"
"How do you feel about the horse slaughter ban and its possible lift?"
"Tell us about yourself- not really a question, but, you know."
"If a friend brought in a copy of the test you were studying for with an answer sheet, what would you do?"
"Ethical questions regarding the tiger located at a nearby truckstop; what should be done about him."
"How do you plan to support yourself after completing veterinary school?"
"Have you come across it and how do you feel about the euthanasia of healthy animals?"
"What kind of veterinary experience do you have?"
"what is one way you have had to demonstrate leadership ability in the face of adversity"
"Do you know how much a shelter vet makes right out of school?"
"How do you plan to balance vet school with your family (husband and two children)?"
"As a veterinarian, if an owner brought a dog to you and asked you to euthanize it because it barked too much and chewed on things it should not, then what would you do?"
"What characteristics do you think make a good veterinarian?"
"If a student were to get their hands on tomorrow test, what would you do if they tried to give it to you?"
"Do you want to go into veterinary medicine because you love animals or love biology?"
"Why are you here?"
"Do you know what field of veterinary medicine you want to go into? (They told me it's ok if you haven't decided yet... apparently a lot of vet students change their mind several times while they're in school.)"
"Do you know how much it will cost to come to school here?"
"Do you know the starting salary of a veterinarian? How do you plan to pay for school and manage your finances in the future?"
"What differences do you see in animal medicine and human medicine?"
"You have a woman come into your clinic with a dog. She wants to have it euthanized because it has behavioral problems. You examine the dog and he is perfectly healthy. What do you do?"
"How would I contribute to a sucessful business?"
"What is/are the difference(s) between animal rights and animal welfare?"
"How would you contrast human medicine and animal medicine?"
"Tell me something about yourself."
"If we were to go to your job and ask them about you, what would they say?"
"What was the most amount of hours you took in undergrad?"
"I am from Puerto Rico, so they asked me if I was going to adapt to living in alone and in a state away from home."
"How do I feel about the school's curriculum?"
"How do I feel working for a corporate Vet (Banfield)?"
"Do you look at yourself as a leader?"
"What are your plans once you get out of vet school?"
"How do you plan on paying for veterinary school?"
"Why was I interested in being a veterinarian?"
"How do you feel about animal research"
""Do you think that the ban on horse slaughter is having a positive or negative effect on the equine industry and why?""
"What would you do if you were elected class representative and a portion of the class had negative feelings towards you?"
"Where do you see yourself ten years out of vet school?"
"What do you do for fun?"
"Do you have agriculture experience?"
"Why Vet School?"
"How do you plan to handle the amount of debt you incur while in a DVM program"
"Do you know of the workload of veterinary school?"
"Tell us a little about yourself."
"What situations have I been faced with?"
"If your good friend had acquired a copy of the exam to be taken the next day, what would you do about it?"
"In one sentence, how would I contribute to the diversity of the first year class?"
"How do you handle group projects and situations? i.e. are you a leader or a follower"
"In which country would you say the best veterinary care is held?"
"What type of legislation is involved with veterinary medicine?"
"Tell me about yourself?"
"Mostly just talked about who I was, why I wanted to be a vet, what I could offer the field, ethical scenarios, business experiences, etc."
"If a new client brought in their dog to you for annuals and said we just moved here from another state and there my dog was only having to get a rabies shot every 3 years so that's what I want to do here as well, what would you say?"
"What do you expect out of your first year of vet school (cost, study hours, class time)?"
"Do you think a vegan or vegetarian would be at a disadvantage if they wanted to become a food animal veterinarian?"
"are there any problems or concerns you can see happening in the veterinary field in the next five or ten years?"
"Where do I see myself in 10 years?"
"What are some recent legislation that is affecting the vet community."
"What was my opinion on using live animals in research?"
"Why do you want to be a vet?"
"Tell me a little bit about you"
"What do you do if you have a client who brings in a new dog, you scan for microchip and discover the dog belongs to another owner, however, your client refuses to give the dog back to original owner?"
"Why am I a better applicant than the person they interviewed before me?"
"Why LSU?"
"How much are you looking at spending for vet school?"
"Tell us about your experience with Equine Vets."
"What are your thoughts on using animals for research purposes?"
"How do you feel about veterinarians in state and federal legislation?"
"What are your hobbies outside of school?"
"What is the difference between Animal Welfare and Animal Rights? We explored the situation involving LSUSVM not performing terminal surgeries for teaching purposes and what my opinion was on this matter."
"Tell us who you are and why you want to become a vet."
"Tell me about yourself/ what are your experiences?"
"How far would you go to take care of your pets?"
"What would you do if someone you knew had a copy of an exam?"
"Tell us about your experiences and what brings you to LSU."
"Tell me about yourself."
"In the clinics you worked with, what part of the business side did you see?"
"What kind of debt can you expect after graduation?"
"How long do you think you will spend studying?"
"Tell me about your volunteer experiences and my clinical experiences"
"Tell us about yourself."
"What kinds of things were you able to see/do at the places you worked/volunteered?"
"What was my surgical experiences within the clinic I worked?"
"what animal experiences do you have?"
"Why do you want to be a vet/ what does being a vet mean to you?"
"What type of veterinarian are you interested in becoming? "
"What is the starting salary of veterinarian?"
"Are you aware of the demands of the classes you'll be taking? The hours per day and the amount of outside studying you'll have to do?"
"Tell us about yourself. They seemed to have a written list of potential interview questions and would pick and choose as then interview progressed..."
"Describe a difficult situation and how you dealt with it."
"Who is Kathleen Blanco?"
"What is PETA and do you agree with their philosophy?"
"Tell us a little about yourself and what brought you here."
"Tell us about your animal experience"
"How do you feel about euthanasia?"
"What are your thoughts on hunting and do you think a hunter can get along with a non-hunter in terms of their views?"
"If everything goes as planned and you accomplish your goals and are working as a farm animal veterinarian, yet the income is insufficient what is another way that you can use your abilities as a large animal veterinarian?"
"What do you think is a big problem in the veterinary profession?"
"Why did you choose to apply to LSU as a KY resident?"
"Are you a leader or a follower?"
"What is your dream job as a vet?"
"Is there anything I worry about in the future after becoming a veterinarian?"
"what is the most important class you will take your first year here?"
"What was your hardest class in school?"
"Why do you want to be a vet instead of a human doctor?"
"Why did you choose the undergraduate college that you did?"
"How do I intend to pay for vet school?"
"They asked me what I thought about the vet school in the islands getting accredited."
"Zoos have changed a lot in my lifetime, where do you see zoos in the future?"
"Do I agree or disagree with Equine slaughter houses?"
"Can you pay for this?"
"Didn't really get any question. It was more of a conversation of what I had done and they talked a lot about a program I was interested in. REALLY tried to convince me it is the school for me even though I was in love with the school already."
"How has your nontraditional background prepared you for a career in veterinary medicine?"
"What percent of veterinary medicine do you think is entrepreneurship?"
"What do you do for fun, how do you deal with stress?"
"What do you like to do outside of school?"
"What would I do if a friend had a copy to the test?"
"How do you work with stress?"
"starting salary"
"How did I decide to apply to vet school"
"How much do you expect to pay for vet school/what your debt will be on graduation, and what salary would a vet in your field of interest expect?"
"What do you do outside of school and work?"
"What is the cost of one year in vet school?"
"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
"Would you do a free spay/neuter for a stray dog? (I mentioned my interest in shelter medicine)"
"What do you look forward to most about vet school?"
"Are the antibiotics used in animal medicine, the same ones used in human medicine?"
"What was your hardest class in college?"
"Is research something you would like to go into?"
"What is involved in specializing in a given field?"
"What would you say is your greatest character weakness?"
"What veterinarians have I worked with?"
"Is there something you are thinking about specializing in?"
"Are you aware of the financial costs?"
"How do you feel about horse slaughter?"
"If accepted, are you aware of the coursework load and the necessary dedication?"
"Elaborate on what you did during the day at your small-animal clinic."
"Are you worried about going to a larger school than your college?"
"How do feel about competition between doctors?"
"Would you euthanize a healthy dog brought in by the owner which will move? yes no and why?"
"What classes am I taking"
"What did I think the hardest thing about owning a business would be?"
"How do you plan to pay for veterinary school?"
"How do you balance school work and other activities? (Do you understand the time commitment of Veterinary School?)"
"What do you plan to do with your degree?"
"What is your opinion of terminal animal studies?"
"Why LSU?"
"How much does a wildlife vet makes?"
"What do I want to do with a doctrine in Veterinary Medicine?"
"What do I think about horse slaughtering due to poor economy and how to possibly remedy the situation."
"How much do you expect to make out of vet school?"
"Give an example of a situation when you had to make a critical decision."
"What is a starting salary for a vet and how much debt are you in when you come out of school?"
"How do you deal with stress?"
"What are you long term goals?"
"Are you aware of the starting salaries of veterinarians?"
"Are you aware of the courseload and will you need to alter study habbits?"
"What is your views on the newly passed Horse Slaughter Act?"
"How would you help with animal population control?"
"When you graduate, where do you see yourself working? Near your hometown?"
"What are your plans if we don't accept you?"
"Do you know the debt load you will be taking on as a veterinary student?"
"Ethicality of lab animal science."
"How old are you?"
"What type of physical activity do you do?"
"How did you choose between medical school and veterinary school?"
"if you and your classmates are studying in a room before a test and someone comes in with a copy of the test, what do you do"
"Do you know anything about the Slaughter Act?/ Can you tell us a little bit about it and the issues that it causes?"
"If a student was joking about euthanasia, how would you feel about it?"
"If your best client asks you to cut a small white patch out of a quarter horse foal, what do you do?"
"Name a conflict you have faced and tell us how you handled it."
"What was your hardest class in undergrad and why?"
"What did you do for your eagle scout project?"
"Why are you interested in LSU?"
"Who has been the most influential person in your career choice?"
"Did I know how much it would cost me to attend the school?"
"A client is moving and they bring in their healthy dog to be put to sleep. They will not consider shelters. What do you do?"
"How are you going to pay for vet school if you get accepted?"
"Tell us about a challenge you encountered while working with animals."
"How did Katrina affect you?"
"What do your parents and friends think about you going to vet school?"
"What would you do if a client came in and wanted their dog euthanized because they were moving and the dog was healthy?"
"Do I know how much my education was going to cost?"
"If a client brought you a dog that was clearly misdiagnosed at another local clinic, what would you do?"
"Do you think animals have rights?"
"What do you think are some the major challenges facing veterinarians and the field of vet medicine right now?"
"Do you know the starting salary for a veterinarian?"
"What do you think about Animal Healthcare?"
"What would you do if an owner brought in a healthy animal and wanted you to euthanize the animal?"
"Do you know how many hours you will be taking each semester at LSU SVM?"
"Do you know how much study time is needed from you inside school and out?"
"What are my strong points?"
"Tell us about your veterinary experience."
"What are my modes of stress relief."
"Are you a problem solver, can you relate an event in life that you have had to solve problems?"
"How do you feel you could contribute to this class?"
"Do you realize how much money you will make in the field you have chosen to study?"
"How I felt about returning to school after being out for a little while."
"What area of vet med to you want to work in"
"Do you know how much money it is going to cost to get through vet school? Do you know how much money new vets make starting out?"
"What did your experience in the veterinary industry teach you?"
""What is the biggest problem facing the beef industry?""
"Asked about my hobbies, then asked do you think you'll be able to do these during vet school?"
"Tell us about yourself."
"Tell me about yourself."
"How will you bring leadership to this university?"
"What do you think Vet School will involve?"
"How will your background help you in a veterinary career"
"How are you going to pay for school?"
"What type of degree I would need if I were to do research...(beyond a DVM)."
"Why did I wait longer after graduating with my biology degree to apply to vet school?"
"What are your plans to do with a DVM?"
"What influenced you to apply to our school?"
"In the clinics you worked in, how much/what part of the business side did you see?"
"What do you plan on doing with your DVM Degree?"
"What makes you more qualified than the other applicants?"
"Say that you are studying for a test you have the next day and all of a sudden a friend of yours arrives with what looks to be an exact copy of the test. What do you do? Do you tell on the person?"
"If a client asked you to remove a color patch from their hore in order for that horse to be qualified as a specific breed would you do it even if it a violation of the registration so they could registir that foal as a specific breed?"
"How will you pay for vet school?"
"What is your leadership style?"
"Why apply now, and why choose veterinary medicine?"
"What is one specific ethical issue facing the veterinary professsion now?"
"what is one characteristic a vet must have to succeed in the field?"
"What do I think is more in demand in Louisiana: small animal or large or mixed?"
"What do you want to do and how much do you expect to make?"
"If an owner was insisting on euthanasia for a treatable disease would I put the horse down?"
"Do you know how much vet school will cost?"
"what is the starting salary of a General DVM"
"Do you have any experience with small animals?"
"What kind of class schedule you expect to have here at LSU and what would a typical day in veterinary school be like."
"Do you have any business or economic experience?"
"Tell me about yourself"
"Have you applied to any other schools?"
"How will you pay for vet school/ how much does a vet make?"
"How do you intend to pay for veterinary school?"
"How to you feel about spaying animals that are pregnant?"
"How do you manage your time?"
"If I were an Equine Veterinarian practicing in Many, La, how would I have handled the situation of severe equine abuse, starvation and neglect that occurred recently."
"Describe your work experience."
"What do you like about LSU SVM?"
"How do you plan on paying for school and do you know how much it will cost you?"
"Are you aware how much the course load is in veterinary medicine?"
"Are you aware of the salary of veterinarians, and how do you feel about the debt incurred by vet students?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 15 years?"
"Do know what the class load of the DVM curriculum and how have heavy have your previous class loads been?"
"What do you think your day will be like, including start and end times for classes and how much time spent studying?"
"Why veterinary medicine?"
"Why should we choose you. Another question was am I aware of how much everything costs and the starting salaries. Also Tell me about a conflict and how I resolved it. "
"How do you feel about using shelter animals for research?"
"What do you expect of the course load/curriculum?"
"What would describe a successful practice in your eyes?"
"do you know the amount of work that is going to go into the DVM degree?"
"If some old lady wanted to put her HEALTHY dog down, what would you do (and she will not consider shelters). I think she was moving? a side detail"
"What are your plans if you do not get in? "
"What kind of business experience do you have?"
"If a client brought a perfectly healthy cat to you to put down, what would you do?"
"What was your favorite class? Your least favorite class? Why?"
"If you were doing research and whoever is footing the bill asked you to fudge the results, what would you do?"
"Who was your role model growing up?"
"If married, is your significant other prepared for what you will go through in the program?"
"Will you obtain your degre this semester? How well have you done in your major?"
"What are some traits that you think will help you succeed in school here?"
"Do you keep up with veterinary news? Is there something in the news right now sparking controversy?"
"Already having been in veterinary school you know what it is like. What did you learn from your four months in school, what was your most difficult subject, and how do you plan to fix that."
"What will you do if you do not get into zoo medicine?"
"What kind of student are you?"
"How do you feel about people keeping exotic pets?"
"What do I want to do in the future after receiving my doctorate?"
"How do you handle stress?"
"How did you do in your chemistries?"
"What would you do if you got stumped with a diagnosis?"
"If a couple came in with a healthy four year old dog to euthanize, what would you do?"
"What types of animals I would like to work with; small, large, exotic, etc.?"
"They asked me what I would be making my first year out of veterinary school."
"How have you handled a frustrated client while working in reception?"
"Asked me to tell them about myself."
"What dives your possible specialty, interest or market?"
"What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?"
"What inspired you to pursue veterinary medicine?"
"Will your business background be a benefit in this profession?"
"What would I do if a vet down the road misdiagnosed an animal?"
"What will you do if you don't get into vet school?"
"what i thought my life would be like while working in this career"
"How long was I in the Army"
"What do you think a typical day will be like as a student? What will you do for stress relief?"
"Dog or cat?"
"Is the idea of relocating okay with you?"
"What do you know about the LSU curriculum?"
"What was your easiest class you took in college?"
"What is it that you like so much about exotic animal medicine?"
"What clubs or extra curricular activities are you involved in?"
"What events have brought me to this school and this field?"
"Have you worked with a small animal veterinarian?"
"What do you want to practice in as a veterinarian?"
"If you had to work with the same group of 4 students for 2 consecutive semesters and you had problems with one individual, how would you handle the situation?"
"Are you aware of the tuition costs vs. the starting salary?"
"Why LSU?"
"What part of veterinary medicine interests you the most?"
"What was your least favorite pre-requisite?"
"Tells ua about you, who you are, why vet med, ...?"
"What does a certain class teach"
"How did you work in a group? Are you a leader, follower?"
"Do you know what the salary of a starting veterinarian is?"
"What job opportunities are you aware of specifically for a specialty in exotic/zoologic animal medicine?"
"What are your job responsibilities at your job?"
"What will you do if you are not accepted into veterinary school?"
"Are you aware of the cost of attending LSU from out-of-state, and how will you deal with that cost?"
"Tell me about a disagreement and how your work help solve it"
"What is the average earnings of a veterinarian?"
"If a client brought you a very sick dog, would not put it down, and could not afford it what would you do?"
"What was your biggest course load in undergrad?"
"Biggest challenge you will face in vet school?"
"What kind of experience do you have?"
"How do you feel about the Racehorse Industry and ethical treatment of Racehorses?"
"What do you do in your spare time? Hobbies?"
"If you were asked to euthenize a healthy animal, what would you do?"
"Do you have trouble reaching your goals, and if so how do you deal with not fully reaching them?"
"Where do you want to live once you finish school?"
"Why do you think vets are not as willing to travel and do outside calls?"
"Why do you want to be a veterinarian?"
"If a family brought you a perfectly healthy 2 year old golden retriever and wanted you to euthanize it because they couldn't take it to live with them in New York, what would you do?"
"Whether I was a leader or a follower."
"Tell us about yourself?"
"What types of turtles do you research on your research team?"
"How would you adjust to the schedule of veterinary school?"
"what do you know about economic trends in veterinary medicine"
"How do you feel about using terminal animals in vet school?"
"What do you think success is?"
"If a rancher needs you for a farm call, how do you deal with any apprehension or disappointment that he may have due to the fact that you are a woman? (Many farmers/ranchers expect a big, burly vet to come out on farm calls)."
"If your best friend wrongfully acquried a copy of the test and offered for you to use it to study as well (cheating) what would you do?"
"Do you know how much vet school costs and how will you pay for it?"
"What was your favorite class in undergrad?"
"What qualities does your veterinarian possess that makes him a good veterinarian?"
"How was I going to pay for the tuition?"
"Do you know how much debt you'll be in after vet school? How you'll pay for it? How much money you'll be making after graduation? Does that salary sound like a lot to you?"
"Would you set up a practice in your hometown?"
"Having worked with primates, would you choose to work with them again in the future?"
"How has a degree in Pscyhology helped to prepare you?"
"How are you going to pay for this? Do you know how much this will cost you?"
"If you don't get in this year what could you do to make your application better?"
"What type of classes have you taken to prepare for vet school?"
"Which was the most difficult of the prerequisite classes and how did you cope?"
"What other extracurricular activities (besides working at a zoo and a vet's office) do I have that would prepare me for the field of veterinary medicine?"
"What was your hardest semester and class in undergrad?"
"What do you think of cheap and inexpensive spay/neuter?"
"Tell us about yourself."
"Tell me about yourself"
"How do I feel about research?"
"How would you react if, once you start veterinary school, you make lower grades than you are used to making?"
"Do you think you are ready to handle the course load?"
"What type of practice would you have?"
"Tell us more about you."
"How would my husband handle me being in vet school?"
"What do you in vision a typical day being a vet like?"
"What would you do if you were working in a group environment and one of the group members was not pulling his/her weight for the project?"
"If a woman wanted to put her healthy dog to sleep because she was moving, would you do it?"
""As a veterinarian, what can you do to solve some of these problems?""
"How would you respond to a fellow classmate cheating?"
"Have you had any work with large animals?"
"What would your class schedule be in your first year of veterinary school?"
"How do you plan on paying for Vet School?"
"Other than clinical practices, what opportunities do recently gradated students have to look forward to"
"Is your husband willing to move with you?"
"How do I deal with distractions?"
"What do you intend to do after vet school? Specialize?"
"What will be the economic challenges you will face after vet school?"
"What experience have you had in dealing with animals prior to your application?"
"What do you think your day will be like in vet school? Time you will start class, end class, start studying, etc."
"Where do you see yourself in the next 10-15 years?"
"Why not enter a carrer that is more prosperous?"
"Why equine medicine?"
"What can you tell me about yourself?"
"How long do you think you will be in lecture, lab, and studying?"
"What were your most and least favorite classes?"
"In response to telling them about the increased number of horses that are showing up to EBR-ACRC, they asked if I thought the horse slaughter act contributed to the problem."
"If you were a large animal veterinarian at a dinner party and someone began to disrespect the practices of large animal medicine, how would respond to them?"
"what field interests you the most"
"Am I prepared for the course load that is expected of a veterinary student?"
"what do you expect to owe after school and what course load do you expect to have?"
"What do you do to relieve stress?"
"do you want to specialize"
"Would you consider shifting your practice from large to small animals if the need for small animal vets grew greater than large animals in your area?"
"What kind of classes have you already taken that you think will help you in veterinary school."
"Tell me about your veterinary experience."
"Why do you think there is a larger amount of female applicants than male applicants."
"Did you hold any officer positions in high school?"
"What would you do if you were aware of a student cheating during a test?"
"What are some new struggles in veterinary medicine and how do you think they will affect the future?"
"How are you going to pay for school?"
"How do I plan to manage the course load of Veterinary School?"
"Where do you see yourself after vet school?"
"Do you know how much debt you will have?"
"Do you know how much work is required while you are in vet school?"
"Do you know how much veterinarians make?"
"Are you familiar with Brucellosis? (This question was based specifically off of my extensive experience working with moose.)"
"What would you do if you bought a practice that was leaking money?"
"What kind of leadership experience have you had?"
"Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a confrontational client in your current job."
"What are your interests in veterinary medicine?"
"What do I do if a client can not afford a surgery to save their golden retriever puppy that was hit by a car. "
"Describe the roll you prefer to take in a group setting."
"How do you feel about shelters (kill, no kill)?"
"Are you sure you can handle the classload?"
"after they heard my animal experience we sort of just talked about that for a while..."
"Why animal and not people medicine? Favorite class and why?"
"What will be the most difficult transition from undergrad to vet school? "
"How did you become interested in the field of veterinary medicine?"
"What is the most important characteristic for a veterinarian to have? Are you aware of the running salaries of a veterinarian?"
"What do you think of greyhound racing (probably to make sure I wasn't a PETA freak)."
"What are characteristics you look for in a leader?"
"If a client needed (insert very expensive procedure here) and had no money, how would your proceed?"
"How do you feel about terminal surgeries and animal research?"
"How do you handle people that annoy you?"
"What are qualities that a good vet has?"
"They asked me how my research could apply in other countries, as in how could I apply the use of the alternative medication I research, especially cost-wise"
"What is your view on euthanasia?"
"My ethical dilemma."
"What is your dream job as a vet?"
"Why do you want to go to vet school instead of receiving phD"
"Have you been able to translate classes you have taken in school to the dairy?"
"Did Louisiana Tech go to a bowl game this year?"
"Where did you get your suit?"
"How do I relax?"
"They asked me how I would be able to adjust to the commitment and differences that would have to be made once getting into veterinary school."
"You're from Indiana, go to school in Michigan, and come down here for zoo experience. Do you have a private jet?"
"What would be the one thing you would change about yourself?"
"One of the interviewers asked about a pin on my lapel that I earned in undergrad for my achievements in liberal arts."
"What percent of veterinary medicine do you think is entrepreneurship?"
"What are your feelings on animal husbandry?"
"What would your friends say about you?"
"Why did I like large animals"
"Do you have any large animal experience? (I have very little, but I enjoyed talking about the small amount I do have.)"
"How my undergrad degree (anthropology) benefits me as a potential DVM student"
"What do you think about the use of lab animals for research?"
"What do you think about animals in captivity?"
"What was my best/favorite dish to cook? (They had previously asked my hobbies)"
"Does the vet you shadowed still have a corvette? Also, what is the most spontaneous/daring thing you have done that you can speak about?"
"How do you feel about factory farming?"
"What's your opinion on hunting and killing animals?"
"What is the most interesting case you've seen (after I told them I work in exotics/wildlife)?"
"What do you plan to do with your horse while in vet school?"
"What area do you want to practice in as a Veterinarian?"
"What's one thing you'd like to improve upon throughout vet school?"
"If accepted, are you aware of the coursework load and the necessary dedication?"
"What is your favorite instrument?"
"How did the staff your previous place of work deal with ownership change?"
"How do you think your young age (19) will affect you during and after vet school?"
"What do you like to read?"
"Difference between Animal rights and welfare. What I knew about Horse Slaughter"
"What are some of the problems plaguing the cattle industry?"
"Is it just a coincidence that you wore purple today?"
"About vets having a high suicide rate."
"They asked me about how I would handle a very specific ethical issue if it were to arise."
"What were your extracurricular activities in high school?"
"What did I think a veterinarian working in with a mixed animal clinic in Baton Rouge would expect to make?"
"If a client brought you a litter of healthy puppies and wanted you to euthanized them, would you?"
"You have a best friend in bet school and they get an old test and ask if you want to look at it. Do you or do you turn her in?"
"What do you think about vets writing prescriptions?"
"If you were injured while working in the field of large animal medicine/equine medicine, what will you do?"
"How do you feel about horse slaughter?"
"What is your favorite and least favorite parts of the job?"
"What is your view on euthanasia in regards to the animal being perfectly healthy?"
"If a client brings in an animal that requires extensive treatment but you know they can't pay, what do you do?"
"How do you feel about no kill shelters?"
"The questions about ethics."
"Do you have any questions for us?"
"How would you go about getting the government to fund a project to spay/neuter or reduce the number of stray animals running around your practice?"
"What is your driving motivation?"
"tell me about yourself"
"Have you ever prepared a budget for one of your jobs?"
"Both the ethical question about the quarter horse foal and expectations in the large animal field."
"I mentioned that I also umpire softball games and one of the interviewers asked how do I handle parents and coaches screaming at me."
"What would you do if your boss said you needed to euthanize an animal because it wasn't getting along with the family, but there is nothing medically wrong with it?"
"I liked the boy scout questions because they were challenging because I have not been in the scout in 5 years and I had to think back."
"What was your favorite class in undergrad?"
"What are some of your hobbies?"
"Did I know of any legislative laws that had been changed recently?"
"How did being home schooled affect your transition to college?"
"What characteristic do you think a good veterinarian should have?"
"Tell us about your hobbies. (I expected them to make sure I have interests outside of school and work, but did not expect them to take the time to ask about it in detail!)"
"What differences do you see in animal medicine and human medicine?"
"Tell us some strengths of yours and how they will help you in vet school."
"How is biochemistry applicable to the veterinary field?"
"What class are you most/least looking forward to taking?"
"What are your hobbies and activities aside from studying?"
"What are your hobbies?"
"Do you know anything about Florida panthers and what was done a few years ago?"
"If a hurricane was to hit soon, what are three things I would take with me?"
"Tell us about a positive interaction that you had with a client at the veterinary clinic you work for."
"How do I feel working for a corporate Vet."
"Do you think you would make more money as a farmer or as a veterinarian?"
"Would you administer a "milkshake" to a racehorse?"
"Do you know how much you will be in debt after school?"
"What aspect of the veterinary office I work in would I take into a practice of my own?"
"What one quality would make you a good vet"
"What event(s) truly sparked your interest in veterinary medicine?"
"Will you pursue a degree beyond DVM?"
""Do you think that the ban on horse slaughter is having a positive or negative effect on the equine industry and why?""
"What brought you here to LSU?"
"How do you handle stress?"
"What difficulty would you have in the business aspect of veterinary medicine?"
"What area of veterinary medicine do you see yourself working in?"
"One of my interviewers was not a DVM so he asked me about dental procedures preformed at my clinic since I work with a dental specialist."
"What is the toughest part of working for a general practice?"
"What makes you want to go to veterinary school rather than medical school?"
"What is your view on utilizing species that would regularly be household pets (i.e. cats and dogs) in laboratory research?"
"Anti-parasiticals (Frontline, etc.) are now readily available at places like Walmart. Obviously, Walmart can sell it at a cheaper price than you can. How do you intend to handle this if a client asks you about Frontline, etc.?"
"Has the economy affected the client base of your mentor's office?"
"What would you do if you didn't get into vet school this year?"
"Tell us about yourself."
"The type of legislation invovled with veterinary medicine"
"Asked about my research."
"If you had someone bring up to you the way that chickens are kept in poultry houses is cruel, how would you handle it?"
"The horse slaughter act allowed me draw parallels between the subject in the question, and my experience at Animal Control. It was relevant, and allowed me to show my strengths."
"If you were a large animal veterinarian at a dinner party and someone began to disrespect the practices of large animal medicine, how would respond to them?"
"what field are you most interested in"
"My most interesting questions revolved around what I spoke about in my introduction (dairy research)"
"What do you do in your down time?"
"What do I do outside of my academic life?"
"Ethical question on euthanasia."
"how are you going to pay for the studies"
"I think the last one is an interesting question, simply because of the need for large animal vets. I assume they asked in order to know if I would "stick with" large animals instead of changing to a small animal practice later because of the convenience and increased profit."
"The ethical question regarding a client's refusal to return a lost dog identified by microchip."
"What was your least favorite class as well as your most favorite class in your undergrad and why?"
"Are you a basketball fan?"
"How do you feel about using animals in research?"
"Regarding animals for research purposes. Usually a hush-hush subject, due to emotions involved."
"How do animal rights groups affect veterinary medicine?"
"How do you feel about the meat production industry?"
"What is the difference between Animal Welfare and Animal Rights? We explored the situation involving LSUSVM not performing terminal surgeries for teaching purposes and what my opinion was on this matter."
"What role do you have in the ownership of camels?"
"What is the average salary for a veterinarian?"
"What would you do if a client who had been involved in a custody battle over a dog and won later wanted to put it to sleep when it was completely healthy?"
"You seem to love working outdoors; how will you handle sitting in a classroom for the majority of vet school?"
"What would you put on a billboard for your practice?"
"Do you know how much a zoo vet is paid?"
"How do you feel about Mike, their tiger mascot that lives on campus and goes to most games? (Asked b/c of my interest in wildlife/exotics)"
"In a group situation, you are the leader and you have a member that just doesn't want to participate. How do you approach this. "
"Do you feel that veterinarians should have a roll in politics?"
"Most of the more interesting questions were ones that were directed at my own personal experiences that I had mentioned."
"What is the evolutionary reason for water being tasteless."
"How do you feel about using animals for research? "
"If a stolen copy of an exam was going around in a study group before the night of a hard test, what would you do? "
"Give us an example of evolution that has taken place over the past 100 years or so? "
"What characteristics do I look for in friends."
"What are 2 characteristics of a ''bad'' vet?"
"Are you aware of recent legislation (after Hurricane Katrina) mandating that disaster plans be in place at all veterinary facilities?"
"Considering your GPA, do you have a life?"
"Are you single or do you have any family? and how do you handle the stress of the curriculum in addition to maintaining those ties?"
"What needs to change about veterinary medicine in the future?"
"How would you handle a difficult client?"
"Explaining my withdrawal from veterinary school due to a prior unsuccessful surgery."
"They noticed that I was shy and asked me how I would interact with a group of extroverted people."
"My ethical dilemma."
"Why did you choose a veterinary path instead of a behavioral path?"
"Would you euthanize a healthy 4 year old boxer if the owners didn't want it anymore ?"
"what are your thoughts on animal welfare vs animal rights?"
"What part of the veterinarian experience do you dislike?"
"What are some daily hardships of being a vet?"
"What do you hope to gain from veterinary school?"
"How much in debt do I expect to come out of this?"
"They asked me what I would do if a couple brought in a dog with a broken leg, but didn't have the money to pay for the surgery."
"What would you tell a new owner who brings in their "Canadian Lab" they just adopted asking if it is a pitbull since their home owners association doesn't allow pitbulls?"
"What would be the one thing you would change about yourself?"
"Tell us about yourself (always most difficult for me to answer)"
"What is the biggest issue facing veterinary medicine today?"
"What would you consider doing if not vet school?"
"What would I tell the client if the vet down the road misdiagnosed the animal?"
"What is horse slaughter?"
"how would i keep clients coming in"
"What would I do if I don't get accepted to vet school"
"What are some of the issues facing veterinary medicine today? (We discussed online pharmacies, vaccination clinics, and the bill introduced to require vets to give written prescriptions to every owner every time.)"
"What do you think about horse slaughter?"
"What would you do if after treating a patient the owners can not pay the estimate?"
"What would you do if your boss was talking bad about a vet that had a practice down the street?"
"Convince me why you want to be a vet. Sounds easy, but caught me off guard near the end of the interview."
"One about hunting"
"I don't really have any experience in a small animal clinic and they asked me if I could think of any issues that would arise in that setting."
"What the general trend of the equine veterinary field was"
"I work in a pharmacy so they asked if I knew about any increasing or decreasing trends of prescriptions from veterinarians."
"What would you change about the dairy industry?"
"What area do you want to practice in as a veterinarian?"
"What's one thing you'd like to improve upon throughout vet school?"
"What is the job outlook for veterinarians? Are more, less, or the same amount of veterinarians needed now as compared to the past?"
"What is your business experience?"
"What would you do if someone brought in a healthy cat and said euthanize it then left."
"What was something unique about your work experience?"
"What would you do if the night before a tests a student comes into the room you're studying at with the answered test?"
"If you become an exotic/zoologic veterinarian, does that narrow your job opportunities and make it harder to find a job after school?"
"What's the most ethical thing you have dealt with so far."
"Why should we pick you instead of everyone else? (I feel like the other questions they asked me in my interview along with my folder would provide them with the information needed to make a decision about my acceptance)"
"not applicable"
"There were no difficult questions"
"What area do you intend to pursue?"
"I don't feel like any of the questions asked were difficult."
"What if your best friend from the previous question tells you she will burn the test. What do you do and why?"
"What class has helped the most?"
"If you were injured while working in the field of large animal medicine/equine medicine, what will you do?"
"How do you feel about horse slaughter?"
"Tell us about yourself."
"The euthanasia question."
"What's the saddest thing you've seen in your veterinary experience?"
"What is the hardest thing you do at your job? (as Vet Tech)"
""What was the most difficult decision you have ever made?" I answered by talking about my lifelong feline companion that needed to be put down after a long, happy life."
"What happens to your horses when you become veterinary student?"
"How would you go about getting the government to fund a project to spay/neuter or reduce the number of stray animals running around your practice?"
"How did you choose between medical school and veterinary school?"
"what do you know about economic trends in veterinary medicine"
"How long do you think it will take you to pay back your student loans?"
"Why do I want to be a vet? It seems like it would be the most simple and straight forward question but it is important to set yourself apart from others and help to explain your passion for the field. It is hard to sum it up in one answer!"
"Name a conflict you have faced and tell us how you handled it."
"What do you think the AVMA's stance should be on a bill that requires all vets to write a prescription for everything they give to a client so that the client has the option to get the medicine somewhere else?"
"They asked if I had turned in my fellow students for cheating on a cell biology test."
"What was the most difficult thing you have seen in your experience in the field?"
"Why are you here?"
"Tell me about yourself, being sure to include why we should choose you above all the other interviewees waiting out there."
"If your best friend had a copy of the anatomy test, would you look at it? Would you turn them in?"
"Tell us about a challenge you encountered while working with animals."
"You have a man who comes into your clinic that you have never seen before. He is belligerent and insisting that he needs medication for his dog because she is vomiting. The dog is not present. What do you do?"
"What do you think of animal guardianship?"
"Contrast human medicine and animal medicine."
"What do you think about Animal Healthcare?"
"Where do veterinarians rank as far as an admirable profession?"
"You want to go into wildlife veterinary medicine, how much do you think a wildlife vet makes?"
"ETHICAL - They asked me if I would do a illegal procedure ("milkshake") on a horse. Why yes or no. Also, if I would do a procedure that is not completely accepted on vet med."
"What are my weak points?"
"If a client of yours was moving and brought in his/her perfectly healthy 7 year old dog to be euthanized for this reason, what would you do? Do you think that this is a good solution?"
"Where do I see myself in 5 years."
"none were difficult."
"Would you inject ten horses' joints at the racetrack?"
"What is the difference between handling wildlife and handling domestic animals?"
"If a client came into my office with notes from a previous vet wanting a second opinion but my findings did not match theirs what would I do?"
"Do you smoke? (inappropriate, I felt)"
"none were extremely "difficult""
"Why didn't you get more equine experience?"
""What is the biggest problem facing the beef industry?""
"Have you had any experience with food animal vets? (I haven't)."
"What are your three biggest strengths?"
"How will vet med change in next 5 years?"
"Tell me about yourself?"
"Do vets have a place in politics"
"None. They were all related to my opening statement about myself."
"Your class elects you leader or president of the class but there is a small percentage of the class that doesnt like you. How will you deal with that?"
"What are your opinions on terminal surgeries in research? Particularly for oncology patients."
"Why Louisiana over my in-state?"
"None were too difficult, but there were a few ethics questions so be prepared to defend your stance - whatever it may be."
"What makes you more qualified than the other applicants."
"None of the questions were hard really, some of them were just a bit long to answer."
"The type of legislation involved with veterinary medicine"
"Do you know which class will take the most time during your first year?"
"tell us about yourself"
"After the introduction, I was asked to give a broad generalization of why I was better than other candidates."
"What is one specific ethical issue facing the veterinary professsion now?"
"how do you think veterianrians are viewed in society"
"They asked what was my least favorite class and how I handled it. It wasn't really difficult, just hard to explain."
"Tell me about yourself"
"The one asking about how I felt about using live animals for research?"
"What do you find the most difficult problem facing the field of vet med?"
"When they asked me to tell them about myself, it was difficult to know where to start. I knew I should highlight on aspects of my life that demonstrate leadership and good qualities of a vet school student, but I found myself running out of time."
"The ethical question regarding a client's refusal to return a lost dog identified by microchip"
"What do you think about laws in certain states that don't allow you to have certain breeds of dogs?"
"Questions regarding cheating. You know what you're supposed to say, yet you also want to be genuine. How do you put that together in a professional interview?"
"How can you take a stand for animal welfare against animal rights?"
"What makes you different?"
"What is the difference between Animal Welfare and Animal Rights? We explored the situation involving LSUSVM not performing terminal surgeries for teaching purposes and what my opinion was on this matter."
"Do you know how much vet school cost?"
"When did you want to become a veterinarian?"
"How far are you willing to go to save your pets?"
"None were really all that difficult just thought provoking."
"They asked me "off the record" where else I applied, and it is always difficult for me to discuss other schools in this context."
"In a group setting, how would you deal with two individuals who were determined to have it their way."
"Why did you apply to LSU when you have a vet school (UF) in your state? (Difficult b/c the tone it was asked in kind of threw me off, but I think I still answered well)"
"If an elderly woman asked you to euthanize her older (but perfectly healthy) dog after her husband died, what would you do?"
"(something along these lines) How do you justify to a friend, the fact that veterinary medicine can cost thousands of dollars and there are still people in this country without healthcare. "
"If your best friend had the key to the exam and she was not supposed to, what would you do? Not so hard...but my answer was challenged! "
"Why should we pick you over anyone else in that room (our "holding room," essentially) back there?"
"It was all very general, being closed file, and I found it difficult how the questions or the interview could evaluate anything other than your communication skills. Your potential has already been evaluated in a closed file interview."
"what was one question you were hoping that we did not ask?"
"Definitely the water one, it was only to see how I would think. And the person was very unique who asked it. As the admissions director said, I have a very "unique" set of interviewers :D "
"Since we are fallible, what do you do as a veterinarian if you make a mistake? "
"If you were working on a study and realized that the study was a repeat and had already been published and was going to cost 12 dogs their lives, what would u do?"
"What do you think of the Navy's use of Sonar off the coast of California? (it interferes with whale navigation, thank god I read the news...) And if someone came into your office and wanted you euthanize a young, healthy perfectly adoptable dog because they were moving and couldn't bear to think of the dog missing them, how would you handle it?"
"Discuss a difficult situation and how I handled it."
"Why should we pick you to be in our school? (It was really hard because I blanked on why I should be there!)"
"If a client sought euthanasia for a healthy animal simply because they didn't want it anymore, what would you do?"
"Tell us about yourself. (I hate talking about myself)"
"If you were elected class representative, how would you handle someone accusing a classmate of cheating on an exam?"
"Searching questions and mock interview"
"I attended the career center's mock interview and the pre-vet club's mock interview"
"Looked at past interview questions. Attended a mock interview session"
"Read articles on current veterinary legislation and ethical issues."
"Received advice from mentor veterinarians"
"I talked with my counselor and my parents. I also just took time to reflect on my experiences to make sure I was able to convey the important information about myself."
"Answered practice interview questions and reviewed my application and experience journals."
"Reading pre-interview tips, browsing through the school's website to more familiarize myself with the program."
"I prepared through online tools, career services, and friends and family help."
"Looked up potential questions online and thought about what my answers would be to those questions"
"Reviewed possible questions and research on the university?"
"Mock interviews and reading different interview questions."
"Mock interviews and some outside research/reading"
"Mock interviews, searching the web for current issues, practicing common questions."
"I talked to a several vet students about the types of questions they might ask."
"We had mock interviews at Louisiana Tech. I also asked some friends that are in veterinary school right now about their experiences."
"I made a list of things that I wanted to make sure I covered in the interview that make me stand out as an applicant."
"Found a list of usual interview questions and went through a mock interview with my family and coworkers."
"Made a list of things I wanted interviewers to know about me and reasons why I want to be a vet. Also made sure I was familiar with the curriculum."
"I researched practice interview questions and spoke with current vet students about their interview experience."
"Mock Interviews, went over questions in SDN."
"I practiced the question tell me about yourself and went through two mock interviews."
"Reading and answering possible questions I could have been asked."
"I did not prepare, just answer honestly"
"Read over the pdf sent out by the admissions dept. and read the interview feedback on SDN. Reminded myself to breathe occasionally."
"minimal research on the school and vet trends/economics"
"Mock Interviews and internet research."
"SDN, read over my application"
"Using the SDN."
"SDN, DVM360"
"Read materials provided by the school, reviewed application, met with professors, advisors, vets who supported me during the process"
"Followed, read and thought about what I would say if I only had a few minutes to sell myself to the school."
"Mock interviews, situational questions, doctors help"
"I watched Dr. Taboada's presentation, attended mock interviews put on by the pre-vet club, read last year's interview survey, and planned my introduction."
"Mock interviews."
"Attending a mock interview hosted by the pre-vet club and researching facts online"
"Went to different vet forums to see feedback, researched types of questions asked, researched general statistics about the field."
"Looking up common questions asked in vet school interviews. Going to mock interviews at the school."
"Found common questions online and used this website as source"
"I watched Dr. Taboada's presentation to know the financial aspects, but did not rehearse my answers for questions."
"Preparing specific points that I wanted my interviewers to know about me."
"Reviewed my application and read up on the school?"
"SDN, looked online, other interviews"
"I read internet sources such as and the AVMA website. I also talked to a family friend who is currently a veterinarian."
"Researched statistics about veterinarians in my state."
"With this site"
"Read questions from SDN"
"I searched for common veterinary school interview questions, and I practiced my answers to those questions and thought about other questions that may be asked."
"I did a couple of mock interviews."
"Mock interviews, reviewed possible questions"
"Researched the school and its departments."
"Researched example questions"
"Didn't prepare. Didn't need to. Be yourself."
"I searched online days before the interview at the types of questions they would ask. I took notes and researched further into types of careers available and earned income, etc."
"Research and asking questions"
"Read the SDN reviews and material provided by the vet school."
"Recording my about me statement and playing it back to myself and then looking for questions off the Internet and visiting this site."
"Trusted myself"
"Mock interview process. Researched my future career goals, and told myself to stay calm and confident."
"Researched the history and profession, talked to previous applicants"
"Practiced with different people interviewing me and looked up most common questions asked."
"I read the website, LSU SVM pamphlets, the web video, vet magazines."
"Practiced questions and asked veterinarians for help."
"I looked over some current events and ethical issues veterinarians face, but basically I used my current knowledge and experience from working in the vet field."
"There was an information packet provided by the admissions people that I read over that was very helpful."
"SDN feedback questions and"
"Drank tea, did breathing exercises, talked to the students in the pre-interview room, and prayed to various deities."
"My preparation was misguided since I randomly selected three keywords and tried to work them into the interview, two went well, but the third I had to extended the interview and possibly ruined my chances of admission, however I did get all three words."
"I researched the school by reading the website and talking to current students. I also watched the orientation that was done for the out-of-state students."
"I practiced mock interviews with fellow interviewees."
"Looked at sample questions from other interviews posted online."
"help from family"
"I spoke with veterinary professionals, vet students, and professionals in other types of medical fields."
"I researched the school and the profession, as well as, looked up questions that previous interviewees have been asked and answered them out loud several times."
"Mock interviews, got common questions online"
"I asked a lot of question and some friends and I created mock interviews"
"Looked around the school's website."
"I participated in mock interviews at the university I attend; I also researched example interview questions and discussed them with people working in the field."
"I had two interviews prior to this one."
"Read through previous interview questions on this website."
"I did a mock interview and looked up previously asked veterinary school interview questions online."
"Mock interview with current vet student, SDN, talked to veterinarians I work with and took their advice to heart. Also, brushed up on current veterinary issues, including those influencing vet students. (**money and debt**)"
"Tried to find out information googling, went to the career center for practive, brainstormed strengths and weaknesses"
"mock interviews with friends and first year vet students, questions from forums on the internet"
"Mock interviews and research"
"Participating in mock interviews"
"Reviewed my application and answered practice questions"
"Old questions posted on this website."
"I studied veterinary trends in the profession and found sample interview questions online."
"Looked at questions they probably would ask. Learned about the school and why I think it would be good for me."
"One-on-one interview with my adviser."
"practice, practice, practice"
"Read my personal statement, application and the LSU interview feedback."
"I tried to just keep my nerves at bay."
"I looked at sample veterinary school interview questions on the internet and thought about how I might respond to each one if it were asked."
"Slept, read up on school, talked to current Vets, famailarized myself with previous questions"
"I just relaxed and went in there as myself."
"Talking to veterinarians and going online to see how to prepare."
"Just read up about LSU and practiced what I wanted to say about myself."
"I stayed up to date with current events and read several veterinary magazines that I was able to obtain through work."
"spoke to doctors around the vet school, student doctor network."
"Looked over my application, current events, and different issues in the veterinary field."
"Looked over my personal statement, diversity statement, and rehearsed answers form questions on this website."
"Louisiana Tech University holds mock interviews where the applicants are interviewed twice by local veterinarians. This was most helpful. I also reviewed statistics on the AVMA website and read journals and newspapers."
"Called for info, attended welcoming reception, read the website, studied SDN"
"Mock interviews, discussions with my Dad and other family members familiar with the interview process in general"
"SDN, read up on current events"
"student doctor network"
"Studied this site, Googled and mock interviews with friends."
"Looked at previous questions and lightly researched current trends in the job market"
"I read student Doctor"
"I read prep questions on SDN."
"Student Doctor Network; printed off questions from multiple universities to practice"
"I have interviewed before."
"I reviewed my qualifications, and asked current students what they thought I should focus on."
"Interviewed at other schools and read SDN interview feedback"
"SDN, researched the school, studied both applications, and tried not to stress over it too much."
"I read sample questions online and my school held mock interviews to help us prepare."
"Read a lot about possible interview questions. Also got a lot of tips from the first year students at the Welcoming Reception and Open House."
"I have had several vet school interviews"
"read current articles on ethical issues"
"I wrote down everything I wanted to tell then about myself in bullets, so that I could read over it and remember everything I wanted to mention."
"I spent three years gaining experience with research, clinic operations, and small animals. The time spent in each of these areas gave me specific examples to use in the interview, instead of answering hypothetical "what if..." sort of questions."
"I did mock interviews with fellow students and with a veterinarian. I also thoroughly prepared to tell them about myself."
"studying different questions and preparing my key points that i wanted to bring up within the interview"
"I went over what I was going to say in my introduction, looked at information about the vet school, and looked at questions other people received but honestly, most of my interview was about my experiences and less about random ethical questions"
"I looked on line and talked to past applicants and other veterinarians"
"I wore nice clothes and had my hair done. I just tried to breathe and be myself."
"Moc interviews from the pre-vet club and on-line questions."
"I read over my application to find the most important aspects of myself to mention in the interview."
"Reviewed this website's questions and suggestions."
"Looked at feedback on SDN, reviewed my personal statement and my supplemental application."
"Updated on current events and about the school."
"Having a general knowledge of what you are getting yourself into was good preparation."
"Reviewed my application and resume and previewed questions from previous vet school interviews."
"I didn't. This was my second professional interview. I figured, if I'm not ready now, I surely never will be."
"I read the previous surveys and did mock interviews."
"I reread my personal statement and supplemental application to prepare for talking about myself. I thought of questions I wanted to ask ahead of time, and prepared myself to answer questions on my character and ethical standpoint."
"Researched more about the school and practiced with my Supervisor on making eye contact and answering questions."
"Practiced with my family"
"SDN feedback surveys and a mock interview"
"I read previous interview questions on SDN and found information on veterinary trends."
"Read online about previous interviews"
"I rehearsed all of the questions off of this site :-)"
"Reread my statement, googled current issues, and read old questions"
"Looked over previous questions and answered the questions in a one-on-one fashion. Looked over personal statement."
"Looked at feedback on SDN, googled possible interview questions and came up w/ general answers, looked over personal statement and supplemental application"
"mock interviews at school"
"Prepared answers to the typical questions. Interviewed with my boss and a friend. "
"Did a mock interview with career services, looked at interview feedback on SDN."
"Read through my application, thought about answers to previously asked interview questions, and looked at some behavioral type questions"
"My dog ate something outside the hotel the night before and I spent most of the night (4:30 am) cleaning up more vomit than should be able to fit in ten dogs."
"read over my personal statement and supp app. looked up questions online, stressed out a lot."
"I basically read current events in Vet Med, which for this interview I really didn't need."
"Searched online for questions and answered them, prepared my opening statement vocally, videotaped myself, practiced with friends, etc. "
"I read over my personal statement and got a lot of sleep the night before."
"Reviewed my application and got a good night sleep. That's all you really need, I think."
"Stressed a little about what to wear, read over my application and personal statements, thought about likely questions and answers (Why do you want to be a vet, Why not human medicine, etc....)"
"Read sample questions from other schools."
"Read my application, personal statement again."
"Read up on current events, BSE, avian flu."
"I had answers prepared in my mind to the general questions, such as ''why do you want to be a vet?'' and so on."
"Just basically reviewed my applications and such...I wasn't ready for what they asked though (not because they were hard questions)"
"The friendliest of the faculty"
"The support and positivity from fellow students in the waiting area."
"The interviewers seemed to go out of their way to be friendly and welcoming."
"The guest reviewers understood my withdrawal from veterinary school and seemed to be sympathetic."
"The interview was a lot more casual than I expected. I also enjoyed that there were vet students in the room where you waited before being interviewed. This really helped to create a more relaxed atmosphere."
"The current students."
"The relaxed atmosphere."
"The friendliness of the interviewers and the natural conversational flow of the interview."
"The interview panel was very friendly and made me comfortable... I never felt intimidated or as if I was being judged."
"They provided us with vet students in the waiting room to give advice."
"The friendliness of my interviewers."
"The entire staff of the vet school was incredible nice. They were smiling and helped keep interviewees relaxed."
"The atmosphere of the interview was very positive and upbeat. The interviewers made me feel comfortable from the very start."
"I was very impressed with how polite and understanding the interviewers were. It made it very easy for me to relax a little once in the interview."
"They were so nice and tried to make you feel as comfortable as possible."
"How open the interviewers were and the diversity of questions. They created an environment that tried to reduce the stress of those of us going through the interview process."
"Having current students available for us to ask questions before our interview"
"The sense of family and the friendly attitude of the staff and current students"
"How relaxed and conversational the interview was. They really got to know me as a person."
"The interviewers really try to get the know the applicants on a personal level."
"I was impressed by how friendly the interviewers were."
"The current students answering questions were very helpful."
"The interviewers were very nice and honest."
"The interviewers were very nice and laid back."
"The interviewers were not as intimidating as I thought."
"they talked to me as well as asked me questions"
"Students that stopped by to ask how we were doing and gave me a tour"
"Having other interviewees and current students to talk with before the interview helped ease my anxiety tremendously! Everyone I met the day of my interview, from the guard at the front desk to the interviewers themselves were so friendly and helpful."
"the laid back and comfortable environment for the interview"
"The professionalism of the interviews and how comfortable they made you feel. Still gave me personal attention even though I know I was one of the last students to interview."
"The great disposition and good attitudes of the interviewers."
"How nice the students were. They were extremely helpful and answered all of our (the tour group) questions."
"The interviewers and staff were extremely welcoming. Baton Rouge is a great city, and the school has a nice location on the edge of campus. No parking headaches!"
"Fantastic facilities, the helpfulness of current veterinary students and friendliness of the staff."
"The interviewers were easy to talk to"
"We were having more of a chat as opposed to them asking me a list of questions."
"How friendly and relaxed the interviewers and administration were. Even the security guard at the entrance told me good luck."
"The interviewers did their best to make me feel comfortable and relaxed. Also, I liked that there were first year students in the waiting room to help ease my anxiety."
"How nice the interviewers were."
"The interviewers"
"The setting and friendliness of the interviewers, and the light mood they set."
"The friendliness of the interviewers. The seemed to genuinely attempt to make the interview as stress free as possible."
"Friendliness of admissions director!"
"The positivity and encouragement of the interviewers, as well as the helpful current students that were available before and after the interview."
"The mood of the interview was very lax, and the interviewers were so friendly."
"The hospitality and the cooperation of first year students to try and relax us that were there for interview"
"The friendliness of the faculty members"
"All three of the people who interviewed me were friendly and polite. They did not make me feel like any of my answers were wrong or needed to be more thought out."
"The way I was able to answer the questions in a way I felt was right."
"All 3 interviewers were very polite. I did not feel like I was being drilled with questions."
"The involvement of the students in the "holding room""
"Everything was handled in a professional manner"
"The down-to-earth honesty of the interviewers"
"My interviewers smiled at me a lot and gave comments during the interview like, "you are a multi tasker"."
"The attitude of the interviews and their ability to make me feel welcome"
"They were very friendly."
"Friendliness of the director of admissions."
"The lightness of the interviewers"
"Relationships between students and faculty"
"The style of interview, the positivity of the interviewers"
"How casually the interviewers maintained a conversationally based interview."
"The relaxed atmosphere of the interview"
"The resumes of the interviewers"
"How relaxed the interviewers were made me feel more comfortable."
"I was impressed by the judges interest in my business background. When I explained the business plan I had prepared in class, they were very interested in my research and results of the plan. I was very excited to be able to share my project with them."
"All of the interviewers were veterinarians that went to LSU Vet School, and one came in from New Orleans and another came in from Chicago."
"The friendliness of the interviewers"
"The questions were surprisingly straight forward. I was expecting many more "trick" questions designed to trip me up. Instead, it was very open and more or less allowed me to control the interview."
"The professional and friendly demeanor of interviewers and admissions director and students."
"The niceness of the interviewers and the fact that current students kept stopping by to talk to us and answer questions we had."
"The genuine care of the interviewers."
"very nice, relaxed atmosphere"
"The friendliness of the interviewers."
"The eagerness for current students to come by the waiting room to talk and give advice."
"I was impressed by the friendly, laid back, conversational atmosphere of the interview."
"The conversational feeling of the interview"
"I really enjoyed the students and how positive and cheerful they all seemed. I also enjoyed how quickly communication were responded to."
"The open house was very informative and exciting."
"The interviewers were friendly and made me feel comfortable during the interview. It was not near as stressful as I anticipated."
"It was very laid-back and comfortable. It was more of a conversation than an interrogation."
"Flexibility of the interview. Most questions were based on my response to the first question they asked me: "Tell me about yourself.""
"How nice and welcoming the interviewers were. I did not feel uncomfortable at all which was nice since it was such a stressful situation for the applicant."
"LSU as a whole is very inviting, warm, and compassionate about their students and their program. They want us to succeed, even if we were to choose another school over LSU."
"The school staff's friendly outlook, refreshments, tried to make it very welcoming. I also like having current students in the room to talk to and help us to relax."
"the friendliness of the staff"
"The veterinarians interviewing me were very nice and made me feel comfortable"
"The friendliness of the school"
"The welcoming reception the night before was very informational. The current first years let us ask them all kinds of questions and they were all very positive."
"The friendliness of the current students in the waiting room, really tried to answer all questions and to calm our nerves."
"The politeness of the interviewers."
"How helpful the admissions office was, and how welcoming and helpful the students were."
"The interviewers ease and attitude in the interview."
"The interviewers were really nice and relaxed."
"The interviewers were very nice and had a good sense of humor which helped to break the ice."
"The interviews were well organized, friendly veterinary students were present to answer any questions, and everyone from the admissions office was very nice."
"friendly staff, current students,"
"I felt very comfortable with the interviewers. They were all very friendly and they helped me to feel more confident about myself."
"How relaxed the interviewers were."
"The way the interviews responded to me and the helpfulness of the entire staff and student body."
"The panel seemed very friendly and seemed genuinely interested in the interviewee."
"very friendly people"
"The majority of the questions were not very difficult, and they were based on my response to "tell me about yourself"."
"The interviewers were very friendly and it was very conversational. It was good to have first year students to speak with prior to the interview."
"How incredibly friendly and welcoming all of the staff, students, and interviewers were."
"Wasn't very impressed with my interview committee."
"atmosphere of interview"
"Admissions is extremely efficient in updating students."
"The out of state applicant interviews was scheduled on the day of the LSU open house, so we could see the campus."
"Everyone was very friendly and responsive"
"Everyone was really nice."
"Beforehand being with others equally as nervous made me feel less worried."
"The interviewers were very laid back and very open with me."
"Everyone was so eager to help the interviewees. It had a calming effect and their welcoming manner really gives the school bonus points in my opinion."
"The people were very nice and friendly, and extremely down-to-earth."
"How relaxed everyone tried to make you feel and how friendly everyone was."
"The friendliness and postive attitude of the interviewers. They made me feel very comofortable and relaxed."
"The overall vibe of the interview. It was not at all what I expected. The ones who did my interview didn't seem intimidated at all. The were really nice and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. I really appreciated the fact that they didn't interrupt me in the middle of my answers or anything."
"timely manner"
"Their friendliness and wanting everyone to succeed"
"Everybody was really friendly and made me feel welcome"
"Two of my 3 interviewers seemed to really want to get to know me and seemed like they were genuinely looking for reasons to let me in as opposed to looking for reasons not to"
"The interviewers were gracious, and forgiving of my nervousness. Once we got into the heart of the interview, I calmed down. The interviewers said they appreciated my level of preparedness, which allowed me to leave the interview feeling as if I had done everything in my power to make this a positive experience."
"The interviewers were relaxed and that made me relax."
"the people who interviewed me were all very nice and made me feel comfortable"
"The interviewers were polite and very welcome to discussion. It was professional, yet cordially laid back. Overall a very pleasant experience."
"They were friendly"
"The interviewers were extremely friendly and laid-back."
"The interviews friendly attitude."
"The interview team was very interactive during my interview and made it feel more like a conversation than an interview."
"I was impressed with the involvement and willingness of current Vet students to participate and help interviewees to feel as comfortable as possible."
"The interviewers were very laid back and not at all out to get you. I truly felt as though they wanted me to do well and really get to know me as a person."
"They were SO friendly!"
"Everyone was laid back and that limited the amount of stress you had prior to the interview."
"The level of professionalism."
"The atmosphere was great. Everyone was friendly and I was able to really relax. It was more like just having a conversation and I feel like they really got to know me and I them."
"The interviewers concern that I be aware what I was getting myself into, regarding both finances and work load."
"It was in a very cozy room which was nice. It was like you were sitting down to coffee with your parents friends or something."
"The friendly attitude of the panel. They helped me calm down and seemed like they wanted me to do my best."
"The friendliness of the Admissions Staff and Interviewers."
"The interviewers were very nice."
"Interviewers seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me, not grilling me. It was a very relaxed, casual conversation."
"The large animal/ food animal facilities"
"The responsiveness of everyone and the laid back atmosphere."
"The other students there answering your questions."
"The admissions office is amazing and so responsive! Also, the school was so lively because of the Open House, and it was great getting to meet so many current students and professors."
"The people were nice"
"The current students who were there to answer questions and the relaxed feeling of the interview."
"Excellent welcoming reception night before with an informative presentation and in-depth tour. Really helped me to find out more about school and actually used some of that info during my interview. Also had some first years come and talk one-on-one with us in the interview waiting room."
"It was a very laid back setting even though I was really nervous"
"I felt that the interviewers really wanted to get know me, and the interview was not intimidating at all."
"Everyone was so friendly! The interviewers were really nice and welcoming. We had our own room to sit and wait and chat with other interviewees with food and drink, which was nice because the open house was going on as well. Actually, having interviews the same day as open house made the environment a little more welcoming, and we were able to see a lot things that go at the school."
"The entire SVM campus is extremely family oriented."
"everyone there was beyond helpful and they didn't seem out to get you at all."
"The very family nature of LSU and the fact that the inteviewers were very nice and welcoming. They truly wanted you to do well. They also had A LOT of first year students around to talk to and an open house on the day of the interview!"
"The interview panel was extremely nice and energetic. I was beyond nervous, and they had a way of calming me down tremendously. LSU SVM finally designated a room for applicants to wait and meet with other applicants and current, veterinary students before the interview. I found that this room definitely helped ease the stress! "
"The interviewers were very friendly, which helped me feel more relaxed."
"It was very relaxed and they were very nice. I went and bought a pantsuit for it, but nice slacks and a blouse would have been fine."
"The interviewers were all very friendly, humorous and seemed genuinely interested in finding out more about me as a person"
"Interviewers did their best to make me feel comfortable."
"Not much."
"Baton Rouge, though it has its problems, was a friendly town and I felt at home there, something I did not expect."
"The people are so nice!"
"One of the interviewers did not use as much eye contact as the other two, which made me feel as though they weren't as interested"
"One of the interviewers stared at the floor the whole time. Interviewers didn't seem very interested to be there."
"Overall, I felt I had a very positive interview experience due to the welcoming attitude of those interviewing me."
"The only faculty interviewer in the room pulled out his phone and began checking it as I was answering a question. This seemed very unprofessional and spoke poorly for both the school and that faculty member. Also, this same faculty member was very insensitive to the fact that my prior withdrawal to veterinary school was not by choice and was forced due to necessary surgery and seemed to think that this was an unfair use of a seat in the class because it might happen again even though I had previously stated I have been cleared by my doctor to proceed with veterinary school."
"The building."
"One of my interviewers was a resident and not board certified"
"The amount of students waiting to interview at one time was a little overwhelming."
"Only negative is there was no direction once the interview was over."
"The only thing that impacted me negatively was that my interview was 25 minutes later than scheduled. I had managed to keep myself calm until then but felt myself getting more nervous the longer i waited,"
"Nothing impressed me negatively."
"Nothing really, I loved the entire experience."
"Guests were not allowed in interview "holding room" which was fine for me, but I could tell some interviewees Were nervous having no one to wait with them. There were some current vet students in the room, but not enough to ensure no one was waiting alone."
"Of the 3 interviewers, only one person asked me about 90% of the questions. This made me feel like the other 2 were not interested."
"There wasn't much king cake left when I got there. ;)"
"Nothing, they were great!"
"The waiting in the first year students classroom for the interviewers to call me."
"The orientation was at night, so it was hard to find the veterinary building. The directions I printed were coming from a different direction, so they weren't that helpful."
"Most of the current students in the waiting room were skipping class to be there, but I enjoyed meeting them all the same."
"The tone of this interview was different than when I interviewed last year. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing but it shook me up a little."
"Perhaps it would help for the interviewers to have name tags. When I was escorted into the interview room, I was so nervous that I could hardly retain each of their names."
"The length of the interview- I feel like it was 5 minutes long."
"The interviewers did not seem to like me and were not as nice as I was expecting them to be."
"I don't have any major complaints. However, I did not get interviewed until 30 minutes after my scheduled time."
"The interviewers reaction to the vet I worked for due to past conflicts between them"
"I honestly cannot think of anything that impressed me negatively during the interview process."
"The tension in the room during the interview I felt like I was calm, cool, and collected and the interviewer were up tight."
"The interview was very short, but I understand there were many applicants to interview."
"not applicable"
"Nothing about the interview. At the welcome reception we received a presentation about how all LSU graduates get jobs and they make more than the average new graduate. Don't know how much of that to buy."
"A lot of ethical questions."
"One interviewer in particular Was not dressed properly and slouched the whole time and acted like he didn't want to be there."
"Interviews were 20 minutes behind schedule"
"open house crowds"
"There was nothing about the interview that impressed me negatively."
"I had to wait a long time, which made me more nervous."
"Nothing really impressed me negatively. The interviewers seemed prepared, interested in me, and thoroughly genuine."
"Nothing. Maybe a sign to where the bathrooms are located would be a good thing. Haha, I had to hunt."
"Nothing to speak of."
"I appeared to bore them with a story I gave to tell them a little bit about myself."
"No tour was given for in-state students. You had to come to open-house which was crowded and for the public. Interviews were running behind schedule."
"The lack of interaction with the committee and the admissions office."
"nothing, really"
"Drilled me a lot about how I was going to finance vet school. I felt like more questions should have been focused on animal or academic related questions."
"I felt a little rushed and it made me pretty nervous. I did not think the interview had to be longer than 20 minutes but I had the distinct feeling that they were running behind."
"There were no waters left when i went into the waiting room. Bot a big deal at all but cotton mouth is very common in those situations"
"The tour guide didn't tell us a lot about the programs, she just showed us where things were."
"Nothing at this point."
"Welcoming reception the night before the interview was a little chaotic, and I didn't like that family members couldn't come in."
"Waiting in the room before the interview and having current vet students come in and out."
"They did such a great job, that now if I were lucky enough to get multiple offers, I would have a very tough time deciding on the best school. (Joke.) I was blown away by the quality of this school."
"they were running a little late, but that is to be expected"
"It was difficult to park and check in for interview during the open house"
"My interview group was running early, some were on time and some were behind. My group only really asked me 3 questions before moving on to the next person. i would have thought that would have asked more since they were running early."
"No negative comments; too stressed to notice"
"My impressions were all positive of the school."
"Their smuggness when I answered one of the questions. It was only once and only one of the interviewers in the whole interview but it still left an impression on me."
"They were not on time for my interview."
"I still felt very nervous and pressured throughout the interview."
"I did not like that LSU's annual Open House was held on the same day as my interview. I feel like I did not learn as much about the veterinary program as I could have without that chaos. Because I spent a lot of time and money applying to LSU and traveling to my interview, I would have liked the day to be more focused on the potential veterinary students."
"Interview an hour behind schedule"
"There were no negative aspects."
"The 30 minute wait."
"Nothing really..."
"the room was very small and we were all too close to each other."
"During the majority of the interview, one of the interviewers payed little to no attention to me as I was responding to questions. He/she was literally looking around the room as if very bored from my responses. I felt that this was rude and distracting, and this made me feel as though this person was not there in the interview for me. I was trying to keep eye contact with all interviewers during the interview, but I was unable to keep eye contact with the person looking all around the room while I was speaking."
"It was an overall good experience"
"My interview committee was very quiet and almost dull, not giving me much to work with or asking questions about my experiences even though I felt like I gave them enough bait."
"It was a little difficult to get a true feeling of the campus during open house. I didn't feel like I was able to get a real sense of the facilities on the tour."
"My interview was about 35 minutes late and the tour given by two third year students was awful. They had no idea where anything was and they were starting in their clinicals in two weeks!"
"The interview committee I had really had their poker faces on... I guess it is supposed to be stressful, but some head nods and smiles would have made me feel more at ease."
"they were a bit behind schedule"
"Nothing. Everyone was kind and the facilities were amazing. I not only had an informative interview trip, but they also made it fun."
"Absolutely nothing."
"Just the fact that the interview seemed to end really fast."
"didn't have a negative impression"
"out-of-state tuition"
"It was sometimes difficult to know exactly what they were asking me when they asked me questions."
"Not too much negativity. I would have liked a little more time to talk, I suppose. We ran out of time before they really could ask that many questions."
"I wish it would have been longer and have more room to talk freely about interests"
"the type of questions"
"When mentioning a time when I had to overcome an obstacle- the effects of being in a car accident- the team questioned my capabilities to work with large animals due to injuries suffered 10 years ago. I felt like they questioned my ability to perform as a potential large animal vet, although I have clearly overcome those obstacles in the 10 years between the car accident and the interview."
"The interview was scheduled on the same day as the veterinary program's open house. There were thousands of people at the open house, making it a little nerve racking for arriving interviewees."
"The interviewers were kind of spaced out and not sitting very close together so it made it a little difficult to make eye contact with all of them while answering their questions. At times, it felt like I was looking around the room."
"I had to wait an hour and a half past my interview time"
"Multiple questions regarding cheating. If I were going to cheat, would I honestly tell you? Any person with a brain in their head is going to tell you exactly what you want to hear."
"The questions were kinda tough and if you haven't been reading veterinary journals and magazines then you probably wouldn't know a lot about the topics and you won't have a set opinion yet because you aren't involved in it."
"My interview was 30 minutes later than scheduled."
"I wished I would have had more time to explain myself at the beginning of the interview."
"The 10 second pause after I answered a question."
"the small animal facilities"
"I was not negatively impressed by anything."
"The interviewers seemed to be in a rush."
"The facilities are a bit old, but I don't really care, as long as the teaching is cutting-edge."
"Condition of the office I was interviewed in, very worn furniture, crooked pictures"
"Some of the other interviews were late in happening. This was somewhat stressful for the other applicants."
"Nothing at all!"
"Can't recall anything specific"
"Nothing in particular."
"though the interview being on the same day as the open house was somewhat helpful, having little chlidren running circles around me did not exactly calm me down any. They did have a room (the holding pen) set aside to relax a bit, which was nice."
"Can't think of anything, I suppose the interviews were running late, but for me I was too so it worked out just fine :D Besides it showed that the interviewers were more about learning who you were and not keeping schedules :D"
"My panel seemed a bit rushed. They kept looking at the clock in between questions. I found this a little irritating since my interview began ten minutes late; I wanted to get my image across as fully as possible. "
"Some of the other interviewees seemed surprisingly young and naive. Most looked very uncomfortable in suits...Having been there, I'd recommend just going business casual and working on self confidence..."
"The smell of Baton Rouge"
"That there were a lot of people that are being interviewed. I was surprised at the number of people I met in the waiting room and to think that there were 3 people almost every twenty minutes was overwhelming."
"Talk more about yourself and your accomplishments, give a strong closing statement"
"The information provided by the admissions office was helpful in knowing what to expect. I don't feel there were any big "unknowns" before going into the interview."
"I did not know that it was a closed interview."
"Economics of Veterinary Practice"
"Nothing, I felt prepared."
"More details about the university"
"Just how nice the interviewers were and how they relaxed me."
"Nothing really"
"The GPS directions to the SVM take you through a gated road, so you must find an alternate route."
"There is nothing that they asked me that I didn't already know."
"It was a blind interview."
"I already know this, but I think it is really important for people to go prepared to talk about themselves and what makes them different and interesting."
"I wish I had remembered to swallow my gum : )"
"That the interviewers would be so friendly and there would be some questions that would make me feel more at ease, such as, "What do you like to do in your spare time?""
"A better definition of animal husbandry"
"That i really did not need to be nervous."
"opportunities that were available once graduated"
"I wasn't sure where to park, but my vehicle was where I left it and didn't have a ticket on the window, so I guess I picked the right spot!"
"SDN gives you a heads up on everything so there is nothing that I didn't know ahead of time."
"The actual address so I could put it into my GPS."
"I wish I knew my interview would start 20' early..I was walking into the waiting room as my name was called."
"Who my interviewers were, but that is not part of the school's interviewing policy."
"I wish I would've known they were going to be more interested in talking about the experiences I did have rather than asking me the questions I had researched."
"That I should probably memorize the names and position of each of my interviewers and ask each of them individual questions at the end. Also wish I would've known that it wouldn't have been so scary!"
"A little bit more about how my 3+1 program works if I am admitted into vet school."
"Nothing in particular."
"The interviewers only ask four or five questions."
"How calm the interview would be."
"That the interviewer did not like the vet I worked for"
"What questions to ask the interviewers"
"The only thing that I did not know ahead of time that would have been nice to know was how exactly we were to be informed if we received an offer or not. I figured out that it was through the online status check system, but it would have been nice to hear that from someone at the Welcome Reception."
"That veterinarians have a high suicide rate"
"The lady who came and took me back to the room to be interviewed was actually one of my interviewers."
"not applicable"
"I don't believe there were any surprises at all. I was prepared ahead of time thanks to LA Tech and finding links online that were helpful."
"That they were going to ask mainly ethical questions."
"That it wasn't so stressful."
"How chill the interview would be"
"how busy the open house would be. I would have arrived early to tour the school"
"How unstressdul the interview was going to be"
"What is your strongest character?"
"That they aren't out to get you, and to stay calm."
"I wish I would have realized that the interview was going to be less stressful than I thought. I went in to the interview nervous, expecting to be drilled with questions, but the interviewers were very friendly and interested in my answers to their questions."
"I felt that I was pretty prepared."
"Where the bathrooms were! And that you could bring family with you while you wait. That was nice, and I found out last minute!"
"That the other women would be wearing very stylish pants suits and I didn't. Other than that, the information given on LSU's website did a wonderful job of preparing me."
"That my mom shrunk my shirt the night before and it did not fit."
"I feel like I knew most of what to expect."
"More numbers: how many were to be interviewed, how many were to be accepted, etc."
"some of the questions, especially the business side of things"
"I would have liked to have known the interviewer's names. I want to be a large animal vet and it would have helped me connect and discuss more heavily in my interests versus just the vet profession in general terms."
"That I should not have been so nervous because it was not as intense as I assumed it would be."
"The interviewers aren't trying to scare you!"
"I figured there would be some questions that would stump me and a few threw me off guard but i feel like i recovered nicely."
"I wish I had known how late the welcoming reception would go."
"I spent a lot of time preparing, so there weren't any suprises during this process."
"I wish I would have known it was a blind interview ahead of time. For some reason, I did not know this until the day of."
"Baton Rouge is confusing at night and traffic can be unpredictable - leave your hotel early to get there on time."
"Where to park"
"I wish I would have known the nature of the interview. I expected a more stressful, pressured interview. I think a lot of that was simply nerves, something that no one really influence or prevent!"
"How much they would ask me about my psychology degree"
"it wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be!"
"Everyone had a suit!"
"I was adequately prepared"
"The style of the interview; I was prepared for a different set of questions than the ones I received."
"Known about animal healthcare."
"Some of the questions that would be asked."
"nothing, I think I was pretty well prepared for the questions I got."
"There was nothing that took place that I wasn't prepared for."
"I wish I had realized how hectic the day was going to be and how hard it was going to get a good tour of the facilities. I also wish I had known that the Army Veterinary Corps recruiter was only going to be available for a few hours."
"Where I would like to be in 5 years"
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?