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Interview Feedback

All Questions & Responses

  • Temple University School of Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy School
  • Philadelphia, PA
Individual Feedback 2 56 Responses
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?

Response # Responders
Positively 38
Negatively 7
No change 8

What was the stress level of the interview?

Response Avg # Responders
3.73 55

0 = low, 10 = high

How you think you did?

Response Avg # Responders
7.76 46

0 = low, 10 = high

How do you rank this school among ALL other schools?

Response Avg # Responders
7.27 45

0 = low, 10 = high

Was this interview in-person or virtual?

No responses


How long was the interview?

Response # Responders
5 minutes 0
10 minutes 0
15 minutes 0
20 minutes 0
25 minutes 1
30 minutes 3
35 minutes 0
40 minutes 5
45 minutes 5
50 minutes 10
55 minutes 1
60+ minutes 30

Where did the interview take place?

Response # Responders
At the school 53
At a regional location 0
At another location 2

What was the style of the interview?

Response # Responders
One-on-one 2
In a group 53

What type of interview was it?

Response # Responders
Open file 2
Closed file 44

How many people interviewed you?

Response Average # Responders
1.29 55

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"what year in pharmacy school is the hardest." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do in your spare time?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite non-science course?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself (your name, major, degree, school attended,...)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"introduce yourself" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"tell me about yourself. any pharmacy experience?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why pharmacy? Why Temple?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"tell me about yourself" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why pharmacy? Why Temple University?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"introduction " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Temple? Why Pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Introduce yourself." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Temple?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Describe yourself." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Describe yourself. Why Pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to be a Pharmacist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Pharmacy" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why pharmacy." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Temple" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what is the difference between pharm D and phD" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Where did you do your prerequisite coursework?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself. Why pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself and what made you to choose Pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us about yourself. (Got interrupted when I commented that I was a non-traditional student returning to school after 5+ years in IT, and then got to continue by interjecting several comments about what I do when I'm not working or attending class)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What novels have you read recently?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is the difference between a Pharm D degree and a PhD degree? (Pharm D degree is more clinical while PhD is phiosophical)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"where do you want to work as a phamacist." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Typical questions like why pharmacy" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Honestly the group interview was not the typical question and answer session. Dr Paul asked us if we would explain how we arrived at this point, which led to all 5 basically re-wording their personal statements. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why pharmacy and not medicine?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)?

"What are good qualities of a Pharmacist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"In what areas of pharmacy do you see yourself working ?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Do you know any alumni and what have you learned from them?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name one current problem in the health care field." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you manage the increased course load/ demand?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Pharm.D" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you think will be the challenges Pharmacists will face in the future?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you feel your degree or education thus far will prepare you for what's ahead, for pharmacy school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you intend to do with your PharmD?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"tell me some pharmacy-related issues" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"News about pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"why temple? why pharm?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite book?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"why pharmacy" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you feel about the responsibility put on Pharmacists to handle patients' health?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many drugs are on the market?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What's the difference between a Pharm D. and Ph.D.?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is going to be your biggest challenge when you come to Pharmacy School?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your alternative plan?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Is PharmD different from Phd and how?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Introduce yourself." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"The number of prescription drugs in the market" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"how many prescription drugs in us" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What happened in 2000 to have such a large increase in the amount of drug?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Temple?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to be a pharmacist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"The difference between a Pharm D. and Ph.D. How many registered drugs are there on the U.S. market?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Temple" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why this school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many board certified Pharmacists do we have in the US?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you plan to handle the increased workload - both in the number of credits you'll be carrying and in the amount of homework/studying required - of a pharmacy curriculum? (related that one back to my work experience by citing time management & just getting used to busting my hump)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Where you do see yourself in 5 yrs?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many hours should a pharmacy student work while studying in pharmacy school? (She said in a workshop, less than 20 hours.)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what do you think about current role as a phamacist." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Some talk of the new Health Care Bill and why drug companies are supporting it." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want a PharmD? What's so good about it?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 3)?

"Which year of pharmacy is the hardest?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is one challenge you have overcome" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"No other specific questions. Interviewer rambled and allowed others to ramble. Discussion had very little direction. Disorganized, free-for-all." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What would you do if you saw another pharmacist take a narcotic right out of a bottle?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your personal relationship or experiencewith pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"where did you do you pre-reqs" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name a non-science class that you enjoy." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Health related questions that require some knowledge of current events in helathcare" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you think the healthcare would affect pharmacists" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If pharmacists got paid only $40,000 a year, would you still do pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"There are many different career paths you can choose with a PharmD. If you get your PharmD but can't work your first choice what other areas of work would you choose? ex: education, clinical, retail, hospital, etc." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about a recent pharmacy news you have read about that is interesting to you? (and you don't have to make anything up)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Gallop survey - most trustworthy occupations rankings. why pharmacists are so respected and trusted?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Do you have any questions for me?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"any questions for me?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Ethical-related question" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Cost of prescriptions?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"situation group question" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite drug?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"how you will handle course load in pharmacy school " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What area of pharmacy would you like to go into?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Current news regarding pharmacy or pharmaceuticals that interest you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Pharmacy background?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why temple?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your most difficult class?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your weakness and how did you overcome it?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many Prescription drugs are there on the market." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"one thing a pharmacist does." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What happpened recently and led to an increase to many drugs in the market?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"something about COOH, OH, COH...and kreb cycle" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name one type of chemical group? (This started a discussion and each person had to add on to that). " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What would you do if you saw a friend cheating on an exam?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Any pharmacy experience? How do you think you will learn about the various drugs in pharmacy School? by class of drug)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"...etc, etc. just the general ones you expect to hear." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"there really was nothing hard at all." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Difference b/w Pharm D and Ph.D" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many prescrition drugs are in the market." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Is Temple your first choice?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite class in school? Least favorite?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Basically the interview was shaped by what we said, he would take a comment we said and then arrange a question with it. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Have you ever worked in a pharmacy? Pharmacy experience?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"What's your favorite organelle of the cell?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"The one I asked." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you were on an airplane and there was a medical emergency would you step up and say you were a pharmacist and help?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If pharmacists only made $35,000/year would you still do pharmacy?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what stood out the most on the tour of the campus" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do in your spare time." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite non-science course?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you plan to study to succeed in pharmavy school" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Should pharmacies carry all the products (cookies, socks, greeting cards, etc) as they do now, or should they look like doctor's office where patients are there specifically for the pharmacist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"There are many different career paths you can choose with a PharmD. If you get your PharmD but can't work your first choice what other areas of work would you choose? ex: education, clinical, retail, hospital, etc." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"All 3 above were interesting in their own ways" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"the ethical question " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Which year do you think is the toughest year in pharmacy school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"it's been about 4 months since my interview date, so i can't remember all of the questions. but the professor did a lot of talking herself" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What current event in pharmacy do you know about and what are your opinions on it?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"One of the situation question , '' In this case, if you were a pharmacist, what would you do? and if you 're a clerk, what would you do?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite drug?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"the increasing role and responsibility of a pharmacist and what we think of this responsibility. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you feel about the responsibility placed on Pharmacists when dealing with patients' health?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some current pharmacy issues that are in the news that interest you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What's the difference between a PhD and a PharmD? What about an RPh?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name a time when you had to make an ethical decision." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your most difficult class?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is the most important thing you learned?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is my fsvorite functional group and why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name 1 thing a pharmacist does." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What happpened recently and led to an increase to many drugs in the market?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Have you heard anything about a drug in the news lately? (Everyone had to answer this)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What current event (not pharmacy-related) interests you and why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Nothing out of the ordinary" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Nothing interesting asked" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What happened in the year 2000 that caused a 200 fold increase from 500 to about 10,000 in the number of drug classes?(Answer involved completion of the Human Genome Project.)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"he asked us if there was anything he hadn't asked that we were prepared for. and then we had to answer our own questions, then i was like - NO! i was glad you didn't ask, that's why i noticed! haha, but it went well!" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Introduce yourself (our answers were interesting)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"We were asked a lot of political questions." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many registered drugs are currently in the marker?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Which subject(s) do I think would be the most difficult in Pharmacy school. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name an area (pharmacy, medicine) that interests you the most. For example: geriatrics, genomics" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Considering that you are opposed to it, what would you do if a person came in with a Rx for the morning after pill?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many different kinds of drugs are out in the U.S. market?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How much do Pharmacists make annually?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"My daughter is just entering 7th grade. what if my daughter ask you about pH? how could you explain to her?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If someone was unaware of the controversies surrounding the movie the passion of christ, do you think that after watching it they would feel that it was controversial or not? ( we discussed the movie when someone brought it up)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many prescriptions do you think are taken in the US every day?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most difficult question?

"literally nothing" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"The one I asked." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If pharmacist only made 35K a year would you still want to pursue this career?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about a difficult point in your life and how you dealt with it?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why pharmacy." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Really no difficult questions! The interviewer was very very accomedating!" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none were difficult" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"the ethical question. it's a real story. because I am not a native speaker of English, so actually I did not understand the story that clearly." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Which year do you think is the toughest year in pharmacy school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you think is the hardest things pharmacists will face in the future?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"same as above" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How does a drug know where to go once it's in our bodies? Mechanism?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"the increasing role and responsibility of a pharmacist and what we think of this responsibility. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Introduce yourself" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many drugs are there?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain the difference between a Ph.D. in pharmacy and Pharm D.?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Nothing" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"The number of prescription drugs in the market" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is the generic name of a common drug?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why does success in organic chemistry relate to success in pharmacy school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Nothing out of the ordinary" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"No difficult questions" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Have you heard about any new drug developments in the news recently? (Wish I had prepared for this one.)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none were hard" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what makes you an outstanding applicant, rather than just an acceptable one? i didn't know awht to say other than, well- i KNOW pharmacy is what i absolutely want to do, versus other applicants who may be unsure. so if you want someone who will definitely stick with it, it's totally me." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"My group was asked how to solve world peace- and the interviewer was serious!" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many registered drugs are currently in the marker?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"There was no difficult question." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name an area (pharmacy, medicine) that interests you the most. For example: geriatrics, genomics" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain the Krebs Cycle. (Apparently, I got the one interviewer who liked to ask technical questions.)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"No difficult question." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"There were no difficult questions." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"So you were math major, why sudden change?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"nothing really... it wasnt your typical question and answer type interview " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to go back to East coast instead of staying closer to home?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

How did you prepare for the interview?

"SDN had pretty much all the questions that were asked" More from this Member | Report Response

"I read SDN, wrote down answers to the common questions and ran through them with a friend." More from this Member | Report Response

"Came up with questions and answered them on my own." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN website, mock interviews" More from this Member | Report Response

"Very prepared" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, other web resources" More from this Member | Report Response

"Go over personal statement. Read about institution and develop thoughtful questions" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, looked at Temple's website" More from this Member | Report Response

"Just going over common interview questions" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN feedback, researched school and pharmacy, thought about answers to possible questions, reflected about own experiences" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN really saved me. read a book about pharmacy career. wrote down the answers of some common questions and recite it" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, books on interviewing, Yoga for relaxation, schools website." More from this Member | Report Response

"mock interviews, sdn, really thought about what made me different/stand out" More from this Member | Report Response

"past interviews, this website, and internet" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, review pharmcas application, Temple website" More from this Member | Report Response

"read over SDN, relax, eat a lot" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, interview questions, practice in front of a mirror" More from this Member | Report Response

"printed out some questions posted by some one on SDN and looked over and practiced all questions from SDN interview feedback section. " More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, practice interview questions, Temple University website" More from this Member | Report Response

"This particular forum/blog was very helpful! SDN blogs somewhat helpful. Studied all pages on their Pharmacy School website and alumni network. Talked to recent grads." More from this Member | Report Response

"Reviewed my PharmCas application and visited SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"SND. Practiced common interview questions." More from this Member | Report Response

"Think of possible questions and try to formulate answers to them. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Interview feedback, prepharmacy forum." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"Mock interview with tips from SDN, online information on new drugs, did a little research on my interviewer, etc" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, mock interview" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN interview feedback Pfizer Careers Guide Pharmacy FAQs sticky posted in the pre-pharm forum." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, Book on interviewing" More from this Member | Report Response

"sdn , pharmacy websites" More from this Member | Report Response

"Checked interview feedback, review information covered on the PCAT, catch up on current events related to pharmacy practice (i.e. Medicare Part D, newly approved drugs, drugs recently removed from the market, etc)" More from this Member | Report Response

"Studied some pharmacy facts and figures. I did research on the school itself. Prepared by studying past questions on the student doctor network." More from this Member | Report Response

"mock interview, generic interview questions, etc" More from this Member | Report Response

"read Temple's website" More from this Member | Report Response

"I read up on SDN feedback but I wasn't asked any of those questions." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read feedbacks on SDN and the forums. Did some research on schools." More from this Member | Report Response

"I used the SDN and Pfizer career guide." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read the website extensively. At the time, I didn't know about SDN; otherwise I would have read SDN's interview feedback and searched for posts on Temple. I wrote a letter of intent to the dean & admissions staff and submitted it in a folder with a custom cover, along with a current resume (because I was working for so long, I wanted them to know what I was doing besides school when I earned my associates) and an updated, more focused personal statement, to admissions staff during the interview process. I don't know if they ever looked at it, but it helped me feel more prepared." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, read up on Pharmacy issues in the news (there are lots of them right now), read up on Temple's programs" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read about Temple College of Pharmacy and basically information about pharmacy school. Looked at my resume and my chemistry research. Read numerous pre-med books about interviewing." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN. Did a little research on current issues in pharmacy and health care." More from this Member | Report Response

"Went over my application and essay." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, talked to other pharm D applicants about their interview experiences" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, pfizer career guide" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, people in the profession, mock interviews, Internet." More from this Member | Report Response

What impressed you positively?

"All the opportunities they offer." More from this Member | Report Response

"The new class rooms" More from this Member | Report Response

"School has an ok reputation, it's been around for a long time, it's in a big city, and they have a small pharmacy museum in the school" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing. Sad, because I'm a Temple undergrad "Veteran". Very disappointed in my school, glad to be leaving." More from this Member | Report Response

"Staff at admissions office were very nice and helpful" More from this Member | Report Response

"The friendliness of the admissions office and the interviewer." More from this Member | Report Response

"Current students and some faculty" More from this Member | Report Response

"the small class size" More from this Member | Report Response

"The quick response from admissions regarding admittance." More from this Member | Report Response

"Laid back interview. Lots of research opportunities. It is truly a research intensive institution." More from this Member | Report Response

"History and progressiveness of institution" More from this Member | Report Response

"Niceness of the admission staff and interviewer" More from this Member | Report Response

"The school is small and on the tour the students gave such a positive family feel to the program. That everyone was here to help you succeed not fail and the students work as a family not in competition! Professors seem very close with students as well!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The pharmacy school being a part of a large health sciences center and next to the hospital gave it prominence; the lasting impression the buildings with the cherry-red T logo made on me; the wonderful and helpful staff; the spaciousness of the inside of the pharmacy building,; the distinguished and kind faculty; how happy the pharmacy students seemed to be" More from this Member | Report Response

"People there were so friendly. the interviewer was so nice. the interviewees in my group were also very nice. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Friendliness of the staff, the stress-free interview, history of the school, and the fact that you have access to everyone on the main campus. The pharmacy building seemed really lively too." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer was very nice which made for a very laid back interview. Also, the tour guide was extremely knowledgeable and was very enthusiastic about the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"the professor was cool as anything, old historic town, diversity" More from this Member | Report Response

"the school is right in the smack of downtown philly, the students and the faculty staffs were very nice" More from this Member | Report Response

"group style interview was non-stressful" More from this Member | Report Response

"The staff and professors" More from this Member | Report Response

"all the faculty members and students were enthusiastic and were willing to answer questions. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The students at the school were happy with the program" More from this Member | Report Response

"Big city, positive students, helpful admissions counselor" More from this Member | Report Response

"The casualness of the interview, I found a parking spot on Broad St!!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer was very composed, didn't cause anyone to feel uncomfortable and I think we all learned something from her!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The warmth and welcoming atmosphere of the entire office. The interviewer was very personable and was not intimidating at all. I truly enjoyed myself and it was a good experience." More from this Member | Report Response

"The friendly environment." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everything" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nice Staff" More from this Member | Report Response

"The positive attitudes of the students as well as faculty. The poeple were really cool! Oh their pharmacy museum is really cool as well." More from this Member | Report Response

"My interviewer was very personable and sounded really educated and like she really enjoyed what she did. It was a PHONE INTERVIEW." More from this Member | Report Response

"The students seemed like a big family. I found out that faculty is very helpful and accesible." More from this Member | Report Response

"How knowledgable the professor was that interviewed us" More from this Member | Report Response

"enthusiasm of the tour guides" More from this Member | Report Response

"The admissions staff was extremely nice and helpful. All of the professors seemed nice and appeared to " More from this Member | Report Response

"The faculty and staff seen very helpful and caring towards students. Professors seemed very enthusiastic about teaching pharmacy." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone was so nice! The faculty, the admin, the students. The whole school seems to be a close-knit group, everyone knows everyone else." More from this Member | Report Response

"the tour was amazing! the students were enthusiastic. The professors they saw in the hall all said hello and were friendly. they said it's close-knit group.. i'm just SO excited to go there!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Te students giving the tour seemed to really like the professors." More from this Member | Report Response

"The enthusiam of the interviewers. They made us feel very interested and comfartable during the process." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was very nice. He made us feel comfortable.The student that took us on tour was very nice too. He explained everything to us." More from this Member | Report Response

"The straightforwardness of admissions staff. They know they have a product that's in high demand. They do not have to fuss over us, nor did they." More from this Member | Report Response

"I liked how the interviewer stressed the controversial issues concerning pharmacists today. Most people wouldn't talk about that. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer has a very extroverted personality and she obviously enjoys pharmacy. I also have happen to meet her in two pre-pharmacy workshops so I know who she is. She wasn't intimidating but very friendly." More from this Member | Report Response

"Interviewer was very nice and made us feel relaxed. She was very enthusiastic about pharmacy. The students seemed to really enjoy Temple and it's relaxed atmosphere." More from this Member | Report Response

"the interviewer made his best effort to comfort all the interviewees. " More from this Member | Report Response

"atmosphere was nice and relaxed. people were friendly" More from this Member | Report Response

"Student giving our tour seemed enthusiatic and proud to be studying at Temple. Faculty member who interviewed us was also very friendly and had an optimistic look on pharmacy" More from this Member | Report Response

"My interviewer was really really nice. " More from this Member | Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"The area its in" More from this Member | Report Response

"It looks like it's in a really bad neighborhood, the building is dilapidated, students have to use the medical school's library, and the tour guide said there is collaborative work but that the med students speak down to the pharmacy students" More from this Member | Report Response

"1) Tour was not included in appointment. Had to come beforehand to partake. 2) Admissions staff, though nice, seem disorganized and without proper resources. ( A hallmark of Temple ) 3) School made no effort to "woo" students. Did not feel like a visit. Ie) Where other schools would let you hear from the Dean, financial aid office, former/current students, or provide food, school memorabilia or even refreshments, Temple did none of this. Was "hello", interview, (now get out) "thanks for coming". 4) "Interviewer" was a very nice, but disorganized and unprofessional professor. She was very dressed-down (clogs and parachute pants) and made very little effort. She allowed for free-for-all type discussion where people were interrupted mid-sentence or ignored. Her cell phone went off 2x during the interview, the second time she pulled it out and began to play with it while another student was trying to answer her question. You could tell she heard none of that reply. 5) I'm use to the setting of main campus (it takes some getting use to). Poor area, high crime. You are relatively safe on-campus. Health Science Campus is another story. I felt very unsafe there (and I've been commuting to Temple for 4yrs+ so I thought nothing would phase me). If you choose to go here, be safe-be careful and don't get too comfortable." More from this Member | Report Response

"I was surprised by how little the area was that you had your classes in. It almost felt like highschool again" More from this Member | Report Response

"The other applicants didn't seem as serious about the interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"The lying of the school about the safety/security." More from this Member | Report Response

"the location of the school" More from this Member | Report Response

"The area the school is in." More from this Member | Report Response

"No lunch, no pens. Little stuff matters. Also, there was no opportunity to meet other faculty. But I understand that they are busy." More from this Member | Report Response

"If anything, location...though not a big bother. Also, the tour was a bit was led by two random students who were walking by." More from this Member | Report Response

"nothing really, but I wasn't too impressed with the location" More from this Member | Report Response

"The building was old and dark, and the city did not feel very safe. Even students kept warning us about safety measures we need to take if we come to Philadelphia" More from this Member | Report Response

"People say the area is bad but I don't feel that way. I originally grew up in NYC so it felt like home. I would say the facility looks old but the rooms actually have high tech equipment!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour, which started 20 min BEFORE our interview appointment, was given by a student who was difficult to understand because of his heavy accent, though he was very jolly and enthusiastic. He did not take us to the library, which would have been impressive, or hospital, but maybe it was too cold outside. There was no Q&A session with students (they were all taking finals). We did not get a folder with information about financial aid or housing, etc." More from this Member | Report Response

"the building seemed very old" More from this Member | Report Response

"The location was sub-par, although it wasn't as bad as most people made it out to be. My biggest problem with Temple was its facilities. The lecture halls and the labs seemed really old and cramped. I didn't like the fact that students spend the entire day in one lecture hall as the professors rotate instead of the students. " More from this Member | Report Response

"as everyone else said.... location" More from this Member | Report Response

"the pharmacy school only has one building, the building is kinda cramp and old. The parking space and the driving were crazy as hell." More from this Member | Report Response

"location is a little rough" More from this Member | Report Response

"the school location is in the middle of ghetto town. There is no graduate dorm, and apartment is expensive and gloomy." More from this Member | Report Response

"the environment around Temple, it's kind of ghetto, but the people I met during my visit were all really nice." More from this Member | Report Response

"i felt that the school did not care for students i felt like they were a bit ''proud''" More from this Member | Report Response

"VERY bad area, old buildings, hard to find parking" More from this Member | Report Response

"Interview seemed a bit impartial, not super personal, just a group of candidates and 1 faculty member shooting the stuff." More from this Member | Report Response

"After the interview, several of us from the group said we wish we would have had more talking time, more discussion. Also, facilities - which are undoubtedly adequate and suite their job - are a little run down. If you're still impressed by the high tech class room, don't expect that here. However, from what I heard, that does NOT negatively impact your education. Don't let the appearances turn you down. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour guide seemed really nonchalant as if she did not want to even give the tour. She was dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants like she just got out of bed....bad impression." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing" More from this Member | Report Response

"Location" More from this Member | Report Response

"The surrounding area isn't all that great, but the school is really nice." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing really." More from this Member | Report Response

"The building was kind of old. The bathrooms were DISGUSTING!!!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was group, so I didn't feel like temple got to know enough about me as I would have liked. It was also very discouraging when they mentioned how many people they interviewed as compared to how many actually get in." More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour was very short, and the interview invitation said to allow 1 hour. Basically, the entire pharmacy school is located in one building, which is the only thing the student showed us. However, there is a student-faculty center and two libraries located nearby which the student told us about and basically said if you are interested, you can go look at it. I felt this should have been part of the tour, especially since there was plenty of time. This is really a big fault, as the school should be trying to sell itself more." More from this Member | Report Response

"The school is very small and crammed, and not on main campus. It is also not technologically advanced. The tour guide seemed discouraging. North Philadelphia is not a good area worse than any I've seen in the Bronx, where I grew up." More from this Member | Report Response

"The pharm school is not just limited to only 1's not even the whole bldg!! It's only 2 floors within that bldg. You take all your classes in ONE room, depending on your year...ex: first yrs have their own classroom and stay in there the whole day, then they change to another room as 2nd yrs, etc." More from this Member | Report Response

"well i guess the facilities are a little small, but i also love that about the school. it's all in one building. i'm just woried about parking! hahaha." More from this Member | Report Response

"The school is dark, cramped, and old." More from this Member | Report Response

"The revelation that, due to some nastiness in prior admission cycles, we were not permitted to contact admissions - especially not our interviewer - via phone, email, or regular mail. So, no thank you notes." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer was not a pharmacist himself so he didn't want to hear about why we wanted to become pharmacists." More from this Member | Report Response

"Having one person inteview 5 people is not really an interview. She basically ask everyone three questions and did a lot of talking about the pharmacy curriculum and basically pharmacy in general." More from this Member | Report Response

"It was a group interview. which makes it ever intimidating, and you feel like you are in bad reality tv fighting for that million. " More from this Member | Report Response

"area is horrible and the whole group interview process was inefficient. How can they determine if you are a worthy candidate when you have 5 people in the room and less than an hour?" More from this Member | Report Response

"The group interview, I wish it was one on one, I dont know what you can take away from that setting, 5 people in 50 minutes. also the sheer number of applicants this year is through the roof.. 1300 , 500 asked for interview, 150 offered a spot. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Ack...because it was a phone interview I wasn't physically on campus so yeah, I wish I could've been there. " More from this Member | Report Response

What did you wish you had known ahead of time?

"It was very relaxed." More from this Member | Report Response

"That the location and subway were going to be so scary" More from this Member | Report Response

"That was a waste of time for me." More from this Member | Report Response

"I wish I had known the tour wasn't going to start until an hour after our interview ended." More from this Member | Report Response

"That not going on the tour doesn't actually affect your chances of admittance." More from this Member | Report Response

"That the tour was an hour before the interview time." More from this Member | Report Response

"thanks to SDN...i knew alot" More from this Member | Report Response

"That finding a parking spot was going to be difficult" More from this Member | Report Response

"That I-95 is like a parking lot! The interview was relaxed but I had to drive 2 1/2 hrs to get there and set aside an extra hour but still was almost late. lots of traffic that early in the morning!" More from this Member | Report Response

"I knew it would be freezing, but I didn't know it would be THIS freezing- I needed a thicker hat. :(" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nice interviewer and the interview was very laid-back " More from this Member | Report Response

"I wish I knew the interview was going to be stress-free and that the interviewer was just going to ask questions at random." More from this Member | Report Response

"Philly is one ghetto ass town." More from this Member | Report Response

"Taxi price is expensive. I took train from the airport to school. I was half an hour late, so they put me into the second group. Traffic is even worse than in LA. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour was going to be sooo short " More from this Member | Report Response

"Find parking." More from this Member | Report Response

"I suppose the area but it is a huge city so what else do you expect. Maybe if I had known it was going to be just a little fireside chat I may have said more?" More from this Member | Report Response

"The location of the health sciences campus in relation to main campus. It's about 2 miles North of main campus." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing" More from this Member | Report Response

"That the interview was really laid back, and I shouldn't have stressed over it." More from this Member | Report Response

"The answer to the number of prescriptions question" More from this Member | Report Response

"It was more of a discussion rather than a question/answer interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was closed file...the interview knew nothing from the each applicants application. I was expecting the interview to be more personal, which is what I have experienced in the past, where specific highlights or faults of you application would be addressed. The interviewer actually told my group the main purpose of the interview was to determine if you actually want to be a pharmacist." More from this Member | Report Response

"Although it is one of the top 50 schools in the nation, be prepared for living off campus. Our guide made it clear that given the area that is your best option." More from this Member | Report Response

"hmm nothing. i think i was pretty well-prepared." More from this Member | Report Response

"North Philly is one scary place. Desolated, run-down, it was creepy just walking down the street (and it was in broad daylight, on a clear day). The main campus is 2+ miles away, with a lot of sketchy land in between." More from this Member | Report Response

"The number of registered drugs." More from this Member | Report Response

"I wish I had known about the subway system." More from this Member | Report Response

"The existence of SDN! I also should have taken advantage of Temple Pharmacy Admission's advising for prospective students. I had gone the traditional route and dealt with advisors in their continuing ed area. Nothing bad happened as a result of that, but I think pharmacy admissions would have picked up that I was driven to succeed and to be admitted. As it turns out, I was admitted anyhow. I wish I had known about the excruciatingly long wait to find out the adcom's decision. At our interview, we were told "3-4 weeks". That turned into eight weeks. So be prepared, because current students say that they ALWAYS take way longer than they say they will to notify of acceptance/rejection." More from this Member | Report Response

"I wished I practiced my interviewing skills. Even though the interview wasn't as bad as I thought, I still stutter a little bit." More from this Member | Report Response

"There is a short essay after the interview and tour." More from this Member | Report Response

"if i knew it was a group interview, i would have not been too surprised. it was totally unexptected therefore i was very nervous. " More from this Member | Report Response

"I wish I had slept more.. It would have helped me think on a higher level" More from this Member | Report Response

"Essay....They required an essay at the end of the interview to be written, but never explained this in the letter" More from this Member | Report Response

"Although I felt that I did enough research about the program, I still think that I could've learned more. " More from this Member | Report Response

What are your general comments?

"This school supposedly has a good program, but the admissions and faculty put zero effort into selling it to the prospective students, as other surveys have pointed out. Seems like they don't care about the students." More from this Member | Report Response

"I think I've said it all." More from this Member | Report Response

"I really wish I had gone on the tour but everybody in my group left immediately after the interview because the tour was optional." More from this Member | Report Response

"I cringed at the idea of a group interview, but it was relaxed. Be prepared for a nice discussion. The other people in my group were awesome, so that may have made it relaxed." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nice interview process. Relaxing and motivating." More from this Member | Report Response

"It was really nothing serious." More from this Member | Report Response

"Temple University has a lot to offer- sometimes I feel that it doesn't get as much promotion as it deserves. But I think that their history, accomplishments, and incredible network of people cast across the country and world, speak for themselves. I, admittedly, did not know too much about the school until I applied there, actually researched about it and talked to various people. Amazingly, every professional person I've talked to thinks highly of it or knows someone who is somehow associated to it. I have a lot of faith in their pharmacy school and healthcare center as a whole. As for the interview, from my experience, it was one of my most pleasant ones. They really just wanted to get to know us as a person, and were interested in assessing our insights, motivations and maturity. Be your best self, and be genuine, sincere and speak intelligently. They do care about the rest of your application, but at this point, do your best no matter what. Best of luck. :)" More from this Member | Report Response

"good experience. being stress-free, i actually did better than my expectation." More from this Member | Report Response

"There's no real way to prepare for this interview since the questions are different for each interview. The interviewer does not take notes so the school's method of evaluation is very unorthodox, if you compare it to the other schools. This was my first group interview so I was dreading it but the interview was conversational and stress-free." More from this Member | Report Response

"I really like this school. The interview was more like a conversation. If I get accepted I will surely attend." More from this Member | Report Response

"Group interview is not that bad. You just have to be honest, original, and be vocal. Dont just sit there and agree with what everyone is saying." More from this Member | Report Response

"interview was short and group style. good atmosphere to talk about pharmacy" More from this Member | Report Response

"the school program is OK. However, due to its bad location, I won't choose it." More from this Member | Report Response

"Basically the interview consists of 5 interviewees and 1 faculty interviewer. The entire interview was pretty laid back and relaxed. The tour was pretty short since there weren't too much to tour about, but the students who toured us were enthusiastic about the school and were really helpful at answering our questions. " More from this Member | Report Response

"We were taken into the temple pharmacy museum for the interview, the interviewer asked questions we just answered, he didn't seem too enthusiastic and then we had a tour which was only showing us one classroom and one lab and that was all " More from this Member | Report Response

"This was my 3rd choice school. It is very well established but the area is very bad." More from this Member | Report Response

"It was a decent experience, no real nervousness, your anxiety is eliminated after everyone introduces yourself which makes it a little easier." More from this Member | Report Response

"Very good. Really liked everyone - fellow applicants and Temple Faculty/Staff - I spoke to." More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour started with about 6 of us, then they split the group into two groups of 3 each with a separate interviewer. It was a group interview and she gave us each equal time to answer questions. It was not nearly as cutthroat as other group interviews and was very relaxed. It was an informal interview and the questions were based very largely around the answers we supplied. You really felt like there was no wrong answer and the interviewer was extremely animated which was very refreshing. Such a good experience, I just wish their facilities matched the enthusiasm of the staff. I love the location though, PLENTY of diversity!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview experience was very relaxing. The faculty, students, and administration were really nice. The students seem to really like Temple and all that it offers." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer was very nice. She has a very comforting smile. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was so relaxed. It was more of discussion and not interview. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall it was a good experience and I would definitely go to Temple if accepted. The people were awesome!" More from this Member | Report Response

"It was more like an informational session than an interview. She put me at ease and complimented me a lot . ( i hope i get a chance, still waiting on them)" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was pretty laid back. Our interviewer was very nice. I got my letter very quick after the interview. :)" More from this Member | Report Response

"It was very laid-back. I was actually interviewed by a member of the ad-com, so I feel like my performance in interview will affect the decision. There were only 2 other girls there besides me. They were very nice. No one was really pushy or attention-hogging. There were times when I felt like my answers were a little vague and maybe the interviewer didn't really understand what I meant. :( One of the girls in my group went very in-depth with one of her answers (started talking about amines and specific mechanisms!)and that made me feel kind of dumb. The tour was pretty short and the two guides were very nice. They had nothing but positive things to say about the school. The equipment in the school looked pretty new, but the actual building is rather old." More from this Member | Report Response

"I arrived at the school. I went on a tour. The guide was a student which was nice because we were able to get a student's perspective. The interview was a group interview. Like I said, this does not afford the opportunity to express yourself the way that you would like. You are more or less competing against 3 other people in the room. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall, I felt the interview process offered the school very little information to assist in an acceptance decision (I did get in, just got the letter a few days ago), but I had good grades and excellent PCAT scores and don't feel that the interview had any bearing on my acceptance. For those individuals with a poor academic record or below average performance on the PCAT, the interview isn't going to give you an opportunity to address shortcomings. " More from this Member | Report Response

"the interview went very well, but I was turned off by our tour guide. And have decided to no longer make Temple a first choice school." More from this Member | Report Response

"I arrived at North Philly very early (7am) because that was the only train I could take. The area freaked me out. The pharm school itself is safe & fine, but outside of those ~3 blocks, the neighborhood is bad. The interview was not bad at all, in fact it was very enjoyable. I was in a group with 2 other applicants and 1 interviewer. It was more of a friendly chat and an interview. We were all polite, so there wasn't any interrupting or hogging of attention. Our interviewer loves pharmacy and was very enthusiastic. The room we were interviewed in is called the "museum room" and contained a lot of old pharm lab stuff, it was pretty cool." More from this Member | Report Response

"it was great. the interviewer was casual, made us all feel comfortable. There was only three of us in there, which was nice. He told us about himself to make us feel more comfortable telling him about ourselves. it was a comfortable atmosphere. i got really lucky in who my interviewer was." More from this Member | Report Response

"Very calm and comfortable. Just think of it as a converstaion rather then an Q/A." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview went very well. The interviewer told us a lot about the pharmacy profession and the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"Some of the interviewees were poorly dressed (not in my group of 5. Some students who were waiting for later interviews needed a lesson in professional attire). The group interview was like the dinner table growing up - we were all vying for the interviewer's attention. I found, after I listened patiently to everyone else's "about me" speeches but was interrupted right at the beginning of mine, that I needed to politely jump back into the conversation so that I didn't blend into the background. All I can say is, prepare by brushing up on interview skills, and by reading up on assertiveness and on "how to deal with interrupters". I'm sure it wasn't intentional, we ALL wanted to make sure our interviewer came away with a positive, lasting impression of us. I thought I did only so-so in the interview, and was happy to be accepted for fall 2005 (found out 4/27)! I thought my friend from summer classes, who was in my interview group, did really well in her interview...I'm waiting to hear if she gets in. There is an essay. Our topic was something along the lines of: "Sitting, standing, running around all day: these are potential ways you might spend your workday. What is your least favorite? Justify your answer." You have 30 minutes to complete the essay. This was the first year they considered the PCAT. I think my scores helped. My GPA was only around a 3.6 but I rocked the PCAT." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer was not a pharmacist and therefore didn't want to know why we wanted to become a pharmacist. As he said, "I don't care and don't want to know." I didn't like knowing that he was the only interviewer (that I've heard from students and other interviewees) that asked technical questions. He was easy to talk to and tried to put us all at ease, however, he did ask rather controversial questions. I was impressed and glad that he did, but I think the others would be stressed about that. The Temple Allied Health Sciences Campus is in the middle of a pretty bad neighborhood. Considering that, I think the admin should have sent out directions--one lady got totally lost and missed her interview. I think commuting would be difficult. I wish the campus was in a more accessible part of Philly. I didn't find the interview questions stressful at all." More from this Member | Report Response

"I wished I had a little more time to finished writing my essay. I at least wanted to have three paragraphs. Also, I was dissapointed with the structure of the interview. Most of the time spent was just asking her questions. While the interview was not very difficult, I did not get to talk more about myself as to why I wanted to get into pharmacy, my current Chemistry undergrad research or about my personal background." More from this Member | Report Response

"Good. Stress-Free. Everyone was nice and helpful." More from this Member | Report Response

"When i got to school i saw about 15 people dressed in shirt and ties. I immidiately thought that they were here for interview, and soon to be realized that it was a group interview. Temple seems to be interviewing everyone who met the minimum GPA some admission person told me it was 3.25 minimum. There were 5 or 6 of us and was interviewed by a faculty member. he said some words regarding the school and himself and went to questioning. he had an hour to interview us so answers had to be concise and clear. you had about 15 minute or less to impress the interviewer so it was very nerve rackening. he asked each interviewee a science question. i had pH, others were not too lucky. they were asked to describe krab cycle, heienzberg's uncertainty principle, chemical bonding, etc. after that we were asked to write an essay, followed by a quick tour. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall it was exactly what I expected. The student that gave the interview was very nice and helpful. He made the school seem really good and made you want come there. Seems like they are interviewing too many people they said about 600 from 1300 applications. Only 140 seats available... " More from this Member | Report Response

"Scary at first , but then warmed up to the friendly interviewer Dr. Paul, but then got scared again when the admissions lady explained the volume of applicants, and "how great everyone needed to be" just to get an interview, 3.2. The students in my interview all came from different backgrounds, economics, computer science, biology, communications. All had BS or BA. All were very friendly as well, helped break the tension." More from this Member | Report Response

"The whole interview was more like a conversation than an interrogation ; )" More from this Member | Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?

Response # Responders
Student 43
Faculty member 2
Admissions staff 1
Other 2

How did the tourguide seem?

Response # Responders
Enthusiastic 28
Neutral 9
Discouraging 1

How do you rank the facilities?

Response Avg # Responders
6.02 44

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your in-state status?

Response # Responders
In state 14
Out of state 31

What was your total time spent traveling?

Response # Responders
0-1 hour 13
2-3 hours 16
4-6 hours 4
7+ hours 8

What was your primary mode of travel?

Response # Responders
Airplane 11
Automobile 22
Train or subway 8
Other 3

What airport did you use?

Philadelphia International


Where did you stay?

Response # Responders
At school facility 0
With students at the school 2
Friends or family 5
Hotel 9
Home 2
Other 0

About how much did you spend on room, food, and travel?

Response # Responders
< $100 21
$101-$200 2
$201-$300 3
$301-$400 0
$401-$500 3
$501+ 4

Comments on where you stayed

No responses

General Info

How do you rank this school among other schools to which you've applied?

Response Avg # Responders
7.33 46

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this school's location?

Response Avg # Responders
4.07 46

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?

Response Avg # Responders
6.76 46

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the responsiveness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
8.45 20

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the friendliness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
8.65 20

0 = low, 10 = high

How eco-friendly are the school's application materials and interview process?

Response Avg # Responders
7.00 19

0 = low, 10 = high

What are your suggestions for the admissions office?

"Actually put some effort into selling the school to the applicants. We spent a lot of money to apply and interview, but we have other options that actually show us they care." More from this Member | Report Response

"How about making a Temple student feel welcome. There was very little effort put forth into "selling" the school to me. I'm a senior Temple student and I was NOT IMPRESSED. Choose the faculty who interviews more wisely. She was incredibly unprofessional. (Phone went off during interviews, cut off student's reply to speak with someone else. Rude.) I will be going elsewhere. And it's too bad, because Temple was my 1st choice before this experience." More from this Member | Report Response

"Properly communicate the time for the tour." More from this Member | Report Response

"I would suggest making a formal tour be a part of every interviewee's interview day. It is definitely of interest to us to see the facilities (including the library) as well as talk to current students if possible, through a Q&A session. Also, info about financial aid, scholarships and housing should be made more available on the interview day, ie. in an info packet." More from this Member | Report Response

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