School Stats
- Resident Tuition $18,720
- Non - Resident Tuition $34,256
- Application Fee $50
- AVG OAT 316
- AVG GPA 3.5
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Admissions Information
- Office of Student Services
- 317 Marillac Hall
- One University Boulevard
- St. Louis, MO 63121-4400
- United States
- Phone: (314) 516-6263
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.umsl.edu/~optomety/
School Overview
University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry Fast Facts
School Info
The mission of the College of Optometry is to promote and provide improved eye and health care for people throughout the country by preparing the next generation of optometrists and vision researchers. To accomplish our mission the faculty, staff and students will pursue excellence within our professional, graduate, residency and patient care programs.
The curriculum leading to the Doctor of Optometry degree is a four-year, full-time program of study. The first year of the professional program emphasizes optical principles, the Biomedical sciences and an introduction to the optics of the visual system. The second year pertains to vision science pharmacology, systemic and ocular disease, and training in eye examination techniques. The third year emphasizes patient care and introduces the student to various specialty areas within optometry, such as ocular disease treatment and management, contact lenses, pediatric and geriatric vision care, binocular vision and vision training, and low vision rehabilitation. The fourth year provides additional patient care experience and includes rotation through a variety of outreach programs, giving the student added experience in the treatment of eye diseases, as well as valuable experience in other optometric specialties.
Situated in Missouri`s largest metropolitan area, the College enjoys the city`s strong community and professional support. The urban setting offers many opportunities for outreach programs, expanding the scope of optometric education and making available highly diverse programs of clinical training. Another asset of the College is the location of the national headquarters of the American Optometric Association, approximately 12 miles from the campus. The College of Optometry is located on the South Campus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis and shares in the use of many university resources. A modern five-story building houses the College`s classrooms, laboratories, research facilities, administrative offices, library, and the University Eye Center. The complex also includes a 350-seat amphitheatre and the E. Desmond Lee Technology and Learning Center.
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