7 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Do you have a best friend? Name one good quality and one bad quality." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Ethical question: What do you think about abortion?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Has someone ever called you by a derogatory name?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Questions that were most interesting to me had to do with my background. For example, one interviewer asked me to clarify some of the chronological events that happened in my life." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Have a group of people that you were with, ever used a derogatory term towards another group? What did you do?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"This website, Review Amcas Application, Resume, Personal statement." Report Response
"The fact that the interviewers role play. It took me a while to figure out what they were doing. Also I was able to ask as many questions as possible." Report Response
"The first interviewer appeared to be uninterested. Again, I believe that he was role playing. Perhaps he was the patient and I the physician and my role was to spark some interest." Report Response
"I wish that I knew that the admissions staff would be so kind and helpful. This knowledge would have made me less anxious about the interview." Report Response
"Overall this was a positive experience for me. I was given a tour of the medical school campus and most interesting the gross anatomy laboratory. Each person from U.B. Med, from the librarian to the Computer laboratory personnel to the the admissions staff to the interviewers were positive and that made me more positive." Report Response
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