4 out of 10
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"Describe research experiments." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What fields are you interested in?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why Wash U?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about your research. (I like to talk about my research)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Nothing...pretty standard." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read my interviewers bio online, read info about Wash U, went to the website, read current news articles, asked my Olin Buddy some questions, reviewed my AMCAS, looked over SDN" Report Response
"Everything!!!!! I loved loved LOVED Wash U, even more than I expected to!! My interviewer was very nice and well-organized, and she was the one who gave the intial info speech, so she was very helpful in answering my questions. She even printed out info about a faculty member there for me to contact about research! Students were wonderful, and I could easily be friends with everyone I met. The hospitals were absolutely gorgeous/fantastic. Lunch was great (hot food, and nice 3rd years to talk to). They give you dinner the night before and breakfast the day of. My Olin Buddy was perfectly matched for me...seriously, we were like the same person! I ended up being the only one on my tour, and it lasted for over an hour, and my tour guide introduced me to doctors in the hospital and even offered to buy me coffee :) Wash U the most accommodating, welcoming school I've been to...and they don't even have to be b/c they make their big cut after interviews! I love them so much, and I miss being there." Report Response
"Nothing at all. Even if the weather's bad (which it was), you can get anywhere staying indoors, so you never have to go out in the cold if you don't want to." Report Response
"No need to bring your own sheets, pillowcases, or towels (unless you want a hair towel like I did) if you stay in Olin. Everything they give you is actually really clean." Report Response
"Pizza party (with really good pizzas, like BBQ chicken!) the night before, met Olin Buddy and friends and they showed me the anatomy lab and other stuff, stayed in Olin that night, breakfast the next day, info session was good, some down time (but it was spent well, talking to students who were really helpful and nice), interview, fantastic lunch (talked to a 3rd yr for over an hr b/c he didn't want to go back to hosp :) ), personal tour, very sad to leave" Report Response
10 out of 10
Out of state
4-6 hours
At school facility
9 out of 10
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