How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
1.33 | 228 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 195 |
Negatively | 8 |
No change | 25 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
2.61 | 223 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.42 | 154 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.06 | 132 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 0 |
Virtual | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 0 |
20 minutes | 3 |
25 minutes | 2 |
30 minutes | 15 |
35 minutes | 14 |
40 minutes | 20 |
45 minutes | 27 |
50 minutes | 41 |
55 minutes | 2 |
60+ minutes | 105 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 226 |
At a regional location | 1 |
At another location | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 221 |
In a group | 5 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 220 |
Closed file | 3 |
Response Average | # Responders |
1.33 | 228 |
"(Just a note, 1 session is open file and the other is closed.) Tell me about [this unique hobby]?"
"They do not have pre-planned questions for interviewers. Some interviewers like to ask ethical questions: If you saw an attending mistreating a patient with a disability, will you, a lowly medical student, do anything?"
"Tell me about your self. What do you like me to know?"
""The more you tell me about yourself, the less questions I have to ask you. So, tell me about your life and how and why you're here now.""
"What are you up to these days?"
"So, tell me about yourself."
"Where did you hear about WashU?"
"What is a scape goat (part of a story the interviewer was telling me) He tended to ramble about things and I felt like I didn't get to talk as much as I would have liked."
"What books have you read recently?"
"How did you become interested in medicine?"
"Tell me about X activity on your AMCAS application."
"What do you think about the current health care reform? (The question was pretty broad. I was just asked about my opinion and we didn't go in to too much detail)"
"Have you always wanted to be a doctor?"
"Interviewer #1: What haven't you done? How is your (basic science) research relevant to medicine? Why did you apply to WUSTL? "
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
"what do u see yourself in medicine"
"I couldn't imagine how an interview could be less stressful. Both interviewers were genuinely interested in what I had to say and made me feel completely relaxed as soon as I stepped into their offices. I wasn't even asked why medicine or why washu (a question I was dreading to answer since washu is pretty traditional). We really just talked about interesting things that would pop up in the conversation, or things they found interesting from my file (they really read it carefully beforehand). However they did ask me in depth questions about my research. Overall the best interview experience I have had so far."
"What have you been doing since graduation? We then went into a very in depth conversation about my current work."
"Tell me about your research at each lab you've worked in (had to go down to extreme detail, so know your stuff!)"
"Lot's of questions about academic background and activities."
"Mostly conversational. Things on my AMCAS application"
"Can you explain how you got your last name to me? It doesn't sound very African and I'll have to explain it to the admissions committee."
"Why St. Louis? What are your hobbies? Research?"
"Have you traveled abroad? Did this experience teach you any lessons about cultural diversity?"
"What are your thoughts on McCain/Obama health care policies?"
"About me, my research, my interests. Didn't ask me at all about medicine. Really relaxed."
"What do you think of St. Louis?"
"Tell me about what you did after high school. "
"Tell me about x experience"
"Tell us more about (your app experince)..."
"Tell me your life story. "
"Tell me about growing up in [the country where I grew up] and how you ended up in [my undergraduate school]"
"Why medicine?"
"The very first question I was asked was, ''What brings you to WashU?''"
"i thought i wrote about this alread..."
"I saw you read such-and-such book that you talk about in your essay, tell me more about it."
"Tell me about [insert AMCAS experience]."
"Any siblings?"
"Case study referenced earlier."
"See questions above..."
"What do you like to do in your spare time?"
"Why did you take a Buddhism class?"
"(1) Tell me about your research"
"''What about your clinical volunteer experiences negatively surprised you about medicine?''"
"What has been a very hard decision for you?"
"Tell me about X from AMCAS (literally almost the entire interview was me talking about each and every one of my AMCAS experiences!)"
"Tell me about x, y & z experience (from AMCAS)."
"Why do you want to become a doctor?"
"Tell me about your parents."
"Why did you choose your undergrad school >? (Some no name public school)"
"why wash u (even the students that go there told me to be prepared for this), why medicine"
"Tell me about this activity/award/research/experience."
"Tell me about your passion to become a Physician Do you have any interests outside of medicine?"
"Describe research experiments."
"What is the last book you've read?"
"tell me about X "
"Was your dad being a dr a positive, negative, or neutral influence on your entering medicine?"
"Problems in health care and how to address them?"
"What is your crowning achievement so far?"
"Why are you vegetarian?"
"About my family"
"What do you do for fun?"
"Tell me about _______ experience (for all my research and extracurriculars)"
"Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years?"
"tell me about your family"
"What do you think about universal healthcare?"
"How do you feel about all the vulgarity on television?"
"Describe the process of how you decided to become a doctor."
"(My interviewer had thoroughly looked over my application--he had four pages of handwritten notes/questions to ask me.) "When did you come to the United States?" (Apparently, WashU is big on diversity and not afraid to show it. My interviewer said that many of the applicants/students were born in another country and immigrated to the US.)"
"tell me about your parents"
"What do you do in your downtime? (I read.)...So what are the last three books you read and enjoyed?"
"tell me about yourself. about your typical day."
"What do you do outside of school?"
"how did you decide to pursue medicine as a career?"
"tell me about yourself (life history basically)"
"Why Wash U?"
"Why WashU?"
"Why did you come to Washington University as an undergraduate?"
"Describe __________ experience."
"Tell me about your undergraduate classes"
"What do you do in your spare time?"
"Describe the experience that first sparked your interest in medicine."
"Tell me about experience A."
"Why did you look at ________ in your project...what do you hope to accomplish (from my research)?"
"What do you plan on doing with your musicianship while in medicine?"
"Defend both sides of the stem cell research argument."
"From your application, and the way that you present yourself, it seems that you are pretty competitive. Would you agree with such a comment?"
"tell me about how you decided to become a doctor"
"What other schools did you apply to?"
"tell me about how you got interested in medicine"
"tell me about your research, x/c's, etc. nothing that's not been asked before - and most were drawn from my file. that was a plus, that my interviewer had obviously read my file."
"Tell me about your high school? College?(why did you go there)"
"Tell me more about your research."
"So, do you have any questions about Wash U?"
"What are you looking for in a med school?"
"Tell me about your research."
"So, what have you been up to?"
"the rest of the questions were typical. why do you want to go into medicine?"
"What got you interested in community service?"
"What questions do you have for me?"
"What are you views on when life beings?"
"What do you know about healthcare trends?"
"What do you want to talk about?"
"see above - also, are you from a huggy kissy family?"
"Tell me about your research experience?"
"what is the role of the doctor in the community?"
"Tell about your research"
"What was your research experience?"
"Which community related activities would you be interested in (Med)?"
"Why medicine? What specialties interest you?"
"why doctor?"
"have you had any long-term relationships with a physician?"
"Clinical experience?"
"What are some of your concerns about healthcare issues?"
"The above and, Trace your past experiences and let me know how they led to medicine (standard question)."
"Most about specific experiences during my undergrad"
"Normal questions. Don't worry... just look over your AMCAS app and supp. "
"is anyone in your family in medicine?"
"Biographical questions like, Do you have any siblings and what are they doing? What do your parents do?"
"name your biggest strength and weakness."
"You are 60 and looking back at your career. What have you accomplished?"
"Tell me about xyz extracurriculars."
"How did you choose your undergraduate institution/major? "
"Which extracurricular activities do you think you would be interested in participating in if you come here? (Really look at their website)"
"How did you write your AMCAS personal statement?"
"What do you think about the Medicare bill?"
"why do you want to be a doctor"
"Related to my medical school app."
"nothing... very conversational, all based on my AMCAS app."
"All the questions were based on information from my file."
"if only I had been asked specific questions!"
"How do you relax?"
"Who is your favorite greek philosopher?"
"Have you been to St. Louis before? Why Wash U?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"Tell me about your research"
"Tell me about this project you did in your humanities class."
"Tell me about yourself"
"see above for my 2 big questions; everything else was really just minor"
"What leadership roles have you had, and what have you learned from them?"
"Tell me why you think medicine is for you."
"application stuff"
"Do you have any close friends?"
"Tell me about your family?"
"elaboration/informal discussion of life experiences in application"
"Very conversational interview, most questions specific to my app."
"Very few typical questions were asked. The only one I remember being a prepared question was "where do you see yourself in 10 years?" It was essentially an hour long informal conversation."
"What makes you think that you would make a good doctor?"
"Tell me about your research-- know it well!!! "
"Tell me about your research, why did you choose that lab?"
"What can you contribute to our entering class?"
"This really wouldn't help as every question was directly off of my application. It was just pleasant and conversational."
"are you close with your mother/father/brothers and sisters and what do they do for a living?"
"Tell me about your family."
"Questions about my thesis?"
"Tell me about yourself and how you became interested in medicine."
"Talk about your mentor/tutoring experience."
"Why MD/PhD"
"what are some problems that arise when biologists and statiticians work together"
"See Above"
"Why did you choose your undergrad school?"
"About 2 courses on my transcript."
"How did you learn about Wash U?"
"Typical questions about my application"
"Do you know what specialties you're interested in?"
"We look for people who will become more than just a doctor, how have you exemplified your potential to do so?"
"Why did you take your MCAT four times?"
""How much do you want to go to this school?""
"Was there anything that made you hesitate about going into medicine?"
"Technical question about my research"
"Is there anything you want me to know?"
"How do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"How did you find out about Washington University?"
"Second interview was 30 minutes of me asking questions. Not everyone has a second interview, its random and for some internal check of their system, to make sure 1 interview is adequate. The man was very nice and convinced me how great Wash U is."
"What do you think about healthcare reform?"
"Why are your grades lower than your MCAT score?"
"If I thought my mom was proud of me, and if my brother and I let her know we appreciated her support."
"Why do you want to attend Washington University in St. Louis?"
"Tell me about your family. Why do both you and your sister want to become physicians? Why medicine and was there an epiphany that substantiated your decision?"
"Interviewer #2 (quality control--closed file) Tell me about yourself & your activities. Strengths & weaknesses. How are you going to deal with the pt population in St Louis?"
"What factors have influenced your decision to pursue medicine?"
"Tell me about your family/ Do you have any siblings?"
"Tell me about x activity."
"What made you interested in medicine?"
"i heard u do research work on nanoparticles"
"Can you tell me about your research?"
"why do you like to do [varsity sport]? What are you planning on doing this summer?"
"Asked about what I did over the summer."
"Tell us about your family. Most significant activity."
"Often, in science, we start down the wrong path, and an important consideration is recognizing where you've gone wrong and when to start over. Can you think of any times in college when you've had this experience?"
"What are my hobbies?"
"Tell me about your research."
"Why medicine?"
"What interested you in Washington University?"
"what doctors did you shadow"
"If you could make one change to health care policy, what would it be?"
"What are some current problems in medicine?"
"Tell me about your family."
"What happened in this class - how did you end up with a D amongst all these other stellar grades?"
"Tell me about your research experience."
"It was more of a conversation, we talked about one of my activities."
"What are the 3 most important things in your life?"
"Specific questions on my research which, in retrospect, were very fair."
"Why WashU?"
"Ethical question about 15yo girl who gets pregnant and wants abortion"
"Do you think there's anything wrong with the health care system in the U.S.? If so, how would you go about repairing it?"
"Questions about my amcas and experiences in college."
"Do you have any doubts about being a doctor?"
"Tell me about how running factors into your life."
"(2) I see you've taken a lot of non-science classes tell me about these"
"''Tell me about your family... your parents, your grandparents.'' "
"What are you most proud of from you college years?"
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"Why Washington U & St. Louis?"
"What do you think you want to specialize in?"
"How did you decide to go to (my undergrad)?"
"Tell me your most challenging/difficult experience"
"Why did you not do any research?"
"and they told me to be preapred for ''do you have any questions for me''"
"What are you looking for in a medical school?"
"Why medicine and why here at WashU? (They know the schools and cities they're competing against, so you better have a good answer to the latter half.)"
"What's your hometown like?"
"What would you do about the problem of the uninsured? What do you do to relax?"
"What fields are you interested in?"
"What do you do in your free time?"
"tell me about Y "
"Why do you like Wash U?"
"tell me about yourself (one interview was closed file)"
"What to do about health care disparities?"
"How do you work in groups?"
"Why did you take a course on indian classical music?"
"What will you bring to the class?"
"About my volunteer exp."
"Most other questions were not generally applicable"
"What field are you interested in?"
"Do you think there is such a thing as too much tolerance?"
"What did you think of the tour?"
"why med"
"What do you do with your friends?"
"Why do you want to go into medicine?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"Tell me about your research...I work with fungi, so it gets interesting :-)"
"what do you want me to know that i can't get by reading your application?"
"What have you learned from...research, clinical exposure, college, etc."
"why medicine? why washu?"
"Who're your favorite authors?"
"what would you do if you could not go into medicine?"
"What do you do for fun"
"what do you do outside of the classroom?"
"Why medical school?"
"Why did you pick your undergraduate institution and what was your best experience there?"
"Why do you want to be a doctor?"
"Tell me about your community involvement"
"Tell me about this activity"
"Tell me about experience B."
"What do you like to do in your spare time?"
"Why did you choose your undergraduate school?"
"Why do you want to be a physician?"
"What do you think about physician-assisted suicide? Should the doctor's personal beliefs have any influence on the patient's decision? Should a med school applicant's personal beliefs affect his/her chances of getting into med school?"
"What is one personal attribute that you are particularily fond of, and you think would be to your benefit as a physician? What is one personal attribute that you think you need to work on, in order to develop into a good physician?"
"tell me about x extracurricular you were involved in"
"Tell me about your experiences abroad."
"what books do you like to read"
"When did you become inclined to become a physician?"
"Tell me about your exchange program."
"Tell me about yourself."
"Would you like to come to WashU?"
"Explain your volunteer experiences."
"Where else did you apply? Where else did you receive interviews? What interviews have you been on? (Totally f-ing inappropriate questions asked by BOTH interviewers)."
"what books have you read lately?"
"how did your life affect your career path?"
"How did you decide that you wanted to be a doctor?"
"Is anyone in your family in medicine?"
"What was the last movie you saw?"
"Are there physicians in your family? Have you had contact with physicians?"
"Why be a doctor and not head of some non-profit corporation?"
"tell me more about blank on you AMCAS"
"Is there anything that you would like to talk about? (toward the beginning of the interview)"
"how did you decide you want to be a doctor?"
"What area of medicine do you want to go into?"
"What do you do in your spare time?"
"Tell me about your research?"
"What have you done to learn more about medicine?"
"what book have you read recently that you like?"
"Research experience?"
"Have you been pleased with your undergrad choice?"
"Is there anything else you want to tell me about yourself?"
"do you have any questions for me?"
"Tell me about your summer jobs."
"When did you get interested in medicine as a career?"
"Greatest stregths, greatest weakness"
"What do you do to handle stressful situations/times?"
"Should a doctor's personal morals/beliefs interfere with treating a patient? (physician assisted suicide, abortion...)"
"Do you prfer the Canadian medical system to the American (I'm Canadian)?"
"Would you ever perform euthanasia on a patient? Why/why not?"
"Tell me your life story."
"What is one positive aspect about you/one of your greatest strengths?"
"Discuss your progression through college."
"Tell me about your research. (incidentally, I got paired up with interviewers with similar academic interests to me...I think they do this purposely)"
"What do you like about Wash U?"
"What else do you like to do?"
"What extracurricular has meant the most to you?"
"Tell me about your volunteer work"
"Tell me about your degree program."
"Why Wash U?"
"What community service activity had the most impact on you?"
"What do you like to read? (One of my recommenders brought up a paper I wrote about F. Scott Fitzgerald, so we talked about that quite a bit.)"
"What things are you looking for in a medical school?"
"What will be the hardest part about medicine?"
"Why do you want to become a doctor? "
"Have you had any experience working with disadvantaged people?"
"How did you find " so and so" class? Be ready to discuss the classes you've taken and choices you've made. "
"What's your view of St. Louis versus larger cities as far as lifestyle goes? "
"Is there anything in particular you want to tell me?"
"what do you like to do for fun/in your free time and update me on what you have done since graduation?"
"What type of medicine are you interested in?"
"Why medicine (obligatory)?"
"Why did you major in economics?"
"talk about your research."
"What do you do during freetime? (MD interview)"
"what is wallerian degredation"
"What are some leadship experiences you have had?"
"What kinds of volunteer activities have you been involved with? "
"Tell me about your research"
"Tell me about yourself."
"Briefly describe your research."
"What challenges do you think you will encounter when coming to the school?"
"Given your clinical experience, do you have any reservation about going into medicine?"
"Tell me about X experience."
"Why do you want to do medicine instead of research?"
"Tell me about X experience"
"Tell me about an experience in your PS."
"Tell me about experience X"
"What should I know about you?"
"What do you think of Wash U/St. Louis so far?"
"What do you think of Thoroughbred racing (I detest it). I'm sure this has to do with the fact that I was a ranch hand for six years."
"Do you know what type of medicine you're interested in?"
"Do you have any questions for me? ( I was asked this 3 times)"
"About activities and research"
"What was you favorite undergraduate class? Why?"
"what do you think of the health care (of diff countries)"
"Can you tell me about some of your volunteering work?"
"So with all of the things you've done, when did you have time for fun? What did you do for fun? "
"How my experiences have prepared me for a career in medicine."
"How would your friends describe you?"
"Do you speak any foreign languages?"
"Why did I apply to WashU?"
"Where do your see yourself in 10 years?"
"What can I tell you about Wash U or St. Louis?"
"Is there anything else about your application you want to discuss (at the end of interview)?"
"Tell about your research (i'm a research technician)"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"What qualities and talents of yours made you think medicine was the best choice for you?"
"What do you do for fun?"
"What made you switch from Computer Science to medicine?"
"What do you do to relax/how do you deal with stress?"
"What else can I tell you?"
"The rest was very conversational so I don't remember specifics. It was a while back too!"
"Second interview: What do you think of the relationship between doctors and pharmaceutical companies? (brought up as I mentioned my internship experience at a large pharmaceutical company)"
"What research have you done? What community service?"
"How has your major (Psychology) prepared you for medicine, and would you like to use it in your future specialty?"
"Any updates to your amcas?"
"Asked about specific activities."
"What was your favorite science class and why?"
"(3) What do you think of living in the you find it to be a little behind the rest of the country?"
"Lots of questions directly relating to what you indicated on your application. Both of my interviewers thorougly read my application and knew a LOT about me long before I walked into the interview room. ''So tell me about this book you read...'' (That was my personal statement topic)"
"Where do you see medicine advancing too?"
"What do you like to do to relax?"
"What's the most interesting non-science class you've taken?"
"What makes you think you'll be a good physician?"
"Talk about a book you read in this english class."
"Do you even know what academic medicine is? (I had said that I wanted to do clinical research and academic medicine)"
"tell me about ''insert amcas experience''"
"Do you think you would want to have a private practice or work in a hospital setting?"
"What is wrong with American healthcare?"
"Do you have any questions or topics of dicussion for me?"
"Tell me about some of the challenges you faced from being an immigrant--Um do you have seven years to hear my story? I did not say that ofcourse."
"tell me about Z"
"She just asked abt activities from my AMCAS. And she even printed out info abt a dr at Wash U whom I could contact abt interviewer rocked!!"
"what is the most significant experience you've had in deciding to go into meds"
"What to do about physicians accepting things from pharmaceutical companies?"
"Do you have any hidden talents?"
"About my free time."
"When/how did you come to choose medicine?"
"What else do you like to do?"
"Tell me about one of the most exciting things you've ever done."
"tell me about this activity"
"Describe some of your most important experiences."
"Did you find any huge differences between health care in America vs. France while you were there?"
"Now that you've seen the campus and talked with students, what are your opinions/thoughts about WashU?"
"So you were accepted to WashU undergrad and offered a scholarship--why didn't you come? Luckily, I had an answer prepared for this one, and he remarked that I did the right thing/what he would have done.)"
"tell me about a non science class"
"Suppose you are 70 years old, and you look back on your life and say "I've lived a great life." What have you done to make you say this?"
"what important lessons did you learn from your research experiences?"
"How are you? (Really... it was just very conversational)"
"what do you do to chill out? "
"what do you think of bush"
"favorite/least favorite class"
"How did you pick medicine?"
"What do you perceive as the largest problem in health care today?"
"Tell me about linguistics"
"Do you have any questions"
"What are some challenges you foresee when you will be practicing medicine?"
"Tell me about experience C. (i added my own agenda for each experience, like how i got into it, why i did it, what i got out of it)"
"Do you have any questions you'd like to ask me?"
"What are you looking for in a medical school?"
"I can't remember any other ones. None owere too difficult. "
"Why take a year off before going to med school? Is it selfish to do so?"
"Do you have any other questions? Do you have any other questions? (Both interviewers asked me this about 4 times. Moreover, the tour guide and the attending with whom I asked lunch kept asking this. It seemed more like I was interviewing them, and not the opposite)."
"what do you do in your free time? what do you do to relieve stress?"
"why not md/phd"
"Do you have any questions for me?"
"Do most people from your program go into medical school? (my program is "Health and Disease")"
"What is your family like?"
"Personal questions specific to my application. "
"Why did you choose your undergraduate institution, knowing it was not as highly respected as others you were accepted to?"
"What else do you want to know about Washington, besides anything regarding student life, academics, research, and the city of St. Louis because I don't want to talk about any of that??? (Ummm...WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO ASK THEN???)"
"tell me about your musical involvement"
"who do you look up to and why?"
"Is there anything else that you'd like to see in the hospital?"
"What do you do to relax?"
"What clinical experiences have you had?"
"What do you like to do outside of work?"
"do you think that there is any way to improve the medical care of people currently on medicaid and medicare?"
"What kind of doctor do you want to be? "
"how would you deal with someone else's pain?"
"Tell about _____ activity"
"What books have you recently read? (He specifically asked if I'd read any Russian fiction)"
"Why Wash U?"
"Questions about my job, senior project, etc. from AMCAS."
"are you interested in any particular specialty? why?"
"Why Medicine?"
"tell me about: (all sorts of stuff I'd written about in my apps)"
"Do you have any more questions for me?"
"that was it! then it was all small talk"
"Which one of your extracurricular activities did you enjoy the most and why?"
"What is the single thing about you that makes you a great applicant?"
"When you are stressed, who is the first person you would turn to?"
"How did you become interested in medicine?"
"A scenario question: you've been assigned a project that involves sex education (to reduce STDs) in a country where the culture discourages discussion about sex. What will you do?"
"How can you convince me that you're not going into medicine just because you have other family members that are?"
"What makes you think you belong in St. Louis?"
"What was one of your favorite classes and why?"
"Lots of research oriented ques."
"Do you see yourself as a leader?"
"Questions about my research."
"Questions about my senior thesis"
"Tell me about your family."
"Why Wash U"
"Tell me about your research."
"How do you handle stress?"
"What do you see yourself doing in 20 years."
"Tell me about your experiences with physicians."
"What do you do in your free time?"
"Tell me about your family, how has being in a medical family affected you?"
"What made you apply to Wash U?"
"how did you decide to apply to Wash U?"
"What made you decide research wasn't right for you?"
"Tell me about your research. Do you think you would be more interested in research or clinical medicine?"
"How did your parent/upbringing influence your decision."
"How to experimentally test your model?"
"will you work in my lab?"
"How did you choose your major?"
"Do you have any special talents? (they have to write this on their form)"
"Tell me about your family"
"What is your favorite song?"
"Do you have any reservation about going into medicine?"
"What is an aspect of the world or culture you would like to change?"
"nothing too unusual"
"What are you looking for in a med school?"
"Musicians are like doctors. Why?"
"Questions about my family. He seemed to find a kindred spirit in my mom. It was nice talking about her."
"If you couldn't be a doctor, what would you be?"
"How do you compare the health care system in the country you lived as compared to the US. ( This came up because I spent some time in another country)"
"Isn't frisbee the perfect sport for dogs?"
"So how did you decide that psychology was not your calling? (I mentioned that I tried out a lot of fields before medicine)"
"Which hero/superhero do you like the most?"
"Do you like science fiction? (we were talking about relativity, black holes, and time warps)"
"what do u see yourself in medicine (cuz i never thot of it)"
"Why are you proud of yourself? How would you change the washu curriculum (this popped up only because we were talking about the subject)"
"Of all the schools you've gotten in to, which is your top choice? (this one surprised me)"
"What did you learn from your doctor shadowing experience?"
"Got into a discussion about a subject that the interviewer and I are both passionate about."
"How would your friends describe you?"
"Nothing in particular. There weren't many actual questions it is more conversational."
"Life/work balance"
"When you moved away for college did you have an emotional struggle with a relationship break-up? (not without context--his daughter suffered from some sort of depression because of that situation....but it was still a little odd)"
"Why are you interested in coming to WashU for medical school?"
"Tell me more about your research project, and how it relates to medicine?"
"Nothing that stood out, it was just all very conversational."
"How do you think the culture in St. Louis compares to that in other places you've lived?"
"How have your experiences validated your choice of medicine as a career?"
"Nothing was that interesting...."
"Nothing interesting. We mostly just talked."
"What would you do if you couldn't do medicine?"
"My entire interview was kind of random actually. We started off discussing ancient Greek history..."
"Nothing interesting, just run of the mill questions"
"What kind of music do you enjoy?"
"How has your school contributed to its surrounding community?"
"What did you learn from your ER volunteer experience?"
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
"What do you recommend we do to change the shortage of doctors in underserved areas?"
"(1) Who would you rather vote for this candidate or this candidate (2) Why do you think youth these days aren't into political protest"
"If you could change anything about your hometown, what would it be?"
"What accomplishment are you most proud of?"
"What do you think about the recent hospital consolidations proposed in NYC (where I live)?"
"Tell me about the political situation in Mexico today (I wrote about being a 1st generation American in my personal statement)."
"Do you have any reservations about coming to St. Louis?"
"what do you mean by cultural competency? why is this important? why should I bother?"
"What is the difference between the health care system in your country and in the US and how would you change both."
"None, they all were killer questions. "
"Something like: do you think your ethics/morals or your patients' wishes are more important?"
"What's your favorite poem and why? (Interviewer's daughter is an English professor and he saw that I'm currently in a poetry class)"
"Tell me about your hometown."
"Why did you choose to go to NYU's Summer Program? "
"Normal stuff."
"Tell me about your research. (I like to talk about my research)"
"Nothing out of the ordinary."
"nothing specific"
"How did [experience mentioned in AMCAS essay] affect your ability to do your work and all of your activities? (This was a good q for me b/c it's something I specifically wanted to address to prove it wasn't a weakness.)"
"this is your time to really let them know what you're about, so make sure you can articulate your application well. that can be difficult if you are caught off-guard."
"What to do about health care disparities?"
"Some people wonder if its worth saving premature babies who won't have a very good quality of life--do you have an opinion on this? (or something to that effect)"
"He asked my about politics and vegetarianism."
"What do you do for fun?"
"About "
"Most of the questions were tailored to my AMCAS application...I don't think many were generally applicable"
"Whether a well known personality is still alive. Caught me completely off guard."
"How did reading the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe compare now as an adult to when you read it as a child?"
"What do you think about the theory that says the language that uses clicks in central africa was the predecessor of all modern languages?"
"tell me about your family"
"Are you popular/do you have many friends?"
"If you were selected to choose three items for a time capsule to be opened in 500 years, what would you pick?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"Martini? (after I said no thanks to coffee and tea)"
"Do you read Harry Potter?"
"tell me what do you think people's impression of your home as separate island entities vary from your own impression."
"What do you like about Southern Literature?"
"What do you think of the current administration"
"nothing too interesting, just general "tell me about yourself" kind of stuff. "
"What do you think are the major issues surrounding physician-assisted suicide?"
"Tell me more about medical anthropology."
"Discuss the pros and cons of physician assisted suicide."
"Follow-up question to discussion of a class I took: Some say that Locke's writings were based on Plato's, what do you think? Who would you say would most likely agree with Plato-- Hobbes or Locke?"
"How do you think English classes will help you in a career in medicine?"
"Nothing that interesting, just went down my list of ECs and had me explain each."
"Do you think the learning of languages is linked to the learning of music theory? (Question was asked as a follow-up to my response regarding my language studies.)"
"Very general interview"
"Questions about my research"
"Why did you want to stop playing music in a band?"
"Tons of ethics and health policy questions regarding California, my home state."
""I didn't get to read your file, so where are you from?"(I mean do I really want this guy to present me to the admissions committee. He came in 45 minutes late too)."
"Tell me about the economics / politics of the places you've lived in."
"What classes did you seem to have the most trouble in college and why?"
"nothing interesting"
"nothing extraordinary"
"After your college experience, what would you look back and say you wish you could have done?"
"Would you like to grab some cookies from our holiday party before you leave?"
"It was actually not a question - it was "I wasn't good at physics, either!" How do you respond to that? "
"Can't remember the exact wording, but something about race relations in Mississippi (my home state)."
"I really couldn't understand my interviewers' questions. I thought they were asking questions, but then they seemed to turn into lectures, or self-guided commentary."
"nothing super interesting"
"What makes a good medical student and what qualities do you have that would make you a good student next year."
"Do you know the origin of the word "migraine"? (I have them...)"
"So he started by asking me what questions I had for him and this is why my interview was so short."
"About my views on when life begins (related to thesis research)"
"Questions regarding my research. "
"My interviewer didn't really ask any questions. It was really laid back, and we just chatted about random stuff for over half an hour."
"My interviewer asked me a total of three questions, all listed below. I was the one asking questions. "
"if you were in an interview and the interviewer had something in his or her teeth and you thought you were going to crack up would you tell her/him about it?>"
""Would you write me a sentence in Cherokee?" (I had taken 3 semesters)"
"How would you handle someone else's pain?"
"Is there anything about your application that you'd like to clarify? (likely bc of my below avg GPA)"
"What was your research experience?"
"About my research."
"The interviewer asked me a bunch of physics questions because he was trying to help his son with his homework. (I was an engineering major and have taught physics.)"
"I think he talked about things that had to do with my ethnic background. Not personally, just general stuff. That was interesting."
"why do you think the US is so hated around the world? and then ... so what do you think? (this sortof arose out of a discussion we were having)"
"standard questions"
"nothing too out of the ordinary to report"
"Why did you apply to two schools? You should have applied to more! (I know, but I hold a teaching appointment and a research appointment at the university!)"
"So, you have lived outside the U.S. How was that?"
"No particularly interesting questions. The interview was conversational for the most part."
"The questions were basic questions; nothing was out of the ordinary."
"There are a lot of applicants who take a year off before medical school. Do you think this indicates a lack of motivation? Do you think it might even be selfish? (I am taking a year off.)"
"Do you have any regrets about your undergrad experience?"
"What are some drawbacks that you see in a career in medicine?"
"What books have you read recently?"
"How did your hometown get it's name?"
"What do you think of Kofi Anang? (Don't worry, I have relevant UN stuff, and it evolved out of another question)"
"the most difficult one"
"What do you think about the Medicare bill? (i have relevant things on my application; I expected this question)"
"Questions about whether a doctors religous views should override his duties as a doctor. e.g. abortion"
"How do you react to adversity?"
"Interview was purely conversation and based on my background and application. My interviewer had actually gone through my app and taken a page worth of hand-written notes on me, so he knew me particularly well and tailored the interview around me so it was very laid back."
"The interview had read my file and annotated it! I would suggest that you definitely review every piece of info you sent in to them to refresh your own memory. There were mostly questions about my childhood (I wrote about it in my secondary)"
"what were your mcat scores again? and your gpa? (shouldn't this be in my file?)"
"Do you hold a grudge against your dad (he's a doctor) for his long working you feel he hasn't been there for you?"
"Have bicyle tires improved as much as car tires have in terms of avoiding flats?"
"All pertained to my research."
"Have you seen "Kill Bill?" (We had been talking about my thesis, which was on film)"
"What's your recipe for lamb?"
"What is fencing?"
"Where have you been scuba diving?"
"What would you say if you wanted to sell your undergraduate school to a prospective student? What do you like least about your school?"
"What was the hardest thing about being a resident advisor?"
"Honestly, the 2 hardest questions she asked was: 1.) why are you applying to med school and 2.) what did you do in college? Really straight-forward."
"How do you handle stress as it relates to seeing other people in pain? "
"What is the best movie you've seen lately"
"What haven't we talked about that we need to?"
"Have you ever failed?"
"How do you think the low ratio of females to males (1:8) has affected your social interaction?"
"He literally flipped through my file, and just asked about stuff as he saw it."
"How did you find Japanese people to be? (I lived inJapan for a year)"
"interview was based on life experiences in application, and sharing/comparison of those experiences with that of the interviewer."
"What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?"
"Have you ever been iceboating? (related to the fact that I'm from Minnesota)"
"Tell me about yourself?"
"Who do you think should be responsible for the regulation of the use of the knowledge gained from stem cell research, genetic engineering . . . (Came out of a conversation we were having)"
"Are you aware of the positive and negative ways in which health care had changed in the past twenty years?"
"Why I thought marine organisms hold the most potential for cancer treatments (part of my research...don't worry)."
"Tell me about Spain (study abroad)."
"Why is medicine more of a business in Asian countries than in the United States? (Don't worry -- This came out of a discussion we were having... I brought up the topic due to background)"
"Why shouldn't North Korea have nuclear weapons?"
"what I thought the patients (at a particular hospital where I had volunteered) wanted from me, what were they looking for"
"Discuss how your time in London affected your perspective on different types of medical systems."
"Lots of questions about my thesis?"
"None really--pretty straightforward questions."
"Why do you think there is a disparity in health care amongst blacks and other minorities?"
"Nothing interesting--the interviewer basically dissected my AMCAS and supplementary, point by point."
"Arcane research questions...can't remember the details. I think I did ok in the group interview."
"can a man call himself a feminist? (md interview - my history deg conentrates in gender and intl human rights). "
"What was your most excellent experience?"
"how have parents affected your decision to pursue medicine"
"How has September 11th affected you and your generation?"
"I was asked about my views on patients with Alzheimer's but this was related to my personal statement"
"General questions about my hobbies, interests, and jobs"
"What in the medical news was interesting"
"Tell me about a time you either stepped up into a leadership position or stepped down from one and how you handled the transition."
"Why did you study TCM instead of going to medical school directly?"
"Technical question about my research"
"What does patient autonomy mean to you?"
"So, what do you want to talk about?"
"What are three challenges facing healthcare today?"
"How do you think your major (non science) will help you as a physician?"
"They were all very straight forward"
"Why are your grades lower than your MCAT score?"
"Nothing. This was a very relaxed conversation. He even offered me a Coke to drink, bless his heart."
"None. All were straightforward."
"Nothing. The interview was very relaxed- we chatted about the activities on my application and about opportunities at Wash U."
"How would you compare the education system in the country you lived versus in the US. ( This came up because I lived in another country while completing my undergraduate degree)"
"How are you going to deal with the pt population in St Louis?"
"How do you think your experience with baking will help you in your future career?"
"none, it was really conversational"
"No difficult questions"
"what do u see yourself in medicine (cuz i never thot of it) well i knew my intentions, but i have never really rehearsed it so it came out blundering"
"If you were to develop a specific research project what would it be? (again it was very conversational and I comfortably told him that I had not thought about this yet since diff med schools offer different opportunities)"
"When I responded that I would probably do research over the summer, he asked: "why?" "
"What will you bring to WashU?"
"How would your friends describe you?"
"What three specific activities led you to pick your future and specialty?"
"See #2, above."
"Honestly, everything was straightforward"
"Nothing was that difficult."
"Life/work balance"
"Role Play: Obese 15 year old girl and her father. telling her nicely to loose weight"
"A teenage rape victim comes in and find out she's pregnant. What do you counsel her about her options? Why wouldn't you recommend that she have an abortion?"
"Nothing. The interviewer was very chatty and we mostly expanded on things I had done or written in the AMCAS."
"Why did you switch from Computer Science to medicine? (This was only difficult because she asked it so many times with different wording)"
"Nothing really, my interviewers just seemed really interested in my background as a foreign highschoool graduate."
"Why WashU?"
"What would you add to the medical school class."
"How do you see yourself practicing in the future?"
"...then I got grilled over my research=("
"How did your parents' divorce affect you? (I was just caught a little off guard; no real difficult questions)"
"A case study about a young child with sickle-cell, obesity, depression, and lots of other bad stuff going on. How would I try getting through to him in order to help turn his life around?"
"How would you go about the getting rid of healthcare disparities?"
"How do you feel about religion and medicine?"
"Sell yourself. Tell me why you should be admitted to this school."
"Given that the committee doesn't meet until three weeks from now what do you think will make me remember you?"
"(1) Do you have any questions for me? This was after a 1.5 hour tour (3 applicants to one tourguide) and after another interview where i'd asked all my questions...also the questions are heavy into your research"
"What about your personality would make you a good physician?"
"Are doctors in NYC sensitive to issues of race and diversity? If so how?"
"What do you think is the most important public health issue today, and what should we do about it? (I don't think pre-meds are in a position to have all the answers for this one... but I guess if you are familiar with the important topics you should do fine)"
"Nothing overly difficult that I can recall."
"imagine you're the surgeon general. how would you solve obesity?"
"What is the difference between the health care system in your country and in the US and how would you change both."
"What do you know about healthcare. I happened to get an interviewer who was very involved in health care policy."
"Define leadership, why you didn't do research, what does dedication to medicine mean?"
"How do you respond to challenges?"
"Discuss a moral dilemma you've faced."
"What is the biggest problem with the health care system?"
"What would you do to address the problem of the uninsured?"
"Nothing...pretty standard."
"Nothing. All standard. They make a point to keep the interview low stress."
"Nothing difficult. She asked a lot about my research. I feel like it's always impt, in that case, to ask how much experience your interviewer has w/ your particular type of research, to avoid sounding too condescending if he/she knows a lot about it or being completely incomprehensible if he/she has never heard of your stuff."
"what will be the toughest part of going to med school?"
"What to do about health care disparities?"
"What's your greatest weakness?"
"Why did you take these courses?"
"How will society affect your practice?"
"None, really. Everything flowed extremely well, natural conversation."
"What do you think will be the biggest healthcare issue you have to deal with as a physician?"
"Comparisons between healthcare in the US and my home country; comparisons between undergraduate institutions"
"There were really no difficult questions, all the usual questions with some fun ones mixed in."
"None of the questions were difficult."
"why wash u? (for some reason i couldn't remember what to say)"
"What do you think about genetic screening tests?"
"Do you think the the United States' power is declining and that China will surpass us in power?"
"The interview was pretty relaxed -- it was a fun and interesting conversation. There weren't really any hard questions -- we just talked about experiences in my AMCAS application and my plans as a doctor."
"If you were the president of the United States, what would you do about our heathcare system?"
"what would you like me to know that's not already in your application"
"How have you grown and matured during college? Not too difficult but I hadn't anticipated this one so a little thinking on my feet was required..."
"a lengthy discussion on genetics, genomics, and special populations"
"What do you think of the situation in Iraq"
"Do you think that it is selfish for students to take a year or more off between college and medical school?"
"What plans have you envisioned yourself implementing to improve or correct the problem of social inequality in health care?"
"Same as above."
"If I could only have one of my attributes, which would be the most useful in life?"
"none of the questions were particularly difficult. "
"nothing difficult"
"Is there a reason you did not engage in any research?"
"NOthing difficult."
"Nothing; questions were very light and conversational."
"Tell me what experiences brought you to the path of medicine."
"Hypothetical: Prisoner on death row gets a heart transplant (cost to taxpayers: $150K). Dies a few weeks later. Is it a waste of taxpayer money, especially considering that the heart could have gone to an honest, young man with a family and health insurance to pay for the transplant?"
"Would you say that you are a natural-born leader?"
"what sort of medical pratice do you see yourself in in the future?"
"Why do you think people are getting taller?"
"why not md/phd? hard to answer b/c i didn't want to seem like a slacker."
"nothing extraordinary"
"none really, maybe the one about, is there a particular medical issue that you follow on a daily basis?"
"none really ... everything was just about myself and my experiences (personal, research, extra-curriculars) Just be able to expand on your AMCAS application and you should be fine"
"Which issues in medicine concern you most."
"Honestly, it was what I'm looking for in a med school. It doesn't have a discrete answer, since I've never BEEN in med school and I can only guess what will work for me. "
"How would you solve the problem of uninsured Americans?"
"So what did you do in Europe? (after I had answered three times that backpacked through Europe, toured cities museums, met people, sample local cuisine and beer, etc. I really didn't know how else to answer it, but he kept asking)."
"nothing hard"
"same thing"
"Where do you see yourself in 20 years?"
"None were difficult at all"
"Dr. Barrow kept talking about his experiences in medical school in the forties and I was unsure how to respond"
"Questions regarding my research."
"All questions I was asked are listed below."
"what will you tell a patient who asks you to . . .(i cant remember what the exact situation was, but it was basically to commit insurance fraud in order to have some perscription that they needed covered.)"
""Would you write me a sentence in Cherokee?" That was over a year ago and I hadnt practiced it much! "
"How would you handle someone else's pain?"
"Why medical school?"
"No really difficult ones, but probably would be about research."
"No really difficult questions."
"I forgot."
"the what do you think part from above."
"again, nothing too difficult. if i had to pick something i'd say: are you concerned about entering the healthcare field (ie, because of all the "issues" we hear about)"
"Do you know what you're getting yourself into?"
"Realistically, how are you going to combine clinical care with research. (You can't do it all.)"
"No difficult questions."
"I was asked how I would correct current problems in the medical field (ie. uninsured people, malpractice, ect.)"
"Why I received certain grades? (I guess you'll only get this question if you have inconsistencies.)"
"See above"
"If not medical school, then what?"
"What could someone say about you that you would consider hurtful?"
"Tell me about your research (my interviewer was a researcher and asked very in-depth questions about my research)"
"I have read you file, so is there anything else that isn't here you would like me to know? ( this was the first question I was asked as I sat down. Kind of threw me off)."
"Prove to me that you have a sense of humor by telling me a funny story. (What!?)"
"What about your mother? Where is she? (after talking about my father and stepmother but not mentioning my estranged mother)"
"If for some unknown reason, you were prevented from pursuing a career in medicine, what would you do?"
"I wasn't asked any health policy/ethics questions. No really difficult questions. "
"the first question was: do you have any questions"
"What is my greatest strength?"
"Do you plan to do research during med school? (I didn't want to lie, but I'm not really into research, and I didn't want to make a bad impression at a research-intensive school...I ended up saying no)."
"sorry, I know everybody writes this but there really were no hard questions, it was just a pleasant conversation."
"Again, pertained to my research."
"What will you be doing in 15 years? (Nothing too weird)"
"Why medicine?"
"What is your biggest failure?"
"none, it was all conversational, mainly about traveling and scuba diving (because my interviewer is also certified)"
"So St. Ignatius is Catholic? You did well there? How was it going to an all boys school [note, has not been all boys since 1967]?"
"Nothing really difficult."
"nothing was really difficult, everything centered around my application"
"Who is the most influential person in your life and why? (Nothing too difficult)"
"What lead you to decide to become a doctor? Followed by: What lead you to decide to become a doctor? That's so weird to be asked the same question twice..."
"See above- not too tough!"
"See above."
"What do you know about Schitzophrenia?"
"Nothing too difficult. It was really laid back."
"to elaborate on my own observations of immigrants from various locales."
"Same as above"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years? (not that diffiuclt)"
"What is going to be the biggest problem for the future of medicine?"
"Nothing really."
"none really "
"None really. Very laid back."
"What happened on your first MCAT? Do you believe the MCAT is structured to favor males over females?"
"Will you really come out to St. Louis if accepted? (I'm from California)"
"It was very conversational; I really didn't think they tried to make it difficult at all."
"What is the future of medicine (before I answered he admitted that it was not an easy question to answer, but he just wanted to hear what I thought in general)?"
"What was the worst thing that ever happened to you?"
"same thing."
"None really--see above."
"Where do I see myself in 10 years?"
"Can't remember anything that I wasn't able to answer satisfactorily. Though I'm very good at BSing."
"nothing - just relax"
"What can we offer you at Wash U?"
"none difficult--very conversational and low key"
"What would you want to say to the admissions committee?"
"Nothing was really difficult. The interviewer just wanted to get to know me."
"None were particularly difficult -- the interview was very conversational and enjoyable"
"They were typical questions but I guess what is your strength and weaknesses was the toughest...i know its not tough at all"
"Looked at their website"
"I read the information from this website, practice questions on Interview Prep books, and had several mock interview with the advisor at college"
"SDN interview feedback, mock interviews, reading school website"
"Read SDN interview feedback, my app, and Wash U website"
"Read my personal statement."
"Practice interview at my undergrad university."
"Re-read my application, talked to students at the pizza party the night before"
"Mock interviews"
"Mock interview with my school's premed office, reviewed my AMCAS"
"Website, spoke to students at the pizza party"
"WashU Website, SDN, Reviewed AMCAS"
"WashU website and SDN"
"Looking up questions & advice on SDN and other sites, practicing with friends & family"
"Read up about the school online and on the MSAR book."
"Read AMCAS, secondary, website."
"Read over my AMCAS (the interviewer knew my application VERY well- make sure you can talk about anything you wrote), read over my secondary, studied the school's website, read the Dis-orientation guide given to applicants the night before the interview."
"Prepared around 3 questions that I could ask the interviewer. Read about the health care reform. Read about the school. Practiced talking to friends/family. The interview here was pretty chill, so don't worry. Everyone's friendly and they just want to get to know your personality, because that's something they can't read from your file."
"Read through my application"
"Partied all weekend."
"I rehearsed common interview questions and read up about the school on the WUSTL website and SDN forum"
"SDN, application, reading news"
"Read application, Student Doctor Network"
"Three previous interviews."
"SDN, looked over AMCAS, not a lot of prep necessary"
"sdn, read my amcas app and essay to washu, read up interviewer history (plainly academic)"
"Website, SDN (waste of time, didnt really have to prepare)"
"This was the most relaxing interview that I've had all season! Read some feedbacks and maybe review your application, but you shouldn't need more than that."
"Read over AMCAS application, SDN, school's website. "
"SDN, their website"
"SDN interview feedback, read my secondaries for all schools, reviewed AMCAS application, school website."
"This site was very helpful"
"SDN, read my application, read their website."
"I didn't really do anything. It is true that the interviews are very relaxed and conversational. You have the ability to control the direction of the chat. Most of the time, you are talking about yourself, so what would you need to prepare?"
"reading reviews "
"SDN, reviewed information about WUSTL, reviewed the interviewer's CV, reviewed my application materials"
"Read up on school's website and brochure."
"Read SDN, school website, reviewed AMCAS"
"Read about the school, SDN, read my application and essays."
"stayed in dorm so had dinner and breakfast with students"
"SDN, and it was interview #5"
"Read the school's website, talked to current students."
"mock interview, reading ethics book, AMCAS review, buying a suit"
"Practice interview with family. "
"SDN, ethics, WashU website (none of which were necessary)"
"I read general interview questions and looked at the feedback here."
"SDN, went over my AMCAS application, Personal Statement and secondary essays"
"studentdoctor network, MSAR 2004-05, personal statement, supplemantary essay, talking to current students, handbook from school."
"This site, read my essays and AMCAS, talked to students."
"This site."
"this website and the older posts are a must!!"
"AMCAS application"
"prepared outlines for commonly asked questions, read stuff about the school, looked over my app"
"My grandma made me breakfast and I ate it. Also, I stared into the mirror and told myself that I can't blow this interview."
"amcas, secondaries, brochure, internet healthcare sites, uofw bioethics page, mock interview, prayer"
"Reviewed application"
"Researched the school, SDN, read articles."
"Read the guides they gave us, looked at the website, and thought about tough questions they might ask."
",, guide they gave us at olin, guide they mailed me, read over AMCAS, read over research"
"Reread both applications to remember what I said; practiced speaking before going to bed; thought about answers to tough interview questions commonly asked at med school interviews (do research on the Internet to learn what they are)"
"SDN, website, viewbook."
"Read over AMCAS, my secondary, SDN interview feedback, school website, school info (they give you a book about Wash U written by the med students), researched my interviewer."
"SDN forums, school's website, interviewers' bios, re-reading AMCAS app"
"read website, thought of questions, took a yoga class day beforehand."
"SDN, school's website, my app"
"reviewed AMCAS and secondary, read the brochure they sent."
"Just the regular"
"read over amcas stuff, prepared to talk about research, read about the school"
"Looked at this website, the school's website, mock interviews"
"Reviewed AMCAS, browsed interview feedback, and relaxed with another SDNer the night before."
"SDN, the schools website, and other interviews."
"Went over my why WASH U points and the medicine brochure."
"Website, brochures, prayer."
"Read my interviewers bio online, read info about Wash U, went to the website, read current news articles, asked my Olin Buddy some questions, reviewed my AMCAS, looked over SDN"
"Read some SDN. Basically just went over my answers for the common questions."
"read sdn, researched school's website"
"SDN interview feedback, printed lots of info from website, read the materials the admissions office gave us in the down time b4 my interview, talked to students, looked up my interviewer's info, this was my 4th"
"i've had a bunch of interviews, those were enough prep."
"SDN, School Website"
"SDN, read through essays, talked with med students"
"Read int. feedback, SDN, etc."
"Studied website, AMCAS, secondary apps."
"my app, SDN, school website"
"Read SDN, Reread AMCAS, etc. school's website"
"SDN, reviewed AMCAS"
"sdn, amcas, supplemental, school brochure, dialogue with current students, school website, current issues"
"Re-read my secondary essays, my AMCAS, the school website and viewbook, my interviewer's bio"
"browse feedback, review app"
"Read SDN feedback and my AMCAS application"
"i didn't really prepare"
"SDN, talked to students"
"Read my application, looked at the website, talked to some students I knew, and read SDN feedback"
"Read SDN interview feedback, WashU brochures, secondary application & personal statement"
"Read over my AMCAS, extra WashU essays, and SDN feedback."
"SDN, school brochures"
"review AMCAS and supplemental apps, review common interview question guide, school website, SDN"
"SDN, Website, Re-read AMCAS and Secondary, Read materials Wash U sent out"
"read sdn, read about the school"
"read over stuff about the school"
"Read studentdoctor, my AMCAS, the school website"
"Read SDN, read WashU website, reviewed AMCAS application"
"Mock interview, practice questions, read over personal statement, asked a million people for help, talked to 3 first year med students, etc. (It was my first interview so I was slightly on edge)"
"School website, books, this site"
"SDN, AMCAS, school website"
"reviewed my application."
"looked over app, sdn, ethics issues"
"I browsed this website, read a medical ethics book, thought of aspects of my personality that I wanted to make sure I got across."
"SDN, reread all secondary essays and primary, school's pamphlet."
"Read, reviewed a brochure from Washington University, prepared a few questions to ask my interviewer."
"read amcas, browsed sdn interview feedback"
"SDN, newspapers"
"this website, school's website"
"didn't really, this was my seventh interviewing experience."
"SDN, website."
"looked over sdn, my application."
"Read the website,, read "understanding health policy", practice questions"
"look at school website"
"read over my file, looked up the school online, spoke to current students"
"read SDN and the school's website. Talked to students that went there"
"just went through my AMCAS application and this website"
"Prepared questions."
"I read the interviewer's papers, contact friends enrolled at the school, read the materials provided and some of the website and look at the feedback on this website. "
"Talked to myself, read sdn, the school website, etc."
"Read SDN, read my application"
"looked over personal statement, research, etc"
"read this stuff"
"this site, reviewed my app, mock interviews, WUSTL's website/brochure"
"Read this website, talked to students there."
"SDN, questions I prepared, etc."
"Standard fair"
"Reread my personal statement. "
"This website, my application, secondary apps from other schools (reminded me of possible stories to tell), my AMCAS app, Wash U website, mock interviews with pre-med advisor, practice questions with friends, etc."
"SND, the school website, looked up my interviewer, reviewed my app"
"Read Application, Reviewed Wash U website and research, Looked up interviewer profile, SDN"
"all of the usual and then went to the pizza party"
"Read pamphlet, brushed up on past research expreiences, read this site"
"Reviewed my file and related research. Read about interviewer's research. Read Wash U website."
"Reviewed viewbook on the plane. (I ran out of time.)"
"I read through viewbook, came up with pros and cons and questions to ask."
"here, wash u website, read over apps, read interviewer bio"
"re-read amcas, download research papers from labs I was interested in (not very useful, but I didn't have an MD or PhD interviewer), looked up my interviewer on the web, read medical ethics/health policy books"
"reviewed school's website, MSAR, US News"
"Read their brochure, review notes from last year, read this website, sleep early"
"usual - school website, this website, my 2ndary, my AMCAS"
"Read AMCAS app, secondary essay."
"website, pamphlets, AMCAS."
"read MSAR, website, AMCAS app, secondary, talk to med students"
"website, sdn"
"Read my AMCAS and Wash U secondary application, the Wash U website, and this website"
"Kaplan book, review apps"
"reviewed my app, looked at school website"
"Read and reviewed the website, viewbook, MSAR, and my AMCAS application"
"sdn, wash u website, talked with previous students,went over my application and AMCAS, read a bioethics site and a healthcare book. followed current events."
"sdn, read appl, read the school website"
"I read this website and read through my AMCAS application. I also found information about the school and my interviewer."
"talked to students"
"this website, wu website"
"Read my secondary application, reviewed my AMCAS essay, read interview feedback postings on SDN"
"read interview reports, looked at their booklets, reviewed AMCAS, secondary and my research"
"Read the Wash U viewbook. Talked to Wash U. students."
"sdn, wustl website"
"SDN, read school brochures"
"SDN, read application and brochure/website info"
"Read Wash U website, re-read my AMCAS, talked to students, took the tour."
"Re-read my app."
"Read this site, Wash U website, my own AMCAS application"
"read interview reviews, stayed with student, looked over secondary"
"Read materials"
", Wash U website, my application"
"Read interview feedback, read about Wash U on their webpage, talked to students."
"Read their brochure, talked to current students, read my application, looked over my research paper"
"Not much...probably'll do more for other interviews"
"Read website and my application."
"Read brochure, website, Interview Feedback"
"Read the website, my application"
"read the website, reread my amcas app, looked up my interviewer"
"I didn't really do anything."
"Slept well, went for a 6 mile run."
"Read about the school, went to the pizza party."
"Looked at this website, Aamcas stuff, school website."
"taking a walk around the medical school. talking to students and faculty about the school's atmosphere"
"Read the website and my app."
"Reviewed my AMCAS, research, and literature the school had given me. I also prepared a list of questions."
"Website and looked over common interview questions."
"Looked at the web site, looked over my applications, and practiced answering the common interview questions."
"Read interview feedback, read student manual, looked up interviewers. "
"Website mostly."
"Read AMCAS, read the WashU website, looked up my interviewer."
"Look over their website, read my own application, check this website for others' feedback"
"Read my AMCAS, my secondary, and relaxed."
"read website, my amcas and secondary, their brochure, found a mini bio and picture of my interviewer on the school's website"
"read website, secondary"
"read their brochure, website, looked over my secondary"
"Read the school's website and viewbook, read this website, read over my application/secondary, read over my research lab notebook, thought of answers to questions that would probably be asked, and talked to current/past students."
"read AMCAS, read about Washington"
"Read Wash U web site, reread AMCAS and supplementary, etc etc."
"web page"
"Almost nothing...I barely read upon the faculty research. sorta collected my thoughts. I already know my research very well didn't need to prepare for that."
"read research. not much else."
"Talked with students, read the school brochure, interview feedback"
"read up on disctinctions of wash u and read over personal statements"
"Read their website and my AMCAS."
"I looked up information about my interviewer on the Wash U. website. I went over my AMCAS and secondary applications. "
"Reviewed the Wash U. literature"
"I read over my application and reviewed my ECs"
"Both my interviewers had been at WashU for a very long time. They described how supportive an environment is. One interviewer said that WashU knows St. Louis isn't that attractive of a city for a lot of people, so the school does a lot of work to attract students and keep them happy by supporting them more than other schools might."
"The students are very supportive and approachable. They would dedicate a hour or more talking with interested candidates and offer them breakfast or coffee. The admission staff are also super nice, and they walk you to the interview locations and treat you like their own students. In general, I feel that every one at the school is very supportive to each other."
"A very relaxed and conversational atmosphere!"
"How well us interviewees were treated on the interview day (the food was AMAZING!!)"
"Amazing facilities, excellent match list. Lots of flexibility especially in clerkships"
"Generally beautiful environment and brilliant people"
"The facilities and the wide range of student clubs and electives."
"Facilities, friendliness of students/interviewers, hospital, research opportunities. The museum in anatomy lab is really cool."
"Students were very laid back and normal."
"Both interviewers were extraordinarily kind. The facilities were all modern and new."
"Fantastic facilities, the school has lots of money, great faculty willing to help students, the few students I met at the pizza party were awesome"
"Admissions office extremely friendly and accommodating to students' travel needs."
"Students, Facilities, Admissions Office"
"Great Medical School Building! Attractive Hospitals. Lots of opportunities. Really take care of their students. Good Breakfast and Lunch. Convenient stay at the dorm."
"The students are very, very happy at Wash U!"
"The research, the facilities, the interesting and happy students, the curriculum, the Saturday free clinic, etc."
"How friendly everyone was, that all the buildings are connected by tunnels, the playground area in the children's hospital."
"I fell IN LOVE with this school. The students are so HAPPY, and the administration is so nice. There seem to be an endless amount of opportunities."
"The people. Everyone was really nice."
"The facilities"
"Some of the current students. Excellent facilities for student studying. Lecture I sat in on was excellent with students being in attendance and highly attentive."
"The students are all very bright and interesting, really fun to be around. There seem to be a lot of resources available for students, specifically, money, for students interested in pursuing research, community, or student life activities. Students come from schools all over the country. It seems like students are picked on numbers and personality with less emphasis on undergraduate institution."
"The facilities, friendliness of everyone there"
"Everyone was really nice and the facilities are really nice."
"True Pass/Fail for first year. Nice recreational facilities (weight/cardio rooms in Olin Hall, Forest Park)."
"the people, faculty and students"
"school was awesome, and interviewer was super friendly"
"How they treated us during the whole interview experience (great food!!) also the ppl that were interviewing were really really nice. I was under the impression that washu was going to have a competitive environment but the students seemed amazing! I had dinner, breakfast, and lunch with students and they all seemed so nice and interesting. I was afraid of the grading during the second year but found out that the grades are not curved, so it does not foster completion, but does give you something to show for while applying to residency besides the boards. The Childrens Hospital is the most amazing thing I have seen!"
"All of the students that I met were very down to Earth and friendly. The medical complex is huge and in good condition. The faculty are very dedicated to their work and students. The financial aid packages sound pretty good. Olin Hall is a nice option to have, but it seems like housing should be very cheap around there."
"beautiful facilities, great faculty. "
"AMAZINGLY facilities, friendly students, lots of opportunities to interact with 1st-4th year students. Also kept well fed!"
"My interviewers! They were great. The school also has a lot of funding for students to pursue their interests and the faculty/staff are all about supporting their students. Low cost of living in St. Louis."
"Everyone was very friendly and relaxed. I knew this was a top-notch school going into the interview/tour, but was still very impressed. Relaxed style of interview was great, especially since it was my first interview."
"Learning facilities are new and really nice. I liked the carrells they have for the students. Students were friendly."
"Very nice and clean facilities. The new learning center is amazing. Even the food was great. The students love it there!"
"The interviewers were completely laid back and sincere in their desire to get to know you as a person rather than a GPA and MCAT score The administration and teachers actually listen to student suggestions and care about their success"
"The facilities are beautiful. The people are extremely nice. St. Louis is not ideal, but neither is it a pit. It actually has many diversions and cultural features for those few moments that you might spend away from the books in medical school."
"the students were friendly and happy. they have nice facilities. housing is super affordable around the school."
"The facilities are fantastic. The students seem to absolutely love it there, and the faculty and staff were the most student-focused I had seen. Cost of living is extremely reasonable. The med school is located in about the nicest area of St. Louis."
"The students seemed very happy. Wash U's facilities are absolutely amazing. The doctor that interviewed me was very kind and really did a great job of making me comfortable and getting to know me during the interview. I really appreciate that because it hasn't been the case at some med schools I've interviewed at. Olin Hall isn't anything fancy, but I it was nothing to complain of. Staying there greatly simplified the interview day."
"The school is amazing, the students were very friendly and down to earth, the program is exactly what I would want for my medical education."
"really great facilities. people seem happy and the one lecture i sat in was amazing."
"work-out facilities, got to see a cadaver, students seemed relatively happy"
"The facilities are amazing! The dorms, the learning center, the lecture halls, Barnes-Jewish-- everything is truly state of the art. The students seem to LOVE WashU and seem very well taken care of."
"The number of programs! Both during the school year and during the summer. The building was pretty nice and campus is beautiful."
"Awesome facilities, everyone seemed relaxed and happy. "
"Flexibility of curriculum."
"Everyone seemed really friendly and down-to-earth. Also, there wasn't any pressure to attend WashU over any school."
"The facilities for the first and second year students are awesome. Forest Park is also great, and the Central West End in general is a very nice area. The students are also super-nice and not crazily stressed-out. "
"the campus was very impressive."
"The students! They all seemed happy and glad they chose WashU. Also WashU has a traditional lecture-based system, which I like."
"students were great. tour was fast but covered lots of ground. i knew more about this school after the tour then others."
"The facilities are amazing, especially Children's Hospital. The classrooms are new and beautiful and well-lit study rooms with couches abound. The school obviously pampers its students. The class I sat on was very interesting. The student gym was great."
"Facilities. Can't beat them. They really put their students above all else."
"The facilities were AMAZING. The admissions office and financial aid office were also incredibly nice and accomodating."
"the school's resources, they're very student friendly, new facilities"
"The school was very pretty and the area of Saint Louis looked safe."
"The facilities were absolutely amazing. Everyone was extremely helpful and all of the students seemed genuinely happy to be there. The location is amazing, right across from Forest Park, and near great shopping, food, and entertainment."
"The facilities are phenomenal (no construction here!!!), students are so enthusiastic! I sat with a few med students and felt like I was a student here too! Amazing people and wonderfule opportunities. Plus, its always ranked top 5 :-)"
"1) Amazing, brand new facilities. 2) Strong curriculum: pass-fail first year, Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail beginning second year, but there's no curve/maximum number of people who can get honors. 3) Great board scores, average is mid-to-high 230's. 4) Strong match list: lots of people go into competetive specialties and/or go to very prestigious programs. 5) Students seemed really happy."
"Great facilities, first year is P/F, students seem happy and relaxed, new library and some new classrooms, etc."
"The facilities are beautiful and the number of student-run organizations is amazing!"
"The faculty(weird i know), my interviewer is like my personal hero, the free lodging (caution no internet connection or tv so get in as late as possible)"
"Omg. Before I came I thought of this school as a practice interview; I was even thinking of just withdrawing because I was so sure I wouldn't attend. Now it's one of my top hopefuls. Everything about my visit impressed me. The generosity, warmth, and pride of both the students and faculty; the facilities; the fact that the medical school/center is like a world within itself; and the fact that the student body is by far the most diverse I've seen so far, with students from every background as well as every state in the nation!"
"Everything about the school. All the students really seem to love it. And facilities are brand new and can't be beat, except for...."
"The facilities were all top-notch - hospitals, anatomy lab, student center, really everything was brand new."
"the amount of $$$ Wash U has and spends on their students, the affordability of housing in the area, the amazing amount of research going on, the opportunities for community service/volunteering at free clinics/international medicine programs, the non-competiveness of the students (1st year is P/F)."
"Everyone was really enthusiatic about the school and seemed to love it there. They treat applicants really well - three full meals and a place to sleep! The school's facilities are brand new and amazing."
"very nice facilities, amazingly large hospitals. first year is pass/fail. there seem to be a lot of resources for students to study abroad/do research, etc."
"Students are beyond eager to tell you how great the school is."
"You get to meet students from all 4 years. The school lets you stay in the dorm one night for free and pretty much provides you with all the meals you'll need."
"Still a great school and would definitely go regardless of the horrible interview experience. "
"facilities and financial resources up the wazoo"
"Our tour guide was amazing and she was a great example of how you get out of school what you put into it."
"The massive and brand new facilities are phenomenal! The amount of money the med center wields is truly obscene."
"How well interviewees were taken care of - free oncampus housing, free dinner, breakfast and lunch, etc."
"The way the school caters to the students. How convinient it is to get from Lambert to the school, my tour guide, the security guard that drove me to Olin for the night, the fact that both breakfast and lunch were full meals, no crappy continental stuff here. I'm talking about potatoes, bacon, sausages, cereal and biscuits and omlet orders--I like food. And lunch? I won't spoil it for you."
"I think the students are really down to earth and cool. I had thought that there would be a huge research focus, but clinical seems cool, too. The interview day was very nice."
"Everything!!!!! I loved loved LOVED Wash U, even more than I expected to!! My interviewer was very nice and well-organized, and she was the one who gave the intial info speech, so she was very helpful in answering my questions. She even printed out info about a faculty member there for me to contact about research! Students were wonderful, and I could easily be friends with everyone I met. The hospitals were absolutely gorgeous/fantastic. Lunch was great (hot food, and nice 3rd years to talk to). They give you dinner the night before and breakfast the day of. My Olin Buddy was perfectly matched for me...seriously, we were like the same person! I ended up being the only one on my tour, and it lasted for over an hour, and my tour guide introduced me to doctors in the hospital and even offered to buy me coffee :) Wash U the most accommodating, welcoming school I've been to...and they don't even have to be b/c they make their big cut after interviews! I love them so much, and I miss being there."
"The facilities, the amount of money the school throws at the students (they give money to first years after exams to buy beer and throw parties), and mostly the type of kids that go there. I was expecting really dorky students but the people there were really laid back and personable for the most part. Definetly can see myself fitting in there."
"pretty much everything about the school except for the dorms (but you dont have to live there!) the town that it is in is sooo adorable, the students seemed happy and the facilities are top in the nation"
"Everything!!!!! I feel like I really fit in at Wash U. The facilities are amazing! It's all connected indoors, to help you avoid the bad StL weather. Their first year p/f really is p/f. The rest of the years aren't curved (i.e. all students can get "
"this is the most well-rounded school i have visited. the patient population is diverse, the research is top notch, the students are friendly, and the usmle scores are through the roof. i encourage you to apply to this school because it is awesome!"
"How nice the interviewer was and everyone there. It was very laid back and not stressful at all. Plus my group of interviewees were awesome."
"The facilities were amazing, especially the new student center and the childrens hospital."
"Nearly everything. WashU lets you stay in their dorm for free, gives you a pizza party the night before to meet applicants and med students, free breakfast of your choice, as well as a nice lunch at the tower top restaurant. This lunch is typically with a med student, but I ate with one of the assistant deans! This experience alone would be exceptional for a school, but throughout WashU makes the best effort of any school ive seen to impress and wow the applicants."
"Facilities, faculty interviews, friendly students."
"great facilities"
"The facilities. Wow they are nice"
"facilities! extremely friendly students! met with 1st-4th year students at different events. The rooms at Olin are very comfortable and you run into students and get to ask lots of questions."
"facilities, friendly students/faculty/staff, financial aid"
"The students-very smart but also very approachable and friendly and excited about medicine. The facilities are also very nice, and the cost of living in St. Louis is low. The hospital serves a very large patient demographic."
"students were happy"
"The facilities. Very, very nice. Also, students seemed to genuinely feel well taken care of by the administration. No air of competitiveness."
"i actually like st. louis. it has so much to do."
"The students I met at the pizza night were all very nice. Whoever did the match for the Olin Buddies did a good job matching me and my buddy. I was pleasantly surprised at how down to earth all the students seemed to be considering how highly Wash U is regarded as a research oriented university."
"The students really seemed to emphasize that the atmosphere at Wash U is not competitive; the students seemed very friendly, sociable, and happy; the Barnes-Jewish complex has something like 1400 beds and is top 10 in nearly every specialty; new teaching and learning center is awesome and each 1st/2nd year is assigned their own work area."
"Interview day was extremely well-organized -- they even have a pizza party the night before your interview! They also give you a full breakfast, not just a granola bar and coffee. And, they offer you a free night of housing in the student dorm (you get your own room, towels, linens, alarm clock; you share a hallway bathroom). The faculty are super friendly and accessible. The administration is so open to feedback that they actually give out small gift certificates to students who complete their feedback surveys. Lots of new facilities (the new learning center with the M1 M2 lecture halls is really nice). Barnes-Jewish would be a great place to do rotations and it's very conveniently located (you can access it from the med school by tunnels and above-ground passageways without going outside). Children's hospital is also impressive and well-designed."
"The facilities are amazing! Also, I was amazed that everything was connected (no need to ever walk outside) and that Olin Hall is literally right next to the med school (actually, they were connected)."
"facilities are so nice, lots of new buildings and programs"
"They have so much money they don't know what to do with it. Facilities and finaid are amazing. They could wallpaper the bathrooms with hundred dollar bills from their humongous endowment. "
"students' personalities, excellent and gigantic facilities, outreach from admissions staff, free night in olin hall, olin buddies, lots of emails, pizza party"
"Everything. Literally."
"the facilities are great, and every person you meet (students, faculty, etc) is very happy to be there and loves the school."
"the children's hospital"
"facilities are really awesome. students were friendly and surprisingly normal. everyone seemed very focused on the students."
"The faculty seem very accessible and the facilities are incredible, everything is brand new."
"Everything! I was expecting WashU to have a much more competitive and intimidating feel. What I found was an amazing school with first-class facilities and resources, AND very normal, friendly, down-to-earth students. I really enjoyed everything about my visit to WashU."
"The faculty I had lunch with was AMAZING. He's involved in the clowning ministry at St. Louis Children's hospital and does prison visits to encourage incarcerated individuals."
"School really tries to get students involved, they want students to maintain a lite and be happy."
"I really loved this school! All the students seemed very happy and involved. There are tons of opportunities to get involved in the community, etc. And the facilities are beautiful!!"
"my interviewer's enthusiasm, and the efforts of the school to recruit us. We got a pizza party the night before to mingle with the students, we got breakfast before our day, and a 1-on-1 lunch with a faculty member."
"The people are SO nice: both students and faculty, the facilities are amazing"
"The students at the school. From the night before the interview to lunch on the following day, we had ample opportunities to interact with medical students (first, second, and fourth years). It is clear that the med students love going to Wash U. and have made close friendships with eachother. I don't think students are burdened by unnecessary competitiveness here. Everyone is talented, but secure enough in their abilities to help one another out instead of gunning for top rankings in the class. There's even a website where students share notes and post study guides for classes. Also, the facilities are top-notch. The newly constructed Learning and Teaching Center is beautiful and filled with nice touches to make studying and going to class very comfortable. The residance hall for students has its own basketball court and a new weightroom/fitness center. The school bends over backwards to take care of its students. "
"Absolutly everything. I fell in love with WashU. The people are the nicest, coolest, most fun people ever. I walked into anatomy lab on the friday morning i interview, and every single person i talked to was someone i could see being friends with and learning medicine with. They all say they love it there. Forrest Park is amazing, their new teaching building is pristine, and their children's hospital is really cool, too. I want to go there!"
"The enthusiasm of the students; they seem really to enjoy being at Washington University. The hospitals are HUGE, and it's obvious that the medical school is very, very well-funded."
"Students, also the facilities were very nice. Great FinAid talk, best yet. Very nice and low key."
"The facilities at the school are really top notch. They are building a new building for students. The hospital complex is enormous and looks to be brand new. There are many research opportunities for those who are interested, and the hospital is well respected in many areas. Rent in very cheap and students can live in a nice apartment for less than 500/month/person. There is a large park across the street from the school. The curriculum is Pass/Fail 1st year. Overall it deserves its reputation as a top 10 school."
"The facilities are very large. There seems to be a lot of resources and money at this school."
"school's facilities, faculty"
"the student: the happiest, most genuine, down-to-earth and enthusiastic bunch). that there are endless funds to do research. the administration really cares about the students."
"Enthusiastic tour guide, we got to see the students interact as a group at the pizza party & very diverse backgrounds, very tight group; great facilities, not everyone does research, the school gives a lot of money to its students for student groups & merit scholarships. Friendly people."
"everything: the students, the facilities, the fact that money seemed to pour from the fountains and the halls were lined with gold. The students are some of the nicest most enthusiastic people I've met. "
"I was extremely impressed by how well the students and all the interviewees were taken care of. During my entire stay, I didn't have to purchase food and the atmosphere was so supportive and friendly."
"facilities, friendly students, friendly admissions office, free food, free knicknacks, franklin park"
"the students seemed satisfied with their education, P/F for the first year is good"
"the people are soo nice here. I love it, the school genuinely cares about its students and facilitates a great learning experience. the whole interview day was great"
"The students seem so happy to be there. The school seems to have a lot of funds and there seem to be an incredible amount of opportunities to be involved in a wide range of activities"
"Tons of free (and good) food. Very nice staff."
"Um, WashU is amazing? They are rich and the students are happy. "
"Everyone was so nice! The staff was infinitely helpful and the students were all very friendly and excited about being there. Also, the facilities are great and the new learning center should be amazing."
"Not too much. The day was very organized. That's about it."
"students are very happy, interviewer was super friendly, lots of free stuff :)."
"Students! I came in thinking they would be a bunch of high-MCAT nerds. not even close. They were so down-to-earth and they seemed very close and happy about the school. This is now my top choice by far."
"everyone loved it, great facilities, very much individual attention, very closeknit class"
"I student body and the administration. They were amazing and really contributed to my experience there. I also really liked the other applicants who were interviewing that day. Some of us got done in the morning and we were able to hang out for part of the afternoon."
"The students were also a lot of fun to hangout with. Also, the administrative support seemed top notch - they really take care of their students."
"How NICE all the students were, and how friendly they were. They treat you like you're already a part of the school, and whenever they talk to you , it's not 'if you get in,' it's always 'when you come here next year...'. They really made me feel welcomed, and the hospital facilities are IMPRESSIVE. I originally wasn't very serious about coming to Wash U. I didn't even bother sending a primary until they had sent me some information about the school, but after being there, it's become one of my top choices. The school, the people, the facilities, and the opportunities they offer are all top rate. "
"The beauty of the facility, the amount of money the school has."
"the students are all very happy. everyone that i talked to was very enthusiastic. the school goes out of its way for the students and for the interviewers. they give you lots of info and little gift sort of things. my interviewer had done a lot of research on my file and was very well informed about me to ask questions. he had looked up several of the organizations that i am in on the internet etc., something that i thought reflected positively on their interest in me"
"The facilities, faculty, and students are amazing. The whole interview was aimed at selling the school to us. I didnt feel like I had to prove I was capable or worthy of Wash U. "
"The hospital complex is HUGE and beautiful and offers everything you could ever want."
"The staff, everyone was warm and welcoming"
"Fabulous facilities - fabulous curriculum - student body very open and friendly"
"People are all really friendly (including your interviewers). Insanely nice accomodations. Students are all really happy."
"Opportunities for exposure to wide variety of medicine, students were really interesting and seemed very happy, great facilities."
"The school is amazing. They have awesome facilities, research faculty, clinical faculty, and everyone is surprisingly nice. Plus, they put you up in Olin Hall at no expense to you and have a pizza party the night before interviews. They also have really good financial aid."
"The affiliated hospitals, the number of activities they have planned for the day, the fact that I got to go home right after my interview and that they seemed to care about my flight schedule."
"the hospital is soooo nice"
"Nice people and great school."
"clinical facilities: these were superb, diverse, and booming. you can tell they have a lot of money. there is a mix of private and public facilities, as well as every specialty you could ever think of other applicants: the people I interviewed with were normal people, who I'd be glad to spend 4 years with financial aid: the overall cost is very reasonable for such a prestigious school"
"This time? Nothing really, except for the really nice tour guide (an M4)"
"clinics seem modern - esp. Children's Hospital match list"
"WashU truly is an amazing school. Almost every aspect of the medical school impressed me--the extraordinarily talented student body, the quality of the faculty, the cooperative and nurturing academic environment, the hospitals (freakin incredible)... just an amazing school. Now I understand why WashU is so highly ranked; its reputation is well-deserved. "
"Med students all seemed down to earth, pass/fail first year eliminates some rivalry, nice facilities and they seem to have a good deal of money"
"they seem like they treat their medical students really well. First year is pass/fail... students say there's no competition. And they have much more free time than I would have thought. Also there's so much opportunity to do research. Also, The hospital is connected to the medical school, which is connect to the med student dorms. This makes it convenient."
"the extensive interview and the students"
"The students were very nice and they were very straight forward with their answers, including their likes and dislikes of the school. The school makes a concerted effort to have the applicants meet as many medical students, professors, and staff members through pizza parties, luncheons, etc. I felt that I gained a good overall sense of what the school is like from these people. Finally, the people I met were extremely helpful and most of them gave me their contact information in case I had any further questions. "
"Students were incredibly down to earth"
"The student's were very friendly aand honest, and the interviewer (despite having some odd questions) was easygoing"
"Facilities are are new and beautiful. Anatomy lab has windows! Love that is has a separate children's hospital right there. Students seemed genuinely happy and friendly - two different med students stopped me randomly during the day to wish me luck. Excellent academic reputation, extensive research opportunities. The atmosphere seemed really cooperative and non-competitive. Administration and faculty seem genuinely interested in the needs and concerns of the students."
"Everyone was very friendly and helpful. The first year students had a final the following day but took time out to have pizza with us and they seemed very relaxed and at ease considering the test the next day. The new library is wonderful and I loved the anatomy lab."
"the students are so nice. The tour was personalized-- one 4th year student to 2 interviewees."
"the students were awesome, the anatomy lab was nice"
"very well organized, a seemless and well thought out interview process."
"WashU seems fantastically supportive of its students on many different levels. The administration is receptive to student views and suggestions. The facilities are really nice, and there is a new learning center in the stages of being constructed (slated to be complete by spring 2005). They provide a nice lunch for you, and you can stay at their medical dorm for one night. WashU is situated in a nice area of St. Louis- nice big park nearby."
"1) the day is very organized (though it starts early!) 2) my interviewer, for knowing so much about me and for, immediately when i walked into his office, pointing out the impressive things in Forest Park, which made me feel like he was really promoting the school and its location to me 3) the fact that i felt the school very much took interview day as a time to sell itself to the applicants, not just a time where the applicants needed to prove themselves to the school 4) facilities & the responsiveness of the administration to the students 5) The provide overnight housing for you, even if you're not Md/PhD. Thanks!"
"The students and staff (especially the first years) were very laid back, down-to-earth, and friendly. The clinical tour was pretty cool. At the children's hospital, there's this great rooftop garden with a cork floor! "
"academically great school, students very happy, despite st louis not being a big city"
"The interviewer had clearly read my file and had good questions to ask me specifically about it. I also got lucky and got a one on one tour by a fourth year student of the campus."
"pass/fail during first year, no PBL except in "selectives," VERY nice and relaxed students! There must have been something in the water there! :) Lots of extracurricular activities to do and lots of free time during first year. Classes run from 9-12 most days with a few afternoon classes."
"Almost everything...the hospital is amazing, patient contact within the first month, research funding everywhere, Pass/Fail 1st year and all-elective 4th year, anatomy lab isn't in a dungeon, not a single irritating "pre-med type" student."
"Barnes-Jewish is an amazing complex. No place like it in the world. And while I know you New Yorkers won't believe me, St. Louis is a GREAT place to live and your stipend will go further here than anywhere else."
"The students are SO friendly; they are obviously all smart and motivated, but seem to use competition positively. They love the school and love to talk to you about it."
"The facilities were nice even though a bit older than some schools. Housing seemed easy to find. I finally got to see an anatomy lab."
"The institution is impressive. Students are not the people that some negatively told them to be."
"Everything! They bend over backwards for you. They put you up for free in their dorm, throw a pizza party for you the night before, serve a fancy lunch buffet, and make sure it's as low stress as possible."
"The students are very laid back, esp for a top top school. The clinical facilities rock. The faculty is apparently very accessible. They are building a new centre just for teaching med students (ready for 05 school year)."
"The facilities are amazing, especially the children's hospital. The students, including the prospective students that I interviewed with, were very nice and outgoing. My interviewer was unassuming and seemed genuinely interested in me and my interests, even though he is quite distinguished as a doctor and a scientist."
"This school is amazing. Everything impressed, the admissions office is very friendly, the students are really excited and friendly, and my interviewer was very nice."
"everyone was relaxed--so relaxed I'm wondering if they were faking it...People there loved WASHU."
"The facilities, the students, the staff, everything! This school is exceptional!"
"They really try to help the interviewees. We got to stay at their dorms for free, got a free clock (?), pen, books, lots of literature on the school, and the best interview day lunch ever. The hospital is the nicest I've seen. It looks like a hotel (and I'm not talking Motel 6, either). The faculty is top notch. There is research money lying around everywhere, waiting for someone to pick it up and use it."
"The facilities are amazing, the Central West End is really cool, the med students were incredibly nice and really showed up for all the functions"
"facilities (particularly b-j, children's hospital); friendly, accessible medical students; very unpretentious faculty who are trying to sell the school."
"The people were much more down to earth than I expected."
"How happy people seemed to be there, group study facilities, administration attitude."
"Students were so friendly, facilities and location are unreal (since I don't mind that St. Louis is a bit small, particularly when you factor in that rent is so low)."
"The curriculum is awesome!! First year = P/F, Forth year = Entirely electives. "
"facilities, concern for academic and social success of students. encouragement for students to participate in community activities. emphasis of community role of the physician rather than as a "mover/shaker""
"The students - they were VERY friendly and seemed closely knit. A bunch of them even took some of us interviewees out for a drink the night before and we chatted about the school."
"The admissions office staff was very hospitable and the doctors I met seemed genuinely interested in applicants and were quite friendly. "
"The interviewer was great as was all the staff and students."
"They take good care of the interviewees and make you feel like you are really wanted there. It seems as if they go to great lengths to make you comfortable."
"Facilities, friendliness, variety of schools (undergrad) represented in student body and interviewees"
"The students and the hospital. The students border on ridiculously happy and the hospital is nothing short of mammoth. "
"Everyone was incredibly nice to me. My interviewer had amazing stories! Hospitals are the best."
"Friendliness of students/faculty, hospitality of St. Louis in general, and the amazing pediatrics department"
"Really how nice my interviewer was! But there were a lot of things that were impressive - the students were smart and friendly, the facilities were simply amazing, the faculty were open and easy to talk to, and you were treated well from beginning to end. I think they really do go out of their way to make the whole experience stress free and enjoyable."
"the comraderie of the students, the general friendliness of the staff, faculty and students. it seemed like a very supportive environment"
"The hospital, Barnes-Jewish, is amazing--large, new, innovative, everything you could want. The students at Wash U. were also wonderful, they all went out of their way to ensure that I had a good experience there."
"the facilities are absolutely amazing, and among top schools I've seen its probably the most cost effective school"
"Facilities--everything, especially the hospital, seemed bright, shiny, and new. The students seem to really love the school, and they give you plenty of opportunities to talk to students. First years have a pizza party with you the night before, second years have breakfast with you the morning of the interview, third years have lunch with you, and fourth years lead the tours. Saint Louis seems like a nice city, but I'm not sure how I feel about the mid-west in general."
"Pediatric facilities"
"the students"
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?