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All Questions & Responses

  • Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine - KC
  • Osteopathic Medical School
  • Kansas City, MO
Individual Feedback 5 7 Responses
The Basics

Overall, how satisfied are you with this program?

Response Avg # Responders
4.57 7

0 = Terrible, 10 = World Class

What do you like most?

"The city" | Report Response

"A few professors are great and teach well." | Report Response

"They will get you to become a doctor, and some of the professors are completely awesome and deserve the most respect as they gave it right back to us. While there is a lot of things wrong with this school, I have definitely felt that my year was almost a "trial" run for medical school and that they are still making changes to see how to do it right. I hope to hear more uplifting reviews and to see the school rectify itself in the future." | Report Response

"Great prep for boards." | Report Response

"Friendly and collaborative environment, innovative and dynamic curriculum." | Report Response

"The curriculum is innovative" | Report Response

"Curriculum design is dynamic and innovative, ensuring students get exposure to all pertinent systems twice in a step-wise fashion. There is camaraderie between faculty and students that is friendly, cordial , and nurturing." | Report Response

What do you like least?

"If you choose to stay in Kansas City for rotations, it will be an awful experience. KCU does not have their own affiliated hospital, so they rely on relationships with local docs, typically KCU grads. This inevitably means that there are not enough specialists for each student. I was lucky enough (sarcasm) to have 3 family medicine rotations because there are not enough OBGYN and IM preceptor, which completely cheated me out of the opportunity to learn about these specialties. If you want a well rounded rotation experience, stay far away from Kansas City if you choose to attend KCU." | Report Response

"Horrible admin, OMT professors" | Report Response

"For a 100+ year old school, you would think they opened two years ago. The first-year curriculum was based on whatever the profs felt was important, and plenty of time was spent determining where to focus your energy. Some of the anatomy profs can take a bit of sadistic pleasure in finding humor in students falling, as during my final anatomy practical one prof congratulated us on finishing while the other said "Unless you fail" and then chuckled. This is not the only time and with his behavior, and I felt at other schools this particular individual would promptly be fired in all honestly. Subjects such as histology are focused on in incredible depth that it just doesn't make much sense, and we were told during our neurology unit that we spent more hours in class with classwork then the average resident spends during a meeting. Code of conduct was immensely hypocritical, as our VP (or whatever he was) gave us a lecture first year that I still remember included him yelling at us like a wannabe step-father and saying "I'll tear you a new one" as he lectured us on his idea of professionalism. He then left his position due to starting a relationship with staff shortly after... Your tuition goes to COMBANK at the end of the second year, so be prepared to pay for resources for boards if that is not to your liking. Finally third year, please just rotate wherever you want based on location. You may not get (and most likely will not get) the rotations you hoped for. If a site offers in-patient/out-patient you have little control over where you'll be placed. If you want to rotate in neuro, you may not get it. Just pick somewhere you want to live for a year and be happy. We also had a mandatory poverty simulator, which tried to recreate poverty complete with drugs (they gave salt packets to students to pretend to be drug dealers), squirt guns (so people could rob each other), and a pawn shop. I don't think I need to comment on how unethical that the way it was for our ethics class. I hate to go public with some of this, but feel like not much of it has been mentioned and almost too much credit is given to KCU on studentdoctor network. I know my class has had a rough time, and also really want to reinforce that KCU has tried to improve, but with my experience, I think its important to note that I have felt disrespected and not adequately supported, and have a certain amount of frustration with this school." | Report Response

"Was enrolled in the transition during Joplin's first year; had some bumps." | Report Response

"Nothing." | Report Response

"The osteopathic portion of the education is undergoing many changes and frankly we don't get a great understanding of the material and our test do not represent what we were taught" | Report Response

"Clinical rotations are quite variable in terms of types of exposure, availability of didactics, and scheduling. These inconsistencies are concerning." | Report Response

The Details

Does the student body seem cooperative or competitive?

Response Avg # Responders
5.71 7

0 = Competitive, 10 = Cooperative

Does the environment seem supportive for underrepresented minorities?

Response Avg # Responders
5.86 7

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual students?

Response Avg # Responders
7.00 7

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for married students?

Response Avg # Responders
6.43 7

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for students with disabilities?

Response Avg # Responders
6.14 7

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for older/non-traditional students?

Response Avg # Responders
6.86 7

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Do you/did you feel well prepared for your board exams?

Response Avg # Responders
3.75 4

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

How approachable are faculty members?

Response Avg # Responders
5.71 7

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

What are the facilities and clinics like (old/new, well maintained, etc.)?

"Joplin receives many more new facilities than Kansas City" | Report Response

"Many new facilities, the main study space outside of the library (smith hall) is old and dated. Heating/air conditioning issues with drilled shut windows in the area." | Report Response

"New/well-maintained." | Report Response

How do students from this program do after graduation - are they adequately prepared for practice?

"Well prepared if they do not rotate in Kansas City" | Report Response

"I'd like to think so, I feel like while you will be preparing a lot on your own for boards and during rotations that our student body is competitive and does well due to a lot of self-motivation." | Report Response

"Absolutely; great match & performing well in clinical years." | Report Response

"Pretty good placement into a wide variety of PC and non-PC specialties that is strong when compared to the DO schools." | Report Response

What are rotations like?

"If you choose to stay in Kansas City for rotations, it will be an awful experience. KCU does not have their own affiliated hospital, so they rely on relationships with local docs, typically KCU grads. This inevitably means that there are not enough specialists for each student. I was lucky enough (sarcasm) to have 3 family medicine rotations because there are not enough OBGYN and IM preceptor, which completely cheated me out of the opportunity to learn about these specialties. If you want a well rounded rotation experience, stay far away from Kansas City if you choose to attend KCU." | Report Response

"The rotations are random, you can kind of get any random specialty." | Report Response

"The honors tracks have very good rotations; can't speak to the others (not sure.)" | Report Response

"9" | Report Response

"5" | Report Response

"2" | Report Response

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