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Interview Feedback

All Questions & Responses

  • Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine
  • Podiatry School
  • Independence, OH
Individual Feedback 4 72 Responses
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?

Response # Responders
Positively 67
Negatively 1
No change 3

What was the stress level of the interview?

Response Avg # Responders
2.21 72

0 = low, 10 = high

How you think you did?

Response Avg # Responders
8.75 72

0 = low, 10 = high

How do you rank this school among ALL other schools?

Response Avg # Responders
7.73 71

0 = low, 10 = high

Was this interview in-person or virtual?

Response # Responders
In Person 2
Virtual 1


How long was the interview?

Response # Responders
5 minutes 1
10 minutes 8
15 minutes 21
20 minutes 21
25 minutes 7
30 minutes 6
35 minutes 2
40 minutes 1
45 minutes 1
50 minutes 0
55 minutes 0
60+ minutes 3

Where did the interview take place?

Response # Responders
At the school 66
At a regional location 0
At another location 3

What was the style of the interview?

Response # Responders
One-on-one 63
In a group 7

What type of interview was it?

Response # Responders
Open file 68
Closed file 0

How many people interviewed you?

Response Average # Responders
1.93 71

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"Can you explain your low MCAT score and how you changed your studying when your retook it?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you prepare for the MCAT?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What did working at X as a medical assistant teach you about patient care?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"After shadowing a variety of specialties, why did you choose podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you get into Podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How I obtained my research in podiatric medicine?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your research?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about x and y grades." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are characteristics from the DPM you shadowed that you would emulate in your future as a physician?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do Podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why choose Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"You've shadowed a lot of different specialties. Why podiatry instead of the other fields of medicine?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why podiatry and not MD or DO?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What makes you think you'll be able to handle the rigorous course load here at pod school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why not physical therapy or MD?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite undergrad class and your favorite thing about your undergrad institution?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you manage with the school load since its been 2 years since you graduated?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why podiatry? Why Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain a grade." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why did you pick the undergraduate school that you did?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about the podiatrist that you shadowed." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us more about your shadowing" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you study for the MCAT?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why not become a DO?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Can you explain your research?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"You mentioned you had a positive shadowing experience, can you tell us how that influenced your decision to pursue podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself..." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are your hobbies outside of academics?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your motivation to do well as a student" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do to keep yourself organized?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do in your spare time" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why OCPM/DPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"why ocpm and pod?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name 3 qualities that will help you succeed in podiatry school." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why podiatry? **Know your personal statement & be prepared to explain your shadowing experience if they have questions** " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what do you do in your spare time?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why podiatry" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite movie or book? " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Favourite book or movie" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"why ocpm?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Goals for the future" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"describe x situation from your personal statement. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"All questions were specifically about my application, essay, and time spent with a DPM. I think I talked too much, because there weren't many questions asked at all. It looked like I beat her to the questions. :)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"why dpm" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"who was my hero and why" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite movie and why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)?

"Have you taken human anatomy or microbiology before?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was an interesting shadowing experience that stood out to you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What did you enjoy most working as a pharmacy technician and how do you think it will help you in podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How my experience as an RA can relate to podiatric medicine" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I had some connection with another podiatric medical school, so why are you interested in Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I was asked about my relationship with the DPM that wrote the LOR. I work with this person regularly so we were able to discuss what I've learned." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Asked how I thought I would handle the course load after being out of school for a couple years." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why KSUCPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you plan to be successful academically in podiatry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Favorite/least favorite college course.?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"We see that you have lower grades in some science classes such as organic chemistry and genetics, can you explain these?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Your science GPA is slightly lower than average. What is your plan for handling the rigorous curriculum?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you adapt to the rigors of podiatry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Kent instead of the other Podiatry schools?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us more about shadowing experience in your personal statement" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain the low course load in some semesters?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Podiatry and not DPT or MD?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you be successful in podiatry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your shadowing experiences" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your research." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us about your research" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your shadowing experience." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us more about how you found podiatry." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What did you learn shadowing?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What interests you the most about Podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you transition from undergrad to grad school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I see you also applied to another professional program. Can you tell us about that and how you also came to apply to podiatry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us about your research and how has it made you better able to handle future clinical settings." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"They asked me about my file and my experiences mentioned" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Pod" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are three positive things about yourself?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Podiatry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What 3 qualities do you think a podiatrist needs to be successful?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"your fav. book and your hero?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How would your friends describe you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you contribute to OCPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why OCPM & not _____ podiatry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why OCPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are something that are important to you" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what did you learn from shadowing?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why pod/dpm" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what motivates you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why OCPM" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"One of the other interviewees was asked about her strengths (I wasn't)." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"what favorite movie/book and why" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"if i would change anything about the way i did my undergrad" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to become a podiatrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 3)?

"How do you manage stress?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Kent State?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you study for the MCAT and how did you manage your time while doing so?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you handle the rigorous workload?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was you favorite undergrad course?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I mentioned cultural competency in my PS, so I had to expand on it by explaining my volunteer experiences." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about any interesting things you have learned while shadowing a DPM. What are the differences between the few that you shadowed?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If I thought my wife would make the transition to Cleveland and if her job was easily transferable." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How are you going to manage the course load?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Asked about my shadowing experiences" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are your hobbies?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you adapt to the course load of podiatry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain a grade." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your research?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explaining a grade." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was something that impressed you when shadowing?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"You taught english to spanish-speakers, what was one thing that was hard about that" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you plan to handle the course load?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you like about KSCPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I see you won X award. Explain to us what exactly this was and what you had to do to achieve this." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you plan on handling the curriculum?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How would you adjust to the curriculum from undergraduate curriculum?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you transitional academically to kent (30 credits a semester)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you study for the MCAT?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you think you will be able to adjust to going to Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why is Kent the best fit for you and your wife?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Can you explain your personal statement further?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"You are from X you think you would have a problem moving to Cleveland?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you improve your grades?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"They asked me what Difficulties I anticipated for school" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Describe some traits of a good podiatrist in your opinion." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why did you make a B in this class" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you like to do in your spare time?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why OCPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you think you'd make a good podiatrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How can you be a best podiatrist" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Asked about a few classes I had trouble with listed on my transcript, but they were very understanding." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"know your shadowing wat did you do and what quality do pod doc have and how you study everyday?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What qualities must a podiatrist possess?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Out of 8 other schools, why OCPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you could go back and change anything about your education, what would you change?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What can you contribute to OCPM ? " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How was your shadowing experience with ____ DPM?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"who is your hero? your fav film?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"We talked about my volunteer work." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are yor gifts/talents" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"why dpm?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about the most challenging experience you have had and how did you overcome it." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"where do you see yourself in 10 years" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"why oCpm" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do I think of the healthcare system?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"What kinds of surgeries or procedures have to shadowed before?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How would your friends describe you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If your best friend was sitting in here, how would they describe you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I was asked about a field research project I worked on in Costa Rica" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are your hobbies?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Where would I donate money if given the opportunity" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I see you have a patent, tell me a little bit about that" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do in your spare time?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do outside of academics?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was the most interesting case that you have seen while shadowing a podiatrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What impacted you the most during your shadowing experiences?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us your interests and hobbies." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Besides your academic pursuits what are some of your hobbies/ interests?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is something that a Podiatrist you shadowed did that really impressed you, and that you want to emulate in the future." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"You were born in california, so why not go to a podiatry school in california?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you manage both athletics and academics in undergrad?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What qualities would I like to emulate with regards to the podiatrist I shadowed?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite class in undergrad?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you plan on handling the curriculum?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why podiatry and why Kent state?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why not DO school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"tell me more about the doctor you shadowed." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why is Kent the best fit for you and your wife?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Elaborate on the local news feature you were a part of for diabetes research." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you could have your pick of MD, DO, or DPM what would you pick?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you participate in [extracurricular] activities?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you could change one thing in your undergraduate career what would it be" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your fav. undergrad class?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me your top 2 favorite movies." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is the best thing you have adopted in your undergruaduate" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"all" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is the secret ingredient in your steak spice rub? (a little off topic)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What's your favorite book? **This question took me by surprise, so make sure you know of one**" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How have you matured throughout college?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Wasn't really asked any in the interview. They went over my file and said that they really wanted me at their school." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What I do to keep myself organized besides the things that I talked about in my essay." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What field of Podiatry do you want to go into after grad and why." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite book?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I didn't really get asked any questions other than what my goals were for the future. Since, I had atteneded the week-long internship, I got to know the staff well and when I went for the interview it was straight-forward and not many questions. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite book or movie?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I wasn't asked anything interesting- just questions about my app. & experience with a DPM." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"she asked my views on how podiatry is seen in the medical community. not bad" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"if i were to re do the way i did my undergrad and pre req if i would change anything" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

""What is your favorite book?" and/or "What is your favorite movie?"" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most difficult question?

"If I could invite 4 people to dinner (dead or alive) who would it be and why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I honestly had no difficult questions. It was so laid-back. No "situation" questions; no "biggest weakness" questions. Nothing stress-inducing at all." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None of the questions were too difficult" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was you least favorite course?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explaining why I got this grade/trend of grades." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"There really was not a difficult question. I was asked about my grades and discussed them and my MCAT all in one. I was not questioned any further about stats." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Can you explain what happened during this semester (one bad grade)?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell us in what way specifically you have changed your studying habits" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain a time that you've overcome adversity." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain this grade." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I see your sGPA is low, how will you adjust?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"You sGPA is slightly below average, so how will you handle a course load here at pod school that is basically 30 credits per semester of just science classes?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"I see you struggled a bit in X class/semester. Was there any reason for this or what will you do to be successful in professional school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Explain a grade." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none were difficult" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What can you contribute to Kent?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you succeed here?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why not DO school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"There were no difficult questions. There weren't many questions at all. It was really just a conversation." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why podiatry and not PhD." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you could have your pick of MD, DO, or DPM what would you pick?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none they were all straight forward" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me a little about yourself." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why not MD?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you could have your hearts desire of Allopathic, Osteopathic, or Podiatry...what would it be?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you stay balanced?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Name 3 qualities that will help you succeed in podiatry school." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What's your favorite Quote?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How have you matured throughout college?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Having to choose a movie or book, I felt like maybe it was a trick question or something. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some of your gifts/talents" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"There were no difficult questions. I know that theose who did not attend the intership program were asked more questions and the interviews lasted longer" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"n/a" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none. The interview was split up into two different mini interviews lasting about 15 minutes each- one earlier in the day & one later where we received our acceptance letters at the end." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"favorite movie and why" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none that i can think of" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do I think of the healthcare system?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

How did you prepare for the interview?

"SDN and mock interviews" More from this Member | Report Response

"Reading SDN feedback and preparing for questions in advance." More from this Member | Report Response

"Overkill. Read Podiatry Today magazines to familiarize myself with procedures, but they didn't ask about any of that. Also read Qs here on SDN, which is accurately reflective of the interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview feedback in sdn was very helpful. I also got advice from the DPM i shadowed and a current student at Kent" More from this Member | Report Response

"I read SDN and blog of other potential interview questions." More from this Member | Report Response

"Sdn forums, brainstorming" More from this Member | Report Response

"I actually did not really prepare. I had been on multiple interviews and this was my last one. I had multiple acceptances so I felt encouraged by that." More from this Member | Report Response

"Mock interviews, read interview feed back on SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN interview feedback/reviewed my application" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read the interview feedback section, my personal statement, looked at my grades and also performed a mock interview" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN/ Reviewing application/ Reading website." More from this Member | Report Response

"Reading SDN interview feedback, reviewing my application, reviewing the school's website." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN feedback and reviewing personal statement/app" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN Interview FB/Research the school/Reviewed my app" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN and my application" More from this Member | Report Response

"sdn, school website" More from this Member | Report Response

"I read SDN sample questions and reviewed my application/personal statement" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN and reviewing my application." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN interview feedback." More from this Member | Report Response

"Compiled a list of questions from sdn and brainstormed answers. Reviewed my application" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, read my app" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN feedback. Just know who you are and where you're coming from and you will be fine in this interview. They already know they want you and don't grill you like some of the other schools." More from this Member | Report Response

"Reading this forum" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read these reports" More from this Member | Report Response

"I just went over my personal statement and read SDN." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read over my application and personal statement. Read the information I was sent and on the website multiple times." More from this Member | Report Response

"Reviewing my application, and mock interview through my undergrad college" More from this Member | Report Response

"Review personal statement and resume (They don't really dissect either one though.)" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, read about the school, practice with family and friends." More from this Member | Report Response

"Take it seriously." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN of course" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read about the school, Read my application, Looked on SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"Google question, SDN, read Personal statement" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, relaxed, and looked over my application." More from this Member | Report Response

"by looking over the and know my appl stuff" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read over my application, practiced interview questions, read boards on SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, thought about why DPM?" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read feedback, Reviewed website, Thought long and hard about why I wanted to be a podiatrist" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN forums, reading over my transcript / personal statement, good night's sleep and a good breakfast" More from this Member | Report Response

"OCPM interview feedback forum & Pod. forum" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing really, just relaxed and looked over my application." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read over my app files" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read the information pack the school had sent me, SDN interview feedback." More from this Member | Report Response

"Research, practice, SDN, school info packet." More from this Member | Report Response

"read over the packet" More from this Member | Report Response

"When I did the internship program, they held interviews the week I was there. I got to talk to some of the students that were applying then and get some feedback from them " More from this Member | Report Response

"school information packet, my personal statement and materials, etc." More from this Member | Report Response

"I didn't really prepare. " More from this Member | Report Response

"i had been on a couple others as well as to some D.O. programs. and of course sdn" More from this Member | Report Response

"reading online and harrasing a former student " More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN forumn, website" More from this Member | Report Response

What impressed you positively?

"Kent State's student ambassadors were amazingly helpful. They were both tour guides and available to answer questions. I appreciated their honesty when answering questions the most. I felt they were passionate about Kent State but not enough to cloud their judgement about the school or their experiences. They also pride themselves on their family-like community which was evident in the tour. Everyone said "hello" to one another, even the professors." More from this Member | Report Response

"How friendly the interviewers were." More from this Member | Report Response

"How absolutely friendly everyone was; how much tutoring and assistance they offer; how beautiful the campus and surrounding areas were; how well they set up the itinerary for the interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"The people who interviewed me where very friendly and made me feel comfortable." More from this Member | Report Response

"Faculty and Students were very nice and welcoming" More from this Member | Report Response

"The individuals that interviewed me. This was virtual so it was great to be comfortable with the staff." More from this Member | Report Response

"locale, positive student morale, high student support services" More from this Member | Report Response

"The admissions staff, the students, facilities. This was probably the best interview day I had. We had a lot of time to mingle with current students and there were a variety of them available to answer questions. There were also several giving tours so the tour groups were smaller and we could ask more questions." More from this Member | Report Response

"The students were very enthusiastic and seemed to love their school" More from this Member | Report Response

"The amount of time we had with current students. It really gave me a sense for how they all interacted with each other." More from this Member | Report Response

"They made the day as stress-free as possible. They sent multiple correspondences via email and snail mail with a bunch of information about the school. Everyone was also very warm and welcoming." More from this Member | Report Response

"Location, friendliness of everyone on campus" More from this Member | Report Response

"The students and the staff were very welcoming. They tried to make sure everyone on interview day felt comfortable and had all of their questions answered. The students were very well informed and I thought made me feel more at ease. The anatomy lab was wonderful as well." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everything! The facilities are incredible - really nice school in a really nice part of town. Everybody was so extremely nice and helpful all day. The student ambassadors really did a great job of answering everybody's questions and leaving a good impression." More from this Member | Report Response

"The collaborative nature of the students was a really positive experience. All the students had positive and honest things to say about their time at the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"The facilities!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Great facility, extremely polite podiatrists and administration. Very clean and organized." More from this Member | Report Response

"good facilities, everything you need is all localized to one building, and students are very willing to help out other students." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everything" More from this Member | Report Response

"The technology in the classrooms and anatomy lab, mediasite, the vast amount of study space on campus, the tutoring system they have in place, and the housing information they provided." More from this Member | Report Response

"Facilities and opportunities for research" More from this Member | Report Response

"The staff and students were so approachable and made me feel a lot more relaxed. The building itself is gorgeous as well." More from this Member | Report Response

"Interviewers were very genuine and kind. They asked questions simply to find out more about me and to try and see how I would fit in at their school. The campus was very well maintained. You can tell that the podiatry students are top priority at the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"How friendly all of the staff and students were" More from this Member | Report Response

"the facilities, the student ambassadors," More from this Member | Report Response

"The students and staff were very enthusiastic. The facilties were really top notch and technologically up-to-date (nice lecture halls, great anatomy lab, numerous study areas, conference style rooms). We received a handwritten thank you note at the end of the interview from admissions and a bag with a free kent state t-shirt, socks, and a pen. The day was really organized and everything happened in a timely manner." More from this Member | Report Response

"The staff and facilities. Really amazing place." More from this Member | Report Response

"The anatomy lab seemed top notch. Also the students seemed to be involved in many different things." More from this Member | Report Response

"The Hospitality and how nice and helpful everyone is including the doctors, admissions staff and students." More from this Member | Report Response

"The friendliness of everyone there, the facilities, how people have a genuine interest in making sure you succeed." More from this Member | Report Response

"Facilities and how friendly everyone was" More from this Member | Report Response

"Curriculum. The fact that the school merged with Kent State Univeristy" More from this Member | Report Response

"The building and facilities." More from this Member | Report Response

"A lot. I loved everyone I met, as they were over-the-top nice. The facilities were great and loved the technology. I also very much liked the area in which the school is located." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everything. How straight forward dean Lott was, all the admissions staff, the anatomy lab is amazing, the location, the building is so new and technologically advanced, the amount of study rooms and libraries, in house cafeteria, access to bones in the library, no real required textbooks, all the notes are online, etc." More from this Member | Report Response

"The campus is extremely high tech, and very nice. Also, the faculty and students make you feel welcome" More from this Member | Report Response

"Great new facility. Everyone couldn't be nicer. They act like the want you there." More from this Member | Report Response

"The School itself and the facilities-very nice. Dean Lott was very pleasant as well." More from this Member | Report Response

"Friendliness of the staff." More from this Member | Report Response

"Dean Lott impressed me with her eloquence and strong presence. The anatomy lab is really high tech with computers and flat screen TVs at each station. The lecture hall is huge, and showing up for some classes are optional, since the lectures are recorded for you to view on your ipod. I could go on and on..." More from this Member | Report Response

"The campus is AMAZING, I was impressed with the technology and passion of the people I met. Also, the practice management class seems like such a great addition for students who want to go into the private sector after graduation." More from this Member | Report Response

"Being next to a big city, but not having to live in one. The faculty and admissions office had the nicest people I've ever met. Not just that, but the people I met around the area were crazy nice. The facilities are also new and hightech." More from this Member | Report Response

"The Dean is super friendly and seems like a great lady -not a podiatrist though, or any health profession for that matter." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer attitude" More from this Member | Report Response

"The friendliness of the staff and students. The whole process was not stressful at all which makes it very enjoyable." More from this Member | Report Response

"Beautiful campus, friendly students & staff, very high-tech, safe suburb" More from this Member | Report Response

"the students and facilities" More from this Member | Report Response

"Suburbian location, low cost of living, amazing facilities, very tech-friendly building" More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone was extremely nice and accommodating. I was very nervous when I first got there (as this was my first interview) but Dean Lott came in and told us to relax, and that we all posses the qualities that she was looking for. She said to view the day as if we were interviewing them to see if the school was a right fit for us. We got to speak with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students, all of whom were very nice and had wonderful things to say about OCPM. I don't know why OCPM has a bad wrap on SDN because the school seemed to be one of the best. The location also seemed nice with a low cost of living and safe neighborhoods in close proximity of the school. They've updated everything and all of their facilities are top notch in terms of technology." More from this Member | Report Response

"The school is high-tech! Faculty & staff are VERY approachable..Open door policy! Some professors will even meet you @ the local coffee-shop! Is that dedication or what? The students are also very approachable and laid-back..The 3rd & 4th years are also willing to help you & assist w/ questions....Tour guides DID NOT bash other schools!!----(since I thought they would)... 1) Anatomy Lab 2) Laid-back professors 3) Student relations (friendly/helpful) 4) Cheap cost of living 5) Gas I saw was $2.65 on 10/10/08 (good for SUV/minivans.. 6) Competitive housing prices are (+) for people w/ families (some landlords offer 3 months free rent w/ lease!!) 7) I have a family so security is VERY important to me.. 8) LITTLE traffic !! " More from this Member | Report Response

"-New facilities are very nice, up there with DMU + AzPOD -Location is 15 minutes from downtown Cleveland -CHEAP cost of living, closest is Des Moines" More from this Member | Report Response

"The campus is very nice and new. The people were nice and the cost of living it great." More from this Member | Report Response

"Brand new facilities, enthusiastic staff and students. They have a lot of new technology and I was really impressed. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Lois Lott, the dean of admissions, is WONDERFUL!!! She does the interviews and is one of the main reasons why I would choose this school. She is very enthusiastic and the interview was like talking to an old friend. I know that if I ever had a problem when attending OCPM, I would feel very comfortable speaking to her about it. Also, the new facilities are beautiful, we didn?t get to see them on the interview day, so I drove by them the next day. Independence, OH is very nice. " More from this Member | Report Response

"New facility, how willing faculty is to help you succeed, how friendly EVERYONE is." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everything! The new facility is beautiful and everyone there really loves it! They are great at recruiting!" More from this Member | Report Response

"how friendly the students and staff were. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was very business like, and she allowed me to talk and really seemed interested in my thoughts and questions" More from this Member | Report Response

"The faculty, students, facility, city, everything. All three that interviewed that day were accepted at the end. It was nice knowing my status before leaving." More from this Member | Report Response

"i did an internship since it was offered, and stayed with a student for a week. i feel as if i got a true pic of the whole thing here and i didnt have that view from other schools. " More from this Member | Report Response

"the way i was treated" More from this Member | Report Response

"The faculty and staff." More from this Member | Report Response

"Very impressive faculty, staff, and students. The school is moving to updated facilities in the near future and paid for half of hotel expenses as well as transportation to and from the school. " More from this Member | Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"The school itself is fairly small. I also read that the interview was very laid-back with relaxed, fun questions but my interviewer was definitely more interested in my transcript than I'd been prepared for. It was still pretty relaxed but not as personable as I'd anticipated." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing at all. Great school and great interview process." More from this Member | Report Response

"not much information about board pass rates and residency placements, high tuition" More from this Member | Report Response

"Low board pass rates" More from this Member | Report Response

"One thing I did notice was that there wasn't as much Focus about numbers for residency placement and board pass rates. The day focused more on everything else that Kent State had to offer." More from this Member | Report Response

"We didn’t get to see some things because some classes were going on. Not necessarily a negative, but it would just have been nice to see some of the lecture halls and labs." More from this Member | Report Response

"On campus clinic is slow, but they do have another one that students rotate to" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing." More from this Member | Report Response

"They did not show me the clinic during the tour." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing at all." More from this Member | Report Response

"A dentist teaches anatomy. That's not bad at all, I just thought that was a bit strange." More from this Member | Report Response

"There is no on campus housing or public transportation." More from this Member | Report Response

"no public transportation, no on-campus housing" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing, I loved the school!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Only pod students in a secluded building (seems like you might want to interact with other ppl outside of pod students from time to time), no housing on campus or within walking distance, older facilities, weather." More from this Member | Report Response

"no apartments in Independence," More from this Member | Report Response

"Students aren't really going to the clinic much it seemed until after they pass boards. There are no apartments in Independence, so you will have to live about 15 minutes away. Scholarship opportunities seem limited after 1st year" More from this Member | Report Response

"Their gym, laughable, but they give you money to go to a gym near you instead, so that's nice." More from this Member | Report Response

"The location and distance of housing options from the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"Ohio. Rough weather and not much to do, not a lot of culture compared to LA where I live. If you come from a small town already, it shouldn't affect you very much. The Board pass rates." More from this Member | Report Response

"Average board pass rates" More from this Member | Report Response

"Location. It was middle of no where." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing except knowing how long the winters are there." More from this Member | Report Response

"The only negative thing is that you must drive to school everyday, but was told as long as you don't have lab you can stay home since you have the notes already anyway and can watch the lecture online." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing really, it was just a long day." More from this Member | Report Response

"Not so much the school but you should be aware that the closest apartments are at least a 10 minute drive from the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"how little information the students themseleves knew. When I asked students certain questions about classes, schedules of classes in their future, their future clinical exposure, they responded quite frequently with "oh i don't really know yet"" More from this Member | Report Response

"The school is not affiliated with a university, and they only have one main lecture hall." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing really, I was a little shocked you got an acceptance letter right there." More from this Member | Report Response

"Don't like how they are not affiliated with any kind of university. Just an overall feeling of second rate" More from this Member | Report Response

"I don't think they get the big picture here. Podiatry is moving forward as a profession, but I felt that OCPM is lagging behind. They don't completely understand Vision 2015. APMA asked that all schools affiliate with a major university a few years back. Obviously OCPM thought they didn't need to listen to the APMA then, so why would they listen to them now. There is NO exposure to other health fields. How are their students going to learn to work within a team of health professionals upon graduation? They had my acceptance letter ready before I even started my interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"N/A" More from this Member | Report Response

"the clinic is 15 minutes away from the school in Cleveland; one of the professors was obnoxious and somewhat rude;the location in a city where there are no apts. (all 5+minutes away)" More from this Member | Report Response

"offsite clinic, high attrition rate compared to other schools" More from this Member | Report Response

"Honestly, all the rumors you hear about OCPM are subjective....Class of 2012 is the 1st to go to class in the new building, so don't believe all the hype.....GO there and see for yourself!!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The fact that OCPM student tour guides bashed other podiatry programs. It is not very professional or attractive to say the least. Applicants should not have to hear false accusations or lame opinions. The worst is that the tour guides never visited the schools they criticized! Also claimed that OCPM was the number 1 or 2 podiatry program in the nation...yea sure...can you prove this with 1st time board pass rates, residency placements, etc? -The school is independent and not affiliated with a university or med college -HUGE class size (135 students) the biggest of any pod school -Accept a lot of students, including those who will just fail out anyway -Weak entrance scholarships and solely based on GPA (not MCAT score) -Mormon cheating scandal few years ago, now very strict testing policy in place -2 main clinics are quite new and not many patients...maybe if the class sized was reduced that would help..." More from this Member | Report Response

"The school pushes the independence of the program, I like it is a major flaw. They may have nice facilities but they have to accept lots more students to pay the bills. They sacrifice quality in basic science (they've got a dentist in charge of anatomy. A DENTIST!!) The location is also in the middle of nowhere." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing I think that the new building is top of line. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The length of the interview day. LOOOONNNG DAY. 9-10am sat there 10-1130 school tour 1130-12 some people interviewed 12-1 lunch + get to meet the dean 12-4 interview your interview = approx 5-10min " More from this Member | Report Response

"Not seeing the new school, I guess we couldnt because it is still a hard hat area." More from this Member | Report Response

"Not to much knowledge for foreign financial aid." More from this Member | Report Response

"none" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer (dean) called me by the wrong name multiple times, even though I corrected her, and I was the only one interviewing... it was weird. In addition, the continually bragged about their new facilities, but did not take me to see them, " More from this Member | Report Response

"nothing" More from this Member | Report Response

"old school and facilites, BUT i am a student here currently and my second year will be and the new school and it is very nice." More from this Member | Report Response

"the location but got the oportunity to see the new facilities and i feel in love" More from this Member | Report Response

"The location and condition of the building" More from this Member | Report Response

"facilities are outdated including most of the website information" More from this Member | Report Response

What did you wish you had known ahead of time?

"Don't be so stressed out" More from this Member | Report Response

"What questions I would be asked and the interview took place over Microsoft teams, so if you have a MacBook make sure you download the Teams app or use google chrome, Teams does not open in Safari." More from this Member | Report Response

"That there's nothing to worry about. The tour/walking around campus before the interview helps get the jitters out. Everyone seemed excited to meet with us." More from this Member | Report Response

"There is no need to stress! They just want to get to know more about you as a person beyond your application" More from this Member | Report Response

"That it was a very relaxed interview and nothing to stress about" More from this Member | Report Response

"That I would be fine. I was really nervous." More from this Member | Report Response

"That I would have been as interested in this school as I ended up being. I decided last minute to attend the interview and am glad I did." More from this Member | Report Response

"Location is in a weird spot ( right off the highway in an old mansion)" More from this Member | Report Response

"That the interview was going to be more of a conversation could have lessened the amount of stress I had before interview" More from this Member | Report Response

"N/A. They provide information on what to expect." More from this Member | Report Response

"It's very relaxed. No stress at all." More from this Member | Report Response

"That it was going to be a very long day." More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour is very long and you do a lot of walking." More from this Member | Report Response

"I had prepared decently well, but if you are not from the area, be sure to drive to the school the night before if possible so you know where you are going and your commute time. If you are not used to Ohio weather (AKA snow), be sure to give yourself extra time!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Don't plan on their breakfast filling you up and come with questions for the students that are going to give the tour. They are going to ask you if you have any question a lot." More from this Member | Report Response

"How laid back it would be! The MOST laid back of any interviews I've had so far, if you can I suggest coming here to interview first to help calm the nerves." More from this Member | Report Response

"I attended the pre-professional internship, so there wasn't anything I hadn't learned there." More from this Member | Report Response

"I wish they had given the itinerary for the day before. In the emails they said the day would end at 3:00, but we finished by 2:00 - it would have been nice to know for planning purposes. Also, the complimentary breakfast was just juice, water, and coffee - no actual food so definitely eat beforehand" More from this Member | Report Response

"That the day I arrived it was 18 degrees, but by the end of the interview it was going to be 65." More from this Member | Report Response

"I should have rented a car." More from this Member | Report Response

"I couldn't go anywhere without getting a ride from the hotel shuttle. You can get by without a car, but if you want to see the city and go out to eat I highly recomend renting a car." More from this Member | Report Response

"How relaxed it was going to be" More from this Member | Report Response

"That I really did need to rent a car from the Akron airport, as a taxi is way too expensive." More from this Member | Report Response

"Not to book flights to other interviews until after OCPM." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing, they did a good job" More from this Member | Report Response

"That I would have only gotten a conditional acceptance. I was 1 point lower than their minimum MCAT score." More from this Member | Report Response

"That there was nothing to worry about. Dean Lott is super sweet and the school is awesome." More from this Member | Report Response

"That the interview would be so laid back and almost fun. Dean Lott is extremely nice and easy to talk to" More from this Member | Report Response

"N/A" More from this Member | Report Response

"I should've rented a car" More from this Member | Report Response

"that the interview would be very conversational" More from this Member | Report Response

"wear comfortable shoes-the tour is probably an hour long. " More from this Member | Report Response

"how relaxed and nice the interviewers were so I didn't have to be stressed." More from this Member | Report Response

"NOT to listen to all the crap about OCPM posted on SDN...I went there closed-minded not expecting much......This WAS NOT my #1 until I completed my interview/tour...I'm canceling my confirmed interviews w/ DMU, AZPod, & Barry.." More from this Member | Report Response

"Entrance scholarships are for first year only, low amount and solely based on GPA (not MCAT) Didn't expect tour guides to throw their two sense in about other pod programs. I interviewed at 8 schools, and only experienced this at OCPM!" More from this Member | Report Response

"All of the students think it is okay to have a dentist teaching anatomy." More from this Member | Report Response

"That the interview would be so relaxed." More from this Member | Report Response

"I didnt realize what a great school this is! Please apply to ocpm!" More from this Member | Report Response

"That I would not get lunch" More from this Member | Report Response

"nothing" More from this Member | Report Response

"nouthing really" More from this Member | Report Response

"That the building is not in good condition. However, the school is moving next year so it is not a major issue. " More from this Member | Report Response

What are your general comments?

"This interview has been my favorite out of all of them. It definitely has the unfair advantage of being in person but their presentations and student ambassadors were well-prepared. The environment at Kent State is how they described in the admissions presentation: friendly, welcoming and a family. They also didn't focus on comparing themselves to other programs a lot which I also respected and appreciated." More from this Member | Report Response

"The school and program seem amazing. Every staff member I have interacted with so far have been extremely helpful and friendly. It seems like they really set students up for success. A list of all the questions/topics I was asked in the interview: -How did you prepare for the MCAT -An interesting shadowing experience that stood out -How my previous teaching job relates to podiatry -Asked about my grades and my studying methods -Why podiatry -Why Kent State -Asked about work experience -How would I work to improve my grades/adjust to the curriculum at KSUCPM -How would your friends describe you -If I could invite four people to dinner who would it be and why" More from this Member | Report Response

"Interview day at Kent was a really fun experience. We got to do a suturing workshop afterward, and met with a lot of students. Please do not be like me and stress yourself out beforehand. You will enjoy it. Also, guests are allowed to come." More from this Member | Report Response

"Just be yourself and be honest" More from this Member | Report Response

"Really enjoyed the interview, everyone was very nice" More from this Member | Report Response

"Go over questions and look at the school. Come up with reasons why you would want to go here." More from this Member | Report Response

"great school, great environment, great student positivity," More from this Member | Report Response

"The school was very responsive to emails. The students were honest and available to tell us the details about their experience. The facilities were great. The location is good. There is so much opportunity for research and the PhD in charge of a lot of research was VERY approachable. She said any questions were not off limits, at the interview and by email, including Cleveland questions. Fantastic experience. This school is making plenty of changes for the better." More from this Member | Report Response

"Kent was something I was excited to see, but after hearing statistics about the school from actual admissions staff I wasn't that impressed." More from this Member | Report Response

"Interview was very casual and laid back. More of a conversation between admissions and interviewee." More from this Member | Report Response

"Fantastic school and seems like a great program. They definitely want to see you become the best physician you can be." More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall a very positive experience!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Make sure you know your application, but other than that the whole day was very laid back. Everyone there wants you to feel comfortable." More from this Member | Report Response

"This seems like a great school and I can see myself being happy here." More from this Member | Report Response

"Awesome school" More from this Member | Report Response

"The day is quite long but its fun and you have a lot of opportunities to talk with current students and ask questions. The interviews are spread out from 10:30 until 2, but they don't tell you when your individual interview will be." More from this Member | Report Response

"Absolutely loved the school! It was my first interview and I have no regrets withdrawing my application from other places because this is the school for me." More from this Member | Report Response

"Just try to enjoy your time there. Try and focus on how you feel about the school instead of the interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"Great school" More from this Member | Report Response

"The facilities are amazing. The student ambassadors were nice, helpful, and easy to talk to. Carla is great too! Kent loves to give you goodies when you leave." More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall, the school left a positive impression on me and I was impressed with the facilities and the admissions/current students. The school is definitely what you would expect to get from a podiatric/medical education as far as facilities go. The students only had positive things to say about their school, but I think it's important to take what they say with a grain of salt. They were 1st and 2nd years so it's not like they're residents or attendings who are able to reflect back on the positives/negatives of their education from a broader perspective." More from this Member | Report Response

"The whole interview day is really relaxed just kind of long. There is a lot of walking for the tour and everything is inside so it can get warm." More from this Member | Report Response

"Great learning environment and staff/student relationships. Everyone there really wants you to succeed and be happy and are very helpful. The school is really growing since the merge with Kent and its going to get better in later years. Board pass rates can be better, and they are working on that." More from this Member | Report Response

"A great school. The people I met were so nice, very warm and welcoming." More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall, great experience, looking forward to starting in the fall!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Good school in terms of education and providing resources for students success." More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall, very impressed and I can easily see myself very happy here. The students seemed happy and it seems as though the school really does try and listen to their concerns and make appropriate changes. Double thumbs up." More from this Member | Report Response

"Loved the school, will be going there if/when accepted." More from this Member | Report Response

"I enjoyed the day, but I don't like the actual interview was long enough to get to know me. They could have been more thorough with the questions, but otherwise it was a great experience. This is one of my top choices because of the faculty, building, and location (family friendly)" More from this Member | Report Response

"The rumor is true, you are handed your acceptance letter at the end of the day. And yes the school is very nice and pretty but I chose to attend another Pod school for the education. As great as Ohio seems on the outside, I did not get a great feel or positive feel for what they have on the inside: great education to become a great doctor." More from this Member | Report Response

"Great school and great city... but I definitely want to meet the other ones before I make a decision." More from this Member | Report Response

"Already sent my deposit in, was impressed with the school and loved it!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Great school with great people" More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall, Ohio is an OK school. The facilities are good, but they seem very cramped. They accept an huge number of students compared to the other schools. Anyone with a pulse can get in. I had a friend who went there and he said there was a guy in is class who had a 2.7 undergrad gpa!!! Come on, if we are trying for parity, let's start with only admitting competent students! Again, I don't think they quite get it." More from this Member | Report Response

"My advice to you is don't be nervous about the interview. Dean Lott is soo nice and it will feel a lot like just having a conversation with old friend. Make sure you know all and from this web before you go in interview. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall it was a great experience. I would highly recommend this school to anyone considering podiatry as a career. Also, it is located in a really nice, safe area." More from this Member | Report Response

"I toured/interviewed w/ (2) other people..Tour guide was led by (3) 1st year students...NOT 1 time did I hear them bash the other schools, but I did ask them to tell me OCPM comparisons to the other schools that they interviewed....Personally, I think the school is great and I will accept my invitation there for Class of 2013.. In order, we had our tour, individual interview, Q&A session, lunch (& mini-interview) Dr. Spencer, & the Dean of Academic Affairs/VP Dr. Heatherington.....After lunch, we were brought back to a room then went to a final 1 on 1 session.. Everyone I came across had PLENTY of patience to answer my 100+ questions..I really WANTED to hate this school, but instead I fell in love with it along with the faculty/students, and area! You won't be disappointed! -Good Luck!!" More from this Member | Report Response

"New building is nice, which is great cause the old one was a piece of shit. Location pretty decent (suburbs) with little traffic even during rush hour. Compared to other pod schools, the academics or clinicals don't seem too amazing 135 students in first year class...ridiculous, especially with the residency shortage getting worse and worse. Seems like an okay program, but not up there with DMU/AzPOD/Scholl/CSPM" More from this Member | Report Response

"The school has great facilities, but it seems to be missing the big picture. Podiatrist work within an mixture of practitioners so why not be educated in the same manner? A DENTIST!!!" More from this Member | Report Response

"My interview was great. The students were very good at answering questions and the faculty and admissions staff was very helpful and friendly. " More from this Member | Report Response

"It was a 2 minute interview, with acceptances handed out at the end of the interview. Prepare to sit in a small room with a bunch of other people for a good 9 hour period. " More from this Member | Report Response

" I thought OCPM was great! Before I even came to the interview I had spoken to Lois Lott and was very excited to meet her. All of the school staff that we met were great. The student ambassadors were very open and answered all of our questions. The ambassadors met us in the morning and stayed with us all day, so if a question came up they could answer it. They told us the professors are very accessible and even record lectures just in case you miss a class. There is also a fraternity that pretests students before the actual test to help them with their weaknesses. The whole day was very relaxed and all of the interviewees got to know each other. It was all together a fun day, not stressful at all." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview process and tour sealed the deal. A very positive learning environment to be in." More from this Member | Report Response

"OCPM was my backup for Temple and Chicago and after the Interview it became my number 1. This school has professors that care about the students and new facilities!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview process was more laid back and an overall good experience. I did other interviews that same week and OCPM's was the best. " More from this Member | Report Response

"the interview was good, but the tour was terrible.. and I did not get to really chat with any current students, " More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone was really nice. We were laughing a lot, even with the dean- who did the interview. It was a very relaxed day. It did snow the entire time I was there, so I didn't get an accurate impression of the city. The new building in Independence is beautiful. Now, if they will just keep it open 24 hrs, then it will be even better. " More from this Member | Report Response

"it was good, aparently they only interview if you have pretty much been accepted so as long as you dont make a fool of yourself or say you have a foot fettish (sp) you should be ok" More from this Member | Report Response

"I had a great time with the faculty and students. It was a stress-free environment for me. " More from this Member | Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?

Response # Responders
Student 54
Faculty member 3
Admissions staff 6
Other 1

How did the tourguide seem?

Response # Responders
Enthusiastic 56
Neutral 8
Discouraging 0

How do you rank the facilities?

Response Avg # Responders
8.16 68

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your in-state status?

Response # Responders
In state 14
Out of state 52

What was your total time spent traveling?

Response # Responders
0-1 hour 4
2-3 hours 13
4-6 hours 29
7+ hours 16

What was your primary mode of travel?

Response # Responders
Airplane 32
Automobile 29
Train or subway 1
Other 1

What airport did you use?

Cleveland Hopkins International

Cleveland Hopkins Airport

Cleveland international



Cleveland Hopkins

American Airlines







Where did you stay?

Response # Responders
At school facility 0
With students at the school 1
Friends or family 9
Hotel 49
Home 1
Other 1

What is the name of the hotel you stayed in?

Wyndham Hotel

Comfort Inn


Comfort Inn (Airport)

Holiday Inn, by the Rock Hall

Holiday Inn Select Downtown


Residence Inn

In the city

Holliday Inn

Sheraton Independance (4 star hotel at 89 a night)



Best Western


Crowne Plaza

Hyatt Place

Embassy Sweets

Embassy Suite

Crowne Plaza Cleveland South

Crowne Royal

La Quinta

Crowne Plaza Independence



Would you recommend the hotel?

Wyndham Hotel

Comfort Inn


Comfort Inn (Airport)

Holiday Inn, by the Rock Hall

Holiday Inn Select Downtown


Residence Inn

In the city

Holliday Inn

Sheraton Independance (4 star hotel at 89 a night)



Best Western


Crowne Plaza

Hyatt Place

Embassy Sweets

Embassy Suite

Crowne Plaza Cleveland South

Crowne Royal

La Quinta

Crowne Plaza Independence



About how much did you spend on room, food, and travel?

Response # Responders
< $100 12
$101-$200 13
$201-$300 12
$301-$400 4
$401-$500 10
$501+ 11

General Info

How do you rank this school among other schools to which you've applied?

Response Avg # Responders
7.74 70

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this school's location?

Response Avg # Responders
7.24 70

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?

Response Avg # Responders
6.91 70

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the responsiveness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
8.95 59

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the friendliness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
9.39 59

0 = low, 10 = high

How eco-friendly are the school's application materials and interview process?

Response Avg # Responders
6.84 58

0 = low, 10 = high

What are your suggestions for the admissions office?

"Continue with your amazing interview process!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Keep doing what you're doing! I loved this experience." More from this Member | Report Response

"None. They did very well in setting up and running the interview day. I got a very good sense of campus life and what Kent State has to offer." More from this Member | Report Response

"I have none" More from this Member | Report Response

"Printed out info slides could have been in smaller font and used less pages." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing! Everybody was great! Very approachable and they genuinely care about their students. I have emailed Carla a few times, and she emails me back within minutes every time!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Just to continue being so helpful and kind." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing. Everyone is great!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Don't pull interviewees for interviews during the question and answer time with the students." More from this Member | Report Response

"None" More from this Member | Report Response

"Keep up the good work!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Very kind and nice admissions staff. I really enjoyed my interview there mainly because of them." More from this Member | Report Response

"Do no ask personal questions. One of the secretaries asked me what other schools I had interviews at and which school I was going to choose." More from this Member | Report Response

"Perhaps mail an itinerary of the process beforehand." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everything was wonderful" More from this Member | Report Response

"I didn't really see any problems with the admissions office.I received a courtesy call 2 days prior" More from this Member | Report Response

"Tell your student tour guides to not bash other podiatry programs. It is not very professional!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The admissions office was very nice." More from this Member | Report Response

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