How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
1.45 | 174 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 124 |
Negatively | 26 |
No change | 26 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
3.12 | 172 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.29 | 99 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.51 | 101 |
No responses
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 1 |
15 minutes | 5 |
20 minutes | 11 |
25 minutes | 7 |
30 minutes | 38 |
35 minutes | 8 |
40 minutes | 13 |
45 minutes | 34 |
50 minutes | 22 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 40 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 176 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 9 |
In a group | 167 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 43 |
Closed file | 119 |
Response Average | # Responders |
1.45 | 174 |
"So, why dentistry?"
"What would you do if you didnt get in?"
"Tell me about your leadership experiences."
"Did you have over 100 hours of shadowing?"
"Tell me about your research interests."
"Why Dentistry? "
"Tell me about yourself (including hobbies)."
"Tell me about yourself..."
"Tell about yourself."
"tell me about yourself (where born, school, major), and why temple?"
"What community service and/or outreach have you done - and what do you plan to do once you are in dental school?"
"Why dentistry? "
"What activities do you do with your hands?"
"why temple?"
"How have you demonstrated your dedication to the community?"
"Volunteer work."
"why dentistry"
"What is your favorite dental tool?"
"Leadership qualities."
"When have you shown any leadership abilities?"
"How can you use dentistry to help your community?"
"Why dentistry? give dexterity skills?"
"Why dentistry?"
"What are your research interests?"
"Describe any experience in manual dexterity. "
"rate your knowledge of dentistry from 1-5"
"Describe yourself. "
"Who is your role model (though I think this is the question everyone in my group answered, but not necessarily the one asked)"
"What got you interested in dentistry?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"ice-breaker: name, school, major"
"Where are you from / what school are you at?"
"Whose ideas have inspired you the most?"
"Why dentsitry?"
"What kind of volunteer work do you do?"
"Why dentistry and not proctology, etc? "
"What leadership experience do you have?"
"Why denstitry?"
"Tell me something about yourself."
"What qualities make a good dentist?"
"stated above"
"I was a constant discussion between the interviewer and the students. "
"Why you wanna be a dentist?"
"I know you all volunteer, but how do you contribute to society?"
"Of course why dentistry?"
"Why dentistry, volunteer works, and your opinion on some of the issues that the dentists have to face everyday."
"what dental experience do you have? (ie shadowing)"
"Why Dentitry?"
"How do you deal with stress? What do you do outside or school/work? Last book you read/what type of books do you read?"
"Tell me what books you've read lately?"
"What can you offer to Temple?"
"if you had to beg for acceptance, what would you say?"
"Tell me about yourself "
"Why dentistry? Why temple? "
"What do you want your practice to be like?"
"what do i hope to do as a dentist, do i want to go into reserach/ education, etc..."
"Why dentistry, why temple?"
"Why do you want to be a dentist? (Of course)"
"why temple"
"Why Dentisty?"
"-Tell me about yourself (location, major, hobbies) "
"What is the role of a dentist in the community?"
"Tell me about yourself. Why Dentistry? Why Temple?"
"What was the last book you read?"
"How do you manage your stress?"
"why dentistry? what activities do u do that demonstrate manual dexterity? extra-curriculars? "
"Why do you want to be a dentist?"
"It depends which faculty member you get...our group was more of a conversation. Basically, Why do you want to be a Dentist?"
"what would you do if you do not get into dental school What was the last book you read, rank it on a scale of 1- 10"
"Essay Question: If in 10 years you were to hurt your back so bad you can't practice, what would you do?"
"Tell me about yourself?"
"What was the last thing you built?"
"last book you read, hobbies"
"Why Temple over other dental schools?"
"If you don't get into dental school this year, what will you do? What if you NEVER get into dental school?"
"What do you like about Temple? "
"Convince me you are right for temple and you would come here."
"What do you think about critiques?"
"describe your leadership experience to me"
"How did you become interested in dentistry?"
"What does Temple have to offer you?"
" Why dentistry?"
"Tell me things about yourself that you were not able to express in your application?"
"Why do i want to be a dentist?"
"Tell me about yourself in a few sentences"
"Who was your role model growing up?"
"What do you do in your free time? "
"What volunteer experience have you had?"
"What was your undergraduate major?"
"Tell my about your clinical experience."
"Leadership positions? "
"Who has had the most influence on you?"
"What community service have you done?"
"Leadership experience"
"Tell me about leadership qualities..."
"Community service, volunteer work, extracurriculars, research, hobbies?"
"how deal w/ stress then fire drill"
"play any musical instrument? Sport?"
"Tell me about leadership experiences"
"Why dentistry?"
"How do you relieve stress?"
"Why Temple?"
"have you read ''rich/poor dad''?"
"Is anyone in your family in the dental field?"
"what other interviews do you have"
"Would you be interested in teaching?"
"Qualities that will make you a good dentist."
"How have you changed over the last five years? Where do you see yourself in the future?"
"When have you displayed manual dexterity?"
"What leadership roles do you have? What community service have you done? "
"What leadurship experiences have you had?"
"What experience do you have working with low-income populations?"
"Who are your role model?"
"What would you bring to dentistry?"
"Tell me about a time when you displayed leadership?"
"tell me about your experience interacting with other people"
"What would you do if you were rejected and could never be admitted into any dental school? "
"How have you changeg over the years?"
"What have you done to show manual dexterity?"
"What volunteer work have you done?"
"why dentistry? duh"
"Give an example of your leadership?"
"What have you done for community involvement?"
"Where do you see yourself in 7 years?"
"What type of leadership roles have you had?"
"How will you deal with financial problems and manage your stress during school?"
"You have a patient who is obvioulsy drunk. He has a few teeth knocked out, do you treat him?"
"What type of people did you work with on your LDS mission?"
"Being a miniority, do you think you can be a leader in your community as a dentist?"
"How do you help out in the community?"
"Tell me about the community you are from."
"What have you done to show your manual dexterity?"
"Why did you apply to so many schools?"
"Are you interested in research, specialization or general practice? Why and which area?"
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
"Who is your role model/inspiration? How are you artistic?"
"Why dentistry."
"why are you not a biology major? do you think you can handle temple since you aren't?"
"What my ideal practice would look like."
"What's the last book you've read?"
"Why do you want to be a dentist?"
"Describe yourself and ways you have demonstrated manual dexterity."
"If there's ONE thing you'd like me to remember about you, what would it be?"
"How have been involved in serving my community?"
"What manual dexterity skills do you have?"
"What do you do for recreation?"
"What kind of hobbies do you have (manual dexterity activities)?"
"why dental"
"Would would do next year if you didnt get into Dental School?"
"Lots of dental experience-what has been your favorite?"
"-Why Dentistry? -Why TUSOD? "
"What are your hobbies?"
"What can you do with your hands? (sports, instruments,painting, drawing, etc)"
"What do you do with your hands?"
"What have you done in the past that shows you have good manual dexterity?"
"If you are never accepted to dental school, what will you do?"
"If not dentistry, then what profession?"
"dealing with stress? last book read?"
"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
"What was the most interesting class you took in undergrad outside of your major convince me you want to be a dentist "
"What have you done that shows your hand-eye skills?"
"Why do you want to become a dentist?"
"Convince me you want to be a dentist..."
"What do you expect out of dentistry as a career?"
"Manual dexterity"
"What have you made or done with your hands lately?"
"why temple, why dentistry"
"What is so important about communication in oral health?"
"How have you demonstrated manual dexterity?"
"why temple"
"What would you do if you applied to dental school over and over again, and never got in."
"What have you been doing since you graduated? "
"what would you do if you didn't get in?"
"What would you do if you couldn't get in?"
"What is the best thing you've built?"
"Tell me about your manual dexterity. "
"What is it about Temple University that makes you want to come here?"
"Would you give treatment to a drunk? How would you handle it?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"tell me a bit about yourself"
"Does the government have a right to fluoridate water?"
"why dentistry"
"What was/were your (first) encounter/s with dentistry?"
"What qualities do you have which would make you a good dentist?"
"What got you interested in dentistry?"
"So you speak how many languages? (after I answered question number 1)"
"What have you done which shows good hand skills?"
"What experiences in your life make you think you have the excellent manual dexterity required for dentistry?"
"Why Temple Dental?"
"What do you know about Temple's program, why do you think you will make a good student here?"
"do you have any comments about dentistry in general"
"What is the most interesting dental experience you have had, the funniest?"
"What do you do for fun?"
"Tell us about yourself?"
"Any questions for us?"
"I forgot"
"Tell us about your volunteer experience?"
"Tell me something unique about yourself."
"Was temple your number one choice?"
"What was the clinical orientation of you Abnormal Psych book in undergrad."
"Community Service?"
"What community service have you done?"
"What leadership positions have you held?"
"Tell me anything else you'd like us to know..."
"What is something special about you and makes you stand out that we may not know about you from your application?"
"How would u payback your loan? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Do you want to specialize?"
"What leadership qualities have you shown?"
"The last book you read?"
"Do you like cultural diversity? I think this really meant... do you mind working in this part of Philly."
"applied for military scholarships?"
"Introduce yourself, like school, major and such."
"How will you be able to handle the diverse patient pool we have here at Temple?"
"How would you rate the other schools you applied to, not considering temple."
"Why Temple?"
"Have you ever done any research?"
"Give an example of where you demonstrated leadership?"
"Leadership roles and volunteer work"
"You is your role model"
"What community service activities have you participated in?"
"Describe your favorite research experience."
"Why Dentistry?"
"Tell me about your role in community service?"
"what did you do for community service and leadership qualities?"
"What do you do for fun? "
"What kind of dentist would you like to be?"
"What should I know about you that I won't find in your application?"
"describe your leadership roles."
"Any leadership roles?"
"Why dentistry and not another healthcare profession?"
"Leadership? Your role model?"
"How do you like to study?"
"What was the most challenging moment in your life (essay)."
"Anything missing from your application that you feel should have been put in?"
"Is there anything would you like to add to your file that you didn't get a chance to mention on your AADSAS?"
"What are you interested in reading/hobbies?"
"Tell me about volunteer work and clubs you were involved with in college."
"What have you done to give back to your community?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"Would you be interested in the Haiti exchange? Why?"
"How will you pay for school? and who is your main role model?"
"An aspect of dentistry that you find interesting/fascinating? (A reason to enter the profession)"
"What leadership position u had?"
"What type of student you are?"
"your school was large, what type of sucking up did you have to do to get your lettor of recommendation from "X" professor?"
"What leadership qualities do you possess?"
"What leadership roles have you had?"
"What do you do in your spare time?"
"When did you graduate? What did you do since then?"
"What was the last book I read?"
"How do you handle diversity?"
"How do you feel that your relationship with your family/boyfriend/girlfriend will positively or negatively affect your educational experience?"
"-How do you handle stress? -What can you build/fix/make? -essay = Who is the most influential person in your life? "
"Tell me a little bit about yourself. "
"What questions do you have for me?"
"what other activities you enjoy outside of school?"
"Why do you be a dentist?"
"What traits do you have that you'll succeed in dental school?"
"what qualities make u a good dentists? my essay question: who has been most influential to u (aside from family members)?"
"How do you plan to fund your education? What sources of assistance have you considered?"
"what is it you like about temple compared to other schools you applied to"
"What's your favorite non-academic activity?"
"If you NEVER got accepted into dental school, then what would you do?"
"Are good communication skills important?"
"What's your most favorite non-academically related experience?"
"Other that school what else do you do?"
"activities that have helped you with your manual dexterity"
"What was the last item you built?"
"What have you made with your hands recently?"
"Should the government have the right to fluoridate public water or should the decision belong to the people?"
"what can you build "
"Do you have any questions for me?"
"They really like essays."
"what is the last book you read?"
"Tell me about yourself"
"Would you treat a drunk patient?"
"What was your most memorable non-academic experience. "
"What qualities do you possess that makes Temple right for you?"
"only 2 questions."
"Tell me about your contribution to the community."
"What can you do with your hands (manual dexterity)?"
"why temple"
"(for the essay) Describe support systems in your life."
"how many dentists are in US?"
"Name one person that has influenced you the most in your life and how."
"How do you handle stress?"
"Don't forget to ask the interviewers (usually 4th year students) about their experiences."
"Do you play sports? (after I answered question number 1)"
"What is your greatest strength?"
"What would a teacher say about you in 10 years?"
"Where did you get that tie?"
"Why should Temple pick you?"
"What will you do if you don't get accepted anywhere this year?"
"What's your backgound?"
"Do you have any talents or skills, what are they, give some examples, how do you think these might help you in dentistry?"
"What did you do in Oral Surgery research?"
"None really. It was simply a conversation between the interviewers and the interviewee (me). They were just trying to get a feel for who you are, what you can contribute to the program, and how you liked Temple. "
"Nothing out of the ordinary"
"Nothing, questions were really straightforward and conversational."
"Tell me something unique about yourself."
"Refer to the interview general comments"
"...nothing too interesting..."
"Who has had the most influence on you?"
"Ask your own question to your fellow interviewees."
"Having interviewees ask the rest of the group a question"
"Name this instrument (this wasn't during formal interview). The questions in the formal interview were basic and what one would expect."
"How will you pay off your debt"
"Describe a recent altercation and how you handled it."
"I wasn't asked this, but someone was asked to answer a question on women in dentistry."
"Do you do activities with your hands? Which?"
"Have you read ''Rich Dad Poor Dad''."
"If the whole group was accepted and you went to Temple, how would the group remember you at a 5 yr reunion?"
"I was only asked 3 so I guess when have you shown leadership."
"Nothing interesting..why dentistry instead of medicine"
"What would you do if a young individual asked you to pull out all of their teeth?"
"Who do you admire and why?"
"All normal questions"
"If not dentistry, what other job appealed to you?"
"Who in your life has inspired your ideals and beliefs?"
"Who is your role model?"
"all standard questions...posted here on SDN"
"All General"
"Nothing. The group style format resulted in very standard questions."
"The most interesting question was "Have I thought about how I am going to pay for Dental school""
"nothing...they're all crappy questions"
"Who is your best friend and describe why? "
"How can a dentist make a positive impact on his/her community?"
"What do you do to relax?"
"Interview was more of a conversation. We were asked about ourselves, volunteer activity and our interests."
"What should be done about underserved populations in Alaska in need of dental practitioners?"
"what is your favorite dental instrument?"
"Whose ideas have inspired you the most? What is your favorite dental instrument?"
"Nothing really special."
"Where do you see yourself 7 years from now?"
"nothing interesting"
"Nothing really to terrible, I think the most interesting question was....Give me an example of a diverse setting you have been in...."
"What type of people did you work with on your LDS mission?"
"Did you apply your state school?"
"Do I study alone or in groups?"
"Tell me something about yourself"
"none, just ask from a question sheet"
"Who do you look up to as a role model?"
"We all know that Temple isn't in a nice area, how does this affect you?"
"Why Temple?"
"Why do I want dentistry?"
"The fact is, I was only asked one question! The interviewer just sold the school and dentistry the entire time. Easiest interview yet!"
"Explain to me in detail what your practice and your life will be like in 15 years."
"What would your practice look like?"
"If I would like to participate in thye Haiti mission."
"If you couldn't do dentistry what would you do?"
"Who my role models were, and where I envisioned myself in five years."
"How would a dentist deal with different types of insurance?"
"How do you handle people who constantly doubt your abilities?"
"Why Dentistry?"
"How are you artistic? Be able to talk about yourself... What do you do in your spare time? What challenges have you faced? And how did you handle that challenge? Inspiration toward dentistry? Culture of the area you grew up in? eg: diverse, middle class, suburban..."
"Essay Question: Describe the most influential/important day in your life. (or something like that, i forget, you get the idea)"
"Do you believe the taxpayers should chip in to help pay for Katrina?"
"What type of student you are?"
"What's the last book you read?"
"What do you think dental school will be like?"
"Who is your role model and inspiration?"
"nothing really. maybe... what i wanted to do as a dentist.."
"What was the last book I read?"
"What can you bring to Temple?"
"All very basic questions. Why dentistry, why Temple, what do you do besides dentistry, etc."
"Describe the culture of the area in which you grew up."
"The only question asked during the entire interview was 'Why Dentistry?'"
"They asked me about my impression of the their subway trains? Answer: Total Ghetto"
"What are your hobbies? (Manual Dexterity activities)"
"what will your biggest challange be in dental school"
"How do you deal with the sight of blood?"
"What was the last book you read and what did you learn from it?"
"All of the questions were expected"
"How do you study? "
"10 min essay question is to see if you are indeed the person who wrote your personal statement, so relax. They have 6+ essay topics & if you don't like your topic, they'll let you find one that you like. Mine was "who was your favorite teacher?""
"Some hypothetical questions that he asked where we were forced to place ourselves in an actual dentist's shoes and answer how we would handle a specific situation that the interviwer prsented."
"We were only asked two questions and then he wanted us to ask all the questions. Dont waste all of your questions on Brian, or dental students on the tour, save your best questions for the interview. He asked us, Why dentistry, and If you do not get in this year, next year, or ever, what would you do?"
"How is oral communications important in dentistry?"
"nothing cuz everything was the same as all the feedbacks given here"
"How do you plan to fund your education?"
"There were no extraordinary questions, although the essay was a bit unorthodox. It was simple though, probably only to measure your ability to complete coherent sentences, as it is not uncommon for students to pay "services" to write their admissions applications for them."
"Do you think you will like this city?"
"How important is communication?"
"If you NEVER got accepted into dental school, then what would you do?"
"How do you deal with stress?"
"Will you treat a drunk patient?"
"No interesting questions were asked- only three: Why dentistry. What do you do with your hands, and what are your hobbies. "
"What was the last book you read?"
"What would your actions/reactions be if a new patient came in smelling heavily of alcohol on his breath? Assume that the patient is planning to undergo implants."
"Should the U.S. allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons?"
"If you had a someone coming in for treatment and you smelled alcohol on their breath what would you do?"
"What do you think of the skeleton that was found of the newly discovered primitive human species?"
"No out of the ordinary questions. Best part of the day was talking to the patients during the tour. "
"If a patient with no health insurance came to your office and couldn't pay, how would you handle the situation?"
"What would you do if you couldn't get into dental school after applying 3 times?"
"Would you treat a drunk patient?"
"Tell me about your most memorable non-academic experience."
"why do you like dentistry?"
"What is your level of cultural competency?"
"What qualities do you possess that would specifically help you at Temple?"
"Would you give treatments to a drunk person?"
"nothing interesting was asked to me. they treat u like a total stranger( foreign trained dentist). "
"Pretty standard questions"
"nothing really interesting, they were all the basic questions one would expect from a dental school interview"
"very routine questions. Why dentistry and why temple?"
"Do you think that there should be a motorcycle helmet law in Pennsylvania?"
"nothing, just standard questions"
"none--the questions were standard"
"Are you a Yankees fan?"
"how many dentists are in US?"
"I used names in the last they will be omitted! We had an interesting discussion about rich people and poor people. Be yourself!"
"No really interesting questions."
"Tell me about yourself?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"how was lunch?"
"They don't ask questions. They ahave already made up their mind and the interview was a total waste of time."
"During the actual interview I was only asked one question. The question was "Tell me things about yourself that you were not able to express in your application?""
"There was only one question, "Tell me about yourself". "
"We were asked to tell the interviewer about ourselves. He left it open ended, you could have addressed it anyway you wanted. I gave a synapsis of myself. "
"No questions struck me as interesting because they were simply routine. "
"Nothing out of the ordinary."
"What kind/types of manual hands on work have you done?"
"Where did you get that tie?"
"It's 4:30pm, you are booked solid for the rest of the day and your receptionist wants to leave soon, but a patient calls in pain. What do you do?"
"Why Dentistry? Why come here? Students asked us and they really mean why do you want to come here because this place is so horrible. They treat the students like crap."
"What was my best quality/skill and how it would make me a better dentist. "
"What is the most interesting dental experience you haqve had?"
"Nothing really, they were just trying to get to know you! They didnt have my file with them, they had only read the pre-interview questions and had a questionnaire (or so it seemed) from where they choose a few questions to ask me. "
"Tell me something unique about yourself."
"general comments"
"...nothing was difficult...very relaxing..."
"There was none. Very relaxed and comfortable interview."
"None. All general questions you can prepare for."
"Nothing was difficult because I knew what to expect."
"nothing really, pretty general questions"
"I was asked to identify a tooth on a film as we were walking through the clinic . . . I was a few teeth off, but no harm done :)"
"nothing really difficult. ****The only information our interviewer knew about us was the one page secondary we had to turn in on the day of interview, it's not totally open book****"
"Why Temple?"
"If the whole group was accepted and you went to Temple, how would the group remember you at a 5 yr reunion?"
"How would you take it if your significant other left you in the middle of dental school?"
"Why Temple over everywhere else?"
"nothing difficult"
"Same as above"
"None were that difficult"
"all standard again"
"What would you bring to dentistry?"
"None really"
"tell me about your experiences interacting with other people (something like that)"
"Nothing difficult."
"How do you react if your patient asks you to extract all of his/her teeth?"
"None... all standard"
"Nothing special, such as volunteer works, why dentistry and ..."
"Why dentistry? Not very difficulty, just involved."
"Have you ever lived in an area with a large amount of ethnic diversity"
"ethical dental caries question"
"Name 4 supreme court justices."
"What got you interested in dentistry?"
"what leadership experience do you have? In what way do you contribute to the society?"
"What part of dentistry interests you the most? Be specific."
"Would you apply again if you didn't get into dental school? What if you just arn't cut out for it? "
"None, they were pretty general usualy stuff"
"Ask me a question"
"The usual, why dentistry?"
"The above questions. Nothing was really difficult, they just really want to see how you react with peers and fellow applicants in the room. "
"How would a dentist deal with different types of insurance?"
"Why not medicine? (not really difficult if you think about it ahead of time)."
"why temple"
"Nothing, they were all pretty basic."
"Describe the culture of the community you grew up in."
"How have been involved in serving my community? (This is an easy question, but they were all easy)"
"Why should we pick you?"
"All the interview questions were the same as you would expect."
"Why do you want to attend Temple?"
"no questions were really difficult... "
"What do you know about dentistry as a profession?"
"I was expecting the "would you treat a drunk person?" question, but I was not expecting to elaborate a step by step explanation about what I would do in that situation when I was given a scenario."
"Why dentistry"
"see above"
"nothing - same as above"
"None. There were no surprise questions."
""What would you do if you did not get into Dental School, this year?" + What if you didn't get in ever?"
"What will you do if you are never excepted to dental school?"
"Is communication important in Dentistry. Its aroutine question but it is not so when three other people have already said the same thing."
"all questions were expected"
"They didn't ask any really difficult questions. They were more concerned about communication skills. They did ask what we would do if after 10 years we were independently wealthy and our backs were injured to where we had to retire."
"How will you separate your personal and professional life?"
"What have you made with your hands recently?"
"What type of things can you build"
"What are your thoughts about the current healthcare issues in this country?"
"Interview portion was very relaxed and for the most part we chatted casually. Expect the usual questions once rapport is established."
"Why dentistry? (to come up with a short answer still isn't that easy)"
"What do you hope to get from the profession of dentistry?"
"flouride in water"
"What is your level of cultural competency?"
"Cannot remember."
"There were only two questions been asked, and nothing difficult."
"none, all were straightforward"
"If a middle aged woman came into my office and needed a few thousand dollars worth of work but didn't have insurance, what would I do?"
"The questions weren't difficult. However, most of the stress came when our interviewer responded to some of our responses. When one person said she wanted to be a dentist because she could be her own boss and have the resulting flexibility, the interviewer disagreed. The interviewer said, "Your team is your boss" and discussed the responsibilities and concerns that come with being self-employed. When I mentioned that I did lots of crafts, her response was that dentistry is not crafty and downplayed the importance of manual dexterity. In her opinion, patients will return to a dentist who may not do great work but has good people skills, as opposed to a dentist who is good with his/her hands but has no bedside manner. Though she was nice and I agreed with what she said, how she said it made me uncomfortable."
"Neither question was difficult."
"None, everything was very straight forward."
"Do you like this school?"
"They are trying to get to know you. As long as you can talk about yourself you will be fine. Nothing tricky."
"how was lunch?"
"Just one question."
"It is hard to say that the only question asked was really difficult. However, I think that it was difficult in the sense that the interviewer left it open ended to let you say whatever you wanted. This can be both good and bad, depending on your personality and ability to creative logical answers to this type of question."
"Interested in research?"
"None. Some were worried about the essay question but it was simple. They just want to make sure that you are literate. My essay question was "What is a support structure and what role has it played in your life? (It was something along these lines). "
"What would your teacher say about you in 10 years?"
"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
"Why dentistry?"
"Nothing in particular."
"The interview asked if you were accepted to UPENN, and temple, which would you chose knowing that UPENN has a better quality of education?"
"Pretty much standard questions. However the interviewer made answering some questions difficult, because he would comment and sometimes ridicule our responces!"
"If the salary of a dentist decreased to about $50K, would you still do it?"
"Describe your research experienc in Oral Surgery?"
"Used the list of interview questions I've compiled from SDN and other interviews (reaches about 89 questions), reviewed my personal statement and resume, slept well beforehand, ate a good solid breakfast."
"I didn't."
" School's website, SDN, My AADSAS app"
"SDN and school website"
"Researched the school; Looked for advice on SDN; Contacted current students at the school."
"Looked over AADSAS Application, went over research articles from research job, SDN, school website."
"Read through POIs reseach articles, reviewed trends in research for my field of interest, prepared answers for possible questions"
"Reread my personal statement...SDS interview review sections...and just stayed calm..."
"SDN, looked online for possible questions and asked people"
"Student Doctor Forum, Checked out Temple's website, Made a list of possible questions and answered them"
"SDN feedback and posts, talking with students I knew there"
"SDN, Interview feedback"
"Looked at people's interview feedback. This prepared me because I looked at the questions they were asked and thought about how I would answer them."
"read sdn, temple's brochure, my application & pstatement"
"read the temple pamplet given to me, interview feedback provided by my undergrad, looked at website"
"SDN, previous interviews"
"SDN, school website, read over my application"
"SDN, Temple graduate, Temple website"
"SDN, Temple website."
"website, sdn"
"Read SDN, Temple's website, reviewed my application"
"read application, SDN, school website, friends asked sample questions"
"Read sdn, pre-answered questions."
"other interviews, sleep"
"Practiced at previous interviews. Talked to current students at the school."
"SDN, Temple website"
"SDN, school website"
"Read over my application and a list of questions from pre-health advisor"
"sdn, school website, practice interview, ADEA Guide to dental schools"
"SDN, researching the school"
"Practiced mock interviews, questions from previus interviews, etc"
" yourself"
"Read POI's papers. Read other faculty member's bios."
"sdn, school's website"
"SDN, temple brochure"
"School website, reading posts on the school here."
"sdn, personal statement"
"Looked at the SDN feedback comments"
"School website, reviewed my application/personal statement."
"SDN, deep breathing..."
"Read over my application, consulted this site, practiced my responses in my head, read school's website"
"Read over app, school website, vocalized answers to possible questions."
"Read brochures, website, sdn, verbalized answers and mock int."
"SDN, Temple website, practiced interviewing with friends, "
"secondary application..SDN..AADSAS.."
"Read up on the school (website), intervew feedback (SDN), read over my application"
"SDN, Temple site, experience"
"SDN, website"
"Trust me, you don't need to prepare for this."
"Websites, DAT book, dentist's advice, my own application."
"read SDN, my AADSAS application"
"read temple brochures"
"Asked friends."
"SDN, pre-interview packet, gathered my own thoughts"
"Why dentistry? Why Temple?"
"Temple print-out, AADSAS, Temple website, Official Guide to Dental Schools"
"went over pre-interview packet, re-read my AADSAS"
"SDN, review my statement"
"Read the manuel and looked over the website for more info."
"Temple website, ADSAAS application,secondary essay, searched web for top questions asked by dental schools"
"Reading over the website and finding q's on the net to be prepared for anything."
"Read the material sent by the admissions office and interview feedbacks here"
"SDN, walked around philly"
"Web site, and SDN feedback(didn't really help)"
"Read the Temple packet they sent to me and their website. "
", Temple's website...that's pretty much all you need."
"SDN, looking through my application"
"SDN and website info"
"SDN, read personal statement, read other secondaries, etc. (by the time you reach the actual interview you will find out all the information you need to know about the school--Brian Hahn's power point presentation). only found out about my interview only a few days before (I switched with someone on SDN) and I feel like it went smoothly, so there's no need to stress about the interview."
"reviewed my AADSAS application, Temple website, Temple info they sent me in the mail"
"Brochure, SDN, AADSAS essay"
"sdn, application"
"SDN, Temple's Website"
"sdn, read application over, read some facts, mock interview"
"A starbucks triple shot iced latte."
"Reviewed their website, pamphlet. SDN."
"Student Doctor and mock interview"
"SDN. Reviewed my AADSAS application. Prepared answers to possible questions."
"SDN, Temple website, review application "
"Read pamphlet about Temple, talked to alumni"
"Read Temple brochure. Watched the Monday Night Football game (Philly vs Atl) the night before. Stayed up to 2am, the interview was at 9am."
"read pamphlet, went over a list of 1000 possible interview questions and premeditated my answer."
"SDN, Reviewing my AADSAS application"
"Read SDN, Temple website, re-read personal statement"
"Temple booklet and this site"
"- "
"Read the school brochure :) "
"-SDN, TUSOD website, TUSOD booklet, mock interview,"
"SDN website, school's website"
"SDN, packet, Temple website"
"SDN and Temple website"
"Temple has 5 standard questions that they ask all interviewees. If you look at the previous SDN entries--you can figure out what they are. Question #6 is up to the interviewer--it could be about your hobbies, books you've read, professionalism, & ethics."
"SDN, temple's admissions prospectus"
"This web site, read information that temple sent me, and talked to a student about the program"
"this site"
"SDN, temple prospectus, SDN-temple students (i love u ppl!). spoke to dent students in other schools, dentists & my PI"
"I read over the feedback from sdn and just relaxed."
"SDN and had a beer and cheesebuger at "Dave & Busters" You have got to go their if you are not from Philly."
"sdn website"
"Read website, reviewed essay."
"Mock interviews at school and home"
"Read postings here, talked to friends that had interviewed at the school before and that go to school there now. Ate a cheesesteak the night before."
"Read the information provided, went over interview questions"
"read school pamphlets"
"Catalogue, SDN, website."
"read student doctor net, website,packet they gave you, "
"I just read through the cataloge that I recieved, I looked over the website, and checked out SDN."
"Read the Temple website, the catalogue, and SDN. I also prepared for the usual questions. "
"temple website, temple booklet, sdn, talked to people"
"SDN, read website"
"Read my essay/application."
"Read all temple info, talked to current students, reviewed my info about why dentistry and why temple. "
"sdn, school website and stuff they mail you, interview questions"
"read the website sdn."
"Massive research on the institution and the City of Philadlephia."
"Read SDN, Temple's website, given info. "
"School website, booklets, SDN"
"SDN and school web site"
"SDN, read the website, read the information they sent you, etc."
"reviewed material given"
"Read interviews on student doctor network. Otherwise nothing. "
"Looked over the website and the papers they sent me."
"SDN, went over interview questions prior to the real thing"
"website, pamphlet, all the materials Temple gave us, and SDN reviews"
"Read the interiew invitation materials, looked over website and viewbook. We were told that there was an essay component to the interview so that wasn't a surprise. They have a very good reason to do these impromptu essays. Besides it was a simple essay and they don't expect anything of scholarly quality out of you in 15 minutes."
"SDN, school website, email content, brochure, go over aadsas application."
"this website and temple's webpage"
"Website, meditation."
"Read interview feedback on SDN. Read information mailed to me by Temple. Reviewed Temples website."
"SDN, internet"
"sdn, mail from Temple"
"Read some of the ?'s off sdn. "
"Didn't prepare."
"read through the website, spoke to a dentist. "
"SDN website (very good source!), school website, and read everything they sent me."
"looked at the school's brochure"
"They told us in the application material to prepare a 5 minute talk. I was expecting to get up and give a speech in front of a group. As it turned out, the admissions director sat at the head of the table with 5 students sitting around the table. She asked us all one question and we started at one side of the table and then took turns answering it. This can be stressing for some as they wait for their turn to speak and they hear other people give the same answers they want to give."
"Read about the school on the net. Practiced answering interview questions that could possibly be asked. "
"Drank a 40 the night before."
"I spoke with current students on the student doctor forum as well as read the interview feedback section"
"Read up on the school."
"Temple's website"
"I read everything they sent me, looked on their website, and reviewed my application. "
"Asked other students who interviewed."
"temple website, student doctor "
"I read as much as I could about Temple's clinical program from their brochures, and online research. I used Barrons guide to help me prepare myself for questions. I emailed a number of applicants who had had interviews before me. "
"Reviewed my essay and applications as well as personal inventory"
"no preparation"
"Read up on the school"
"The staff was very helpful in scheduling my interview at Temple - especially since I was flying in from the west coast and had an interview at Penn the next day. Super friendly, very enthusiastic, Brian's a rockstar! I also really liked the facilities - it felt like a real clinic to me. I also loved the characters of the people we met at Temple. It didn't feel too competitive or too 'lax, just really supportive and filled with good energy. Absolutely loved the Dunkin' Donuts across from the street."
"The patient pool is extraordinary. The faculty and students were very friendly; there seemed to be a lot of camaraderie among the students/faculty. The sheer number of procedures you have to do to graduate. School schedules all appointments; you don't have to find any patients yourself. "
"Clinical requirements, how friendly everyone is. "
"Brian, the director of admissions is definitely a character. He does a great job of selling the school and telling you the highlights compared to other schools, which I actually feel more schools should adopt so we can make better decisions. Sounds like you get great clinical experience, all students sounded like you can walk out of dental school pretty confident with your abilities. It sounds like there will never ever be a shortage of patients for the clinic. They are remodeling and the remodeled clinic we did see was great! You get to vote on what chairs they choose for the new clinic, which I thought was pretty cool. I have a feeling most people will either love or hate Brian, he has a very unique personality that can definitely be offensive to some people but overall I really liked him."
"The clinic is amazing because there are always patients available. Temple dental students will have no problem mastering the physical aspects of dentistry by the end of their term. The amount of procedures they perform is astounding! "
"They are completely renovating all of the clinics by the time I'd be starting my clinicals so I'll get to work on the newest equipment available. "
"How friendly the faculty and students are"
"Clinical experience...and the lively facility..."
"Every person I met - from grad students to professors to other applicants - was incredibly nice, helpful, and inclusive. When I first arrived I was very nervous, but by the time I got to my first interview, I felt completely comfortable."
"The clinical experience is definitely one of the best "
"brian hahn - funny, honest and down to earth. a great asset to the school lunch at the med campus was nice - students were great"
"The sense of unity and family within the school. Hearing 1st hand from current students how clinically confident they feel. The dean, Dr. Amid Ismail, was present during the portion of the tour."
"Strong clinical experience is their big selling point, and you will definitely get to treat more patients and more interesting cases than most schools. Great experience if you're going for GP. A new dean is coming in and they are looking to improve on many of their weak areas. Brian is great at what he does and almost all the student's I've met are positive about Temple (I've met many students beyond interview day and only 2 told me to go elsewhere)"
"The familial atmosphere, esp. Brian H. You can be a part of it and got the impression that there were others who stayed low key and get by. I didn't get to interact with faculty so couldn't give you any opinion on them. "
"Being able to talk to current dental students. "
"large patient pool, friendly and laidback environment, nice and spacious clinics, lots of clinical experience"
"Temple's clinic always impresses me"
"The area is not as bad as people thought. The school has ample patients for students to work on. You'll be guaranteened to have the best practice after graduate. MBA is free. THe student body is so diversed. THey picked the right person to sell the school " Brian". He's a very energetic and cool. I felt more connected to the school by him."
"Faculty and close bond of students. good vibe"
"Brian Hahn (awesome), the clinical program, and the students we spoke with were all impressive. All of the students seemed enthusiastic and happy - Kornberg was such a positive place."
"The amount of clinical hours and emphasis."
"facilities were good"
"Philly was tight- the people were awesome. The school is in a bad area, but it isn't horrible like some of the other post have said. The school is a bit old, but if you want to learn how to become a dentist it shouldn't irritate you."
"Everyone was really enthusiastic about the school. Brian was awesome. Lunch with current students was great. The amount of patients waiting for the clinic."
"Vast amount of clinical exposure, they are revamping some of their ops. "
"honesty and openness of admission people."
"The location, unlimited number of patients with every possible type of problem you could imagine. The students seemed like they knew what they were doing, the opportunities to pretty much gain any sort of experience you wanted."
"The clinical experience."
"No other school gives you more clinical experience."
"THe tour guide was very enthusiastic, and the facilities looked good."
"Recruitment administrator very positive and truthful about the school. Started the day off very relaxed. The school is extremely dedicated toward clinical training and told us we would have no trouble getting any experience or doing procedures."
"Everybody at the school was in a good mood. Definatley the amount of clinical experience each student gets is awesome. One student said he had probably pulled around 80 teeth. If you go to Temple you will definatley be as experienced or more experienced than any other student from any other school. Philly is an awesome city too, the school is in a bit of a rough part of town but nothing terrible (a school won't have a big patient supply if the school is surrounded by prestine suburbs and golf courses.) There is a one month waiting list, except for emergencies, for treatment at the school - this should tell you the quality of work being performed by the students. The faculty really seemed to be supportive of the students."
"You gain an enourmous amount of clinical experience"
"Brian Haun"
"I enjoyed talking with faculty members I interviewed with."
"how nice the students and faculty were. lot of patients"
"students and faculty"
"Regardless of the negatives of Temple (old facilities, scary area), if you want to be exposed to TONS of clinical work, this is the school for you. It may not be pretty, but you will have the experience that many schools simply can't offer. Also, Brian is the most amazing/honest/considerate Admissions person I have met on all my interviews and made my decision very hard. "
"The enthusiasm of the many of the students about the school. The amount of patients. Brians extreme energy, the guy was born for the job. Whats up Brian."
"honesty of D3 D4 students...enthusiasm of Brian (but he seems like he'd be enthusiastic about anything)"
"how clinically based it is...Brian's energy. "
"The very diverse atmosphere/location of the school."
"enthusiam of everyone there!"
"The amount of clinical exposure that the students receive. I met a D3 who had already done more than 60 extractions."
"Enthusiasm of the students, # of procedures, availability of patients, complete dental education!"
"Attitude of the faculty, students, wide range of experiences, altruism and humanitarian beliefs."
"the clinical work...and the overall helpfulness/friendliness of the current dental students"
"Nearly everything. Clinically, Temple is one of the best schools out there. Brian was also the most enthusiastic and energetic person I've ever met at a school."
"Brian and how much clinical experience the students were getting. There was standing-room only in the large main lobby area -- all patients!!! DMD/MBA program was intriguing."
"The experience the students are gettting...Awesome!!"
"The hands-on part of Dentistry that is being thought at this school is great...Its a great school to go to if you are willing to be a good dentist."
"The clinical curriculum and outreach programs are certain to make you a competent dentist once you get out of school. Also, the area where Temple is located isn't as bad as I had expected."
"The patient pool and clinical excellence. can't beat temple in this respect."
"THe clinic was great, all the students seemed very happy and you can tell that the students are putting hard work into their chosen profession, which will in the long run pay off."
"Clinic. Brian Hahn is an awesome guy, the epitomy of passion for a profession. "
"clinically strong school. Has both west and nerbs. "
"The stress on clinical experience. The students all seemed happy that they were getting a good education. "
"The amount of patients each dental student gets to work on. Also, most of the dental work is done on people verses computerized manikins. All of the students really like it at Temple. Dr. Jackson is COOL!"
"students seem happy to be there"
"how well the school prepared dental students for the real world"
"The students were extremely helpful and friendly. It seems like they were all confident in thier skills."
"clinical experience you will get out of graduating from Temple. Very impressive pool of patients."
"The students were super friendly and most seemed genuinely happy. The faculty was great! Brian was really helpful and super funny, putting everyone at ease. "
"You get a ton of clinical experience and there's certainly no shortage of patients."
"Old Town Phily is cool."
"I was really impressed by the labs and the facilities"
"The enthusiasm for the school. The students seemed to really enjoy it there. Also, you would not have a problem finding patients! The waiting area had people in it at 8AM!"
"I had a blast at the school with the other interviewees. There were only 6 of us and we were laughing it up and having a ton of fun all day long. "
"The friendly environment of the school and Brian the most enthusiastic recruiter."
"Patient pool, positive students, friendly faculty"
"Clinic and Brian Hahn"
"The amount of opportunities and patients."
"The curriculum of Temple. If you go here you will be more clinically proficient than most any other dental students in the country. "
"Despite of its location, Temple is known for producing high quality dentists."
"I really liked the program they have for treating people in the community."
"Brian:lies,lies and lies! You will see when you get there."
"The number of patients"
"When you walk into Temple for the interview, you will walk through a large room that is packed full with patients. The school prides itself on its large patient pool and the amount of clinical experience. Temple prepares students to practice dentistry by the end of their four years (probably like most other schools)."
"that guy brian was pretty enthusiastic and funny. i liked him. "
"clinic, Brian Hahn"
"great clinics and great students"
"nothing. this school sucks. it is horrible. it's location is a joke: i'm not sure if I'd want to risk getting shot everyday on my way to class. You can't stay past 5pm or else you will get mugged, they don't give you lockers but luggage boxes that you have to cart around like a guinea pig, and they charge you 40,000 to live 30 minutes away in the suburbs because it's not safe to live in their neighborhood. great."
"1) Brian Hahn, he is Sincerely nice, humorous and perfectly suited for his job. 2) I cant emphasize enough, THE CLINIC!!"
"The students were very friendly and I enjoyed the atmosphere. It was really laid back. The clinic experience you will get there is second to none. And Philadelphia is a great city. People always say the neighborhood by the city is the worst they have ever seen. It's really not bad. It's not the best, but it's not any different from what you would see in any major city. Just be smart and you'll be fine. "
"Excellent clinical experience, TONS of patients, organized, nice facilities"
"The clinical atomosphere was amazing. There is a lot of REAL patients and all of the dental students love Temple."
"my interviewer was wonderful."
"How much dental work students do, the clinical experience is phenomenal, and Temple hosts the Western Region Dental Board test. You get a lot of time to talk with students and get their true opinions."
"The clinic. They aren't kidding when they say they have lots of patients. I went at 8:30 in the morning and the waiting room was packed. The school actually provides you with a list of 20 patients so you don't have to hunt down patients. Good to know you'll be getting tons of practice."
"Brian, the Admissions main man was way pumped about Temple. I want to ride on his wave runners! It's a great school. Good clinics, LOTS of clinical experiance is obtained while a student at temple. (Ben)"
"The clinical opportunities that were available."
"Brian Hahn is a nice guy who is enthusiastic about the school. Students seem happy, and it doesn't seem like a real competetive atmosphere."
"Mr. Hahn is very good at his job. He gives good explanations and presents the school well. They take pride in their stronge clinic. "
"One of the admissions office ladies was very nice. "
"Everyone seems very happy. There are a lot of patients, which means a lot of opportunities to learn."
"how relaxed and friendly the staff and student body was. Also students were all really good looking. =)"
"Its clinical education"
"The patient pool is large. Of course it is, the school is in a very poor section of a major city."
"-the number of patients, the entire lobby is full of them practically all day -students are very cool, down to earth -most students (90%+) live in Roxborough, neighborhood in nice part of Philadelphia -accessibility, easy to get to by car, bus, subway or train from all over the Philadelphia area -Brian talked about beer just as much as I do! -Brian really makes you feel welcome and comfortable"
"the clinics - Temple really offers one of the best clinical educations. you dont have to go searching for patients; located in philly, there's a large patient pool. "
"The friendly enviroment of the staff and current students. Also, I was impressed by the number of patients they have. You won't need to go searching for patients, they give them to you."
"Patient pool"
"I did the math--there is a 3.25:1 ratio of students to teachers. Extremely relaxed & chilled admin & professors--they made us feel welcome. A positve energy flowed from everyone. Students were energetic, happy, focused, and positive. National Boards passing rate--92% on first try. 100% passing rate on NERB. Board exams are given in sections as coursework is completed & fresh in mind. Able to obtain license early by taking NERB earlier."
"amount of patients in the clinics"
"Temple is a great dental school. The clinicians coming out of Temple are the Best."
"Very nice clinic, lots of patients. This place will train you to be a great dentist. The area was not as bad as everyone was telling me it was. Dont get me wrong, I wouldnt go jogging at night, but it just wasnt bad."
"Clean school, friendly city environment (at least within a block from the school)"
"Brian's (admissions coordinater) attitude is superb! temple faculty & students are awesome...always willing to answer questions! soo sooo impressed..oh also their patient pool...HOLY SMOKES! oh oh..also the fact that u already start doin pre-clinical stuff in 1st yr."
"I wasn't sure what to expect from the school because the area is not impressive at all, but the positive vibe from every faculty member and student really made an impression. Also the emphasis on clinical experience is not a hype, they really get more than enough experience to become successful upon graduation."
"I loved seeing the clinic packed (i.e. this means you will finish in 4 years!!!). A very laid back enviroment that stresses creating excellent clinicians, because lets face it, as a dentists you are a mechanic of the mouth."
"Very laid back atmosphere. There was a group interview with five applicants to one faculty but it was very relaxed. "
"Large patient pool. Very strong emphasis on clinical skills. Beautiful city. Area surrounding dental school not anywhere as bad as people have said. "
"Brian Hahn was great. The student guides were really open and easy to talk to and all who we met were happy there."
"friendly students and staffs, strong clincal training"
"Great great great school if you want real clinical experience!"
"If you now anything about the school you know of their clinical strengths. The students really know what they're doing when they graduate. The staff was friendly and helpful. They are trying to sell you to the school as much as you are selling yourself."
"The tour of the school is very good...took us all over the clinics and got to observe a few procedures. "
"Clinicals are very impressive. You are sure to be prepared when you enter the "real world." Brian, the admissions coordinator, was very helpful, funny, and got the group to relax. He was geniune and not intimidating--he encouraged everyone to ask questions."
"That the school is very strong in clinics--you will come out of the school as a proficient dentist. There are plenty of patients to "practice" on. Also, being an in-state, the price is also a bonus."
"Patient population, talking with students in the lab, question session with the assistant dean."
"amount of clinical experience that students have"
"I was really impressed by the solid clincal training that students recieve at Temple, they have an abundance of patients, so filling requirements is never a problem. Everyone was very friendly and encouraging. Their new building is beautiful and the clinical facilites are clean and organized."
"Very clinically focused school with an endless supply of patients. All the students and staff were very friendly and seemed genuinely happy to be there. "
"excellent clinical program, huge patient pool, friendly students and staff, supportive atmosphere"
"Friendly staff, faculty, students. Many, many patients"
"Good clinical program."
"Autonomy of D3 and D4. They run a "mini-practice" also the high clinical req. You WILL be skilled when you exit temple"
"The location."
"Focus on student learning, less on research, and very personally catered. People are super nice. "
"The people were very friendly, especially the tour guy and the lady in the admission office."
"not a single thing about the school interested me positively."
"The clinical experiences student get is amazing"
"the schools rep for clinical dentistry...amazing. the clinical workload and requirements are way more than most other schools however, so if you don't like lab work, this may not be a good fit for you. "
"lots of clinical experience"
"Third and Fourth year students were working AS dentists. First and second year students were working in the pre-clinic."
"The emphasis that Temple places on clinical experience."
"the # of patients in the waiting room; the clinical focus of the school"
"Besides the great volume of patients and clinical practice, the students are very friendly. When I asked my friend, a first year student, what she loved about Temple, unhesitatinly she answered, "The people." Another first year told us how second year students helped organize his cart of instruments and supplies (which at the time, he had no idea what everything was). Almost no one is cut-throat or hogs study materials."
"a big pool of patients"
"Great clinical program, lots of patients, diverse patient pool and also student body. Students and admissions staff were all very friendly and helpful."
"The facilities were new and very good. I learned in detail about the school's emphasis on graduating good clinicians and that you will get more practice than pretty much any other dental school in the country. The current students were very positive, friendly and happy about the school."
"Tons and tons of clinical work done. It's a clinical school, DUH! Lots of stuff to do in the area. Students said they liked it."
"Everyone is very friendly and seem to enjoy being a member of Temple University. "
"Absolutely nothing. The school sucks and is in a terrible area. I talked to students there and 99% of them said they had no other choice but to go there. If they got in somewhere else they would have rejected Temple."
"I've interviewed at many schools and I feel that Temple will prepare me to be the best dentist that I can be. No other school had nearly as many patients to treat as Temple. "
"Matt Johnston, i would almost go there just because he gets you so stoked on the school. They have lots of clinical requirements, you will get all the experience you want. The first year students didn't seem stressed at all. They said the load wasn't any harder than under grad, and the were out of class by 12 some days. "
"Nothing. Any other school I went to this year had much better facilities, better surroundings and cleaner environment."
"the school is very clinically driven"
"The positive remarks from the current students. I talked to many of them during our lunch together and while I was waiting in the lobby. All of the students were happy to be there and with the training they were receiving. They made it obvious that the school was in a bad neighborhood, but they didn't let that affect their desire to be a dentist."
"The students seemed happy. There is a subway stop right next to the school."
"very large patient pool"
"The diversity within the school among students, faculty and staff along with the patient base was impressive. The exposure one gets because of the large amount of patients treated at Temple U is a big plus in my book. I think one thing one must keep in mind when looking at this school is that as a dental professional you have an obligation to treat all patients with the same professional courtesy. One prospective student on this site demonstrated their true motif for attending dental school by referring to the patients he/she say in Temple's waiting area as "Bums". What I saw when I was there were people who needed dental care and if it wasn't for them, Temple students and prospective students looking at Temple would not have the opportunity to attend such a clinically strong educational institution. "
"Clinical aspect. If you want solid clinical training this is the place for you."
"Facilities, the people were friendly."
"I enjoyed the company of the new Director of Admissions (Brian Hahn). "
"Strong clinical program, experience with people who have teeth missing from crack cocaine, not from biting too hard on solid gold. Seriously, if you don't like treating the poor, you're only in it for the money."
"Stuff and Students were all very friendly and able to answer most of mine questions"
"The students felt like they were very well prepared for their own practice. They see so many patients in the clinic that they are able to do so many more procedures than required before graduation."
"There were a lot of bums waiting in the waiting room to be seen. Since the location is in a very poor neighborhood (the GHETTO), there were lots of poor people waiting to be seen. I guess this is good, but the schools doesn't practice very good infection control."
"emphasis on clinics, brian hanh does a great job of selling the school "
"Their facilities, how friendly everyone was, the 'Temple Dental' pride, friendly students."
"Students seemed to genuinely enjoy being at the schoool, brand new facility "
"the students are nice, informative, and friendly. strong clinical program."
"Facilities, everyone is very positive about the school."
"Nice facility, "
"The facility, admissions staff, clinical experience, and the dual DMD/MBA program"
"The location is quite bad if you head out away from campus. I took the subway in, and it was great, although I would not take it at night. I think common sense helps a lot here - don't go walking around alone at night, and just be aware of your surroundings. "
"Facilities seemed old but thats fine. Area isn't great but I didn't mind at all. "
"Changes will be underway by the time we are enroll and since as of right now they are plans, you never know how is going to work out in the end."
"On that same note, Brian can be a little over the top at times and can make you feel awkward at times, which isnt good. He tends to know that we'll do about anything he asks us to do and he uses that to his advantage by randomly telling us to disperse and talk to current students which at certain moments makes you feel like a little kid going to talk to the adults! Sort of degrading at times but its sort of his personality and I get it but I can see him being offensive to people."
"The clinic and equipment do look worn, but renovations are planned and by the time incoming freshman are juniors, the new clinics will be available for use."
"The look of the clinic is rough, and the area is bad."
"Who really likes North Broad"
"Nothing...well some of the areas seems a little outdated...but they are remodeling..."
"The interview process. I really didnt like being in the same room with other students. They were nice people but it takes away time and you aren't sure how long to take. The interviewer talked about dentistry the whole time rather then getting to know us."
"cafetaria was pretty sad looking"
"The "old" look, however, renovations will be under way soon!"
"Clinics aren't very modern, but they say they will be renovated by 2010. There's no sim lab like some big schools, just 2 sim machines to fulfill a minor requirement. Seniors also do all their own lab work, hopefully changing with new dean so students can have more patients instead. The group interview format was kind of awkward, I much prefer 1-on-1. The area around the school is pretty ghetto, not the prettiest campus. Safety may be a concern but they have a good police force and common sense goes a long way. "
"Unprofessional attitude of one of the employees. Didn't know him. But he makes a sarcastic comment and makes this face at somebody else about me. What a duche. "
"I'm from philly so i'm coo w/ the area; real ppl live in that neighborhood"
"Students have to take care patients from billing to done. If he/she doesn't pay, students will have to be responsible for it. This is what i heard from a 4th year student."
"the area. It's in the ghetto, but I don't really think it's THAT bad. Just need to keep your eyes open. "
"the way they present themselves"
"School is right in the Ghetto. Facilities pretty beat"
"Temple could use a few upgrades, but otherwise it was great."
"The amount of clinical hours and emphasis, not very much specializing after DMD. Also, Brian flat out told us that the best and brightest do not go to Temple, not the best thing to hear about a potential dental school."
"students seemed displeased with the school. "
"The cab driver said not to walk through the ghetto during the day, ''you will get mugged''. Although, as a student you should have no reason to be there! "
"Only the carts and that you have to buy your own instruments."
"The push carts i guess."
"the rundown city outside and rundown facilities inside"
"the name Kornberg. the classrooms were a little outdated. i saw people sleeping on the sidewalk in front of the school."
"The carts that you have to push around."
"Surprisingly, some of the students I spoke with actually tried to dissuade me from coming. Equipment is a little old but I guess it is closer to the real world."
"They didn't show any classrooms. They only focused on showing the clinical area."
"Group interview format. Interviewer was one faculty member interviewing 5 interviewees. Asked same question to each person, just went down the line. Showed no expression and offered no time for any questions we had to ask."
"The school seemed to be a little beat up...but that is expected with the amount of patients that are taken care of there. (Plus they are planning a rennovation.)"
"the neighborhood in which temple is located"
"Everything is old. "Tom""
"some students told me that there was alot of bs at the school, that when you entered clinic the stress level was out the roof, and it seemed that the school was working against you. they also said that the facilities were broken down and security in the school was terrible. they had stuff stolen all the time."
"The clinical and developmental departments don't collaborate as much as the website suggests. "
"nothing really"
"the facilities. though they definitely boast a huge patient pool, they lack in quality of facilities. as future dentists it is important that we be exposed to everything. at temple, i don't think we would be very knowledgeable in the technological advancements currently revolutionizing dentistry. Though Philly in general is a great city, the location around the school is very shady. "
"I didn't like how the students had to carry around these large white carts with all their instruments. Temple will be honest, they're not focused on technology but a strong clinical focus. If that's what you want, this is the school for you!"
"I woke up to 10 degrees weather, little different than what i am used to."
"interviewer seemed arrogant and standoff-ish...hate the group interview method"
"didn't get to see oral surgery. "
"The presenter at the interview was not that professional, but he was very real and I liked that."
"Students have to do their own lab work and bill collection."
"I think Temple is great. Aesthetically the place could use better lighting and some fresh paint, but I aint picking a school on looks. "
"one student said there was generally a low school spirit. and that sometimes the faculty members aren't there for the students"
"Clinics are a bit older than other schools, but this shouldn't make much of a difference really."
"Slightly older looking clinics and absolutely no focus on anything other than clinical training. Area is economically disadvantaged."
"The location of the school."
"The facilities were a little old and the curriculum doesn't seem too organized."
"the area is pretty ghetto. expect a chance in life style if you come here."
"Basically, only the area, its pretty rough but, can be tolerated. The area=lots of patients with an array of procedures."
"Don't know about the ghetto-ness of the area and the facilities look a lil old. I didn't know there were ONLY TWO sims among 125 students...even if it's not a requirement! The sims are really old too. Take way too much pride in their history of school. I don't care if it's the second oldest school! stop talkin about it... talk about other things that are impressive. Oh yeah... I didn't like the fact that our lunch wasn't provided. a $5 coupon really isn't anything."
"Location! Yikes! I live in a city far bigger than Philly with its fair share of pockets of poverty, but I don't think it's anything like that. I don't feel that I should have to go home before 5 PM if I have work to do or if feel like staying on campus just for the sake of not getting robbed or shot. Badvibes can say what he wants, this area is crap, period."
"The location of the school. It is right in the inner-city and students have to live so far away and carpool to school. I am used to walking to school. Also, the facilities looked old."
"I did not see the part of the building that has the classrooms. "
"for some reasons, i didn't see lots of patients in the clinic on my interview day "
"facilities are sort of old. i was told that many instructors there follow their archaic ways and are stubborn to change teaching habits (example: using more computer based technology)"
"I interviewed during christmas when nearly no students were there to really converse with and get an overall feel of the morale of the student body."
"The area was a little rough, but not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Brian is very up front with everyone about safety. I'm a country boy and had no trouble whatsoever, and can see myself adjusting easily."
"the location of the school, very getto."
"Discouraging - We were told how unlikely it was that any of us would get accepted. One student said that there was too much lab work - so much that it doesn't give you an edge, just a lot of wasted time. Scary surrounding area."
"You really can't live anywhere near the school."
"The facilities are old and beat down"
"the bad area. the neighborhood is horrid and I was afraid of being mugged."
"The area. About a block away from the school, you will find streets covered in glass. However, the area is probably what gives them such a good patient base."
"I would have liked to meet the dean of admissions. But thats ok it was still a great visit."
"lack of integrated technology, having to cover your patients unpaid bills before graduation"
"During my visit it was during boards so nobody was there."
"Not a whole lot. The area is NOT as bad as people say. It's on Broad St. which is basically the heart of the city (although it is 10min north of Central Downtown area). Whatever people say about the area, don't listen you can ride the subway, take the bus or do whatever else without too much fear. It's no worse than boston, DC or new york. "
"Brian is a two-face s.o.b.! I mean he does a good job to sell the school but he lies to u. He says that he has no power on admission process. But, in fact, he is the only one who makes the decision on you. He will select u based on his own interest(i.e, if u have a dog similar to his).This has nothing to do with your interest in dentistry. The interview is a joke and really doesn't mean anything! I am death serious. You will see that when u go there!"
"It seems that the equipment is not quite updated. The school tries to sell itself by telling you that you have a ton of patients to work on. Location is not that great...not too far away are abandoned apaartment builings with crackheads and what looked like prostitutes. You "
"No real negative impression. I liked the school a lot and could see myself there for 4+ years. A lot of people bash the school b/c of its location. But the area really isn't that bad. It's not the best, but it's not the worst either. It's also the source of a lot of the patients you will be practicing on in school too."
"pretty much everything else."
"area wasn't that bad, you just have to be smart and know your surroundings. Please don't were your Rolex or leave a wad of cash on your dashboard, it will be stolen. However, I'm not sure I want to pay $200K+ to have to worry about such things as safety."
"If you take a look at SDN you'll notice that Temple has the highest feedbacks, even more than NYU.Temple accpets only 120 students.But they already interviewd more than 300 qualified students.The group interview was a joke! Don't waste your money if u have an interview in December 2005."
"every "seemed" to like temple, student-wise but they said don't even both asking the professors for help. why would i waste my time there than? shouldn't a teacher by profession want to help his students."
"Toilets were not flushed :-)"
"Some students told me if you want to specialize, this is not the place to come. Of course it's possible to specialize if you go there, but they said academically, Temple is not as strong as some other schools. "
"Cold weather"
"I felt that we were rushed during the interview, because we were behind schedule. However, the interview still gave me a chance to express myself."
"didn't get to meet any of the deans, didn't find the idea of pushing around carts to be appealing, group interview made it hard for us (the students) to share in depth about who were, our interests, etc., when i asked a couple students about their relationship with the faculty they basically said that there wasn't any."
"The location. It's in the ghetto, but that is a positive because it means there are tons of patients, something other dental schools struggle with."
"Nothing big. Temple's been around sine the late 1800's, they know what they're doing. But the downside of their extensive experience is that they seem to have the attitude, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Because some of the facilities seemed outdated."
"I interviewed in a room that was being remodeled, but NOT a big deal...ummm, everything else was good."
"The local area wasn't the greatest. "
"The campus might as well be in Beirut. I have lived in Chicago, New York... this has got to be one of the most depressed areas in the entire country. As a result however, they have a million patients."
"The last thing to be discussed is the probability of being accepted. The class was almost completely full and they were interviewing dozens and dozens more applicants. Regardless of how stronge you interviewed, you still didn't have any kind of shot of getting in. Why waste our time and money if Temple wasn't truely interested?"
"Faculty, location, lunch, students, the extraneous work they make you do, overall feel. "
"the school is in the middle of the ghetto."
"Philly, the school is in a bad part of town"
"The area is SCARY. The facilities are not very nice."
"-did not really get to talk to any faculty -did not get to speak to, or see Dr. Deem (the lady who makes the ultimate decision if you get in or not!)"
"The neighborhood. it's really ghetto, it's located outside the downtown area, and no one really stays on campus after 5pm. everybody lives 15-20 minutes away. "
"It's really poor, something that I am not used to."
"Everyone says the neighbourhood. It't that bad, but still an issue. Every student had to leave school at 5pm, it could be a good thing and it could also be a bad thing."
"The surrounding area (2 blocks east & west of Broad St.) is a very economically depressed area, but comming from taking classes in Rutgers Newark & having been to the worst parts of Camden & Trenton (NJ), Harlem (NYC), and areas surrounding the major NYC hospitals, this area is not as bad as people claim it to be. But be careful. Student parking lots are right across the street the school & is monitored by armed security guards. Temple Med school, pharmacy school, & health sciences school are within the area. There are 3 churches in the immediate vicinity & I heard that the poor don't bother the students b/c they know that we have no money. It is in this kind of area that you will gain a wealth of clinical experience from the sheer number of people needing extensive restoration/care--144,000 cases served per year--at 125 students per class--you do the math. All students live either in Center City or 20 min away in a greener suburban area--nobody lives in the immediate area of the school. Security escorts are available if you have to leave after 5PM."
"Im from a small town, so Phili was just a bit big."
"Do not leave the school perimeter a block from West and East side of the campus. You'll be very likely to get shot, mugged, raped, beaten, or be kidnapped."
"it's not THAT negative...but in the group interview, we had like 8 questions and i got asked LAST EACH TIME...i kinda hoped the interviewer mixed it up a bit, but whatever. being 1st wasn't much better..but incidently, then 2nd & 3rd interviewees did a SPECTACULAR job! congrats! as for safety: for all those who talk about it being in a shady neighborhood - suck it up! it's not like u're living in the school...and for the record, if u've got half a brain u'd be SAFE! where do u want your future dental school - in disneyland? (hmm what an idea...) "
"The only bad thing about Temple is that most students commute about 20min, some up to 1 hour away. Although, it is the norm, so everyone is doing it."
"For those looking to do research, there aren't very many opportunites."
"The surrounding area isn't as bad as others desribe it, but it will take some getting used to. Also, that coupon lunch wasn't a great selling point."
"surrounding neighborhood "
"The interview itself was given by an older dentist who talked too much."
"The neighborhood is a little rough. (not as bad as I expected) The old building where the classrooms are is old."
"The area wasn't the greatest but it is livable--They assured us it was safe. I didn't like how all the students lived 20-30 min away. I would like to live closer to the school myself."
"That there are no dorms/housing right next to the school. The recommended places to live are at least 20 min drive away (and even longer when using the public transportation). Also, the neighborhood isn't the best. Not "scary" enough to intimidate me, but enough to at least make me more cautious."
"A little crowded. Some students weren't very impressed with the classroom instruction."
"location of school, it didnt really bother me so much but the fact that it is such an issue, concerns me"
"As much as I liked the part of the school that I did get to see...I wasn't shown the old building, which is where all the lecture halls are. Also, there are only two dent-sim stations. It would have been nice to meet some more faculty members."
"I would have liked to have met more of the professors. "
"Equipment carts, ghetto (but that's where the patients are)"
"Philidelphia is no good. They seem to have no interest at all in academics. This is not the place to go if you want to specialize."
"When the faculty told teach your self.They really dont care about the students."
"Nothing. The place was amazing."
"Pretty gloomy looking, older facilities, that were not in a very good area. "
"Lots of patients were waitting on almost every floor."
"The neighboorhood which is very unsafe. the school has only 2 dentsim computerized working unit.the interveiwers were so serious all the time of interveiw. questions they were asking like they are taking viva of some exam. Why we will get get admission in school if we have sound knowledge of everything. "
"The neighborhood around school"
"as anybody thats ever seen temple will tell you....the surrounding neighborhood. EXTREMELY bad part of town. you do not want to be around here after dark!!! (and sometimes you will have to be) they try to convince you that temple is very safe by downplaying the surroundings, but this campus really is located in a harsh part of philly."
"Their "state of the art" facility was pretty run down. They don't seem to be up to date with technology. No digital xrays, no dvd for books, only traditional books, very small simulation lab. The area is pretty bad. Students don't like to stay on campus late. They admitted that it is a ghost town after 9pm. They also don't go anywhere on campus alone. Everyone commutes at least 20 minutes into campus everyday."
"The interviewer only asked us 2 questions. I dont think he could have really gotten to know us, because we didnt get a chance to talk about ourselves."
"the depressing atmosphere of the school; the general lack of enthusiasm of the students, contrasted by the over-the-top nature of the tour guide "
"Temple university basically exists along Broad street. People don't go three blocks east or west of Broad street because it's dangerous. After attending four undergrad years in an affluent area where it was safe to walk around after dark, I would feel restricted at Temple. Students usually study at home as no one's on campus when they don't have to be. Though the school has more operatories than the number of 3rd and 4th years combined, students aren't assigned operatories. Instead, they wheel around large and heavy carts with all their instruments. I've heard it's tiring and terribly incovenient. Temple also has a lot more clinical requirements than other schools, which of course prepares you, but as my friend and I talked to a 3rd year student, we saw that she was clearly tired and concerned about when she was going to complete all her requirements."
"I had heard that the neighborhood wasn't exactly the greatest before I got there, and well it was one thing to hear about it and another to actually see it (the school tries to project that as an advantage since you will get a lot of patients to work on and gain experience). I have decided the neighborhood will not negatively affect my consideration of the school and that if you follow a few simple rules you will be fine. They made a point to talk to you about those common sense rules in a Q and A session after the interview. The food was not very good and required a short walk to get to."
"old facilities"
"The location of the school outside of campus is a little shady. But overall, the campus seemed okay. "
"What? No student hot tub? Nothing, it was all good."
"Some portions of the school look very out of date."
"The neighborhood is a warzone. THere was a shootout between cops and a druggie not 2 blocks away from the school. The school looks like a rank dungeon, not a place I want to spend 4 years"
"I think they should switch to a one-on-one interview process. It made the actual interview portion of the day seem fairly insignificant."
"they have to cart there tools around the school in a cart, because they don't have there own station. they are responsible too collect on all of their work, or it comes out of there pocket before they graduate. "
"The school looked very dirty! C'mon this is dentistry. The new guy tried his best to make you pick the school, but that just turned everyone off. "
"The area it is located in is not the safest, I expected the facility to be a little bit nicer, and I expected the interviewer to be a little more curious about my transcript, research, and job experience. "
"The neighborhood of course was not in the nicest area of town."
"school is in a very unsafe neighborhood. The students there don't look too happy and are not very nice."
"The students were crammed together in this big preclinic lab. I was warned about it before, as is everyone, but the surrounding neighborhood is very rough. The student cafeteria was not impressive. Since it is not really that safe to eat within walking distance of campus, this was a disappointment."
"Nothing, I am not intimidated by the location. We all have to step outside of the white picket fence at some point! "
"I didn't really enjoy the group interview"
"The area is not the best but this is why they have so many patients a year is'nt it. "
"The interviewer did write notes or fill out the evaluations on the applicants during the interview. Because he went a bit over the time alotted he told the assistant dean that he would fill them out later. How is he supposed to remember what all five students said. Because of this I feel that this portion of the interview was a waste of time."
"The old building has a slight smell to it, but the construction might take care of that."
"The location isn't the greatest. "
"I talked to 10 students, 9/10 of the students hated this school. The other one had no choice because he needed to be in Philly. They did not like it at all due to the fact that they were not treated well. Previously, there was this guy Mark (aka Used Car Salesman) who interviewed students and sold the school making the students think that the school is better than it is. In fact the school really sucks. The Dean of the school is not even a dentist. I would not recommend this school to anyone."
"the area isnt quite so nice but most of the students dont live there so dont worry about going to school in the ghetto"
"Their cafeteria left a lot to be desired :P The main interviewer, Dr.Fielding said a lot of things that made all of us a little tense, he was a bit confrontational. He put some of our qualities down openly, in hindsight, i think it was an attempt to get a reaction, and see how we deal! Took me by surprise actually, since everyone else at the school was just super friendly... especially Mark Lombard!"
"group interview, didn't get a chance to speak one on one with the interviewer so that they could get to know me and that I could sell myself to the school. Also the essay that was given to us without warning seemed unneccesary. We all had different questions regarding ethical questions. How do you write about something that has no right answer? Also I was led to believe that getting an interview was a big deal but then was told that the interview does not weigh heavily on the admissions process. HORRIBLE neighborhood that students talk openly about. "
"mark lombard... he tries too hard to sell the school. he's only a secretary!! tour by mark, intro by mark, conclusion by mark, mark mark mark. how about having a real dentist (DMD, DDS) tell us about the school? extremely dumpy neighborhood. hated writing that essay. stupid..."
"Mark Lombard is the one that does everythign for the tour etc. But really has no input for admissions, etc. He is really the only one you meet and he is basically a secretary."
"Bad neighborhood"
"location of the dental building, stay in one building the entire day if you decide to attend there"
"I wish I had known to bring my wallet when we headed to lunch."
"That the place they take you for lunch is 2 blocks away from the Dental School (@ the Med School) and my feet were killing me! ALso that I was going to be interviewed by two 4-D students. It took me by surprise but in the end I really think it was good. They were extremely nice and reassuring. They know what is like for us so they try to do their best to keep it cool."
"That the interview format changed from group interviews to one-on-one 30 minute interviews."
"I wish I knew the interview was going to be one-on-one. I was looking forward to a group interview because I have never experienced it before and I thought it would be fun and interesting."
"I would have liked to fully know what to expect from Brian, he moves at a mile a minute. He keeps asking things jokingly to throw you off your game."
"It really is a stress free interview!"
"Many of my friends that interviewed at temple told to me chill out because it was gonna be such a relaxed interview...and i did not...but they were right!"
"group interview = 1 faculty interviewer + 4 interviewees + 2 current students who just sit in the corner and listen/take notes group interview is NOT cutthroat. they go around the circle and everyone answers a similar question or the same question. just dont be an ass to the other interviewees during the day and you'll be fine"
"The laid-back atomsphere - - - there was no need to "freak out" or get really worked up prior to the experience. "
"If you get an early interview and really want to go there just relax and don't screw up. "
"Few weeks after my interview, I found out that a dental student was mugged right outside the school at 5 in the afternoon. "
"I wish I knew how much of an opportunity we had to talk to other students. I would have though of more questions to ask."
"nothing...I already knew about temple being in a bad area."
"Philly is a very nice city!!!"
"that the whole trip was gonna be expensive, otherwise i wouldn't have gone..."
"that wearing vans in the snow is not chill"
"I really didn't need to be nervous. I was in a good group of applicants and the group interview wasn't as weird or competitive as I thought. I pictured applicants arm-wrestling and fist-fighting for a chance to speak but it was easy to say what I wanted and everyone was very friendly."
"I read a lot about Brian and how great he was, but I was not as impressed. He singled people out and was not very professional. However, it was evident that he does love the school and and students; I did like that."
"that this part of philly is not ''like the ghetto'', but really ''is the ghetto''"
"The school isn't grungy like other post have said. I was impressed. Brain Hahn is crazy (in a good way). You better be talkative, on your toes, and NOT be silent. If you are silent when he ask you an awkward question, you will drown! Be prepared to joke with him and your peers. Brain will say some crazy things, so don't be shocked. You will see that he does his job very well."
"Nothing really. There were no surprises."
"nothing really"
"Brian is the greatest guy ever."
"The neighborhood isn't the greatest."
"to take the bus from the airport would have cost me $3, where as the cab cost was $36"
"How depressing it all was."
"The clinical and developmental departments don't collaborate as much as the website suggests. "
"a lot of money for transportation. Try to use the public transportation next time."
"the lack of facilities and the bad location."
"Nothing really, the admissions people do a wonderful job of presenting the school realistically to prospective students. "
"There is so much hype about how dangerous the area is. It was definately a poor neighborhood, but I did not feel the need to but a handgun."
"Must have a 3.5 to get scholarship money."
"$22 cab ride from train to Temple. $2 subway ride from Temple to train. "
"I wish I had more time to spend exploring the city!"
"how long it would take to get to the school even though it was only 11 minutes from the hotel...leave an hour before the interview..lots of traffic. "
"That everything is so laid back. I didn't need to be so nervous."
"No matter what, there are always surprises..."
"That the group interview would be less nerve-wrecking than I had anticipated and the location is not as scarry as others would have you believe."
"I thought the 90% post-grad stat was for all speciality programs, but I think its only for GPR."
"That the interviewer was so relaxed. He basically tlked the whole time about his own experience. He was a great guy."
"Would have stayed longer, Philly is a cool city."
"how difficult it was to find my way back to the airport by bus and subway. there are good directions on Temple's website regarding how to get to the school, but nothing on how to get to the airport."
"How good the Philly Cheese Sandwiches were."
"I wish I would have known more about the city of Philadelphia, it would have been much easier to get around. Also, the interviews were one of the last things that we did, so it was a stressful day sitting around waiting for it. (even though it was easy!)"
"the streets are poorly mark. If you see the sign it's too late to turn"
"I thought we were going to have to write an essay, but they have cut that out of the process. "
"They don't make you write an essay anymore. I was really worried about it beforehand and it would've been nice to know they'd taken it out of the process."
"That Temple is in the Ghetto and ALL the students are commuters. The student at the calfeteria says he does not know ANYONE who live near the school (ie unsafe). Overall a real depressing enviroment. Low board score pass rates."
"i wish I had known that Brian was gonna throw a bomb at all of us and say that 92 people were accepted already. he made a great afternoon seem totally meaningless with this insensitive and badly timed comment.I would have saved my airfare."
"Brian doesn't like quiet people...he said so himself. Speak up as much as you can! Also, don't stay at the Conwell (the hotel on campus). Its hard to find, you have to pay extra to park in their "parking lot," and it is definately not worth the money."
"How cold it was going to be and how much fun I would have"
"The school is not in that bad of an area."
"Not a whole lot. Brian Hahn is a great guy and people who trash on him must either be socially backwards or try too too hard to be "superstudent" (you know those applicants who have been everywhere done everything and try to brag their way in to school). He doesn't like students like that, who does?"
"that it was going to be hotter than hell in the conference room"
"I wish if Brian was not the tour guide! He is too young to do this job and select the students for admission! Don't waste your money to listen to his lies."
"That they had already interviewed 450 people and that they're making you pay all that money to go out there when you hardly have a shot at all."
"I took a shuttle from the airport to the hotel (Lady Liberty) because it was only 8 dollars. If I could do it over again I would have paid the 25$ flat rate for a taxi because the shuttle ended up taking over an hour for a 15-20 minute drive. "
"that temple is not where i want to go. "
"How cold it was going to be..."
"I wish if i knew that they already interviewd 300+ students. I spent $500+ for this trip only. What a Joke!"
"that i should have worn a bulletproof vest"
"That there was really nothing to stress over. I was really nervous because this was my first interview, but it went great."
"The admissions staff decided to omit the written essay."
"that there was an ADA conference going on that weekend... i needed to find a hotel due to last minute changes and ended up driving to Delaware ~40 minute drive to the school. wasn't bad though."
"How stress free it would be."
"How cool old-town Philly is at night. I should have stayed in a hotel closer to oldtown Philly. I missed out on the sights and sounds. "
"Don't get a hotel across the river in new jersey (but it was cheap!)"
"By the time I interviewed, the class was full. For a 120 person class, they have a waitlist that's almost 200 people, ranked by some DAT score and GPA combination. Being waitlisted here is no large accomplishment."
"Let me set the record straight about the area: It is bad and I mean really bad. People who say otherwise are only kidding themselves. One current student said he isn't inviting his family to his graduation, because he is afraid for thier own safety. You truely have to see it to believe it. I have seen the projects in New Orleans and the ghettos in Detroit, but never have I ever seen such a miserable people inhabiting such a terrible atmosphere."
"I knew that it was in bad neighborhood, but I didn't know that it was that bad. A lot of the students live in a community rather far from campus. So book your hotel a good distance from the school for safety and comfort. The short essay they have you write... Don't sweat it. They just want to make sure you wrote your essay and not someone else. "
"How good looking the people at temple are"
"That the faculty member interviewing me had not looked at my file before.. :("
"-they like making their applicants write (supplementary essays(3), questions # 3 (below) -not many spots left, Brian said "about 5", b/c of late applications, should've assumed that though -if you dont care for the inner city, dont go to tusod"
"For the 125 seats, there are already 117 deposits handed in, so it'll be a while before we hear from the school. They'll be conducting interviews all the way through april, but who knows how things turn out....."
"Well, if you use the cab, make sure they go to the right hotel. I was just in so much stress, when the cab came to pick me up instead of 8:00 am but 8:20. You can't imagine how this can upset your nervous system."
"Do not stay at the Comfort Inn at Penn's Landing!!!! The noise from the highways leading to the bridge made for a poor night of sleep before my interview."
"That a cab ride is so expensive from the airport."
"That the airport doesnt have a place to buy a Phili cheesesteak sandwhich. I went all the way to Phili and didnt get a cheesesteak sandwhich."
"nothing..everything that happened, i expected."
"Its hard to control, but I really wish I did not stress over the interview. Brian and everyone else is so enthiastic, honest, and open that you can't help but relax and enjoy the interview. Also GROUP interviews are actually really cool."
"I could have taken the airport train directly into the city center and saved $25 cab fare. It is so easy."
"Group interview that bad. Actually it gives you time to think a little more. "
"That there's nothing to worry about."
"Temples appears to be a very clinical dental school."
"That housing is not offered through the school."
"The students leave around 4:30pm, so the school is empty at around 5:00pm"
"Don't be nervous, just relax, I hardly got any sleep the night before, only to almost fall asleep during the intro."
"How low stress it was. I was really nervous the night before but didn't need to be. Everyone else seemed too nervous during the whole thing."
"How far away the actual school is from the downtown area."
"group interview isnt all that bad"
"The location is really not as bad as some people make it out to be. I've found that a lot of great dental schools are in poor areas...thats where dental care is needed most, so it happens to be where dental students learn the most."
"The area around Temple wasn't that bad. Its definitely a poor area, but that is perfect for a dental school. "
"the area is not so bad"
"Make sure you get out of the car at the health campus, and not the main campus. "
"Watch out for those express trains ;) - they aren't clearly marked all the time. "
"Brian Hahn really has little say in the admissions process. So, dont worry too much about impressing him. Just be happy and focus on answering the interview questions to the best of your ability and be sharp!"
"It was not cold at all. I brought my heavist jacket and for the whole trip I did not touch it even once."
"about the questions they are going to ask .technical interveiw does not mean that we can read everything in dentistry. it is vast field. it was not at all organized. no properinformation was given to applicants who came there for interveiw."
"nothing really...i've been to temple before so nothing was surprising. interest fact tho...they treat about 144,000 patients each year (which is an overwhelming number), so you'll have tons and tons of practice if you seek it. so if you really love to practice and work in the labs and clinics, there is a plethora of opportunity here"
"You don't need to prepare any 5 minute presentation about yourself. Just be prepared to answer the routine questions."
"That the interview itself if very relaxed, no need to stress out about anything."
"that dental students have to lug around carts wherever they go in the building"
"Despite the large patient pool, students don't see patients until their third year. Consequently, the experiences of 1st and 2nd year students is completely different from 3rd and 4ths. At lunch, the admissions office only sent 1st and 2nd years, so be sure to talk to some 3rd and 4ths, in the elevator or wherever. Most likely they will be friendly."
"If hadn't heard about the neighborhood, I would have wished I knew."
"To wear comfortable shoes (the tour required a lot of walking and lunch was a couple of buildings over).. and how relaxed the process was."
"The location of the school isn't as scary as people make it out to be."
"How much Philly sucked."
"I had no idea about the essay at the end of the day. No worries though, the questions have no right or wrong answer and are all fair."
"that they have these great little food stands on the street just before you go into the school. I would have not eaten breakfast so I could have tried them, because they smelt awesome."
"I knew the city was bad, but I didn't know it was this bad. I would never ever want my daughter or girlfriend to go there. You step out of the building and they don't garauntee your safty! It's that bad!"
"that it was going to be laid back"
"How relaxed the interview would be. It was much more like a round table discussion where th interviewer just wanted to listen to you describe yourself"
"Brian Hahn is a also interviewing you although you don't know it. He's the recruitment coordinator (and an excellent one). He'll throw out a trick question like "anyone interested in research?" The correct answer is "No!", because Temple does not have any research to speak of. I had a bit of an attitude going in to the interview since I thought I was highly qualified. However, I did not get a timely acceptance from the school and withdrew my application after I got into what I thought were better schools. The admissions director can pick up on attitudes very quick. They're not just looking for the best students, they want the students that want to go there. You have an opportunity to ask questions during the interview. Save you hard questions for the students. I asked the admissions director to explain the safety issues for the campus and you could just see her bristle."
"the school interviews many, many students. "
"No surprises "
"Girls up at the med school are hotter."
"I had most my questions answered before attending my interview"
"Not as stressful as you would expect"
"Not to worry about the interview or the essay question because anyone with an ounce of common sense can get through the day easily. "
"No need to be nervous!"
"Had I know that the people running the school didn't care about the students, I would not have wasted my time and made a trip to come here. The students said that they don't even know who the dean was and what he does daily. They are not sure if he's even in school. Had I known that this would be a waste of time, I would have not applied in the first place."
"That I didnt have to have a 'short presentation' about myself prepared. They mentioned it in the interview booklet, but they never asked for one. It was very casual!"
"i would not have applied had i known its location/area/neighborhood."
"Temple is a very strong clinical school."
"I was going to be interveiwed by 3 senior dental students instead by the traditional way of being interviewed by one faculty member"
"I loved this school, despite its location, and it has a great community feel to it, as well as a seemingly happy group of students. "
"The experience was great. I got interviewed by two 4th year students (2 on 1) which gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about the school through a student's perspective. "
"Temple is one of my top choices. I really liked all the projects that the new Dean is trying to implement but I think is to soon to tell how those things are going to play out in the end. Overall they are doing a great job and Temple is a very good school! I would go there if accepted. But I think is good to keep in mind that a lot of thing will be changing and that may be something to think about when considering the school. Brian is a great guy and seems very interested in helping you! "
"Great school, I only wish they had somewhat of a better sim-clinic. I actually was very surprised by my visit, this school actually moved way up on my list. I didnt go in there with high expectations but it sounds like they make great dentists and thats what were all striving to be! Also, the school may be in a bad part of Philly but its not that bad! People have over-exagerated the extent of the neighborhood around there. I wouldnt want to walk alone outside at 1 am but thats called common sense in a major city. I felt safe when I was there, its a busy campus during the day, be prepared for that."
"The Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University has so much to offer its students. The school is strong clinically and they plan on expanding their research department. Brian Hahn was very enthusiastic and entertaining. He had no problem selling the school to me and my 11 fellow interviewees. Jeremy Hull was also very funny and informative. Temple is a strong advocate of community service. The school understands that it has the responsibility to provide quality dental health care to its surrounding residents that might otherwise be unable to afford it. I attended Temple University as an undergraduate and I can tell you that the school truly treats its students as family. On the day of your interview, be yourself and have fun. If you don't enjoy your time at the school now, how could you see yourself staying their for four years?"
"Overall the interview was great. It started in the waiting room at admissions and we met up with Brian. He starts out by bringing you downstairs to a conference room and telling you about Temple. He's quite the salesman and is a lot of fun. The thing is he asks questions like is Temple your first choice, and other questions that are aimed to simply throw you off and see how you react on the wing. After the conference we went on a tour and he knew a ton of people. Key to this part is to have a question ready because he may introduce the group to a student and just point to one of the interviewees and tell them to ask the dental student a question. You want something good because it will help you stand out. Finally the interview was different then I expected. The gentlemen ran down a list of questions and for each question he gave you a certain amount of points. After those questions were done, he told the students to ask a question to each other. Which I didn't expect and no matter what we asked, the man kind of put it down. That scared the crap out of me. They seemed to make it comfortable but you knew they were looking at what you were doing with a sharp eye so always be aware of what you're doing and what you say. Always look ahead and have questions to stand out and you'll do fine. Also be sure to talk to Brian and thank him. Ask if there is anything else you can do. I wrote a letter of intent after I left and I think it helped."
"Good much potential...vast amounts of diversity...your interpersonal skills will go out of the roof if you go to temple!"
"Superior clinical school (I'd say the best, espeically with the indigent patient population). If you commit to this school, it will commit back with 110% - the sense of one family comes across immediately on the tour. "
"As they warn at the interview, Temple isn't for everybody. However, it would be very foolish to overlook their program."
"I didn't particularly like the group interview. Felt more relaxed and comfortable doing one-on-ones. "
"Whenever answering questions, be frank and to the point. "
"Brian is so great!"
"It was fun, no stress at all eventhough it's a group interview."
"the area isn't too bad compared to other schools i've been to, including washington heights, nyc. the school has a serious problem presenting itself. group interview by a senior? school intro by a sales person? come on!!! i truly think that the school itself is ok, but i won't be a good fit to the school and so isn't brian (he's a very nice guy). we didn't get to talk to any faculty members."
"there was a fire drill during our interview! our interviewer was the type that loves to hear his own voice, and according to Brian if he didnt talk to much that means he liked us! Just don't apply to Temple if you don't want to go to school in the area."
"great overall experience. Brian Hahn is the freaking man. makes everyone relaxed and comfortable prior to interview. Seems to know everybody and really loves hte school. The students seem happy, lots of clincal experience. Facilities were pretty old, area right outside is pretty shady. The interview was laid back and focuses on applicants ability to communicate rather than answer the question ''right.'' Be vocal, ask questions and be sincere."
"Temple is a great school and I hope I get in. It is definitely a family there and you'll get your money's worth of experience in the clinic. Plus Philly is an awesome city."
"Stress free. The same question will go around the table and everyone has to answer it; another question may stem off from someone's answer and they'll have to explain further. "
"Fine. Laid back. I didn't like the group setting so much because I'd rather be one on one. But I guess there was less pressure in some ways.. it was relaxed. It was fine. "
"We got a substitute which talked to us for more than 60% of the interview. Awesome guy! If any of you get him, then you are going to get in!"
"I wasn't a big fan of the group interview format. Other than that the day was relaxed and I had a great time."
"Brian is awesome, very funny and he really promotes the school well. The interview was with 3 other students and I was only asked 3 questions and the total time was about an hour. I am not sure if they gleaned enough info out of me to make an accurate assessment. Oh well."
"Phew..well I don't think the interviewer had time to get to know me at all seeing as how he mainly talked the whole time and asked us a few questions in the middle of it all. He was a very nice man with a lot under his belt but he wandered on tangents completely unrelated for 10 minutes at a time! Once we were caught up in a talk about why we should always have something ''on the side'' in case our hands go or dentistry doesn't pan out. I felt like everytime my turn came to say something, it was very rushed and in the important question ''why dentisty'' he even cut me off mid-sentence so I couldn't finish and say what I fully wanted to say! Group interviews are NOT good indicators in terms of evaluation. To tell you the truth after all the years of hard work in High school, college, on the DAT, extracurrics, and have them dole out a sub-par interview is kind of a rude awakening/slap in the face."
"I LOVED temple dental. It is in a run down part of town but that makes it one of its strengths. Unlimited patient pool. Found out all of the students live about 20 min away from school, either down town or in Manayunk. From the sounds of it the first year class becomes really close, and parties a lot. seeing some hotties at the school was nice. if a cute girl can go to the school and survive anyone can. I learn that quite a few students have families and they survive. Brian is an amazing person you can tell he loves his job, and is great at it. He brings what other people say are faults of the school and turns them into positive aspects. Which is true, but does admit the place could use a fresh coat of paint. The group interview format was interesting, it sucked when two people before you said the same thing you wanted to say. So coming up with something new was awkward but sometimes you all have the same thing to say. I hope I get in, this school beats every other school hands down. They said that they are getting away from having the students do all the lab work which shows change."
"Fun people, group interview is not intimidating, relaxing day!"
"Temple is a great school if you want to be a GP. YOu will get plenty of clinical experience and practice management skills. Personally, I am not a fan of the way they interview. I was with three other people and the interviewer asked us each the same question in turn. He never read our files so couldn't ask anything personal. It is up to you to speak about however much, or little, you want him to know. The questions are all pretty vague so you should be able to squeeze in any info you want."
"It was very layed back. if you get the interview, just relax and let them know that it's your first choice school."
"It was informational regarding the curriculum of the school as well as housing options, financial aid, and living in philly. Students were very open to answering questions honestly, I felt like they were very up front and were not trying to hide anything about the school."
"I thought the school was awesome. I was nervous a few days prior to my interview from reading negative posts about bad equipment and poor facilities. The equipment isn't in brand new shape because it is constantly being used on patients-hence the clinical experience for the students. The same goes for the facilities. The volume of patients treated takes its toll on the building and equipment, which is a great sign if you want to be as clinically competent as possible when you graduate. Brian the tour guide is great and possibly psychic...Everybody at my interview got along really well and things went extremely smoothly. All of the current students were very friendly, helpful and happy to be where they were. I was nervous for my actual interview portion but the interviewer was one of the most laid back people I had met while there. The school is in a perfect location because it can get plenty of patients and it is in Philly which is a really cool city."
"I was skeptical about the "group" interview- but it was a lot better than what I was expecting. the interviewer was great and personable, and the other students with me weren't competing in answering (overall good experience!"
"Well, yeah, the area is pretty shady but everybody that I met there was cordial and nice. The people there are great. I guess I just had a really bad feeling about going there because all of the students that I talked to who were attending kept saying, "I'm just glad they accepted me" as if this was there safety-net school and couldn't get in anywhere else. They kept talking about "other schools" and how all of the "brainiac, smart" kids went to other schools and that you wouldn't find "brainiacs" at Temple. That made me discouraged because I don't want to attend a school that people believe that nobody smart is going to. The building is ancient with a mid-sixties high-school feel and, OMG, crappy lockers and shady-looking carts people have to carry around that look like a 5th grade physics project gone wrong. They have virtually no new technology, old clinics, old labs, two OLD classrooms, old filing methods.....everything was old or old-fashioned. It just made me sad. It made me feel like dentistry as a whole waved bye-bye to Temple long ago as if it had absolutely no more interest in Temple. What they do have is a solid clinical program with TONS of experience. You'll get more clinical expterience there than at any other school you attend, I promise you. One note for my experience, there was this guy named Tom (predental student) who was exceptionally rude to all of the other students but sucking up to the adcoms. Everybody else was really friendly and talkative. Tom was quiet the whole time and only talked when he corrected people and did so with a holier-than-thou look on his face. He really was rude to a bunch of predents and he didn't even know it...sad. He was cocky too. Somebody had asked him if he (yes or no) used KAPLAN before he took the DAT. He quickly blurted, "I teach KAPLAN" like he were some genious. Well, guess what, he didn't ask you if you taught KAPLAN or not, he asked you if you had used it before you took the DAT. Sounded like telling everybody that he was teaching KAPLAN was sitting on the edge of his tongue waiting for an opportunity to jump out at people. The whole day was like that. He was so rude to everybody. It was also kind of discouraging finding out that Mormons use connections to get free rides and accomadations from members of their own faith who they don't even know. I guess I'm just jealous."
"I learned that the program isn't a great fit for me - I guess that's the point of interviews!"
"great experience. Students here are definitely amazing, they help each other out a lot. good clinical practice with a large patient pool, but you don't get exposed to other aspects of dentistry such as research and specialization. this program is primarily aimed towards general practice."
"Really relaxed. My interviewer talked most of the time! "
"I didn't like the group format. I was asked maybe 3 questions and I don't think the interviewer had even read my file. However, the interviewer was incredibly personable and made the awkward format ok."
"The interview was great. I had Temple near the top of my list and know it is definately my top choice."
" the area around temple has a really bad rep but to my surprise it didn't look as bad as I'd imagined. It looks even better than this one ghetto area I saw in LA. However, Brian basically said the area is not a nice place to live so he said to live off-campus...far away from campus actually. The neighborhood seems really blagh...I can't imagine doing anything fun in Philly"
"I thought the whole group aspect would be a little strange, but in the end, it was fine. The interviewer would sometimes want our answers very quickly, so that was a little eh..."
"Very good. My visit to the school, Philidelphia, and Pensylvania all increased my desire to attend Temple."
"Brian was a lot of fun. He's pretty over the top, but you could tell he genuinly cares about the school and the students. The school has extensive facilities, more than enough operatories for all the D3's and D4's. The surrounding neighborhood is rough, but who cares? The subway is close, their are lots of patients, and you won't be living by campus anyway."
"This was my first interview so I was a bit nervous. Once we got situated and Brian (who looks like 'Josh' from Road Trip) started, I was at ease but still pumped. We talked about Temple (what type of people should and should not attend and statistics), the area, possible housing locations and financial aide. We then toured the school (not many 3rd and 4th years due to the upcoming holiday) then had lunch. Afterwards we were divided into interview groups. Like I said above, the interview was more conversation than confrontation. After the interview we met up as a group and went over what comes next."
"there was no need to be nervous, all the faculty members were very happy to meet everyone, especially Brian..who is the best tour guide ever. he did a fabolous job. my fellow interviewees were also very nice and it wasn't a competitive environment like i was told it would be. "
"Very relaxed"
"Start out with an ice-breaking pp slide presentation by the recruitment director, Brian, who is absolutely amazing at what he does. Very relaxed q&a followed by a tour, lunch at the cafeteria, and group interview."
"Brian did a great job selling the school to me. I have been to other schools which most people would rank 10 but after seeing Temple I was amazed. The whole interview was not bad at all. Very relaxed!!"
"Just go and see it for yourself..Brian was a nice guy and he almost knew every single student at the Dental school. He does try to sell his school, but which coordinator does not. It was a great experience over all."
"If you know that you want to be a general dentists, Temple is just the school. They really prepare you for any type of clinical scenario and you come out of dental school, a competent dentist. Brian Hahn, the recruiter was hilarious. I spent most of the interview laughing. The students were happy to be there. "
"Super fun interview thanks to Brian. the orientation was pretty fun, the ice breakers were fun, the tour was fun. Brian really knew how to sell the school and gave us all a really good time. the interview was pretty chill despite a group interview. "
"The trip was an experience, but well worth it. I like the school and would be more than happy to go there if accepted. The only thing that might be difficult is looking for housing in a big city. But that is neither here nor there, so it was an overall great experience and nice school."
"At first, a lil intimidating... then it was okay. The interviewer didn't really make eye contact with us.. at least, not as well as others. "
"Mr. Hahn gave us a ppt presentation --> tour --> lunch with students -->interview --> cab to the airport."
"The majority of the day was spent touring the school and a presentation. We had lunch with 2 students and then there was a group interview. After the group interview, there was an essay."
"I liked the group interview. There were five students in one room with Dr. Jackson. The questions were straight forward and open. Good advice was given also. "
"The interviewer was very nice. The interview was supposed to be an hour long but she used only half an hour to interview us, each of us got three questions and the rest was opened for questions and answers, anything youlike to know about the school and her professinal experience. "
"the group interview was different and i felt, impersonal. our interviewer was too busy writing down things about people in their files. it is difficult to try to generate your answers when you have to worry about what has and has not been said. also, sometimes i did not know whether i was speaking too much or not enough."
"LOVED THE ATMOSPHERE OF THE SCHOOL AND THE APPROACH THEY HAVE. They know they're not going to ace the boards, but they don't care. They just want to make general dentists, which is all I want to be."
"It was a good experience, Brian (the tour-guide/recruitment guy) was extremely helpful, hilarious, and nice. This guy could answer any question."
"The group interview was different. I thought it was really comfortable, but still challenging because everyone kinda said the same thing. Therefore, you had to think fast to come up with something original - but it was good - the spontaneity made for some genuine responses which the interviewers like. "
"The atmosphere at the school is really inviting. Brian is about the sweetest person in the world and he's really enthusiastic about the school. I think the concept of a group interview is a little strange, but it makes the whole process feel a lot more casual, which is nice."
"I was excited before, but really let down by the enviroment...maybe they will teach you to be a good dentist, but I bet the ones that commit suicide go here!"
"The interview was ok, but they treat you like apiece of meat. Yhey probably overbook interviews so that they can fill up the class by December, Any interview after Decemberis a waste of time and money"
"Overall, it was a very informative day, but very long. Be prepared! Come with alot of questions, because Brian can answer almost anything!"
"It was a lot of fun. I very much enjoyed the fact that they were blunt about the pros and cons of the school."
"The interview is not that important, the main thing is showing interest to the school and having good scores and strong application. I believe Temple is a very good school. When I was there, the main lobby was full of patients which you don't see at other schools. Also the area is **NOT** that bad. I walked out of the school to the subway and took the train to my hotel. Don't listen to those b.s. ing about the area nor Brian. "
"Go to a board room for a powerpoint about the dental school. Went on tour. Lunch with students. Group Interview. Conclusion (financial info, living in philly etc.)"
"I really liked the interview. Brian is a good guy who made me feel confortable. I read some of his reviews and was expecting some jerk but I think those comments were from people who did not get in. The school was up to date with exception of the old dental biulding which was a disaster. I was told you spend quite a bit of time there your first two years. YUK! I was talking to the second year president, some fat dude, and they had already done gold crowns, and post and core which I thought was impressive. The school seemed layed back which I thought was appealing vs. some of these uptight loosers I have met in past interviews. Strong Clinical program! It's blue collar get it done all the way. That means hands on. I think if I'm accepted I'll go."
"Awesome interview. With a four on one style interview i didn't think i would like it, BUT, it gave me the chance to truthfully and HUMBLY tell my experiences and give honest answers. The other applicants were really trying to hard to tell the interviewer what they thought he wanted to hear. Those that gave Temple a negative review are just plain haters. If Temple is so bad why is the class almost full already? Think about it..."
"If you get an opportunity to interview at Temple University, take that opportunity. You should mainly take that opportunity so you can see for yourself that all of this negative hype comes from crazy angry students who didn't get in and hate the world. I'm very glad I went and was more impressed by Temple than some of the ivy league schools where I've received interviews. It really is a great school. The area is not at all as bad as people say, and the city is actually one of the coolest I've been in. Brian is a great guy and will help you more than any other faculty member you will ever talk to. Again, if you get the chance, go there so you can see for yourself how great a school it really is."
"Let me start out first by letting you guys know that the average DAT scores and GPA are 18 and 3.25. To have a sure shot at this school, you must have at least 19 average on the DAT PERIOD. I think the tour guide (Brian) is a great guy. His job is to sell the school, and he does it with a passion....If you are offered an interview, don't get stressed out too much because your GPA and DAT score have more weight than the interview. The admission process goes like this: First, the admission comittee goes through your file and decides if you're accepted or not. If not, your file will be reviewed again and this time your interviewer's feedback will be put in play. Thus, if you have high GPA and DAT score. I don't think the interview is important at all.....good luck, guys. "
"I really like everything Temple has to offer. It is not in that bad of a part of the city and if it were to move then the community that needs its services the most would not be able to access the school. Brain Hahn is ENTHUSIATIC to say the least, but the guy who interviewed me seemed almost expressionless, so the interview could have either way. Despite that it was a very relaxed interview and the group setting lets people feed off of each other."
"It was a long day (9-3), but it goes by very fast. The interview isn't until 12:30 but it sneaks up on you. Brian Hahn, is a funny guy who is very dedicated and passionate persona. You will enjoy him throughout the day. The advantage to having a group interview, in my opinion, was that you aren't always the first person to answer a question. The interviewer would read a question and then point ot someone to answer, so as long as you don't entirely bomb the questions that you start on (for me it was about 3 total) the rest of the time you are able to think about what you are going to say before you have to talk to the interviewer. I had Dr. Castor, who is a young and layed back guy. But it seemed like the other 2 interviewers weren't any harder. Also, there is no written essay this year. Unless you count a 2-3 page paper in only 15 minutes an essay. Just kidding. Because it is a group interview, your answers don't have to be as long. Most of the questions that he asked everyone had to come up with an answer so if you began to drag on he would shorten you up or ask you to be brief. Basically, more question and answer type of an interview than your typical one on one type of an interview."
"I learned a lot about temple from the interview. For one, their main selling point is that you are a competent dentist when you graduate because of the huge number of patients you see and how you do soo many procedures. That may sound good, but in reality I don't think it is. Listen, the purpose of dental school is to LEARN, not to practice stuff. Any dentist graduating from anywhere will tell you that you gain your dental skills/speed/ proficiency after you graduate from dental school in your first few years out. The didactic curriculum at Temple seemed a little weak to me, and i think it's probably because they have their students working away doing wax-ups or they're in the clinic. I do NOT want to pay outrageous tuition to practice; teach me something so that i have a firm foundation to learn upon for my career in dentistry. I fear that temple dental grads have no idea about drugs and medical complications and all that stuff; things that will be important especially with our aging population. Anyhow, my interview went well because it was an absolute joke. They gather NO information about anybody from the interview. Later that night i partied it up with some friends over at Penn and I got totally trashed. Hooked up with this one girl at penn dental and it was awesome. I have my interview for penn coming up pretty soon and i know that it's a quality school, unlike temple. Oh yeah, and a lot of people talk about temple's lousy location. I must say that it did appear pretty crappy, but not as bad as i expected. However, it might've been a worse neighborhood that my eyes could discern, because i have NEVER EVER had so much trouble getting an f'n cab before in my life. Even after calling like two companies from inside the D-school. I waited like 50 minutes at 3:30 in the afternoon. When i questioned the driver, he said that "you just don't stop for people trying to hail you down around here. it's dangerous you know." "
"Interviewer didn't ask the basic questions such as 'Why Dentistry', 'Why Temple', etc. We got an interviewer who ask controversial, debatable questions regarding what is going on in New Orleans and Denticaid. I believe it was an interview to see how you think critically and if you take stand of your position when someone challenges it (i.e. defend your dissertation for PhD)"
"Overall, it wasn't what I was expecting, the interview was a group interview. I didn't like the fact that I flew nearly 3,000 miles for a group interview. Seems like they have a great clinical program, like the UOP of the East Coast. Although the area is something else, definitely a rough neighborhood. I took the subway and definitely kept an eye open."
"group interview. pointless, everyone answered the same as one another. if someone answered differently, they sounded like they were just trying to do something different. fake process. temple sucks."
"I liked temple alot. Brian did a fantastic job and answered most ofour questions. oh and Philly's wether was just so beautiful"
"Guys, seriously speaking I really enjoyed my temple visit; it confirmed what I already knew, the reasons for me applying and desire to go there. The interview was very laid back and had an extremely relaxed atmosphere, the basic questions turned into a group discussion. There is really no way to prepare for it, I suggest, know yourself well."
"Great experience, students had excellent comradarie, impressive day"
"The interview was very laid back and stress free. The staff made you feel at ease and conversing with other students was easy. The dental school has very nice facilities and a helpful staff. My interviewer was very friendly and made sure everyone in my group was able to answer an ample amount of questions, therefore she was able to get a real sense of what we are like."
"it was O.K... not as great as my previous interview at some other school. Brian definitely does do a great job talking about the school and answering all sorts of questions. "
"First you have an introduction lecture to the school, then a tour, lunch with students, then group interview, and a conclusion."
"The interview is great. The admissions staff realy tries to show you everything about the school and give you a taste of its atmosphere. It's different from other interviews where usually you're by yourself. At Temple you'll always be in a group so talk to the other applicants and get along. The thing I appreciated most about Temple is that they don't hide anything. At the end of the day you will know whether or not Temple is the school for you. The interview is the last thing you do, right after lunch, eat light so you won't feel drowsy."
"Loved it, Temple rose to the top of my list after my visit."
"My interview experience was great. They do a good job of putting you at ease, selling the good points of their school, and then allowing you to explore the school yourself in order to really see what goes on. We had lunch with current students, and asked them questions in the halls and in class. They were all very positive, in a realistic way."
"There were 6 of us who were interviewed at a time. We went around the room and answered why we wanted to be a dentist. We each spoke for about 5 min, and that was it. There was also an essay we had to write (word is the point is to make sure you're not a mutant)and a secondary application that was sent a week before the interview. Brian Hahn gave us a tour of the school, let us talk to some current students, and gave a presentation about student life. Brian made everyone feel very comfortable and seems more like a fraternity brother than an administrator. He also made it clear that you have to email/call him and to let him know that you are interested in the school... seems more like a game than anything. Also, Joe Frazier is supposedly a patient. All in all, I wasn't impressed by the facilities but by the people. Prepare to commute 20 minutes to school every day and to do all of your own lab work. I'm sure it's got to be one of the top clinical schools because of the number of patients and the amount of hands on work they make the students do."
"I am confident that Temple produces great dentists. However, I don't understand thier strategy in interviewing hundreds of applicants with little to no intent on offering them acceptance. They tell the interviewers that if they are really interested then they have to e-mail Brian and tell him. What a joke! Would we really have put in the time, effort and money if we were not interested. I guess after applicants see the neighborhood first-hand, many might say, "thanks, but no thanks"."
"People talk bad about the location, but it's really not that bad. However, Temple was a disappointment for me. Let me first say that I like small classes and friendly/supportive environment. Didn't see that at Temple. Soo many students, all dragging these huge dental boxes around on carts. The place reminded me of a factory. The one faculty member i met (who did the interview) seemed a little arrogant and full of himself. I don't understand why, it's just Temple. The lunch we had was at this horrid cafeteria, and the group interview thing did not impress me one bit at all. Like holy crap, you could not design a worse interview technique. I guess I was a little surprised considering I just had another interview at this other school where there were two one-on-one 50 min interviews with 2 dental specialists who were not arrogant and cared about what i was saying. You do get great clinical training at Temple, but they make you do a bunch of stuff that you'd normally never do in real life. Also, i heard that in some instances, if your patient doesn't pay the bill they charge you!!! Um... where is the love?!! I left Temple wondering if I would get that much support/care from the administration/staff if I was having problems. Temple is not for the faint of heart people. Also, classes are like 65% men, which is not cool at all. Not. Cool. At. All. "
"The interview was very informal and comfortable. The group setting actually helps quite a bit. You really do feed off one another."
"Well the interview is more about them selling you the school more then you impressing them. Brian Hahn does a good job trying to sell the school. The interview is done in groups of three or four, which sucks because its very difficult to stand out. In addition, everyone is asked the same questions, so you have to be extra creative with your answers. "
"This school just didn't do it for me. And considering that area was the scariest place I've ever been, you can count me out! And I'm a city girl!!"
"9:00 – 11:00 AM Introduction to Temple University School of Dentistry & Tour of Clinical Facility 11:00 - 11:15 Written Essay 11:15 - 11:30 Housing/Security/Financial Aid/Scholarships 11:30 - 12:30 Lunch with Current Students 12:30 - 1:30 Formal Group Interview 1:30 Application Review/Conclusion Great place, the neighborhood is not that bad, the neighborhood is the reason why the clinic thrives! Interview was easy, I just get nervous sometimes they are very nice, they dont ask you why your got an A- in Calc III in your soph year, second semester!"
"Brian Hahn was really great on relaxing all of us. He introduced the school. We went on the tour of the school, and talked with students. We went to lunch and got the chance to get the current students feedback, and tips. It was a group interview with one faculty member interview us. Make sure you have lots of questions to ask. Save some for the interviewer. Hello to all of those who were with me (Zhanna Burunov) at the interview on 2/18 wish you all the best of luck."
"Really relaxed and Brian made this the most wonderfull experience so far"
"Arrival at dental school--got lost on 3rd floor--need better signs to direct us to the admissions office. Handed in pre-interview summary. Presentation by Brian Hahn--was made to feel welcome and relaxed. Tour of school--319 operatories, beautiful and well-lit preclinical labs with all equipment nearby. Students are happy & appear to get along well. Lunch was at the pharmacy school nearby--students were awesome & answered all of my questions. Groups were broken into groups of 3 & sent in to interviewed with faculty member. He got us to relax by claiming that he was going to ask us some "boring" questions & we rotated the order in which we answered the questions, so no one was always first or last. Was given interviewer's philosophy regarding having an extensive science background as a lead into understanding the more complicated technical applications (ie.tissue implantation). Was also given the interviewer's methodology for giving 3 treatment plans to each patient--the Datsun, the Ford, & the Bentley. Brian closed with summary on school safety, financial aid, & where most students live. Good luck!"
"Good school, heavy emphasis on clinical aspect of the field and the students there seemed happy to be at Temple."
"Temple is the best place to receive a dental education in a student friendly environment."
"Great interview experience. If I am accepted, I will not have a problem going there."
"Since I lived close to Philly, I know how bad the neighborhood is.... yea... it is ghetto. However, over the past several years, Temple University's safety have been dramatically improved. I don't think I'll have a problem going to this school for 4 years. It looks bad, but not AS BAD AS many people say. There are plenty of fun stuff to do and not as expensive compare to NYC. Clinic is modern and clean. Also, no student will ever have a problem finding their patients. Overall, I had fun time during the interview and I give serious consideration to attend this school."
"excellent. i can't wait to for an acceptance letter. we had a few interview q's. but really depends on who interviews u. my interviewer was SOOOO relaxed & laid-back - really cool. "
"There were 14 of us on the day I went. Brian breezed through a powerpoint presentation and quickly got to know us and allowed us to learn a little about each other which helps because the competitive feeling decreased once we started talking. We toured the school, talked to students in the lab for about fifteen minutes, then went to lunch with about five to seven students which was really cool because they had time to really talk and honestly answer our questions and address our concerns. Then we were broken up into three groups (each with 4 or 5 students) and proceeded with the group interview. It was nerve wrecking at first but don't be afraid to agree with someone else then just add on to what they said. But in reality every applicant is so unique that we all had different experiences and different qualifications so there was no need to come up with a ''better answer''. Also in a group setting, we were able to ask many questions and have a conversation rather than an interrogation."
"I had a lot of fun, but I was pretty excited to begin with. Make sure you check out Philly, expecially at night. Walk down South street and market, and if you are there on the "First Friday," the art galery's are free admission with beer&wine."
"There is an essay question at the end. It is for 15 mins and it is to be written on a page. Page does not have to be filled. My question was: Describe the support systems in your life. We had lunch with 3 students and they were very happy with the school they also were very informative. we stopped random student on hallways and asked them questions about the school and they all had very good things to say. Brian was great. He started off the interview with doing a power point presentation on the school. We spent the first several hours with him. (9am - around 1pm). He made us feel very comfortable by telling stories and telling jokes. He is a pretty funny guy.Good at selling the school. Overall the school has strong clinical program. "
"My experience as a whole was positive. I thought it was a great school. I like that the school offers the opportunity to go abroad and to get a dmd/mba (at same tuition price as dmd). The interview was very short, so I think it's more of a formality than a real attempt to assess character. Essay was very easy. Question was totally random. I only wrote a few sentences. Oh, and a suggestion to others, be sincere with your answers(lies are totally transparent). "
"Brian Hahn does an great job on selling the school, however, overall I was really impressed with Temple University. All the students we met with all had only good things to say about Temple."
"It was very mundane. The only unique thing about it is the group stlye interview and the essay at the end. "
"It was a pleasant experience visiting Temple. Brian was really energetic and informative. He also knows many current students by first name. This is a great school if you want strong clinical training due to large amount of patient pool here."
"We did a tour, met students and had lunch. Then the interview itself. Three students to one faculty member."
"Get to know Brian (the recruiter) he's a stud. He knows how to sell you on the school and is on your side the whole time. He loves what he does and it shows. Tell him Adam Hepworth says hi and find out how his son is doing."
"I was impressed with the school. The students get a lot of clinical experience! The area is not as bad as people make it out to be if you stay on the main road. At night the area around the school is lit up like it was daylight."
"We started off with a informational presentation of the school followed by a guided tour of the clinics. Then, we went to lunch with 3 dental students and when we returned, we had a group interview. Finally, there was a wrap-up session with all other information. Overall, it was a great experience. The students and staff were very friendly and optimistic about Temple."
"It was very laid back. The admissions office guide was very nice and energetic, and HONEST. If there is a fault with the school (ie, not a good neighborhood) they are honest with you. The current students seem very satisfied with their experience."
"Introductions (13 candidates in conference room), power point presentation about school, walking tour, lunch with students, group interview, impromptu essay, info session about geographic location/financial aid. In general the 6 hours went by fairly quickly. Everyone was very friendly."
"I feel that the interview day was a lot more planned out and organized then other schools i interviewed at. My group interview was me and three others and we were all asked the same questions and answered one by one. It did not seem that bad for me, because the other people that interviewed with me were all nice people. We all pretty much let each person speak first so it was fair for all. "
"Overall, it was a great day. Brian (the admissions coordinator) really did a good job of acqainting all of us with the school, with each other, and with him. Speaking to random students throughout the tour was a good way to hear about the current students' impressions of the school. Students seem to be really prepared to practice on their own when they graduate. The group interview was pretty different, but it did take a lot of the pressure off."
"I liked the school's clinical focus and friendly environment. I know I would graduate from here with a huge amount of confidence and move smoothly to a successful practice."
"the interviewer was very nice and the interview was very laid back. brian hahn, the students, faculty, everyone was very friendly. as for the area, it is not as bad as some people say it is- i'm from a socioeconomically similar area and so i felt alright. besides, because the school is in such an area, there is a huge patient pool- you don't need to worry about shortage of paients. it is evident that a student who graduates from temple will be an EXCELLENT clinician. if you really want to serve people, i think you'd be willing to treat ANY patient, anywhere. overall, the school is excellent. i hope to get accepted and attend next year."
"Mostly stress free; Brian really knows how to sell the school, very good clinical program"
"If you want to be a general dentist, the place seems great. If you want to specialize, don,t bother wiht Temple."
"Very relaxed -- it was just an chance to describe your aspirations. I enjoyed hearing the other 3 people respond. We each had the same 5 questions but in staggered order."
"just relax and be honest when the interviewers ask you questions"
"I have bad experience at temple undergrduate.No body cares about you.So i wouldnt recommend temple.Yes it has a good clinic but u drift academically.Moreover the place is not safe to live."
"The Admissions staff was the most helpful of all 10 schools at which I interviewed. Temple is my number one choice, hwoever with 2300 qualified applicants, my application was too late. I'll definitely wait until next year to attend Temple. As a 4.0 student, I can go anywhere, but I'll wait for Temple."
"Practice answering questions quickly, and sharply w/ multiple answers for each question because the interviews are in a group so others may take your answers. Try to also compliment others' responses. "
"The school located in the downtown, according to Brian, nobody lives in that area, so really don't have to worry about that."
"the whole experience was disappointing. they called us early morning and not even asked for breakfast or lunch.the location of the school is horrible. students told me that you cannot go out of the school in the city after 5 in the evening. the fascility is very old. it was the worst school i have been to for interveiw. they treat you like a stranger.the atmosphere which was there for interveiw was not at all friendly. they treat foriegn trained dentists as if we got the degree of dentistry without studying anything. they think that they are the best even though they do not come in top 5 US dental college. i don't suggest any foreign trained dentist to apply there. they make u feel miserable about urself ."
"The interview wasa pretty laid back and Brian was super friendly. The amount of clinical is amazing."
"it was very laid back. almost silly, because i don't think they really learn that much about you. the interview day is more for you to learn about temple and to be honest, to give them the chance to sell their school. overall however, it is a very enjoyable day so just relax because its real easy. one thing, they seem to go out of their way to convince you that you'll be safe there, which kind of leads you to believe that if they push the issue as hard as they do, then it really is a concern"
"The interview was so relaxed, virtually no stress at all. "
"I loved it at Temple. The tour of the school was very impressive, and our tour guide Brian made the experience much less stressful. The school really prepares you to be a practicing dentist. "
"The students and staff were very friendly, and were happy to answer all our questions and help us out. Besides the actual interview, everything else was nice. If accepted, I would go to Temple."
"from my limited experience, the school had a social fraternity vibe, meaning that it did not seem very professional or intellectual. the eagles and football in general seemed to be the topic of conversation. i did not find this very appealing. while this impression was based on 1 day of experience, it was a definite turn-off."
"A school I would recommend applying to and hope that I get into. Don't be shy to talk to the students. They are really nice."
"Brian, the admissions staff was great, he sold the school very well.. but the school basically sells itself. The entire day was very comfortable and there wasnt much tension between the applicants like someone else on here mentioned. The interviewer was very laid back and kept the entire interview as an on-going conversation. It didnt matter if you had the same answer as the other applicants. They just want to know what YOUR reasons are. However, there was another interviewer that was a lot more strict so be prepared and try your luck."
"Extremely laid back. The entire morning was an information session and a comprehensive tour followed by lunch/informal conversation with a current student. The interview was a group interview with 5 interviewees to one interviewer. The interviewer made sure that each person was asked the same questions (see the list of questions below). So everyone had an equal opportunity, but you had to have good answers for her to spend a good amount of time listening to you. Most of the time she was very nice and gave us good advice."
"Great school. Great location. Good housing. I rang the liberty bell during my visit."
"the school provides good clinical experience"
"First you will get a presentation about the school. Next we had a tour of the campus/facilities. We then went to lunch and had our interviews as we got back. Finally we wrote a very simple essay and went home."
"My personal opinion is that the best way to become skilled in dentistry is to practice dentistry on real people. Temple affords you this opportunity much more than most programs. While fancy simulation labs are nice recruiting tools, I'd much rather work on real people. Everyone of the students that I ate lunch with were excited about being at Temple. You hear a lot about the surrounding area which is bad, but students don't live there anyway. I have several friends who live and go to school in Philly and they all love it. "
"It was extremely laid back. It wasn't like they were trying to see if they wanted you, it was like they were trying to get you to come there when they send you an acceptance letter. Most of the people in the interview were from Utah, they must recruit mormons. The train runs right to the school which would make it supper easy to get to school. Brian the guy hired to sell the school to us finished every statement with "why would I lie to you?". I was a lot more impressed with the school than I expected. I think it is a great school to apply to as a safety net, because it may not be your first choice but you will get great clinical experience if you can't get into you #1. "
"Total waste of time. They don't even have a dress code. Most students were dirty and looked liked they were in a concentration camp. Very unhappy."
"Overall it was a good interview experience for my first one. It began at 10am with a powerpoint presentation about Temple (basically about what you read on the website). Then we had a tour of the clinic, then lunch with students where we were allowed to ask questions, and then the formal interview. The interview was a group of 5 students being interviewed along with the one Dentist who interviewed us. We then were just asked to talk about ourselves for a few minutes, and ask any questions if we had them. Then after that we had an essay to write. All the students being interviewed were given different topics. My topic was: what qualities do you value in a professor. "
"Overall a great interview. I will probably go to this school if accepted."
"This could be a great school for those seeking a hard-core clinical education. Although campus life is not likely to be dangerous if you use common sense, it is certainly not going to be much of a campus life. If you want to get accepted, you must really show (or fake) interest. When Brian gives you his e-mail address, write him back after the interview and say positive things."
"Interviewer was a faculty member and was genuinely interested in what we had to say."
"It was very pleasant and I hope I get in."
"Low stress and informative. I only had about three questions. The rest of the time I was asking more questions about student life. The students interviewing me were very helpful and provided email addresses for me to contract them if I had other questions. "
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?