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50 minutes
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"What is the difference between a Pharm D degree and a PhD degree? (Pharm D degree is more clinical while PhD is phiosophical)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How many hours should a pharmacy student work while studying in pharmacy school? (She said in a workshop, less than 20 hours.)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How many different kinds of drugs are out in the U.S. market?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"No difficult question." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read about Temple College of Pharmacy and basically information about pharmacy school. Looked at my resume and my chemistry research. Read numerous pre-med books about interviewing." Report Response
"The interviewer has a very extroverted personality and she obviously enjoys pharmacy. I also have happen to meet her in two pre-pharmacy workshops so I know who she is. She wasn't intimidating but very friendly." Report Response
"Having one person inteview 5 people is not really an interview. She basically ask everyone three questions and did a lot of talking about the pharmacy curriculum and basically pharmacy in general." Report Response
"I wished I practiced my interviewing skills. Even though the interview wasn't as bad as I thought, I still stutter a little bit." Report Response
"I wished I had a little more time to finished writing my essay. I at least wanted to have three paragraphs. Also, I was dissapointed with the structure of the interview. Most of the time spent was just asking her questions. While the interview was not very difficult, I did not get to talk more about myself as to why I wanted to get into pharmacy, my current Chemistry undergrad research or about my personal background." Report Response
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