5 out of 10
6 out of 10
5 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Why medicine" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why UMD" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Who was your biggest role model" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What 3 qualities do physicians need and how do you exemplify them" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about an unethical thing you have seen a physician do and what you did about it" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, re-read app, read about school" Report Response
"Nice students, friendly tour, Shock Trauma, actually got to see the hospital" Report Response
"Very traditional curriculum structure- 2+2, and not pass/fail; no wow factor" Report Response
"that one of my interviewers would be very intense (a psychologist) and would ask me very difficult questions and when I responded she would be aggressive in her responses" Report Response
"one of my interviews (With a student) was easy and relaxed; the faculty interview was very difficult but i got in so it was okay" Report Response
7 out of 10
In state
2-3 hours
< $100
No Response
5 out of 10
No Response
No Response
5 out of 10
5 out of 10
5 out of 10
9 out of 10
9 out of 10
5 out of 10
No Response
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