Recent content by AceZinneX

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    Retook the NAVLE and it felt bad...

    As the title said. I didn't pass it the first time by 15 points, and that was pretty consistent with the official practice test (~420). I took it to heart, and studied way more. 100% self-study on Zuku and went over study guides made by others. Did the other two practice test and got 472-522 and...
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    I would also like to ask for this study guide if possible. Email (pardon the address, it is the only one I have without my name in the address): [email protected]
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    Midwestern Class of 2020 applicants

    I...I also see the accepted student checklist...interviewed Nov. 18. Nothing about Matriculation Payment yet, but...well as you may guess my brain isn't working that being accepted, or an error?
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    Midwestern Class of 2020 applicants

    That sucks. I also called yesterday and they gave me the same info that it was in the Dean's hand, but I was on 11/18. Just gotta not think about it I guess...
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    Midwestern Class of 2020 applicants

    They said they should be meeting next Monday toward the end of my tour and interviews from the last two weeks should hear back by late that day or Tuesday. That said, they also said that is what was planned, and might be delayed depending on what happens.
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    Midwestern Class of 2020 applicants

    I don't know to what extent are we allow to discuss our interview in an open forum like this, but I will say I only got one ethical question (which came up as a follow up to another question. Not sure if I would have gotten one otherwise) during my interview yesterday, and it was one of the ones...
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    Midwestern Class of 2020 applicants

    Heh, things do come in full circle. Can't believe you remember that still. Unfortunately, I still could not grab more diverse experience. And my rejections hit me hard that I didn't really follow up - I sort of drowned my sorrow out with work. I know it isn't what you want to hear after those...
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    Midwestern Class of 2020 applicants

    I was trying to stay away from the forum since my experience here last year wasn't the greatest (good community, but I too was given the "you can only try to improve yourself since your stat this year isn't great" speech). Now, my interview is tomorrow and I am getting scare/nervous. I glanced...
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    UC Davis c/o 2019 applicants!

    Thank you for the PSA. Shame the rest of us aren't told where we are on the waitlist, or if we even made it onto the waitlist.
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    UC Davis c/o 2019 applicants!

    Congrats again to all those who got an interview. Now...I understand I can call in to see why I'm rejected and how to improve. When should I do this?
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    UC Davis c/o 2019 applicants!

    I'm guessing the initial group is sent out all at once, then waitlist fills in if someone drops it, rather than invitations in batches? I mean I figure I might as well just take it as a rejection and hope another school will interview me rather than mope on this til the 28th.
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    UC Davis c/o 2019 applicants!

    I wish they do. at this rate with my luck they'll keep me in suspense and then tell me rejection on the last day. Unnecessary anxiety...
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    UC Davis c/o 2019 applicants!

    Best of luck on your exams.
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    UC Davis c/o 2019 applicants!

    Add me to the list. First of 6. I admire you. I'm at the point where I don't even want to open any email. Every single one is making me nauseous. My previous calm is now over and I'm afraid to see what my result is...
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    UC Davis c/o 2019 applicants!

    Same here. I feel a little better after my previous rant, but I still got the butterflies. Definitely want to be done with this, good or bad news.