Recent content by AcronymAllergy

  1. AcronymAllergy

    VA Mental Health Provider Venting / Problem-solving / Peer Support Thread

    Don't forget to supplement with Healing Touch and various Whole Health treatments, as needed.
  2. AcronymAllergy

    What's the most rewarding part of your job?

    I'd say it's providing feedback (good or bad) to patients and their families; this is also sometimes the worst part of the job. The intellectual challenge of forensic work, and the different nature of that entire system vs. clinical work, comes in second place.
  3. AcronymAllergy

    VA Mental Health Provider Venting / Problem-solving / Peer Support Thread

    Yep, we were also strongly encouraged not to complete ESA letters, and were directly told not to complete DBQs (probably because some providers had been filling them out).
  4. AcronymAllergy

    VA Mental Health Provider Venting / Problem-solving / Peer Support Thread

    If two different malpractice insurance companies are telling me not to do something, between that and local VA leadership, I know who I'm listening to.
  5. AcronymAllergy

    MA level jobs on the Big Island (Hawai'i)

    You can believe what you like. I was hired for a position at a VA I'd never visited by people I'd never met or spoken with; one or two of them knew a few of my training supervisors, but that's the extent of the familiarity. When I was later involved in hiring at that same VA, I think only one of...
  6. AcronymAllergy

    Social media presence

    "I'd love to answer your question, counselor, if you'd kindly refrain from screaming at and interrupting me for a moment." Attorneys will also be happy to comment on your nonverbals for the record if it seems helpful for them. "I couldn't help but noticing you're smiling, doctor; is this...
  7. AcronymAllergy

    VA Mental Health Provider Venting / Problem-solving / Peer Support Thread

    "Back in the day," we were explicitly told by our supervisors and service line leadership to refuse to complete DBQs, and we were tacitly encouraged to refuse to complete ESA documentation. They even gave a presentation on DBQs and why it can be problematic for clinical MH staff to complete...
  8. AcronymAllergy

    Neuropsych Internship chances

    I don't have much first-hand experience with any of the programs listed, but at least as of a few years ago, the VAs at Baltimore, Minnesota, Palo Alto, and SD (and possibly LA, can't keep all the LA sites straight) had solid reputations and, seemingly, training. Not as sure about Puget Sound...
  9. AcronymAllergy

    Easiest state(s) to get licensed?!

    Agreed. Even though I've heard people say there are more states moving toward eliminating the postdoc requirement, there's no guarantee it'll happen in a state you may need to move to at some point in the future. In licensing situations, it's always better to be overqualified than under. I'd...
  10. AcronymAllergy

    Social media presence

    Shots fired. I kid, I kid. I'd almost certainly have fewer reports to write if I didn't spend time here, but I'd also perhaps be less fun to be around. Also, good points by you and MCParent RE: LinkedIn. It's definitely bigger with friends of mine in other industries, like tech and finance...
  11. AcronymAllergy

    Easiest state(s) to get licensed?!

    I didn't read the OP as looking to skirt minimum requirements, which doesn't really jive with trying to get licensed, but rather as someone wanting to know which of those various sets of minimum requirements is the most minimum. I personally chose an "easy" state to get licensed in while on VA...
  12. AcronymAllergy

    Can I Work in the USA with a Canadian Psychology Equivalence?

    With a masters degree, no, you wouldn't be able to work or refer to yourself as a psychologist in the U.S.. It's a term specifically reserved for doctoral-level providers, except in a few rare circumstances in which folks from years/decades ago were grandfathered in. It's also the prevailing...
  13. AcronymAllergy

    Easiest state(s) to get licensed?!

    Yep. Or at least look into banking as many of those documents and verifications as possible.
  14. AcronymAllergy

    Social media presence

    Same. I'd almost be a bit worried about clinical referrals brought in by social media. I've had a few non-clinical professional opportunities come in via LinkedIn, but that's it. I also second what PsyDr said via headhunters on LinkedIn. My (personal) Facebook and Instagram are both very bland...
  15. AcronymAllergy

    Social media presence

    Friends don't let friends drunk Twitter. And adding to the chorus RE: medicolegal/forensic work. The less online footprint you have, the better. Not just for attorneys, but also for claimants.