Recent content by Alteran

  1. Alteran

    Crap jobs in Pathology

    I also don't blame them for asking either. Its just how they ask it that tells us everything about how they see themselves and how they are envisioning their role in the practice even before they've started their first job. As for making $350,000 - which by the way is a pretty good salary out...
  2. Alteran

    Crap jobs in Pathology

    We used to do a slide exam for all the prospective hires and I certainly went through one before I was brought on back in the day. Now no one in my area, which is already hard to recruit to, makes prospective applicants go through one. Interestingly enough, of the pathologists in my group we...
  3. Alteran

    Crap jobs in Pathology

    We keep talking about crap jobs in pathology but we also forget about the crap pathologists that are abound. And having been on the hiring side of things now for a while, its these kinds of pathologists that are the first to complain about doing too much work for too little money. We've had...
  4. Alteran

    How did pathology fare in the 2024 match?

    I don't disagree with that assessment - and it is certainly true that a lot of Fam Med docs are getting raked over the coals by either hospitals or PE. But the ones I know are the kinds of docs that would have been good in any field, including Pathology. They're managing to do quite well with...
  5. Alteran

    How did pathology fare in the 2024 match?

    I think it I think it says a lot when supposedly lowly Family Medicine has a higher percentage of US medical graduates than Pathology. All the Fam Docs I know are clearing $400K, some much higher than that, have no stress to really speak of, have an army of PAs and NPs to help with the work...
  6. Alteran

    Signout Digital cases from home

    As there is no requirement for a CLIA license to sign out whole slide images remotely, how would anyone know what monitor you used where? As best as I can see, there are only suggestions as to what monitors you should use. My personal opinion is either you regulate both monitors and...
  7. Alteran

    Does morphology matter anymore?

    I think what also gets lost in conversation is that these fancy pants molecular assays only get reimbursed if the sample is malignant. Therefore, we do have to render a diagnosis for these tests to proceed.
  8. Alteran

    Do I need a CLIA to read AP slides at home?

    Yes you do. But the situation is all topsy turvy. If you want to sign out cases remotely through the use of digital pathology, that is allowed. The government has absolutely zero issue with pathologists signing out cases on monitors of questionable quality. If you have a 1990s CRT monitor...
  9. Alteran

    Pathologist sued - Patient receives $1 million settlement

    This is such an unusual scenario to the point to being absurd, but not implausible. My take on this is the following: The pathologist likely overcalled reactive type atypia in a bad cystitis which is why it was initially classified as low-grade. The urologist then called and said "how can it...
  10. Alteran


    I don't think PE is interested in pathology practices as much as clinical practices. I'm still old enough to remember the PE buying spree of the 2000s of AP labs that have since gone by the wayside or are merely former shadows of themselves. Only the truly bold would be interested in buying an...
  11. Alteran

    CAP is trying to resolve "pathologist workforce shortages"

    There is definitely a noticeable shift the difficulty of recruiting new pathologists from even from 2 years ago. The paradigm has shifted from the group putting the applicant on the boiler plate with an offer to the applicant taking up to 3 weeks to interview at all the practices on their list...
  12. Alteran

    Negotiating salary for Jobs

    You don't have much room to negotiate your salary upfront unless you're a name brand pathologist being actively wooed for a top-tier academic appointment. There are salary ranges for level of experience that are inherent to the geographical area you are looking at - but you're going to be...
  13. Alteran

    Crap jobs in Pathology

    I agree with the sentiments that there is funkiness in the compensation structure of our field. That said, there is no rule anywhere for any specialty that "partnership" or even what one would define as fair pay is a right or guarantied. It just so happens that for every other specialty of...
  14. Alteran

    Pathology LIS system

    I've used several LIS systems over the years. You should know that the trend and future standard that all LIS vendors are going to is a cloud-based subscription model where you will never "own" the system. AP Easy: Bare bones and relatively cheap by comparison to other LIS vendors. Gives...
  15. Alteran

    UPS workers now making $170,000…

    Are you talking global billing or just the professional component?