Recent content by Angry Birds

  1. Angry Birds

    Are kids normally super angry after procedural sedations

    Wasn’t ketamine. Was propofol and versed.
  2. Angry Birds

    Are kids normally super angry after procedural sedations

    I’ve done so many procedural sedations in my career and don’t remember kids being super angry when they come out of sedation. My own kiddo had a procedure and came out super angry. So is this normal? Do I just miss it since I don’t usually come back to check on patients after the procedure is...
  3. Angry Birds

    How to deal with EM anxiety

    I had this 3 years out. Now I’m in my 8th year and feel like I can do this job in my sleep. Are you 100 percent sure it’s not your practice environment? Why not try a lower volume ER before jumping ship? Unless you are totally happy with your new plan of course.
  4. Angry Birds

    Another One Bites the Dust: My Emergency Medicine Eulogy

    What kind of tldr doesn’t mention what fellowship Edit: Ah ok, palliative. Where EM goes to die. Congrats on the move. Hope it works out.
  5. Angry Birds

    Is negging our own specialty the best strategy?

    Is this really going to work? I don’t think so. I think it will lead to FMGs taking over, thereby furthering the reputational damage to our field.
  6. Angry Birds

    Is negging our own specialty the best strategy?

    Yeah, he did. I think he had a huge chip on his shoulder as he had applied EM and scrambled into FM some years ago. But honestly, I’m used to specialists dunking on EM at family gatherings, and they dunk on it when I tell them I’m EM, only for them to say, “but you must be one of the good ones.”...
  7. Angry Birds

    Is negging our own specialty the best strategy?

    I don’t disagree with you. But for me that’s all the more reason we shouldn’t be bashing our speciality so much. I actually just met a family med doc who was trash talking our specialty and I don’t think that would’ve happened a few years ago.
  8. Angry Birds

    Is negging our own specialty the best strategy?

    I feel like we’ve really hurt our reputations amongst other specialties by constantly dissing our own specialty. Is this really wise?
  9. Angry Birds

    “You’re the doctor !!!”

    But they all have lawyers on retainer
  10. Angry Birds

    EM to palliative/hospice?

    I’m assuming it would result in a substantial pay decrease.
  11. Angry Birds

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    Sometimes a sarcastic but lighthearted comment can be a good first step. Nothing you can say to your medical director though.
  12. Angry Birds

    Pediatric Airway review, tips, and resources

    Discharge with tetracaine with strict instructions to dispose in 24 hours
  13. Angry Birds

    Pediatric Airway review, tips, and resources

    I waited ten years for an answer and now someone is asking about corneas. Jk 😂
  14. Angry Birds

    Pediatric Airway review, tips, and resources

    Oh man, I’m so predictable of a person. I made the exact same thread in 2014. Haha no replies in that thread so here is me asking again ten years later.
  15. Angry Birds

    Pediatric Airway review, tips, and resources

    I just realized I haven’t tubed a kid in ages and need to review. So, what meds do you guys routinely use? What device? I realized I haven’t done DL in ages. Any good tips? What are some good resources for me to review? I’m turning into a dinosaur.