Recent content by AttackNME

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    RVU Production for podiatrist?

    I have ortho colleagues at $50. Speaking of production, I recently heard of a few hospitals get rid of their podiatry departments and all of a sudden these pods are scrambling to find jobs as associates in our community. Somehow they never did take call or do inpatient work, and had average...
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    Heidi AI Clinical Scribe / Dictation/ The future of notes and scribing

    I tried the for 3 months, paid for it, thought it was the greatest thing ever, similar to your experience, it generated pretty detailed HPI and made my treatment plan look comprehensive. Until I started seeing my own followup of these AI generated notes and it took me forever to...
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    Externship resources

    i think for students, understanding the dissection and exposure is the highest yield study topic cus attendings will often ask about structures, bonus points if you know which direction they usually are retracted to get exposure. Orthobullets does a great job of being succinct with the exposure...
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    Is Director right to take me out of surgeries?

    Congrats on the transfer, must be hard, but kudos to you for making the hard choice and choose to make a difference for your career rather than sulk in a bad situation for 2 more years
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    Toenails. You don't have to cut them. Trust me. Just say no.

    Waiting on someone to have the guts to publish a paper looking at routine foot care and BKA rates
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    Relevancy of PM News

    Serious question, how are we supposed to know if we’re billing things correctly?
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    Lobster Podiatry Explained

    I think with hospitals they know the value of podiatry, but some hospitals just don’t need to hire in house, it’s a business after all and they need volume to justify the cost, and some hospitals just don’t have the volume. In my state, the hospitals rely on outside contractors for almost all...
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    Lobster Podiatry Explained

    Here’s another example, ER medicine, they’re known as chief residents of every specialty, not really specializing in anything. Some fellows in critical care or other medical sub specialties would moonlight some shifts in the ER to make some extra money while in fellowship after they’re board...
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    Lobster Podiatry Explained

    I mean this whole thread is silly, and while I get what you mean, it’s also much broader than podiatry. Surgery used to be performed by barbers and were looked upon as a task beneath the skill of physicians, obviously it’s since evolved but I choose to see what I do as a valuable service that I...
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    Lobster Podiatry Explained

    Saving someone’s leg from an infection certainly feels more gratifying than saving someone from a bunion or hammertoe.. just sayin
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    Forum Members Fellowship Opportunities

    Agreed, I think it’ll happen in the next generation of podiatrists
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    Proper PLS logging

    Dr Venson is actually pretty responsive from my experience too. I’ve called him on the phone regarding these questions before and he doesn’t seem to mind helping out.
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    How to be competitive for residency as an international student?

    you give off “I’m the ****, I know everything” vibes and it’s just the first semester, haven’t proved anything yet. If you keep that attitude up it’ll get you nowhere in residency
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    How Much is Surgery Worth to You?

    Honestly we can use good people in advancing non-surgical podiatry, it makes us the most money
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    What is the deal with podiatry?

    I agree with you, I think it’s silly to compare jobs and salaries. No one will ever know what it’s truly like to do the job but you can make the most educated opinion you can, and if despite hearing all the noise you feel like you can still go into this with no regret, then why not?