Recent content by axm397

  1. axm397

    "Top Doctor" Honor for Pain

    hey - i was invited to fly to England.... beat that! LOL
  2. axm397

    Statement of Purpose new way to apply for access to physicians only pain forum

    Go to the Account Help Desk Forum: Create a thread. Tag one of the mods or anyone else on staff. They must provide whatever information you have designated as required (ie, physician license, institutional email (see above)...
  3. axm397

    General ways to boost income?

    This is a physician's forum. Please try to keep it professional and don't say anything you wouldn't say at a professional society meeting to your colleagues. Let's try to keep this courteous. We are all trying to help each other improve our practice and mentor others!
  4. axm397


    ha! i'm taking also. doing AAPMR QBank and reading cuccurullo/PM&R Pocketpedia. i'm taking the pain recert 6 days later..... SUCKS!
  5. axm397

    Gabapentin and Pregabalin Suck for Low Back Pain/Sciatica

    I use qhs dosing of topamax and start low and go up slow. I have had several patients lose more than 100lb on it but most can only tolerate 125-150mg qhs.
  6. axm397

    Personal Injury Pain Doc

    I think the OP got enough feedback about this line of work. Closing thread.
  7. axm397

    Political posts

    I moved the political discussion thread to the sociopolitical forum. Please try to keep discussions on this forum about pain medicine and refrain from political discussions. I understand that politics and religion are very emotionally charged topics. Please try to remember to treat each other...
  8. axm397

    Private Forum join requests

    We have received a bunch of join requests for the private forum without the information needed to approve your access. Please follow the steps on this thread: Also, as a reminder - you...
  9. axm397

    SIJ RFA denial

    I will see if L5 and S1 MBB help with some of the pain, then do L5, S1, S2, S3, S4 RFA - and have patient pay for cost of needle and time for the S2-S4 RFA. Facility gets paid from the L5 and S1 RFA. dictate it separate as two separate procedures to keep it clean.
  10. axm397


    So now, they won't cover impar blocks or sacrococcygeal ligament injections. What is left? How do you guys manage coccydynia and what procedure codes do you use? Per humana: " Humana’s medical policy effective 01/01/16 state the following are all considered E&I. I would anticipate other...
  11. axm397


    Hey guys and gals - we mods try to keep a low profile and allow free flowing conversation on this forum with very little "censorship". I know some of the threads have been risque and there have been some good spirited trash talk and sarcastic remarks that really contribute to the "culture" of...
  12. axm397

    Open positions

    have you tried posting on phyzforum? (AAPMR)
  13. axm397

    Open fellowship and residency spots

    HUDSON SPINE & PAIN MEDICINE PAIN FELLOWSHIP Hudson Spine is very pleased to announce the establishment of a new Interventional Spine Fellowship, a non-ACMGE accredited program (2016-2017) located in TriBeCa, New York City. We are proud to provide true multi-disciplinary training and are one...
  14. axm397

    Open fellowship and residency spots

    The New England Baptist Hospital Spine Physiatry Fellowship Contact: John C. Keel, M.D. at [email protected] The NEBH Spine Center in Boston, MA, offers a one-year fellowship training program geared towards the development of outstanding clinical skills in evaluation and management of a broad...