Recent content by bky3c

  1. B

    ketamine clinic

    Yep, we had a nurse who was found down in the ED bathroom after stealing some and using it during her shift about 10 years ago, and I assume she wasn't blazing new trails as far as recreational drugs go.
  2. B

    Occupational medicine

    So the physician's schedule was determined by the MA's preferences? Not to sound overly old-school, but that seems backwards.
  3. B

    Whose heads are you scanning?

    I once worked at a place where the radiologists complained that the ED (all of us) "ordered too many negative CTs." :rolleyes:
  4. B

    Should I Quit?

    There is an answer for you; there has to be. Maybe you just haven't found it yet. I don't regret a career that allowed me to retire after <10 attending years and taught me a lot about life and humans that I didn't know as a sheltered high school and college kid. I do wonder if I would have...
  5. B

    Should I Quit?

    Oh, I've posted about it here before. Nothing major. Lived below my means, saved a lot, now coast-FIRE on my husband's salary (6 figures but not physician income, loves his job) while our retirement savings continues to grow. He only entered the equation after I was pretty far down the path to...
  6. B

    Should I Quit?

    I've been getting locums spam for years (even now, nearly 5 years post retirement), and in my experience, many of them have listed PPH. Whether that number is true (or current) is a whole other question...
  7. B

    Are diabetics immunocompromised in your practice?

    That is the most ridiculous logic. Using that logic... since it's so common for someone to go to the ED with chest pain, we should turn them all away? I mean, everyone has it, so what's the big deal? :rolleyes: (Never mind the fact that diabetes and heart disease are two of the top ten causes of...
  8. B

    how much do you consult

    You're not crazy. They're trying to make you do their job.
  9. B

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    Exactly. Even if someone is 5 minutes late, that's enough time to be up to your elbows in an intubation or a line or whatever, and even if you didn't do anything but run the resus until you could hand it over, you still have to document that. So now you're leaving at least 15 minutes late...
  10. B

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    I never actually entered the hospital until about 5 minutes before my shift. I'd get there about 15 minutes early, listen to a bit more of my podcast in the car, reply to a text, etc. and then walk in only when necessary, but still early enough to get settled in time to take signout right on...
  11. B

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    This is the thing. If I'm not perched on the edge of my chair, ready for signout at 07:00:00, I'm wrapping things up as quickly as possible and definitely do not want to take on someone else's project because they failed to arrive on time. I've even had it in a double coverage shop when the...
  12. B

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    I love this. It would have been really easy, especially on an anonymous forum, to dig in your heels and say the rest of us are just too uptight. Thank you, on behalf of your colleagues. :)
  13. B

    “You’re the doctor !!!”

    1. If I don't know what it is, as an emergency specialist, that's a good thing... and although we're really good at finding and treating life-threatening things, we're not always good at the rest. Some people respond to humility, especially from a doctor. 2. Come back for any of these...
  14. B

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    I think people who consistently run late are very much aware of it, but they might not be aware of how much it annoys people, even if no one says anything and everyone politely laughs about it with them. If this is you... the person you're relieving IS very much annoyed by it, whether they show...
  15. B

    Rant: Shift Change Etiquette

    Yes! I hate this, at work and in the rest of life. People who are consistently late are just showing you that they have no respect for your time (and poor time management skills when it comes to their own time -- "time optimism," I heard someone call it -- as in, "I can definitely get this...