Recent content by BoardingDoc

  1. BoardingDoc

    Pictures of the Week

    In all seriousness though, it's crazy that the insurance shenanigans have gotten to that point.
  2. BoardingDoc

    Termination affecting licensure

    You sent a letter saying you resign. They sent you a letter confirming that you no longer have privileges. I don't see the issue. There is nothing to report. If anyone ever asked about it, you can snow a copy of your resignation letter (which I assume you've saved a copy of and a copy of the...
  3. BoardingDoc

    Elective paracentesis

    It's 2 wrvu assuming you have the ability to bill for the US use. I figure a therapeutic para takes me at least 15 min of work. Minimum. Probably closer to 25-30. I generated 9.6 wrvu/hr last quarter not counting PA supervision. That means that 2 wrvu for a minimum of 15 min of effort is...
  4. BoardingDoc

    Options for no nights, holidays or weekends

    OP is an attending.
  5. BoardingDoc

    Occupational medicine

    1 hour for lunch per day it seems? I have to say, I never understood the 1 hr lunch break. I mean, I'll obviously take it if offered, but I'd personally much rather work, say, 830 - 5 and only take a 30 min lunch.
  6. BoardingDoc


    Sounds like you have extremely s**tty leadership. CMG?
  7. BoardingDoc

    Chest tube

    I'll be curious to see what sort of response you get and how good Groove's memory is, seeing as this happened, you know, 13 years ago.
  8. BoardingDoc

    Should I Quit?

    To play devil's advocate here: this is precisely the logic that was used to justify the massive EM residency expansion that is actively destroying the specialty. I can tell you that if I were in any of the specialties you mentioned, I would be lobbying quite vociferously against what you're...
  9. BoardingDoc

    Options and real estate wedlock - a beginner level trade on a real estate backed asset

    I pity the person that reads this, tries to copy this and loses everything. Congratulations on winning the lottery. Your risk aversion coefficient is staggeringly low. I'm glad it worked out for you here.
  10. BoardingDoc

    "Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women, leaving one to miscarry in a lobby restroom"

    As was already mentioned, I don't see how any of these are related to abortion laws except for maybe number 2. 1: Pregnant patient having contractions is refused care in the ED. Obvious EMTALA violation. 2: FSED refuses to see a patient having a miscarriage. Also obvious EMTALA violation...
  11. BoardingDoc

    Are kids normally super angry after procedural sedations

    Paradoxical reaction to the versed maybe. The prop will wear off faster leaving just the versed onboard at the end. That said, who's doing moderate sedation with prop and versed these days? I've literally never done that. Prop and fent / Versed and fent / Prop and ketamine / etomidate and fent...
  12. BoardingDoc

    Whose heads are you scanning?

    Gotta hit that 20k button when you can baby! /s Seriously, I have no idea how this crap isn't fraud. If an individual doctor decided to do this, they'd go to prison. Somehow when it's a huge hospital system like HCA though they just get some sort of fine and keep going.
  13. BoardingDoc

    Whose heads are you scanning?

    Agree. That isnt how decision rules work. If you don't meet their inclusion criteria, that doesn't mean that they rule out. It means they don't qualify to use the tool. A patient on thinners with a head strike, no LOC, not altered and with good recall but who is now vomiting uncontrollably is...
  14. BoardingDoc

    Whose heads are you scanning?

    If they're a reliable historian who can tell me precisely how they fell and how there is zero chance that they hit their head, I document that and don't scan them. Most of my patients over 65 can't do that though.
  15. BoardingDoc

    Obligation to Police

    While the video did not discuss the scenario posted by OP (e.g. being asked to state "on the record" what your thoughts about a case were), I still thought it was a relevant reminder that seemingly innocuous conversations with the police may carry legal ramifications. If this somehow came...