Recent content by bravotwozero

  1. bravotwozero

    PE Goes Bankrupt

    The amount of debt is simply staggering
  2. bravotwozero

    ACEP ‘23

    Also worth noting that Khan hasn’t won a single case in court so far.
  3. bravotwozero

    Daily reminder to do the bare minimum

    grandpa has technology issues and can't work the EMR very well
  4. bravotwozero

    Procedure legends?

    Did you have any assistance from OB? Strong work!
  5. bravotwozero

    Closure of EM Residencies in For-Profit/Financially Strained Hospitals

    Would like to hear confirmation, but if true, a welcome development.
  6. bravotwozero

    NPs can now train in EM MD Fellowships

    Beginning of the end for EM. Thank you ACEP, ABEM, state medical board of Pennsylvania. PS, eff off.
  7. bravotwozero

    Physician reviewer for hospital

    You work at the VA, if I’m not mistaken?
  8. bravotwozero

    Physician reviewer for hospital

    Well at the very least, here’s one more side gig option/exit strategy to consider. Good to know.
  9. bravotwozero

    Physician reviewer for hospital

    The only thing that might want to make me jump ship is the prospect of saying goodbye to nights weekends and holidays forever. Otherwise, not worth it.
  10. bravotwozero

    Acep dying?

    Never been to SLC, I’d be open to that since park city is only 40 minutes away. Who am I kidding, I’d just skip ACEP and go to park city lol.
  11. bravotwozero

    Latest anti PE thing some shade vs Acep and usucks

    From the American Academy of Emergency Medicine: On September 21, 2023, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that they filled suit against private-equity backed, physician-staffing company U.S. Anesthesia Partners, Inc. (USAP) in Texas. The FTC’s complaint alleges that USAP and Welsh...
  12. bravotwozero

    Acep dying?

    Fun fact: MC Hammer is a televangelist in Orlando.