Recent content by bucknut101

  1. bucknut101

    Advice on how to deal with this situation

    Hello all, I need some advice on how to deal with this difficult situation. I am a full partner in a 3 physician private practice and it has come to my attention that one of the partners is consistently doing things that are not consistent with good patient care. Several of our technicians...
  2. bucknut101

    Going into academics from private practice?

    Hello all I was wondering how difficult it would be for an ophthalmologist in private practice to obtain a position at an academic center. I finished my cornea fellowship 5 years ago this summer and have been in private practice ever since. It may just be that I've been unfortunate with the...
  3. bucknut101

    Having problems with phaco ??

    I agree with all of the advice given above but wanted to add my two cents as well as share my experiences as well. I've been out of training now for 5 years and it does it get better. I definitely had my struggles at the beginning but overcame them and currently fell like I've become a pretty...
  4. bucknut101

    People familiar with Nexgen...

    I've had previous experience with NexGen at my previous practice so I can comment on that. I have not been with that practice for a year and half so I don't know if NexGen has improved at all since that time. I didn't find NexGen very customizable and if you wanted to used customized templates...
  5. bucknut101

    job markets for various specialties vs comprehensive

    One of the guys in my group does neuro/orbit/plastics and still does cataract surgery and a little comprehensive as well. It takes him an hour to do a phaco but he still insists on doing them for some reason. Keep in mind if you do a plastics fellowship you will likely go 2 years without doing...
  6. bucknut101

    Tony Parker Suffers Scratched Retina

    Funny! Unfortunately I would say the majority of the public probably couldn't tell you the difference between the cornea and the retina and probably doesn't know any basic eye anatomy at all. What scares me even more are health care professionals that talk to me on the phone or send me patients...
  7. bucknut101

    eye exam

    Completely agree with this except that our office only charges the refraction fee if the patient is actually given a prescription for glasses.
  8. bucknut101

    what is the most life-and-death subspecialty within ophthalmology?

    Acute, pupil involving, third nerve palsy comes to mind due to the possiblity of a PCA aneurysm. Had a lady walk into our office last fall, late in the afternoon complaining of a droopy eyelid. I lifted up the lid saw the XT, HypoT and the large pupil and my blood pressure instantly shot up...
  9. bucknut101

    Schedule templates

    Thanks Visionary. I actually was thinking of the doing it the way you do. Invariably every morning I start off the day sitting around a lot waiting for patients. Then by late morning I'm running behind rushing from room to room. And yes your right, getting the scheduling staff to schedule...
  10. bucknut101

    Written board results online

    I'm guessing he/she is already studing for next year's exam! In all seriousness though Eyeuser I hope you did pass. Really wish the ABO wouldn' automatically fail 1/3 of the test takers every year.
  11. bucknut101

    Asking for your support of Verified Reviews to fight against online slander

    I gave you a last minute vote last night. Hope you stayed in the top 3! Question though. Your company verifies that the patient actually saw the doctor, and like in the example you gave here, the patient is allowed to give a negative review. But how do you stop a patient from posting a...
  12. bucknut101

    Schedule templates

    Does anyone have an good examples or know of any good resources of good templates to schedule patients? My practice is mostly general opthalmology, some cornea stuff, and my goal is to see 40-50 patients a day. With the morning hours being 7-12 and the afternoon 1 to 5. This is assuming...
  13. bucknut101

    Need to eval every orbital wall fracture?

    Yes it is necessary. It's honestly what is best for the patient. And yes it does stink having to come in to evaluate these patients when your on call as orbital fractures are very common injuries at trauma center and can lead to busy busy call nights. If the patient truly has no visual...
  14. bucknut101

    Refractive surgery fellowship with Emil Chynn

    If anybody does ever do his fellowship I hope they write a book about their experiences. It would have to be better than fiction!
  15. bucknut101

    Help! I need somebody. Help - not just anybody. Help ?-

    Actually Shnurek that is not a great example of what I was getting at. I completely agree with what OphthoQuestions is saying. Sometimes 20/25 vision does significantly bother people and they want their cataracts removed. And there is nothing wrong doing cataract surgery on these folks as...