Recent content by CallMeDoctorLov

  1. CallMeDoctorLov

    Career in Critical care Medicine in Tier 1 academic places!

    you are looking for a place that 1) allows you to work clinically part time in both critical care and nephrology 2) dedicated research time/resources in nephrology 3) reasonable pay 4) in the northeast correct? you MIGHT be able to pull off 2 out of those 4
  2. CallMeDoctorLov

    NBE critical care echo exam 2024

    took it as well. The questions were overall WAAAY easier than I thought, but covered much more territory than I anticipated. I may have failed it because I focused my studying a little too much on US physics and memorizing formulas which was a teeeeeny part of the exam. There were questions...
  3. CallMeDoctorLov

    when to apply for job?

    has anyone had success with a recruiting company in the past? or is it better to just send emails cold to each hospital i am interested in?
  4. CallMeDoctorLov

    doximity stock offering

    I mean the guy above said to invest in spacs….and I dont think it was a joke.
  5. CallMeDoctorLov

    Decline of EM

    For context…. This is a guy who did an FM residency. Anyway, Em has changed a lot even over the past 3-5 years. This is probably very dependent on what part of the country you are in, but at least in my ED, there are essentially zero chief complaints that get managed in outpatient settings...
  6. CallMeDoctorLov

    EM Needs More Emergency Department-Free Fellowships

    Hey arent you that [person] who thinks FPs should be managing ICUs?
  7. CallMeDoctorLov

    EM Needs More Emergency Department-Free Fellowships

    Remind me to invest my entire life savings into albuterol, vancomycin and pip/tazo stocks if EM docs are ever allowed to practice as hospitalists
  8. CallMeDoctorLov

    Thoughts on severe DKA with hypokalemia case?

    Agree with everything so far, but also keep in mind that there is zero utility in rechecking a potassium 1 hour after ordering 40 PO and an IV with a rate of 10meq/hr. Also, a CVC has absolutely zero role in DKA in 2021. The only time that it would come in handy is if you need more IV sites...
  9. CallMeDoctorLov

    4th year Med stud debating EM/IM vs IM, and Pulm CC vs CC HELPPP!!

    Yea its pretty painful when you are trying to teach your junior residents and students about updated guidelines while dealing with an attending who hasnt read them or just refuses to change their practice from what they were trained 10 years ago. Also, just to note for anyone considering...
  10. CallMeDoctorLov

    FM to CC?

    There is no “vs” here. None of us venture into the pediatrics forum and pretend that we can we pediatricians because we have seen children before. Your program has done you a horrible disservice if you think that critical care can be learned in 4 months at a resident level. And the only people...
  11. CallMeDoctorLov

    FM to CC?

    I mean, OP is an FM grad who is confident that he can intubate and manage vents based on 4 months of ICU at a community hospital. His name might as well be Dunning Kruger M.D.
  12. CallMeDoctorLov

    Where are the new residency slots coming from?

    what is the "all in" rule
  13. CallMeDoctorLov


    Alright heres a scenario for everyone. I heard through the grapevine that a former classmate of mine had a certain medical issue. I told my mother, who told my brother, ....etc eventually it made its way back to this individual, who is has threatened to file a HIPAA complaint against me. I...
  14. CallMeDoctorLov

    Honest chances, unorthodox applicant.

    ^^^ classic post from a pre-med. you have a very good shot at getting in.