Recent content by captaincrunch

  1. C

    Interested in California residency program, will I have license issue?

    As noted, this year California is drastically changing its licensing process. Previously, there was no training license for AMGs and you worked under your own independent license starting as a PGY-2 (interns worked without a license, so only seniors or attendings could prescribe meds, order DME...
  2. C

    Coronavirus: Residents being told to work in DIFFERENT specialty

    In most of the country, hospitals and medical practices are actually pretty slow. My hospital is currently at about 50-60% capacity. Hospitalists, anesthesiologists and ED docs are having their hours cut, despite being "front-line." Almost every private practice doctor is struggling now and...
  3. C

    Residents sent to Physicians Health Programs (PHP) or Sham Psych Evals to push them out of residency

    It certainly seems crazy to allow people making the assessment to have a financial interest in the recommended treatment. Medical boards should avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. This should hold true for any professional license evaluation (e.g., commercial airline pilot...
  4. C

    Hahnemann Hospital is Dying Putting Hundreds of Residency and Fellowship Spots At Risk

    You can't really expect investors to keep the hospital open when the local government can't even be bothered to defend it. When St. Vincent's closed, there was at least some political effort to keep it open (with some grants from Albany, iirc) and then to try to sell it when that failed. There...
  5. C

    Hahnemann Hospital is Dying Putting Hundreds of Residency and Fellowship Spots At Risk So, that's it.
  6. C

    Hahnemann Hospital is Dying Putting Hundreds of Residency and Fellowship Spots At Risk

    Agreed. It's primo real estate, so I doubt anyone will operate a free standing ED there. When fancy condos are constructed maybe they can put up a plaque commemorating the former hospital
  7. C

    Hahnemann Hospital is Dying Putting Hundreds of Residency and Fellowship Spots At Risk

    According the article, Pennsylvania requires 90-day notice before closing a hospital, so anyone graduating this year is safe. Also, anyone starting this year would have orphan status and should be able to move to another program. I agree that Philadelphia has enough hospitals to make up for...
  8. C

    Put on 3 PIP plan, what can I do.

    Maybe she was in radiology program for a year and then transferred to a surgical program. But two programs in a row that are closing? That's crazy.
  9. C

    Put on 3 PIP plan, what can I do.

    I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a hard time. I agree you need to decide what you want. If you want to stay and finish your training, it sounds like an uphill battle. I'm not sure a lawyer can help you. But, if you're looking for a graceful exit and a neutral letter of...
  10. C

    Hahnemann Hospital is Dying Putting Hundreds of Residency and Fellowship Spots At Risk

    It's really tragic to see what has become of Hahnemann. There is amazing history at Hahnemann, especially in cardiology and cardiac surgery. But the hospital has really been in decline ever since the Allegheny days. Drexel was never interested in running a hospital itself and Tenet didn't...
  11. C

    Pregnant & can't start new residency on July 1st

    I'm not sure of any place where your boss pays you not to work, but then again I'm not a Teamster. I'm glad I work in a field where I can (somewhat) control my hours, but most people don't have that luxury. The standard work-week is not just a cultural phenomenon or choice. Rather, it is...
  12. C

    Pregnant & can't start new residency on July 1st

    I think your salary estimates are a bit on the high side. But why focus on the mother? Some European countries are actively encouraging fathers to take paternity leave in addition to maternity leave. I think this is an excellent idea. I wish I coule have done this. A lot of women take time...
  13. C

    Listed on NPDB.. future in medicine ruined?

    Okay. so I looked online and according to the NPDB, they cannot remove or modify a report that has been submitted to them. The only way for a report to be removed is for your state's medical board (who presumably reported you in the first place) to remove it. The NPDB recommends contacting the...
  14. C

    Interview Performance

    I always assumed this was to gauge how you did in the first phase of your application. They're trying to see if you got that Mass General interview because it lets them know if they have a realistic shot at retaining you.
  15. C

    Apply to 2 specialties in same institution

    And those are the reasons people will admit to publicly. Kinda makes you wonder how much unconscious bias affects hiring decisions.