Recent content by cdmguy

  1. cdmguy

    The proliferation of health cults as colleges-chiropractic, Moonies, etc.

    Medicine stopped fighting health cults so they are proliferating: Why this is a bad thing Have you ever considered that many chiropractic colleges area actually health cults that indoctrinate students using cult mind control to serve their organizations? I am not saying this lightly and I...
  2. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    If anyone wants an inside look at typical chiropractor's mentality these two threads are good (see below). To summarize, chiropractors are great at SMT, PTs are terrible (false). Chiropractic techniques are based on valid biomechanics and have good reliability (false). PTs aren't better at...
  3. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    The Reddit group from where that post was taken is actually a group of "evidence-based" mixer chiropractors who teach rehabilitation courses through seminars, exactly what is being criticized here, so it's no wonder they were hostile. Still, a serious group concerned about rehabilitation should...
  4. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    In case anyone is interested in how chiropractors respond to criticism, I posted a link to this thread on the Reddit Chiropractic Forum. The comments from chiropractors were immediately defensive, alarming and unprofessional. Most of the comments lacked any understanding of the content of the...
  5. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    I've been thinking about this PTA-E program. I don't think it would work for most of the chiropractors as they can just make more money keeping their DC offices open (except for the defectors who went to weak programs and the ones stuck as low salary associates) because most of them don't...
  6. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    The public relations campaign plus an army of vocal disgruntled former DCs turned PTA-Es could be a huge blow to any claims of superiority by the chiropractic profession. It could result in huge losses for chiropractic colleges and offices. Implementation of PTA-E upgrade programs at medical...
  7. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    I agree with you SG, if the DCs were directly to advance to the OCS PT they would be very deficient and probably not retain much as the progression would be too rapid. On the other hand, they are probably adequate to rapidly retrain as PTAs with an expanded scope (PTA-E) giving passive therapies...
  8. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    OCS PTs and OCS PT students who would like to support this proposal are encouraged to write to the APTA at [email protected].
  9. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    Assuming this fictional scenario where a APTA public education campaign resulted in a surplus of unemployed chiropractors and former chiropractic patients this could be addressed by having institutions offer student loan forgiveness and tuition reimbursement in exchange for a time commitment to...
  10. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    Review this two hour NCHS course on Active Therapy and compare it to the depth of general and OCS physical therapy training. List your impressions below. ATP6604 Active Care Do you feel that the American Physical Therapy Association APTA should take a more aggressive stance and start a...
  11. cdmguy

    A Comparison of Physical Therapy OCS Rehabilitation Certification to Chiropractic Rehabilitation Training and a Proposed PTA-E Role

    Both chiropractors and physical therapists compete for the same pool of rehabilitation patients but there are some important differences. Many chiropractors also claim to offer rehabilitation in addition to passive spinal manipulation. Let's look at the data. Physical Therapy Evidence-based...
  12. cdmguy

    Nutritional Recommendations for Covid-19

    Hello everyone. I am deeply concerned about the covid-19 pandemic. I have maintained an interest in nutrition for over a decade and probably contracted covid-19 myself about 16 days ago in Durham, NC. My case was mild, with about 25% respiratory impairment at its worst on the seventh day of...
  13. cdmguy

    Would she fool you? Halloween makeup gorefest

    Ask the makeup artist to do it outside and meet somewhere, shoot them and post.
  14. cdmguy

    Would she fool you? Halloween makeup gorefest

    Maybe someone else can do it. Someone ask your field administrator to put you in touch with the simulated patient artists.
  15. cdmguy

    What's up with all these Chiropractic videos featuring ONLY young beautiful women on Youtube?

    "Sex Sells". Sex videos constitute 30% of the total usage of the internet, more than Prime, Netflix and Twitter combined. I encourage all you med students to drop out and go to the best and largest chiropractic school. I truly...