Recent content by clayito

  1. C

    Application Competativness

    And not to be a jerk, but don’t misspell anything on your application. For example, your title misspells “competitiveness” as “competativness”. Spelling errors, especially misspelling the word “ophthalmology” will get your application weeded out in a hurry. Re-read your application at least a...
  2. C


    Pretty much the same experience with Nextech here. Overall happy with it and no regrets going with them when our practice had to decide between various EMRs in 2016.
  3. C

    Do I have a shot at Ophtho?

    You have a chance at lower and some middle tier programs. Step 1 will get you screened out by several programs. Do you have anyone who can make phone calls for you, e.g., someone well known in the field who knows you well from research projects and/or clinical experience with you? That can go a...
  4. C

    Thinking of switching to full-time scrubs - your thoughts?

    same here. Previously wore scrubs in OR only, but since mid-March have worn scrubs in clinic every day. Won’t go back to “clinic clothes“ anytime soon.
  5. C

    Job searching in the time of COVID

    Thankfully, you still have 15 months before you finish residency, but it’s great you are thinking about this. A lot can and will happen with the coronavirus situation in the next few months. I think at least considering a fellowship is a good idea. For one thing, by doing a fellowship you would...
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    Reduction in Salary

    To clarify, the partners, including me, took a 60% pay cut (I said “40% of normal [pay]” in my original post). Our practice is very generous - when I became partner 5 years ago, the owners actually did pay me a larger bonus than was agreed to in the contract because I greatly outperformed their...
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    Reduction in Salary

    Our practice, like many right now, is in this situation. Lots more details than what I’ll share below, but the summary is this: I am one of 7 partners, and we hired a new MD in summer 2019 on a one year associate contract. The plan was to offer a nice salary ($22,500 monthly), offer partnership...
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    do I have a chance?

    A little tough love... It sounds like you are not sure what you want to do and are wandering around. This deep into medical school, it’s time to make a decision. My advice would be figure out what you want to do, then put all your effort into that field/specialty with research/publications...
  9. C

    Honest answers only, need to know if there's actually a chance?

    Without your step 2 score, your chances would be low. With that score and a “big wig” going to bat for you, you absolutely have a chance, especially at low to mid-tier programs. Top 10 program? Not likely. But matching? Very possible.
  10. C

    Do you recommend an away?

    My opinion: not only is an away not necessary, I would not recommend it in your situation. Great step score, a big plus there. Average on rotations is okay (but not ideal) with your step score. No research is a red flag. If you have a home department, your priority should be getting a...
  11. C

    Written and Oral Board Study Books for sale

    Pemberton is sold; the other 3 are still available.
  12. C

    Written and Oral Board Study Books for sale

    Just a heads up for those of you in the market for board study materials --> I posted some of my Board study materials on Amazon yesterday and have the lowest available prices on all 3 that I posted: 1) Pemberton [Ophthalmology Clinical Vignettes: Oral Exam Study Guide II (2nd edition)] -->...
  13. C

    tufts vs BU

    Definitely agree with this. Tufts is on the upper end of programs in retina. One of my best friends recently finished retina fellowship at Tufts and had a great experience/training.
  14. C

    Cultivating referral relationships with optometrists?

    I do the POD1 exam just as you mention, but most of the ODs see the patient at 3 weeks for exam and refraction and that's it unless the patient calls with problems. Thus the ODs usually only see the patient one time, and let's not forget that in most cases they are getting a co-management fee...
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    Cultivating referral relationships with optometrists?

    KHE, Great post overall, and I agree with almost everything you said. I was surprised, though, and maybe naively so, by the co-management part. The ODs I co-manage with actually seem to want all the co-manage they can get. Even for Medicare patients, 20% of $600-700 is not bad for a quick look...