Recent content by ClinicalABA

  1. ClinicalABA

    Easiest state(s) to get licensed?!

    Counterpoint: plan on going for your licensure now in one of the more time consuming, restrictive states. If your still in school or on predoctoral internship, it will be a HELL OF A LOT EASIER to get those pre- and post-doctoral hours or equivalents, track down and get signatures of training...
  2. ClinicalABA

    Ever ran into a demon?

    I used to work for a facility overseen by the Sisters of Providence. Was at a meeting where a Priest (not sure why he was even there, as this was one of the only times times I recall one being involved in a case- maybe it was a human rights committee meeting or something) mentioned the...
  3. ClinicalABA

    Commenting on patient's appearance

    I would only comment on appearance in my summary section if it is related to a specific, new, recommendation that I am making (usually related to seeking out a pediatrician referral for genetics or neurology). All the kids I see are super cute so no need to comment on that! I start with a...
  4. ClinicalABA

    Friday thread

    Was driving with my daughter this past weekend and she played all the dis tracks for me. I'm on team Kendrick though I prefer Drake's music (the old punk in me thinks Kendrick stuff is too mellow). I'm pretty sure the beef is fake though- how can you release a response song less than an hour...
  5. ClinicalABA

    Friday thread

    For probably the first time in my professional life, all the reports are done and sent out, and all the final grades are entered. I literally have no professional responsibilities until next week (7 assessments across 4 days!). I have my first doctoral defense as a chair tomorrow, but it was a...
  6. ClinicalABA

    Coming back to study for EPPP after time away.

    I was in a similar situation- took EPPP about 7-8 years after graduating. I worked in a clinical psych adjacent field, but nothing that would help on the EPPP (not sure any work experience would really help, outside of stats related stuff). For the the 3-4 weeks prior to the exam, I hunkered...
  7. ClinicalABA

    Interesting Duty to Warn Situation in the News

    Yeah- since the perp is not the client and there is no specified victim identified, it's not likely covered by the usual case law stuff (e.g., Tarasoff). Still- knowing that there is a potential serial sexual assaulter/rapist victimizing girls in you local high school would be a difficult thing...
  8. ClinicalABA

    Interesting Duty to Warn Situation in the News

    I recently read an article about Deion Sanders (Coach of Colorado Football) tweeting support for a transfering player. The backstory is that Sanders is kind of a jerk, a lot players from last year's team are transferring to different schools, and he publicly calls them things like "losers"...
  9. ClinicalABA

    Deciding this month -- I'm either going to give up or go for it. Advice please?

    This is awesome! Congrats and thanks for the update. Best of luck moving forward!
  10. ClinicalABA

    General Rant Thread? General Rant Thread.

    Hah- I still get frustrated with this stuff quite often. It's so damn busy and you just want to do what you do without being bothered. There's definitely a lot of nonsensical claims thrown at ABA (and psychology in general), and it can be hard to separate those from the legit points and...
  11. ClinicalABA

    Gifts for mentors / supervisors

    I'm participating in a defense on Friday for the first time as a dissertation chair. It may sound a little corny, but the student asking me to be his chair is gift enough. He'll probably buy me a six pack or nice bottle of something or other, which is appreciated and fine, but not expected.
  12. ClinicalABA

    General Rant Thread? General Rant Thread.

    Almost none of the diagnoses in DSM-5 (maybe other than some of the dementias) are actually disorders
  13. ClinicalABA

    General Rant Thread? General Rant Thread.

    Interesting take. Here's mine: -ASD is not THE ONLY explanation for problems in social reciprocity -Not all differences (from societal norms) in social reciprocity is indicative of pathology -There is probably not one thing that is "autism" that falls along a linear spectrum, but rather...
  14. ClinicalABA

    Apparently Midlevels may soon have interstate telehealth options…

    There are also some quirks in licensure regs from state-to-state. For example, LMHC licensure requirements allow for supervision by, for example, psychologist or licensed clinical social workers, but 75% of all supervision must come from a MA licensed LMHC or equivalent licensee in another state.
  15. ClinicalABA

    Commenting on patient's appearance

    My grad school research and dissertation was about alzheimers/dementia. Not a random occurrence that I now do what I do!