Recent content by clubdeac

  1. clubdeac

    RFA needle sizing for local anesthesia (without sedation)?

    I’ve been doing 90 degrees for 90s rotate then repeat once fora total of two burns. Typically use 18g for all levels, sometimes in LOLs I’ll use 20g
  2. clubdeac

    Pictures of the Week

    Did you do your CESI at C6-7 and go a mm too far?
  3. clubdeac

    How long after surgery before SCS trial?

    Anyone hear anything about SCS cuts coming? There was some talk in my group about this. Not sure if it was legit or just rumor
  4. clubdeac

    Cervical RFA with ICD defibrillator

    I know my protocol for the last 10 years. Don't offer cervical RF in pacemaker patients. Someone else in the group can do it
  5. clubdeac

    Cervical RFA with ICD defibrillator

    Did you really? What happened? Did you stop? Did you have to call back up
  6. clubdeac

    SIJ injection tips

    I agree with straight AP. I go straight AP and aim towards the inferior medial joint line. I then jimmy the needle and use a little muscle if need be but have increased my successful arthrogram rate to 90% using this method, no exaggeration The other guys in my practice use the contralateral...
  7. clubdeac

    pars injection-technical aspects

    Bogduk says in the middle 2/4ths of the posterior elements so I’d say C but B would maybe be ok if no motor stim. A would worry me
  8. clubdeac

    Botox for neuropathic pain

    Tried it when I worked at the VA. Usually it didn’t work If you do a pubmed search of Botox for myofascial pain most studies show no benefit
  9. clubdeac

    Oregon pain clinic defrauding insurers

    I thought the join held 2.5cc of volume. Why did they use 1.5cc as their number. What a bunch of tools. guess I’ll be be changing my template
  10. clubdeac

    Question regarding Midlevel Oversight and Billing

    I've heard some say, abuse them like they abuse the system...
  11. clubdeac

    Question regarding Midlevel Oversight and Billing

    I think it all depends on what you negotiate. what I do know is that you get 100% of the liability regardless of your employer. Good luck and have fun!
  12. clubdeac

    Help me choose between two jobs?

    #1 isn’t terrible but if you see that many patients you should be making 800-900 not 600-700 #2 is disgusting and you should report them.
  13. clubdeac

    Radiation protection sale lightweight

    My thyroid shield is 0.5 and skirt is wrap around so more like 0.5. I think my vest is 0.25 but maybe 0.35. I’ll have to check on this
  14. clubdeac

    Radiation protection sale lightweight

    damn really? I went down to 0.25 due to some neck issues I was having. So need to go back up to 0.5?
  15. clubdeac

    Radiation protection sale lightweight

    What’s the minimum effective thickness? .25mm .5mm?