Recent content by Cmaster

  1. Cmaster

    Should I try for ortho?

    A productive research year or 2 could help. There are programs out there that are willing to look past your test scores if they have something to gain but accepting you. I know a couple residents that did a ton of research and matched at good programs. The attendings at those programs saw the...
  2. Cmaster

    Why I cant find other black guys premed?

    Yea, it is a lonely road. It is a constant reminder that the career path you have chosen has a low proportion of minorities that gets even worse as you progress in your career.I went to Howard med school and I felt very comfortable with my surrounding but all of that changed in residency. There...
  3. Cmaster

    2015-2016 Howard University Application Thread

    Hey everyone, Congrats on getting an interview invite and/or acceptance to HUCM. HUCM is a wonderful place to learn medicine. I am a 4th year student graduating next week. And going to HUCM has been a wonderful experience. Just want to send you all good vibes. Those of you that havent gotten...
  4. Cmaster

    2014-2015 Howard University Application Thread

    Hey, I am a 3rd year student at HUCM and i hope you all are having a good interview cycle. I usually try to introduce myself to interviewees whenever i see them during my lunch break. For those of you who have already interviewed, i hope it went well, and for those that have yet to interview...
  5. Cmaster

    White coat buttoned or not?

    dont button
  6. Cmaster

    USMLE HElP ME out NBME 12 - 350

    I would say, play it safe and give yourself more time to prepare. You should be scoring high than that having gone through First Aid and Uworld. I dont see the good in taking another NBME 2 weeks from your test, I would say review your weak areas, and going through FA cover to cover again.
  7. Cmaster

    Letter of intent/interest question

    Sending a letter of interest worked for several of my classmates when they were waitlisted. Some school are more responsive than other. I think its a good idea to send a letter of interest but not a letter of intent. The people that get off the waitlist first are usually the more active applicants
  8. Cmaster

    Chemical engineering graduate without pre-med course to pursue medicine

    Hey, I graduated with a Chem E degree back in 2009 and now i am a 3rd year med student. I did one semester of post-bacc work at my state university. I took bio 1, bio 2, biochem, and genetics. All the other prereq courses i already had from my undergrad degree. For starters, find out which...
  9. Cmaster

    how bad is this? GPA and Class work load C and W

    Please... You will be just fine. your GPA is fine. Just dont making withdrawing from classes a habit. There is no need to worry
  10. Cmaster

    University or Community College

    I got a BS in Chem Eng, and went back to school to take bio prereqs. When i applied to med school the first time, several schools questioned why I took bio prereqs at a community college. I ended up having to reapply next year and i retook all the bio prereqs at a reputable 4 yr college. I think...
  11. Cmaster

    Took MCAT 3x... Same awful score. What to do.

    Hey, if you are still interested in medicine, then keep on trying. By looking at your GPA, you have the brains, just have to figure out what you are doing wrong. I believe that you should take some time off, maybe take a course and then retake the test. The Mcat doesnt mean much of anything...
  12. Cmaster

    Are UWSA questions taken from the uworld qbank or are they unique?

    The question in UWSA are unique and are not taken from the uworld qbank. UWSA 1 is harder than UWSA 2
  13. Cmaster

    Beneficial to study for Step 1 during 2nd yr spring?

    I studied for step 1 through out my second year. During the spring semester, i kick up my board study a couple notches. I still studied for my classes, but spent just as much time going through firecrakcer and Uworld. It served me well. I scored well, and am happy about how i did things. I...
  14. Cmaster

    Annotating Review Books Through 1st and 2nd Year for USMLE Prep

    :thumbup: I think its best to start studying for the board at the beginning of your second year. The material you learn first year, is disjointed and you need the info from second year to under the full picture. I had friend that started studying for boards first year, and i dont think it...
  15. Cmaster

    2013-2014 Howard University Application Thread

    You need a to have a bac degree by the time you matriculate to most medical school, which means that you either need to be graduating during your application year or already have graduated. If you are doing the BS/MD program, the requirements are different, but those students in that program...