Recent content by Curci

  1. C

    med school = the dark side?

    Apples and oranges! I can't believe people are actually making these comparisons. People go into medicine or research because that's just what they want to do. One profession shouldn't be thought of as more worthy than the other. This MD vs. PhD thing is almost as bad as MD vs. DO...
  2. C

    The TRUTH about Prestige and Money

    So attending a school with a good reputation is a sign of poor-decision making skills? That's a new one. :rolleyes: How would a program director be able to tell who had to choose between "money and prestige?" Is that something that goes on my "permenent record?" Why would a program director...
  3. C

    Anyone choosing prestige over money?

    Thewonderer, obviously to YOU the top schools offer nothing else but prestige and therefore aren't worth your money. Of course the majority of medical students at the top schools do not persue academic medicine or super-competitive residencies. Why would you want this to be true? The fact is...
  4. C

    A 12 year old at Pritzker!

    So if you were one of his patients, you'd be comfortable being seen by a doctor you consider to be "abnormal?" Intelligence does not equal emotional intelligence. There's no doubt that he's brilliant and could probably do great things in research, but smarts aren't everything when it comes to...
  5. C

    Who's excited to start Med. School Fall 2003!!!

    Maybe I'd be excited if I wasn't so scared! :scared: No, no. I'm excited. Really. :o ...I think.
  6. C

    Anyone buying a computer?

    Sony makes some of the sexiest computers around. Where's the VAIO love? I have a GRX600 custom built laptop. I got the works because I had to suffer for a LONG time with a really crappy computer. Sure, it has next to no battery life and it weighs nearly 10 pounds, but the 1600x1200...
  7. C

    Alas, all my adoring and worshipful fans, I announce my retirement!

    Phar has been /banned from channel bAcKstrEEt_bOyZ! Goodbye to all my online friends forever!!!
  8. C

    Columbia Wait List

    "Dictator" is a little too strong. I think that Frantz gets plenty of other people's perspectives on the applicants. Otherwise, I don't see how I ever would have gotten accepted, since I've never met the man! The rugby, piano, and Ivy qualifications are all completely unnecessary too, since I...
  9. C

    Columbia 2nd Look

    I'm bumping this up, so we can discuss the restaurants. :) Where are you going? I've never heard of any of the restaurants before, but it seems like Carmine's was highly recommended in last year's Columbia Revisit thread.
  10. C

    How do you guys stay motivated?

    It was never really a problem for me to stay motivated while I was applying to med school. It's simply something that I wanted to do, so I just did what I needed to achieve my goal. The problem is staying motivated now that I'm got an acceptance letter in hand. I used to love my college...
  11. C

    Columbia 2nd Look

    Yeah, I'll be there! I can't wait. :D Anyone doing the BALSO thing on Saturday? Do you know what they have planned?
  12. C

    Question: Is Bargaining Bad?

    Since Columbia is a non-AMCAS school, I don't think they have follow the AAMC guidelines. There's also an AAMC guideline to not require a deposit to hold a place in class, but there are plenty of schools that don't follow that one.
  13. C

    Worst Medical School?

    Why do people have to be so defensive? MacGuyver is entitled to his opinion. No one is ever going to agree on what the best or worst medical schools are, and because someone doesn't like the school that YOU attend doesn't mean you have to get all uppity. They, for whatever reason, don't like...
  14. C

    NJ med's US News ranking? and residency match?

    As far as I know, they don't. NJMS doesn't fill out the survey, so they don't get ranked on US News. They're considered to be a good school, though, and I've heard they match well.
  15. C

    AED: worth it?

    For what it's worth, I've never even heard of AED. I would guess that it's not worth the $85, unless you have no other honors or awards to put down on your application.