Recent content by DocHawk117

  1. DocHawk117

    *****OFFICIAL 2014-2015 PEDS INTERVIEW THREAD*****

    Are we doing an interview impressions/review thread this year?
  2. DocHawk117

    Ok. 2013 thread. What to do during summer between M1 and M2?

    That is exactly what I did.... and it was freaking awesome! No regrets. Here was my justification: 1. I hate research. Not gonna spend my free time doing something I despise. 2. I go to med school halfway across the country from my family/best friends. When else will I ever get to see them...
  3. DocHawk117

    Is it just me or are people pairing up like prarie voles?

    Hahaha this made me laugh. I had 27 friends get engaged on Christmas. The engagement ring was like the new Furbie.
  4. DocHawk117

    Does studying ever get 'fun'?

    :eyebrow::bullcrap: Yeah, I agree with this. First year was basic sci at my school and it was boring as crap a lot of the time. Second year, I have to study a lot more (sucks), BUT, everything is way more interesting, and when it starts to come together you feel like a baller. Just keep the...
  5. DocHawk117

    Not Hopeful about my future in medicine

    I think a lot of people go through this. One of the ways I combat it are to volunteer doing something I like to remind myself why in the hell I'm sacrificing normal people things on a daily basis. If you like outdoors, look into Wilderness Med Clubs! I think it's critical to remember why you...
  6. DocHawk117

    Any awesome physical diagnosis video series online?

    :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: phenomenal!!!
  7. DocHawk117

    ANOTHER, "would you do it again" but with a twist.

    If I could do it all over again, I would have continued gymnastics, honed my super skills, kept my hair dyed red, invested in more leather outfits, and married Hawkeye.
  8. DocHawk117

    Sexism in medical school.

    :thumbup: yep.
  9. DocHawk117

    Sexism in medical school.

    this has never been an issue for me and i don't think i've witnessed it at my med school. well, i can think of ONE guy who does it, but everyone things he's a meanie anyway. sure, there are some guys that are sexist and can be the occasional dbags, but there are also some girls who are feminist...
  10. DocHawk117

    Medical School with Mandatory Lecture Attendance?

    this would automatically make me never apply to these schools. me in class ----->:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:
  11. DocHawk117

    Effective by January 1, 2015

    this is one of those topics (basically any healthcare reform/policy, etc) where i really want to learn about it, but everything i read either makes me mad or is really bias..... does anyone have a good source that sums it up?
  12. DocHawk117

    does this happen often?

    hahahah great article find. :laugh:
  13. DocHawk117

    When did your decision to go into medicine become worth it?

    A few weeks into my M1 year, an opportunity came up to volunteer with Special Olympics. I signed up. When I showed up, I realized they wanted me to give physicals... obviously I had no clue how to do this yet. They paired me with an M4 and she taught me how to do a few parts of the exam, and...
  14. DocHawk117

    Bottle to throttle rule at your school

    i wish i would have finished reading responses. 1. this made me laugh after a long day 2. i couldn't have said it better :thumbup:
  15. DocHawk117

    Bottle to throttle rule at your school

    I have a few friends that stay out until 2-3am and still make it to the hospital by 5:30... they don't drink when they go out, but STILL... idk how they do it.. at the same time, shouldn't we be studying all the time? yes... but is having fun and enjoying life equally, if not more so, important...