Recent content by DoctwoB

  1. DoctwoB

    What’s wrong with urologists!!?

    Addressing a few misconceptions on this thread: 1. Prostatectomy ain't how we bring in the $$$. A two prostate day with LNDs is about 60ish RVUs. then you need to see them in the global period which replaces 5-10 RVUs of other visits . I can pull 80 in a clinic day no problem. There are rare...
  2. DoctwoB

    The amount and toughness of call as a surgical attending

    I meant that on my weeks on call i might go in once during the night on average. twice is also including daytime on the weekend. So I'm every fourth week. So maybe I go into the hospital one night a month. I get paid quite well to do so (in addition to any billing i do from consults/procedure...
  3. DoctwoB

    The amount and toughness of call as a surgical attending

    Can't speak for the general surgeons, but in urology we have relatively few "drop everything and go to the OR" type of emergencies A truly septic kidney stone needs drainage immediately. These are actually pretty rare. Far more common is the patient with a kidney stone and possible infection...
  4. DoctwoB

    The amount and toughness of call as a surgical attending

    A lot depends on how you count it since my clinic is attached to the hospital, meaning I'm "coming in" every day when I go to work. So a normal week without call i go in 5 times, maybe a 6th to round on an inpatient though usually the on call person will handle that. On call, I will usually...
  5. DoctwoB

    The amount and toughness of call as a surgical attending

    Urologist here. There is a ton of variability based on practice setting, desire, etc. Many urologists in my community take no hospital call, just cover their clinic pager. Many hospitals in the area do not have urology coverage as they do not want to pay for it and try to treat and street or...
  6. DoctwoB

    List of Specialties With Greatest Need?

    I'm in Urology. Job market is generally excellent, you can find positions pretty much anywhere though quality of said positions may be lower in relatively more desirable areas or regions with employers with monopsony power. It has been this way for a while and honestly don't see it changing...
  7. DoctwoB

    FTC bans non competes

    Non-competes are different from non-solicitation agreements. I am in california where non-competes are illegal. My contract still includes a non-solicitation agreement where I am not allowed to contact any patients to bring them with me to a new practice. For legal/continuity purposes, they...
  8. DoctwoB

    Non competes

    Also there remain plenty of ways to encourage employees to stay without a non-compete to cover your sunk costs of onboarding/recruiting. Signing bonus that is really a loan that is forgivable over a period of time and has to be paid back with interest on leaving early. Ditto for student loan...
  9. DoctwoB

    Non competes

    It will take a while for this to sort itself out in terms of what it means in practice, but i would expect this to not be the case. It will be a violation of FTC rules to include the clause, not just to enforce it. That may be punishable by fine. A hospital also doesn't want to find itself in a...
  10. DoctwoB

    VA Radiation Oncology jobs?

    The workload is the key. Can't speak to radonc but VA PCPs make low 200s instead of more like 300 in employed jobs. Benefits make up for some of that. But the main benefit is the pace of the work. 60/30 minute slots for new/existing patients instead of 30/15 like you typically see in the...
  11. DoctwoB

    Case: Oligoprogressive pCa with local recurrence

    Why no trans rectal Bx? Done plenty post XRT without any issues. He's clearly higher risk for infection so very reasonable to do TP even if needing anesthesia but TRUS is not wrong (despite RCT data of unchanged infection risk)
  12. DoctwoB

    Case: Oligoprogressive pCa with local recurrence

    My 2 cents: First: I would not offer salvage therapy without biopsy. Sure he's probably locally recurrent based on PSMA, but i have yet to see compelling data there isn't a reasonable rate of false positive. Salvage therapy often has significant toxicity, not signing up for that without...
  13. DoctwoB

    Net Worth at age 55

    A lot also depends on how flexible you are with your spending. Remember the vast majority of the time with a 4% withdrawal rate you die with more money then you started with. But if you are inflexible with your spending habits, you need that buffer to account for risk in sequence of returns...
  14. DoctwoB

    Ortiz trial begins Monday

    You do realize we spend more money to try to execute people then to keep them in jail?
  15. DoctwoB

    Ortiz trial begins Monday

    I hope not. I don't steal anything but certainly have grabbed a lot of foleys/supplies for floor patients that i'm supposed to keep a meticulous log of. My logs are sometimes not meticulous.