Recent content by drpoundsign

  1. D

    Ross the diploma mill?

    I hear DeVries University bought Ross AND AUC. They have open houses all over the place. ME?? I attended the Universidad Del Noreste in the early Eighties. BAD Scene! Only a few corpses for Gross Anatomy dug up from Pauper's Graves. The Physiology prof. comes in-like once a Month, takes...
  2. D

    How do guys in med school meet girls?

    In High School, we j/o and don't Score because we have to grub for grades and cram for SATs. In premed, there is Calculus, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Physics, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (what is the secret to acing-or even Passing-that course??) Then there's the First two years of more...
  3. D

    xochicalco mexico

    Universidad del Noreste is 70th?? LOL. I was there in the early eighties and they billed themselves as the "Quality School of Medicine." But they never really got going until about two months into the Semester, the Physiology teacher would not show up or would have the students give the class...
  4. D

    Organic Chem Lab and your horror story.

    I was ALWAYS the Sacrificial my Diploma mill med school...and in my Residency. Mostly my own Dang Fault, I'll admit. I was SO Demoralized in early 1980! My Grandmother was dying, my late mother was away taking Care of said Grandmother, and Dad was working as a scientist...
  5. D

    Online Pre Med lab courses

    I took labs including Organic Chemistry back in the late seventies/early eighties. Could not set up still without breaking condenser. One guy tried to flunk me for low yields, bad writeups, a parent pleaded it up to a D. Bad Scene. How do people do all the writeups? I was so naive. They must...
  6. D

    IM & Pedi phasing out primary care?

    I have been practicing for about ten years (with LOTS of gaps!) US born IMG had to pass FMGEMS do fifth pathway then residency. lots of double standards for us there, too. then getting board eligible certified recently re-certified. I worked in a large group practice then a lot of VA locum one...