Recent content by easb

  1. E

    Differences in curriculum/structure

    Program length can also vary due to the different length of your clinical rotations. I had 6, 8, and 8 weeks of clinicals. Other schools have 3 clinicals 12 weeks each. So for me, less weeks of clinicals are better. You get enough basic experience and will get the rest when you start working...
  2. E

    Question/advice for PTs/PTAs regarding working while pregnant

    Do you really have to do all this lifting? Can you ask someone to help you with transfers or even do them for you, like CNAs? I have not been pregnant, but if it starts to feel difficult for you, it's probably the time to stop doing whatever feels difficult for your, your baby's, and patients'...
  3. E

    Please help me out! I'm debating whether I want to keep going or not!

    OK, so you have a chance there. They would not have waitlisted you if they did not think you are a decent candidate. There are still a few school to hear back from. You do need to give it time.
  4. E

    Studying for the GRE

    I had the same issue with verbal part. It helped me a little bit to time myself while practicing. Also try to figure out the easiest way for yourself to answer text questions: reading entire text and then look at answers vs looking through answers and then reading the text and trying to answer...
  5. E

    How necessary are hours in multiple settings?

    Schools want at least 2 different settings. Coronavirus will be resolved in a couple of months and restrictions will be removed, so you will have a better chances to get in in-patient settings. You can also do a different setting in outpatient, ortho vs neuro, vs vestibular, vs pediatrics. Try...
  6. E

    Scholarship Help

    My school provided some scholarships for people in need and for academic achievements. Check if your school offers something like that. We could apply right after we were accepted.
  7. E

    Incident Reports

    You cannot control everything. You cannot eradicate falls by 100% - impossible. Accidents will happen. "Controlled descent" is better than just a "descent" - so you probably did your best in that situation.
  8. E

    Success Story- acceptance into PT school with low cGPA

    Wow! You did lots of work and just did everything right! You definitely deserve what you got! Congratulations! Being so rational, logical, and detail-oriented will definitely be great qualities to go through PT school!
  9. E

    2019 Reapplicant Question

    I was in your shoes. I wrote a paragraph stating that I improved my GPA, took more classes (listed which ones), got more observation hours (more observation in this and that setting which allowed me to understand various clinical settings, got exposed to more variety of patient population,etc...
  10. E

    First Interview

    For me, we had 3 people in the group and they would randomly (?) pick who is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd to answer a question. So sometimes I was the 1st, sometimes the 3rd. They may also let the group members to decide who answers first (like whoever is ready first).
  11. E

    First Interview

    For me, before interviews, I searched for interview questions for the specific school and found a pretty good list of the questions. I prepared my answers to those questions (just to know what to answer, put my thoughts together, I did not memorize them or anything like that). Some of the...
  12. E

    First Interview

    Group interviews may be easier since you may be given more time to think about your answer while other students are answering the question. Their answers may also help you to find an answer. If, for example, you have no idea what to answer, you can "steal" previous student's answer, but make...
  13. E

    Samuel Merritt vs. St. Augustine San Marcos

    For St Augustine in San Marcos: The area is safe and nice. School has a small gym with all basic machines. They do not guarantee that your clinicals will be in San Marcos area. They may send you out of state, to LA, or wherever they "can find a place" as they claim. With that being said, my...
  14. E

    School A vs. School B

    Definitely School B. You do NOT know if school A gets accredited - too much risk. 1.5h extra commute a day is insanity unless you find driving relaxing and enjoyable. Agreed w/ the posts above regarding gas prices + car wear and repairs. Price difference seems to be very small compared to the...
  15. E

    Observation hours

    Probably it's better if your observation hours are within 2 years prior to your application. PTs that you will observe will also need to write you a recommendation letter and maybe submit some information about you at the time you will be applying to PT schools, so they should remember who you...