Recent content by Flappy McSuture

  1. F

    OMFS Programs Overview

    I had a different impression with UNC when I externed/interviewed there. I felt that it was what I call a "Tweener" program meaning that I feel it's stuck between two niches. It isn't really a "private practice" program but it's not really an "acadmemic" program. I'll elaborate. The clinic was...
  2. F

    LSU-NO and LSU-Shreveport OMFS Externships

    I pulled as many teeth and spent as much time in the OR at Kentucky as I did at Shreveport and Parkland. I think this is largely due to the increased number of externs at Parkland and Shreveport. Pulling teeth and going to the OR is cool and important, but I would recommend going to at least...
  3. F

    OMFS Internship Opportunities - POST HERE ONLY

    I know this time of year, everyone is trying to figure out exactly how they want to fill out their rank list, but I just want to take the time to post a little about my experiences at my OMFS internship so that those of you not fortunate enough to MATCH will be aware of the opportunities...
  4. F

    OMFS 2010 applicants

    Allegheny General Hospital by Email 10/6 for 10/24/09 Case Western Reserve University - 9/16/09 by phone for 10/30-31 or 11/6-7 Drexel University: email 10/7 for 11/14. Emory- email 9/28 for 11/1-2, 11/15-16, and 12/6-7. Indiana - 8/19/09 via email for 11/7 or 11/8 Jackson Memorial- called on...
  5. F

    OMFS 2010 applicants

    Case Western - by phone 9/16/09 for 10/30-31 or 11/6-7 University of Iowa - by email 9/17 for Oct. 2-3 LSU - New Orleans - by email 9/14 for 11/2-3 UTHSC@San Antonio - by email 9/17 for Nov 5 or 6 interview Emory- email 9/28 for 11/1-2, 11/15-16, and 12/6-7.
  6. F

    OMFS 2010 applicants

    Dude, this is a valid question, etc. but this is a forum regarding the application and interview process for 2009. Your questions are good ones and I am sure there is a forum somewhere or one you could start where it would be appropriate to have this answered. Sincerely, Everyone
  7. F

    Is there a four year program in OMFS at UF Jacksonville?

    During interviews at UNC last year, Blakey said the program is transitioning to a purely 6 year program and if I am not mistaken said that it would be years before this took complete effect. His stated reason was that it is too difficult at times to have both a 4 and 6 year course within the...
  8. F

    OMFS Programs Overview

    Externed only at LSU-Shreveport so by no means should I be considered the authority on this program, but since no one else has posted anything on it, I will give my two cents. Lots of big cases with a broad scope in the OR with limited scope in the Clinic/Dentoalveolar arena. Spent one week...
  9. F

    Specialist Question

    I appreciate the replies and most of you are only confirming my SUSPICIONS, but can anyone post a link or a source so I can get some hard proof on the LEGALITY, not the practicality of this possibility?
  10. F

    Specialist Question

    So, some of my dental school classmates and I got into a discussion about whether or not dental specialists can practice "general dentistry" in a specialization office. I.e. In an "Oral Surgery office" with Oral surgery liability insurance, declaring to be an OMS office, etc, Can the oral...
  11. F

    Fellowship Info

    So Toof, I'm assuming you're going out to Ft. Worth to do Malignant Path now that Arce left? Will you be out in Weatherford as well, or just at JPS?
  12. F

    OMS Externship

    LSU Shreveport and Kentucky are just as hands on as Parkland. Extract as many teeth as you want in the clinic and may get a chance to get your hands dirty in the OR as well. I have heard from a friend of mine that LSU New Orleans will pretty much let you be a Surgeon while you are there.
  13. F

    OMFS Internships

    Any apply/accept an OMFS internship yet? If so, where?
  14. F

    how can I be competitive for perio?

    Ok, If you just want to be an implant specialist, then you could always do CE courses or become an associate with a dentist that does a lot of implants. Implants are being done by everyone nowadays, perio, OMS, General Dentists, Prosthodontists, Endodontists. Pretty soon Pedo will be doing...
  15. F

    One week to Peds or OMFS MATCH..any thoughts??

    How much is too much Tylenol PM? I want to find that perfect balance of "not waking up until at least 7 am," and "Not dying of liver/kidney failure." Good luck to everyone.