Recent content by FrustratedFamDoc

  1. F

    FTC bans noncompetes.

    Because they just finished residency, have kids now 3 years in to a local school system and a spouse that wants some stability… Oh, and they’re broke as a joke with massive student loan notes now due, and the home town place (that knows all of this) they are signing their life away to offered a...
  2. F

    Is residency worth it?

    Got it! I missed that part entirely.
  3. F

    Is residency worth it?

    I she has already matched, she would be in breach of contract should she postpone residency at this point. She will never be able to match in the future.
  4. F

    Is residency worth it?

    Was FM your first choice of speciality, a backup or a scramble/soap spot? I could be way off base but it almost sounds like FM was your backup and you’re now also moving where you did not want to go and you’re now looking for an out. It does feel like there are some key facts missing from your...
  5. F

    FM working in ERs?

    I think the biggest challenge for EM docs transitioning to FM is the management of mental health. Chronic disease? Yeah, straight forward. If a then do b. The finely tuned ‘something doesn’t feel right’ I think is common among physicians. FM and EM both know when there is badness just from...
  6. F

    Toxic FM program/PennStateHealth

    Burden of proof lies on the accuser, not the accused. I’d rather not go back to the Salem witch trials. What evidence is there that the OP is as stated? Could be a disgruntled student upset about having to do call for all we know.
  7. F

    Are diabetics immunocompromised in your practice?

    Similar but different take. I’m frequently swayed more by patient comprehension and likelihood of compliance with treatment as to when I see them back for f/u in my clinic of if I send to the ER (my system doesn’t allow direct admits). All the studies in the world don’t mean squat if the...
  8. F

    FM working in ERs?

    Well said. Unless you’re comfortable with airway NOW, access NOW crashing people, please don’t do ER. As long as gravity, pools, knives, guns, angry, dumb, old or blind people exist… It will show up at your doorstep…. and you will be in way over your head, and the memory will probably haunt...
  9. F

    The theatrics of care

    I’m primary care but the performance is the same. Full physical! Etc. 1. My opening line: ‘good to see you. How can I be helpful for you today.’ Bam, straight to business. 2. Don’t tell them it’s vistaril cause ‘maaan, that’s like water.’ Atarax. They’ve never heard of it. Sounds like...
  10. F

    Is working at a community health center worth it when graduating with ~300k in debt

    There’s a lot to consider with planning an FM career after residency. If family with kids is important, a good school system probably is too. I went to a public school in a good town and had an excellent education. Many are vying for private school these days. Will this be available where you...
  11. F

    New Employer: is this normal???

    I’m already heading in that direction and am in talk with a system in town that will give me full control over my schedule. I’ll have a noncompete period, commute about an hour then when it has expired, I’ll be back in town and my old patients will see me again, and I won’t have to see 15 new...
  12. F

    New Employer: is this normal???

    You have hit point for point my work life to a T. The scheduling thing is brutal. Random new patients plugged in, with no care for how it will flow. New older pt to establish - 4 mo complicated pt f/u - hospital f/u - new pt to establish is not an unusual start to my afternoon. Trying to find...
  13. F

    Uptick in subclinical hyperthyroidism?

    VERY much appreciated info. My town has had factory pollution over the years. GE had a medium transformer plant that has been closed for decades, but is now no man's land due to the massive PCB contamination. The property is gigantic and just sits there. People used to take the stuff home and...
  14. F

    FM working in ERs?

    Don't ask yourself if you're ready to handle the garden variety stuff. Ask yourself if you're ready to manage the crashing 2 y/o kid who was found in a pool or the pregnant woman with altered mental status and belly pain who was just in a MVA.
  15. F

    Question on weight-loss drug dosage.

    Pulling a patient off of double dose Adipex that someone else screwed her up with…. This won’t be fun for you. Stimulant cardiomyopathy is real.