Recent content by geauxg8rs

  1. G

    Repeat lumbar RFA time restrictions

    They can always pay cash
  2. G

    Oregon pain clinic defrauding insurers

    Only if you look good in silver bracelets
  3. G

    What's the catch with anesthesia?

    Hockey players don’t act hurt. Soccer players are part athlete/part actor
  4. G

    How to improve procedure volume

    It’s amazing what patients are told vs what they hear. I tell them rf lasts 6-12 months. They hear either permanent or three years. So tell them a date. Hey you had your esi on 5/1, call me if the pain returns. We can repeat the esi on 8/2. But if your pain comes back before then please don’t...
  5. G

    What's the catch with anesthesia?

    NHL should count. No to soccer. This is ‘merica
  6. G

    Pictures of the Week

    L4/5 looks nice and well hydrated though. At least that’s something
  7. G

    Understanding facility reimbursement

    Especially when they won’t question what injection to do. You want a tfesi at L5-S1 even though the problem is at L3-4, they will do that and of course next step is fusion
  8. G

    Pictures of the Week

    I bet you don’t even have pointy shoes
  9. G

    Pictures of the Week

    Take a bow
  10. G

    Meet the private doctor to the wealthy — at $40,000 a year

    Some people will sign up just because it is expensive. I remember hearing someone lecture about stem cell injections in facet joints vs RFA. She said in her population the patients want the more exclusive and expensive option vs the one that is covered by insurance.
  11. G

    Interesting clawback from Humana

    You could Contact your state insurance regulators and AG
  12. G

    Fellowships Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Implications for Pain?

    Just different iterations of snake oil
  13. G

    Fellowships Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Implications for Pain?

    Why do you need those two traits? There are plenty of successful, unethical hacks who can’t tell the cervical from the sacral.
  14. G

    Concierge pain clinic opening

    I strangely want to find out
  15. G

    Concierge pain clinic opening

    The glowing spine shows you are a serious doctor. Almost KOL level