Recent content by Granular

  1. G

    Crap jobs in Pathology

    Aren't there lots of stories of abuse and dismissal of non-partners in our field? I remember some of my colleagues working for years and then being told they weren't going to be partners, even though they signed out more than their share of cases. Some emeritus partners were collecting their...
  2. G

    Crap jobs in Pathology

    I would guess that Mike did what was best for him, as we all should. How many millions of dollars is your relationship to your junior associate worth? Young pathologists who were left behind hopefully saw what happened and adjusted their careers accordingly, I would imagine. Maybe they tried...
  3. G

    Pathologist volunteering in free clinic?

    As a pathologist, you could be the lab director for the clinic, and expand their in-house test menu. Most clinics do point of care waived testing only, because anyone can hold the laboratory license. But the clinic could do moderate or high complexity testing if a pathologist is the lab...
  4. G

    MD -> path residency vs clinical chemistry fellowship for a PhD holder

    The main upsides of getting the MD and doing a path residency: 1) Probably higher pay in academic medical center path departments (my guess is $100K/year difference); however, I have encountered PhD clinical chemists who make that same as board certified pathologists. I think it depends on...
  5. G

    HOPD with In-office lab?

    It's all well and good, until your GI "colleagues" realize they can pay someone else $350K instead of $750K. They can each get a new, lower end Tesla with the savings. Every year. Agree with Doormat's statement - these folks are adversaries. I believe there is still an oversupply.
  6. G

    Lab Consulting Companies?

    Our organization used two consulting companies after a bad inspection at an ancillary facility. Both were annoyingly opportunistic and minimally helpful. But they sure got paid handsomely. They routinely briefed leadership outside the lab (C-suite and administrators), and virtually everything...
  7. G


    Didn't realize what a d***head Boies is until the stories of witness/whistleblower intimidation were revealed. What a POS. Of course, everything he did was legal; seems like it shouldn't be. Any patient harm that occurred while he was suppressing the truth from coming out is on him, IMO.
  8. G

    Need Input ASAP- Do I need a license for a lab if I DO NOT bill insurance??

    You still need a CLIA. Researched this a couple years ago while contemplating an all cash concierge medicine type lab. Doesn't matter if you bill the government or insurance or go all cash. If you get a specimen from a human and run a test on it for a wide range of reasons, you need to have a...
  9. G

    Should I skip my fellowship to take this job?

    This needs to be kept in perspective. They are recruiting a fresh graduate, so $200K with an apparent commitment to increase to $300K seems like a lot (it is to me). However, the OP might be signing out $900K of biopsies, so the compensation might not look as good if you are coming from...
  10. G

    Pathology compensation increases are greater than the cost of living for the past 20 years

    Not sure what to say to BU. Salaries of a subgroup are not that good of a job market or quality of life indicator. There are probably fewer assistant professors because more path trained people are hired as instructors, who are paid less, but hopefully a little more than they were paid as...
  11. G

    Study: Pathologist workforce decreased 17% between 2007 and 2017

    Any med student, US grad or FMG, considering path should really have their head examined. If you are a US grad, only pursue it if you are independently wealthy and compensation will not matter to you. In that vein, I've met path-trained MDs in my research endeavors, who basically were earning...
  12. G

    Today's Google Doodle

    Oh, sorry I missed them. They were good choices for recognition. I wonder who will be next? Osler?
  13. G

    Today's Google Doodle

    How often is a pathologist the subject of the Google Doodle? My guess is that today is the first. Perhaps this will breathe new life into our field.
  14. G

    Is pathology at an all time low?

    Well, it's complicated. Perhaps the survey should cover all graduates of pathology residency programs. For my colleagues who I trained with but did not find work as full time pathologists, it is difficult to include their salaries. Some are back in their home countries, some are working in...
  15. G

    Ratio of male / female pathologists

    "GoSpursGo" presumably supports the San Antonio Spurs. I am offended by this. They have only one female coach, and she is only an assistant. No female players - zero. The team does not even allow women to try out. Also, their WNBA affiliate was sold to Las Vegas, further skewing the gender...