Recent content by Hamhock

  1. Hamhock

    There are too many burnouts in this job

    Like that dog with a high WBC count, I hope you are back. I have rarely interacted with you, but I have appreciated your posts. Hope you are present in the future. HH
  2. Hamhock

    Salary for 7on/7off?

    More than $325 is common, either as salary or as an hourly rate with insurance payments added. However, I think 7/7 (especially, as most require nights) is problematic for most CCM docs for more than five years or so. HH
  3. Hamhock

    Handheld ultrasound

    UTS for the win HH
  4. Hamhock

    Is it possible to do CCM fellowship after Neurocritical Care fellowship (neurology trained)?

    Unfortunately? As much as I believe in multi-disciplinary CCM, I would propose Neurology is too focused, even with a prelim year. Neuro to NCCM, sure. Neuro to general, sure -- after three years. HH
  5. Hamhock

    Which CCM fellowships have CC fellow as primary airway?

    OP: That is the wrong question. Rather, I would, as a non-anesthesiologist, ask which programs offer excellent "airway experience". If programs cite a large percentage of ICU intubations (rare), but do not describe the training program (including controlled airways in the OR >50), reconsider...
  6. Hamhock

    RSI medication preferences

    You have enough time -- and skill -- for topical? If so, go for it. In my experience, there is often not enough time or rarely the combined skill of all clinicians nearby to adequately intubate with topical in urgent/emergent conditions regardless of HFNC/BiPap/Glide. I believe suggesting...
  7. Hamhock

    Is it true that there are CC docs out there who can't/won't intubate?

    Widely variable. Choose widely. HH
  8. Hamhock

    Religious preference and practice

    There's no such thing as a 'Catholic Hospital' like there is no such thing as a 'Catholic child'. [Credit: Dawkins] As much as I hate tribal hate ;) :p, fantasy here is the problem, OP. You are framing your intrapersonal uncertainty in terms of the fantastical beliefs of religious peoples...
  9. Hamhock

    RSI medication preferences

    Let's make this interesting. Except for the novices and those who are uncomfortable with recovery requiring LMA or a cric, is there any reason to not use 2 per kg roc over any dose of sucks? HH
  10. Hamhock

    How to address anti-vax families requesting certain medications?

    why do you experiment with vit C on patients, then? HH
  11. Hamhock

    How to address anti-vax families requesting certain medications?

    Family: "Why won't you use vitamin C?" Me: "For the same reason that I don't use ascorbic acid unnecessarily" Honestly, I haven't tried this technique -- but I might soon. It's probably pretty easy to close the conversation based upon the family's response to the refusal of ascorbic acid. HH
  12. Hamhock

    NYC EM job market

    There are a lot of NYC EM docs here. Plenty of HHC docs. Freely share your hourly rates. It's been many many years since I was in NYC. Back then, I think it worked out to 185/hr. HH
  13. Hamhock

    Fellowships after Emergency Medicine

    First, this is a great post. Second, I agree with lots of it. Third, I would propose there is a great difference in training programs where CCM is the primary service (still few...Pitt, some Stanford, etc) and those where CCM is the consultant service. This is especially important to those...
  14. Hamhock

    Mt. Sinai IM Critical Care- SICU focused?

    Way off topic: I wanted to refer an IM resident to the CCM program at Sloan. Thoughts? HH
  15. Hamhock

    Fellowships after Emergency Medicine

    Giant -- GIANT GIANT -- caveat and anecdote(s) are ahead. WARNING. Next caveat: I haven't read this thread. Only the first three threads. Feel free to dismiss my comments for any of the above reasons . That clarified nakedly, I propose the field of CCM for the interested, intellectual, and...