Recent content by hitsugaaya

  1. hitsugaaya

    Program Specific Questions

    Hi Guys, Can anyone give me an insider look on the following programs: MUSC Tulane USF I don't know much about them aside from what's on the website and their location, and I'm considering dropping one or two of them to ease up interview costs. Thanks!
  2. hitsugaaya

    2014-2015 Official Interview Invites Thread

    Has anyone heard from Georgetown or Jackson Memorial yet? Also any idea if Emory and Hopkins Bayview are still handing out interviews?
  3. hitsugaaya

    Dating in Med School for AAs

    I don't know what 'race' would let a woman walk all over them and treat them like crap. I think at that point the man has issues and it should not be generalized to a race thing. I also don't know exactly what 'place' you are talking about for the woman to know. If we are being stereotypical...
  4. hitsugaaya

    Dating in Med School for AAs

    I have been going reading this thread for a bit now and was keeping my thoughts to myself because I am not actually AA but just plain African in America. For one thing, I was just curious on how you knew there would be culture clash without giving it a chance? Or perhaps you are speaking from...
  5. hitsugaaya

    who has the coolest avatar ?

    Mine wins. 1. Cos it reps interracial relationships 2. Cos my characters could whoop any of your characters butts if their powers were combined...except maybe the fellow who has Goku... (If you dont get the reference, then nevermind)
  6. hitsugaaya

    Caribbean/1st Gen African/American

    Yes I agree. However I still think if there was a ratio of doctors to other healthcare professions, the african american number would be way lower than caucasians, indians or asians. And I wasnt dissing anyone so enough of the yellow flag yo :p Do I get a red now?
  7. hitsugaaya

    Jefferson Class of 2015

    So I has a question for anybody who did or knows about the MD/MPH program...I know in some schools it is free, that is covered by medical school tuition, Is it the case at Jeff? Is there reduced tuition? Or is it the same as regular MPH students? Also for the current students in the population...
  8. hitsugaaya

    Residency tracts for women who have kids

    I am gonna be starting medical school in the fall but the field of general preventive medicine interests me, and one of the reasons was the lifestyle, as well as the residency program itself. Its a year of clinicals, and 2 years of getting your MPH. So basically a year of clinicals and some more...
  9. hitsugaaya

    Caribbean/1st Gen African/American

    I am African and starting med sch this fall. I have wondered two things, first off, where do all the pre-meds in the HBCUs go? (I schooled in a predominantly white sch with most premeds being white or asian) When I went on interviews, I was usually the only black person, and the other black...
  10. hitsugaaya

    HELP! Nervous for M1

    Perhaps maybe because the guy sounded a bit like a gunner, and also did not really address the OP's question? lol
  11. hitsugaaya

    Can a med school grad get into PA school?

    So this is totally my plan lol 1 year of clinicals, get an mph in the following 2 years, and then get to work in the area I am interested in.The only 'down' point is the pay isnt phenomenal to help pay with loans
  12. hitsugaaya

    HELP! Nervous for M1

    I am going to be a first year this fall as well and I am excited and nervous for medical school. I have a different story from you in that I am international so knew absolutely no one when I came to college but I make friends pretty quickly. So I can try and drop some hints on what I found was...
  13. hitsugaaya

    International Students who have made it to US Medical Schools

    I am international, and I got in. Applied to about 11 schools, 4 interviews including an MD/PhD, 2 acceptances to MDs. I applied late in my first try and got 2 interviews but no acceptances, then reapplied right after. Apply broadly, ace your MCATs, have extracurriculars and all that fun stuff...