Recent content by hmockingbird

  1. H

    Torn between peds and obgyn

    Agree with this, plus you didn’t seem enthusiastic about surgery in general. I could see you fitting well with procedural subspecialties! I’m in Peds and was shocked by how much I loved my OB-Gyn rotation. Many happy memories. I also got along best with the surgeons out of any of my...
  2. H

    Peds HPM

    Been awhile since I’ve been on SDN haha. I’m a practicing peds hospitalist looking to move into palliative care. I considered it (and other fellowships) during residency but was just so burnt out that I decided not to do fellowship. Various things have aligned for me/my career in the past year...
  3. H

    Hand pain and residency choice

    This… definitely don’t make any permanent decisions before attempting treatment. I had pretty bad tennis elbow a few years ago and had a lot of pain even holding my stethoscope to auscultate but a few months of PT had me back in shape.
  4. H


    Pathoma should help with heme. If you struggle with identifying the cells/abnormalities on slides then I recommend asking a pathology prof if they can tutor you. Or even if there is a TA that can do some extra lab sessions with you. I had to do a one on one heme session with our pathologist due...
  5. H

    What does it take to consistently honor clerkships? What differentiates someone who honors a clerkship vs someone who doesn't?

    As an attending this is what makes 3rd years stand out to me: -IMPLEMENTS FEEDBACK. This is probably the biggest one. I don’t care if you’re a nervous wreck on day 1 but I care if you can show me you learned from that later in the rotation. -Really knows their patient. Can identify trends over...
  6. H

    Does being disabled make you underrepresented in medicine (URM)?

    Same. I know multiple physicians with hearing loss, hearing aids, etc.
  7. H

    Advice Needed: The school put me at a site where the town has shootings and crime on the daily

    To directly answer your question, no, I think telling the school you feel unsafe is going to seem unreasonable. Many, many hospitals are located in/near the inner city, especially trauma centers. Ask security for an escort if you don’t feel great walking to/from your car, otherwise this is a...
  8. H

    Giving honest feedback about a struggling resident

    I’m with the others. I would just be honest with specifics like what you have here. Actually I think your post as written is fine, it’s factual and not bringing your emotions into it. If this is mid-rotation feedback/you still have time with the intern, my suggestions would be: -Be ON them...
  9. H


    I got a substantial scholarship to a lesser known state school that is entirely pass fail. First of all reputation does matter but may surprise you; apparently my school’s graduates are well regarded for our clinical skills. There’s more than just “name brand” talk going on. Secondly I feel like...
  10. H

    Religious or conservative DO schools

    I went to a Jesuit undergrad that had a med school and it was very accepting (down to the individual priests, I never met one who was even “neutral”). As an out of stater I was told it was much better than the state school. However I will say, they are still required to follow general Catholic...
  11. H

    Struggling with Lines

    Everyone else has great advice. I can’t add anything specific bc I didn’t have to place lines in residency (Peds) BUT I struggled with other procedures. What I would add is to try to work with as many people as possible. Everyone has a different teaching style so by doing this you can learn more...
  12. H

    Job dilemma

    It’s also possible if you talked to say, a department chair, they may genuinely want to hire and work with you but it’s not their ultimate decision. Not going to get too specific but I recently saw this happen for hospital budget reasons. So anyway I definitely agree with the advice to go to #1...
  13. H

    Disappointed in match

    I agree, give it a chance and then if it doesn’t work out you can look into transferring. The lack of subspecialty support could be turned into a positive in that you learn to manage more things yourself. And being at a county hospital can definitely have its drawbacks but my dad has worked his...
  14. H

    Is it worth going into medical school if you don't want to do a residency?

    I’m not going to try to talk OP into loving residency— first off, it can be terrible for some people (it was for me) even in a field with a “good” reputation. Even just the emotional burden is higher than many other jobs out there. If it’s already freaking someone out they probably won’t be...
  15. H


    That’s the issue for me. Employee health is supposed to be separate from the residency and just rubber stamp things but... the fact that they are singling out mental health gives me pause. I think I’d do what NAPD said and have your doctor write a vague note.