Recent content by Homunculus

  1. Homunculus

    Future of Navy Pediatrics

    this is interesting to me, I left active duty after 14 years and currently serving out my 20 in the reserves, and the last I saw multiple pediatric subspecialties were on the list for elimination--among those were peds endo (which i think was last on OML and was going to be the first to go)...
  2. Homunculus

    Peds update

    please elaborate. a recruiter said they aren't recruiting for peds any more? --your friendly neighborhood eyebrow raising caveman
  3. Homunculus

    1 year out update...

    yeah, seems difficult to get a straight answer, so far it's been in person CME conferences and larger CME things such as grand rounds. we hosted an HPSP student and thought we may be able to squeeze some days for that but my coordinator said no. i think they said online training doesn't count...
  4. Homunculus

    1 year out update...

    extremely manageable. i see more patients, *but* i have proper staffing. ie, i'm not sharing staff with other doctors. my notes are completed every day and i'm out of clinic routinely before i would have been going home when i was AD. more pay/higher QoL and a supportive administration...
  5. Homunculus

    All Branch Topic (ABT) .

    would not go to USUHS given your concerns and stick w/ civilian and see how the DHA plays out (or if USUHS even survives-- it's on the chopping block, too) yes. but only because there are limited slots they can go. which can also hurt you if some people homestead at your preferred duty...
  6. Homunculus

    1 year out update...

    Greetings everyone... I've been lurking, and thought I'd give an update for anyone who may be interested. I'm a peds subspecialist, and separated from active duty in 2018 after 14 active duty years. i'm currently in the IMA as a general pediatrician, so i'm still accruing points and thanks to...
  7. Homunculus

    Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated

    hey everyone. it's been a while. and by a while i mean like several months, lol. i will have more to talk about, but it wasn't some intentional hiatus-- i've just been busy and haven't had the time to sit and put some thoughts down and i wanted to make sure i had a proper "cooling off" period...
  8. Homunculus

    Milmed Guide to Thrive

    been a busy few months, haven't been able to stop by as much. still in shock gallo returned, lol. not much to add to from @HighPriest 's post. i could expound a little here or there but the meaty part is accurate. there are some forrest gumps running around out there who get everything they...
  9. Homunculus

    Do you see military medicine improving?

    i thought i felt a disturbance outside my cave. interesting discussion, and too much for me to comment on since i've joined a little late in the game. to answer the OP's question, it depends on the specialty but no, i don't see things getting better. at least in the army, and at least any...
  10. Homunculus

    Relocation Bonus

    i replied. they rolled my spouse's relocation straight up into her signing bonus. i'm keeping relocation reimbursement on my contract and will use it creatively. :horns: --your friendly neighborhood squeeze that turnip caveman
  11. Homunculus

    Transition to Greener Grass Questions

    so my wife and i accepted contracts with the hospital system in question. our household income will almost double, which makes the "get in/stay out" question even easier to answer. she has an IMA position, and i'm working on getting one myself if a few things fall into place. 6 reserve years...
  12. Homunculus

    Can't get GI Bill after HPSP minimum time repayment

    no, it doesn't sound right. granted, I've only known people who have done vanilla 4 year HPSP commitments, but they all did their minimum time and used the post 9/11 GI bill for fellowships. unless something changed or you are a service academy/ROTC grad I'd keep going up the chain until you...
  13. Homunculus

    Military Match Glitch

    level of surprise = 0. --your friendly neighborhood I bet the leaked results and final results are the same in spite of their "don't look at the man behind the curtain" BS caveman
  14. Homunculus

    Transition to Greener Grass Questions

    thanks for the replies. I've done the partial DITY before (always have since we keep the important stuff with us) and if I can't get the reimbursement rolled into the signing bonus I will try a PPM and dual reimbursement, lol. @d2305 - yeah, I need 6 good reserve years to finish things off for...
  15. Homunculus

    How much say do you have in choosing duty station

    also, if you are part of a small specialist community, once you are someplace if you don't like it they may not be able to move you due to lack of other options. i wanted to move at year 3-- no dice, because there was no one to replace me. year 4, same story though they are trying to work...