Recent content by ion

  1. ion

    International student- Residency

    H1-B, not H1-B1, fyi
  2. ion

    i need some guidance in field of podiatry

    Did you switch from US medical school or are you an IMG/FMG? What do you mean?
  3. ion

    i need some guidance in field of podiatry

    Nice. Was this at NYCPM?
  4. ion

    i need some guidance in field of podiatry

    Do you know of anyone who has gone through with this?
  5. ion

    Experiences with securing H1B vs J1 Visas

    Does anyone have any insight regardingg H1B and J1 visas for Podiatrists?
  6. ion

    Visas and Podiatry

    perfect, thank you!
  7. ion

    Visas and Podiatry

  8. ion

    Unsure of how to fund podiatry school (Canadian student)

    Question - is Podiatry a NAFTA/CUSMA eligible profession? I.e. can the OP work in the US with a TN visa?
  9. ion

    Visas and Podiatry

    My cousin graduated medical school in his home country, but was never able to match despite passing the USMLE. He has considered Podiatry, since some schools (NYCPM and Western) grant advance standing to those who have completed an accredited Medical School curriculum. For studying, it seems...
  10. ion

    What Are My Chances: WAMC Podiatry

    cGPA: 3.25 sciGPA: 2.94 (AACPMAS could change this, but this is what I got) Non-traditional undergraduate degree (Engineering). Took the old MCAT a long time ago, but didn't do well. Not sure how the new MCAT will go as I haven't prepped yet. What number should I aim for given my GPAs...
  11. ion

    Admission deferral?

    Does anyone know if any of these reasons would qualify one to defer their start date by a year (start with next year's class). I know each school has different requirements, but just wondering what types of things would *generally* qualify: 1. Spouse having surgery that requires lots of...
  12. ion

    Fellowship questions

    For one who wants to eventually do a fellowship (not residency) in Nuclear Medicine, are there any limitations on what residency one can have? For example, can one do a residency in Anethesiology, Neurology, or Pathology, and still do a fellowship in Nuclear Medicine? Correct me if I am...
  13. ion

    had to post this once I saw it

    Just came across this a few days ago. It's been around for a while, but it (the video, as well as real life people like this) never gets old.
  14. ion

    No job for nuclear medicine physician

    This will probably come across as a naïve question, but what are the options for a residency trained NM physician if there are no real jobs out there? Military? Lab/research? Another residency? (not sure how doing two residencies works...)