Recent content by katrinadams9

  1. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    Unless they changed this from last year, this is not true. I honored the shelf and clinicals, but not the oral and still earned an H.
  2. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    I started counting down the minute I hit submit on my rank list.
  3. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    Cleaning out the bookshelf to prepare for residency. Here is my list of books... Step 1 prep Step Up for Step 1 First Aid for Step 1 Kaplan Step 1 Qbook BRS: biochem, neuroanatomy, physiology Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology question book High yeild Gross Anatomy Lippincott's...
  4. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    I hope all the fourth years were able to match. If not, good luck to anyone scrambling today. I am so anxious to find out where I'm going... even having nightmares about it. :laugh:
  5. katrinadams9

    UV blood irradiation

    I guess I'm just skeptical because this is what one doc claims that it does:
  6. katrinadams9

    UV blood irradiation

    Do you guys learn about this in med school? If so, what is it and what can it be used for? A patient asked about it and I had no answer for her. I've been searching the internet but most of what I've found seems like propaganda (no scientific articles).
  7. katrinadams9

    UV blood irradiation

    Has anyone learned about this stuff? A patient asked me about it and I had never heard of it before. :confused:
  8. katrinadams9

    relationship, does it make it?

    The relationship lasting will end up depending on the other person. If your significant other is the needy type who wants you to spend all your free time with them, the relationship is doomed. If they are the type of person who is laid back, supportive, and understanding, then you will most...
  9. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    I agree that there are many benefits from rotating at many different hospitals during 3rd and 4th year. It gives you a chance to figure out what kind of place you'd like to do residency at (i.e. suburban, academic, or county). You have to learn different computer/charting systems at each...
  10. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    I don't think it shows up at all on your transcript. I don't know anyone who had to remediate. Don't worry about the remediation on the peds OSCE. Dr. Friday makes that impossible to pass. The end of the year OSCE is much easier, although it is longer and a bigger pain in the ass. I didn't...
  11. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    The same **** happened to me last year with my peds grade. I honored the exam and got about 50% honors on evals and the other 50% above average, but not quite honors. I also had to remediate one part of the OSCE (just like everyone else). Dr. Friday made it clear at the beginning of the...
  12. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    Damn! I knew I should've went to med school in Texas! :mad: Have you got your ROL figured out yet? I'm still playing with mine. 1-4 are pretty much solid, but 5-10 keep doing the switcheroo. :laugh:
  13. katrinadams9

    Wayne State University part 02

    Any other 4th years done with interviews? I finished before Xmas and I've already got my rough ROL made up. Looks like I'll be needing to sell my house if anyone is looking.
  14. katrinadams9

    Commuting between Ann Arbor/Detroit and commuting in general

    I commute from Livonia, which is between Detroit and Ann Arbor. There are quite a few residents at the Detroit programs who live here, most with families. The singles seem to congregate in Royal Oak because it's got the hip bar and coffee house scene. I like living in Livonia. Very quiet...
  15. katrinadams9

    "Emergency Surgery" and other app mistakes

    I put the wrong date for my Step 2CK. It was supposed to say 2007, but I accidentaly put the wrong year and it says 2008. I freaked out about it at first, but I've been getting a lot of interviews so either they didn't notice or figured what I meant.