Recent content by KCgophervet

  1. KCgophervet

    What are you interested in doing in Vet Med?

    Ha I have 3 kids (5, 3, and 10 months) so I'm insane to even be thinking about it. Probably won't do anything with it for a number of years (if I do). Sorry for derailing the thread!
  2. KCgophervet

    Pathology vs. Lab Animal Residency

    Hello, lab animal vet here. Most lab animal residencies are posted through the match, though there are a couple that are outside of the match. Residency programs tend to fall into a couple of categories: research focused vs clinical focused. The research focused programs tend to be longer (3-5...
  3. KCgophervet

    Which schools accept the most out of state residents?

    I was applying to vet schools in 2012 for c/o 2017 and I'm grateful every day that I picked UMN (IS) over UW-Mad (OOS) because in my 4 years of vet school, UW-Mad's OOS tuition jumped from very reasonable/low cost (less than UMN IS) to more than UMN's OOS. It was crazy how fast the tuition went...
  4. KCgophervet

    What are you interested in doing in Vet Med?

    Hello maybe future colleagues! Just wanted to reach out and say hi, from your friendly neighborhood boarded lab animal vet. My inbox is always open if you ever want to chat (or continue to chat) about things lab animal related (or anything really!). Also for @battie I've reached the point...
  5. KCgophervet

    quitting/leaving residency - need advice

    One of our residents left during her second year. She decided the field wasn't for her and went out and did an internship (not required prior to residency in my field) and now I think works in emergency medicine. I don't think she regrets leaving, but for her it was realizing that she didn't...
  6. KCgophervet

    [AVMA] Cost of living by state

    There's no rural areas with low costs of living to balance it out I assume. Like NY state is average, but NYC has gotta be way higher than average. But the rest of the state is there to balance it so it doesn't look crazy high.
  7. KCgophervet

    RANT HERE thread

    Two successful IUDs here, was a big fan. But I was happy to pass along the responsibility of birth control to my husband after my second kid. And then we decided to have a third. And now due to other medical things I think I'm getting my tubes out so he even gets to skip the vasectomy entirely.
  8. KCgophervet

    2024 VIRMP Match

    Can confirm
  9. KCgophervet

    Class of 2025... How you doin’?

    You're thinking about it backwards, if you start on SAS they expect you to be a clueless student, so the expectations are lower. If you end on SAS?? They expect you to be a competent vet! Best to start with the challenging rotations ;)
  10. KCgophervet

    VMCAS Questions and Rants c/o 2029

    Back when I was applying (forever ago), UMN had an information session and specifically said to include pet ownership. Honestly, my personal opinion is to include it because if schools don't want to consider it they don't have to, but if they do consider it (even just a little) they can't know...
  11. KCgophervet

    RANT HERE thread

    If it makes you feel any better, 11 years ago I was also rejected from every school except my in state school and now I'm a boarded specialist working in my field of choice. You only need 1 acceptance to go to vet school :)
  12. KCgophervet

    Any lab animal specialists out there?

    Message me and we can chat aaaaaaaaaaalllll about it :)
  13. KCgophervet

    Vet school rankings in decision making

    Hi hello, boarded lab animal vet here. You've gotten tons of good advice already so I'll just chime in and say there were zero lab animal electives at my vet school and I still managed to match my #1 choice residency program and pass boards. I think you can be successful going into any vet...
  14. KCgophervet

    2024 VIRMP Match

    VIRMP may, but not all programs will.
  15. KCgophervet

    Internship/Residency Interview Costs

    All of my in person residency interviews all travel/lodging costs were covered (for lab animal, in 2017...). We cover travel costs for our residency interviews as well (also lab animal). Guess it depends on the specialty?